Looking Forward to Another World

Chapter 486 The straightforward fairy

Two hours later, Gawain left Li Ge's room.

Yes, even though the two of them had made a speech that was equivalent to declaring war, and they had beaten each other until they were bloody and scarred enemies, but after sitting down like this, neither Li Ge nor Gawain unexpectedly talked. Quite enjoyable.

At the end, Gawain and Li Ge even had such a conversation.

"Looking at it like this, I still can't believe that you were the one who went crazy in Salisbury during the civil war."

"...Aren't you the type who gets violent once a fight breaks out?"

Gawain and Li Ge stared at each other, and then toasted each other.

It is worth mentioning that the battle between the two was obviously just yesterday, but today it was as if they had never experienced that battle before, and both sides' injuries were healed.

Gawain seemed to have recovered from just one night's rest thanks to his strong resilience as a fairy of the Fang Clan.

For Li Ge, it was probably Morgan who used a healing magic on him to heal his injury, right?

This made the two of them think about whether they should just have a show here.

Anyway, Li Ge will definitely not mind.

Gawain, on the other hand, gave up this option directly after thinking carefully.

"Without His Majesty's permission, I would not dare to start a war in the palace. After all, I am not good at showing mercy."

Once the two start a war, the palace will inevitably suffer considerable damage.

With Gawain's strength, even if there were any protective spells deployed in the palace, it would not be possible to completely withstand her wrath.

Coupled with the fact that Li Ge is more violent than Gawain, once the two fight, the palace may collapse at any time.

Therefore, regardless of Li Ge, Gawain decisively gave up the fight.

"It's okay, there will be a chance."

The look in Gawain's eyes when he looked at Li Ge was quite meaningful.

Obviously, the goblin knight did not think that Li Ge would stay here honestly as the queen's husband.

Therefore, after leaving these meaningful words, Gawain left Lige's room.

But what surprised Li Ge was that not long after Gawain left, another person came to visit him.

"So you live in a place like this?"

As a cold voice sounded, the dragon girl with swaying silver-white hair entered Lige's room.

It is Britain's strongest fairy knight, Lancelot.

"Is it you?"

Li Ge was stunned.

I saw that the dragon fairy, who had previously fought with Li Ge until the bloody battle in Salisbury, had now taken off his goggle-like mask, and also took off the equipment that looked more like a mecha than an armor. , even the pair of external arm armor that can pop out the lightsaber were taken off, and like a princess walking out of a fairy tale, she appeared in front of Li Ge wearing a white dress with a blue skirt.

"What?" Princess Dragon tilted her little head and said, "Are you surprised to see me coming?"

"...Can you not be surprised by this?" Li Ge put away his astonished expression and said with mixed feelings: "The enemies who were indistinguishable from each other yesterday are coming to show their faces to me one after another today. I don't know the possibility. I really thought I had a good relationship with you.”

Upon hearing this, Lancelot's first reaction was to frown.

What's irritating is that even with a frown like this, Britain's strongest elf knight is still very beautiful, with an extremely pitiful feeling.

"Is it inseparable?" Lancelot said in a complicated tone: "We couldn't take you down even though we teamed up with Gawain and Woodworth. Instead, we were injured like that by you. Personally, I don't want to call that situation... Zuo is indistinguishable.”

"So?" Rige sat there, holding the unfinished ale, and said to Lancelot: "Are you here to invite me to fight and prepare for revenge?"

"If possible, I really want to do this." Lancelot sat down in front of Lige and sighed: "But your Majesty will not allow it, and neither will Aurora. It’s really nerve-wracking.”

As he said that, Lancelot noticed the cup placed opposite Li Ge.

"Someone came here just now?" Lancelot's heart moved, and he suddenly asked: "Is it Gawain?"

"Yes." Li Ge responded first, and then said: "Did you know that Gawain came to my place?"

"After all, you just said that the enemies who were indistinguishable from each other yesterday have come to show their faces to you one after another today." Lancelot raised his eyes slightly, looked at Li Ge, and said: "But since Woodworth has said to you It can be seen from his attitude that there is no way he would come over to show his face to you. In this case, only Gawain is left."

"You're still talking about me." Li Ge said as if he was distracted: "That puppy's attitude towards you is not much better, right? Even Gawain doesn't like you, right?"

Lancelot was speechless and stopped talking.

"Oh?" Li Ge said with a half-smile, "It seems you are a little self-conscious."

"...So be it." Lancelot pursed his lips and said, "I just don't know what they hate about me."

Having said this, Lancelot shook his head.

"No, no, I can still guess why Woodworth hates me. He is already disgusted with us goblin knights with unknown origins, but why does Gawain do it?"

Hearing this, Li Ge glanced at Lancelot.

Li Ge, who is familiar with the original work, naturally knows why Gawain dislikes Lancelot.

In fact, it is just a difference in ideas and beliefs.

In the eyes of some people, Lancelot, the strongest fairy knight, is undoubtedly a terrifying existence, because she always exudes a tense atmosphere, her voice is also very cold when she speaks, and she usually Humans regard her as evil and reject them mercilessly. Even most fairies are repulsed by her. Therefore, she is considered by many fairies to be a very cold person.

However, in fact, Lancelot himself is neither alienated nor hateful towards humans, nor does he look down on them. He simply regards humans as creatures with low survival ability.

In the eyes of Lancelot, who was born as a dragon fairy, most fairies are weak, let alone humans who are weaker than fairies.

Therefore, Lancelot simply felt that compared to himself, everyone else was just weak.

In the eyes of this dragon fairy, he is undoubtedly the strongest.

In this case, it is natural for the weak to follow the strong.

Based on this concept, Lancelot often said something.

"Obedience to powerful people is absolute. In other words, everyone must obey me."

Regardless of whether this sentence was actually Lancelot's sincere words, as soon as these words came out of the mouth of this fairy knight, the relationship between her and Gawain was destined to not be much better.

Because, at first glance, Gawain seems to be a carnivorous man, but in fact he is the most abiding by chivalry, the most knight-like, and the most noble person among the current fairy knights.

As the lord of Manchester, Gawain's first thought was always to manage the territory and protect the people.

As a fairy knight in Britain, one of Gawain's behavioral standards was to solve problems for the people and to be loyal to the king who was worthy of his service.

On the battlefield, she is a prudent person who can accurately analyze the overall situation and act cautiously.

In front of her colleagues, she is someone who will consider all the consequences and make suggestions to others.

Therefore, even if she doesn't like Tristan's style, she will still protect Tristan in front of the queen and ambassador officials, because Tristan is the queen's adopted daughter. If the quarrel continues, it will not be Tristan who will get into trouble in the end, but Tristan and Tristan. The people Stan targeted were even innocent people watching from the sidelines.

Therefore, she would often rebuke Woodworth, the clan leader of the Fang Clan. This was not only because she was also a fairy of the Fang Clan, but also because allowing Woodworth to continue causing trouble would only destroy the Fang Clan in the end. The impression in front of the queen led to the implication of fairies from the same clan.

Of course, others don't know this.

In the eyes of the goblins, Gawain is always the first person to volunteer and run at the front when there is a need to fight or go on an expedition. After he goes to the battlefield, he will ravage the weak without any mercy, so that he is called merciless. knight.

Gawain himself also abides by the laws of nature, believing that the weak can eat the strong, and asserts that dominating a fragile race like humans is a matter of course. However, the deeper meaning of this sentence is that the strong should protect the weak, unless they are enemies. , she will never abandon those who are weak.

As a lord, he is cautious and calm.

As a fairy knight, he is tough and cold-blooded.

In fact, this person has a very gentle nature and is easily touched