Looking Forward to Another World

Chapter 483 [Stake of Oath]

At this time, Li Ge was in a sea of ​​stars.

It was an endless, endless, but very beautiful ocean of stars.

There are flowers, trees, mountains, and rivers in the ocean. It is obviously in the sea of ​​stars, but there are all kinds of beautiful scenery on the planet, which makes people feel very strange.

Being in such a sea of ​​stars, Li Ge felt quite comfortable, and even had an idea.

"If there is an utopia in this world, it would probably be here, right?"

Li Ge, who had such thoughts, found that the beautiful scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

No longer beautiful.

It became no longer pleasant.

A terrible storm struck here, like a winter blizzard, causing the flowers to wither and the trees to wither. Finally, it turned the mountains and rivers into snow mountains and froze the rivers into ice, turning a paradise-like utopia into a place full of despair. The end of the world.

Li Ge's heart, which had just felt very comfortable, suddenly fell to the bottom and became extremely bad.

At this time, a voice floated into Li Ge's ears.

"There is no Utopia in this world, and I don't need Utopia."

That voice was as cold as ice.

The moment Li Ge heard the sound, he spotted a figure.

The figure, like him, was in a snowstorm, being blown by the cold wind in the ice and snow, blowing up his dark robes and his white hair as fine as snow.

"Do you long for a place like this?"

The queen who controlled the cold winter turned her back to Lige and spoke like this.

Looking at the queen like this, Li Ge was silent for a long time.

Then, he spoke.

“Who doesn’t want the environment around them to be better?”

Like this, a natural answer was given.

In this regard, the queen who controls the cold winter sneered.

"Humans do think that, but goblins don't."

"The goblin might think so, but I don't."

"And I can't, and neither can you."

"Because you are Lige Brighaut, a man who likes adventure, excitement, and tense battles, and is willing to put himself in danger for this."

"What you long for is not a utopia, but a playground that allows you to pursue freedom."

Saying these words, the queen who controlled the cold winter turned around and faced Li Ge.

The queen didn't wear a crown of thorns, and she didn't even hold a scepter-like gun. She was literally defenseless against Rigg.

She still looks so beautiful and coquettish, like a goddess from paradise or a witch from hell, extremely alluring and extremely dangerous at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the aloof queen walked towards Li Ge and came to him.

No, it's not just as simple as coming in front of you.

The queen, who looked like both a goddess and a witch, snuggled into Li Ge's arms, caressed his face, and looked up at him with a stunningly beautiful smile on her face.

"You and I are the same. We both rejected our own world and chose the world of others."

"I won't say that I can give you the playground of your dreams, but you will have what I have."

"Britain, the fairy country, is mine, and it's also yours."

Seductive words lingered in Li Ge's ears, and the queen, who looked like both a goddess and a witch, came closer and murmured softly.

"Join me in dominating this island with terror, my beloved husband."

As soon as the words fell, the queen's lips fell on Li Ge's mouth.


At this moment, the entire world struck by the cold winter lit up with light, causing a mysterious magic circle with two intertwined guns to emerge on the ground.

And the man and woman kissing in the center of this world merge into one, without any distinction between you and me.



Suddenly, Li Ge woke up.

He sat up suddenly, subconsciously covering his dizzy head, closing his eyes, and calming his rapidly accelerating heartbeat.

"That was just now...?"

Li Ge murmured in a low voice, as if he was moaning, and his head felt as if paste had been injected into it, making it extremely messy.

And when he had sorted out his mood and the dizziness in his head had eased a lot, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came into his ears.

"are you awake?"

Hearing this voice, Li Ge stopped taking his hand off his head.

He thought of what happened before he lost consciousness, and also thought of the situation he was likely to face now.

This made Li Ge silent for a long time, and then he lowered his hand and opened his eyes as if he was mentally prepared.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Li Ge saw where he was currently.

This is a magnificent palace hall.

The palace hall is as solemn as a temple and as solemn as a palace. It is very similar to the royal hall where the king is held, at least in terms of atmosphere.

And this is actually true.

The evidence is that there are not too many decorations and furniture here, only a throne that is obviously expensive to build is placed in the deepest part.

Li Ge is now lying on the throne, using the throne as a bed.

Of course, there are no other people here.

Right in front of Li Ge's eyes, the Winter Queen, who had just appeared in his dream but had already put on the crown of thorns and held the scepter spear, stood there.

"It seems you had a good dream, my husband."

The Fairy Queen, who had ruled the entire Fairy Kingdom of Britain for two thousand years, looked directly at Li Ge and said these words to him.

"...A good dream?" Li Ge was silent for a while, and then said sarcastically: "I would rather call it a nightmare."

"I know." Morgan said without changing his expression: "Stubbornness is the essence of every man, even you are no exception."

"Then may I ask, what is the purpose of Her Majesty the Queen bringing a stubborn man like me here?" Li Ge also said expressionlessly: "Shouldn't the person who greets me be a cell or a prison? Is it a torture chamber?"

"I see, do you have that kind of hobby?" Morgan suddenly showed a coquettish smile, like a spider woman seducing her into a web, and said: "If you wish, I can also satisfy you in the wedding room, although I I’ve never done it before, but I believe I’ll be good at it.”

Li Ge was sure that the queen was driving.

Moreover, it is not the bus leading to kindergarten.

"Then I'd like to express my gratitude." Li Ge looked directly at Morgan and stopped beating around the bush and said, "What did you do to me?"

Rieger was, of course, referring to what happened in Salisbury.

Whether it was the One and Only Court that Li Ge had never heard of, or that kind of "stake", it was beyond his understanding of the original Morgan, and he was very surprised.

Yes, Li Ge had never heard of it, whether it was the "courtyard" specially built for him or the inexplicable "pile".

On the contrary, when Morgan mentioned "mirror", "tower", "courtyard", "coffin" and other terms, Li Ge knew what they meant.

Those are various great magics that Morgan, the Queen of the Fairy Kingdom of Britain, has gradually developed, learned and mastered over thousands of years.

Each of them has extremely amazing effects. Even from the perspective of Li Ge, who has more than a thousand kinds of magic, the effects and power of those big magics are very amazing.

As a goblin, Morgan is different from many goblins in the goblin kingdom. He has always used magic as the main means of combat. He is a magician himself and a very capable magician.

If Morgan can go to the Akasha continent, then with the effects and power of the "mirror", "tower", "courtyard", "coffin" and other great magic she has mastered, she must be at least a tactical-level magician, and Ni A magic master like Bird who could compete with the Juggernaut might be nothing more than a slightly stronger ant in front of her.

In other words, there is no doubt that Morgan is very strong. Even whether Lancelot, known as the strongest fairy knight, can defeat her is unknown, and there is a high probability that he still cannot.

Li Ge knew this, so he wanted to meet the Queen of Britain.

But now, things seemed to be beyond his understanding and became out of control.

Li Ge pressed his chest, even unbuttoned his clothes, and looked at his chest.

There, the magic circle where the two guns intertwined had disappeared.

However, Li Ge didn't think it was a one-time thing.

Because he could feel a certain connection between himself and Morgan standing in front of him.

It was a closer, firmer, stronger, and deeper connection than the servant contract.

With the existence of this connection, Li Ge even had the feeling that the beautiful queen in front of him was his property, and he could do whatever he wanted to her.

The other party just called him that—husband.

This title made Li Ge feel incomprehensible. At the same time, under the touch of this connection, a sense of contradiction arose as it should be.

Suddenly, Li Ge felt his back getting hot.

"This is……?"

Li Ge's heart moved, but he suppressed the thoughts that came to his mind and the burning sensation on his back, and continued to look directly at Morgan.

"what did you do to me?"

Li Ge asked this question again.

In this regard, Morgan just looked at Li Ge quietly and then spoke.

"I have planted a "stake" seal on you, you can regard it as a kind of protection. "

Hearing this, Li Ge directly said it without thinking.

"Just protection?"

Li Ge's tone was surprisingly calm, as if he wasn't worried about anything going wrong with his body.

"Of course, it's just protection." Morgan's eyes flashed slightly, wondering if he appreciated Li Ge's calm performance, and said: "Although it is a very special protection, you should be able to understand what you said, right? If not, If something is good for you, it won’t work on you.”

This sentence made Li Ge narrow his eyes again.

"You seem to know me very well."

Ri Ge said so.

"Don't you know me very well?"

Morgan actually said the same thing.

"But I don't understand you now."

Li Ge was blunt.

"It doesn't matter." Morgan's mouth curved slightly and he said, "You will understand later."

With that said, Morgan came to Li Ge and sat down next to him.

Li Ge suddenly frowned.

Because the distance between the two is really too close.

The throne was obviously as big as a luxurious bed and had plenty of space, but Morgan sat next to him very naturally, as if that was where she should be.

However, because of that inexplicable connection, Li Ge not only did not feel awkward about it, but also had the urge to hug the other person, which made him very unhappy.

This feeling of being led not by one's own will but by some force really made Li Ge, who loved freedom, resist.

If it weren't for the fact that there were still a lot of questions that were still unclear, Li Ge would have wanted to get up and leave.

Under such circumstances, Morgan spoke quietly.

"No matter what, you are my husband. This is a fact and it will not change."

"Our wedding will be held in a month, right here, in front of this Amyrlin."

"Until then, you can move freely here, but you cannot leave Camelot."

Hearing this, Li Ge breathed out softly, as if he had adjusted his mentality, and said something.

"Do you think I'll listen?"

Regarding Li Ge's speech, Morgan seemed calmer than him.

"You will listen." Morgan said: "Because this is the first "condition" I put forward to you. "


Rige noticed the word.

He had a feeling that this word was very important, at least to him and Morgan.

"What does it mean?"

Li Ge simply asked.

However, Morgan still said the same thing.

"You'll find out later."

After leaving these words, Morgan reached out his hand very skillfully and caressed Li Ge's cheek. His movements were still very natural.

Li Ge wanted to hide, but his body's reaction was different from what he thought in his heart, and he didn't resist Morgan's intimacy at all.

"In one month, we will be an official couple."

Morgan looked at Li Ge with emotions and desires that Li Ge could not understand.

That's possessiveness.

"Anyway, I won't let you escape my grasp this time, so be prepared."

After making such a declaration, Morgan disappeared from the Amyrlin Seat and left here, as if he wanted to give Li Ge time to collect his thoughts.

Suddenly, Li Ge was the only one left in the vast and magnificent throne room.

"...Who is the king of this country?"

Li Ge, who was sitting on the throne, said this in a sarcastic or self-deprecating way.

At the same time, Li Ge was also surprised that Morgan would leave the Amyrlin Seat and even leave a person here.

"Isn't she afraid of something happening?"

Li Ge, who knew the original work, knew what the Amyrlin Seat meant to the fairy country Britain and how important it was.

Thinking of this, Li Ge turned his head and looked behind him.

I saw that behind the Amyrlin Seat, the deepest wall of the Throne Hall disappeared directly.

In other words, you can see the outside from Lige's position.

"...Forget it, it's none of my business."

Li Ge sighed, and immediately took out Loki's divine blood and began to update his ability values.

There was no way, his back was too hot, and the grace engraved there must have changed in some way.

As expected, the newly released ability values ​​allowed Li Ge to confirm this matter.


Greg Brighaut


Power: H122 → F355

Durability: H117→F367

Smart: G205 → E484

Agility: G219 → E491

Magic: F330→D555

Lightly packed: C→B

Swordsman: C

Magic: E→D

Good at fighting: F→E

Quick Attack: G→F

Magic Chant: I→H


【Almighty One】

·Memory magic.

· Activate specific magic based on memory.

·Determine the magic strength based on "magic power".

·Only valid for confirmed magic.


【The Fool's Obsession】

·Super domain increases growth speed.

·Super domain increases the growth limit.

·The deeper the obsession, the stronger the effect.

·The effect is greatly enhanced when crossing dangerous situations.

【No end in sight】

·Acquire the highest level of development ability "Governance".

·Acquire the highest level development ability "Jinghe".

·Acquire the highest level development ability "Abnormal Resistance".

·The level of acquired development abilities is improved.


·Immune to body interference.

·Immune to mental interference.

·Ability values ​​can be updated independently by consuming the corresponding divine blood.

·Accept and enhance the benign gain effects of the target itself.

【Pioneer of the Sun】

·Spiritual existence.

·The effect of light and heat magic is doubled.

· Resistant to light, heat, cold, and dark forces.

·Has special attack ability against evil objects.

【Stake of Oath】

·The protection of fairies.

·Limited to a specific person, the power increases beyond the domain when facing enemies at the same time.

・Only for one specific person, the power cannot be used when they are enemies.

·Only one specific person can exchange power and conditions with each other.

·Only one specific person can inherit immediately if the condition "death" is met.



Looking at this newly released ability value, Li Ge fell silent.

There is no doubt that the results of this ability value update are much better than the last time.

The total proficiency of all abilities has increased by more than 1,000 points. Needless to say, the most important thing is that almost all development abilities have been improved, which is simply gratifying.

If the current level of Lige's development ability were revealed to the gods and people in the world, it would definitely shock the attention of everyone and the gods, right?

After all, even Ota, the fiercest one, known as Orario's ultimate weapon, has only reached the E stage for one of its highest development abilities. However, Li Ge has several development abilities that have reached the E stage or above. The first development ability obtained, "Light Armor", has already reached the B stage. It is only two stages away from reaching the highest level, the S stage. This is definitely an amazing thing.

It has only been a few days since the last update of ability scores, but Rige's abilities have grown even more than last time. This may be due to his relationship with Lancelot, Gawain and Woodworth. That fierce and fierce battle, right?

That battle was very dangerous even for the current Li Ge, and it must have triggered the effect of [The Fool's Obsession] to the greatest extent. After overcoming that dangerous situation, his growth rate increased significantly.

Of course, these are not the most important.

Although Li Ge is quite satisfied with this growth, even if the improvement in basic ability proficiency is only acceptable to him, the improvement in development ability is really a surprise.

But compared to the newly emerging skills, growth in other aspects naturally becomes unimportant.

"[Stake of Oath]?"

Li Ge frowned tightly once again.

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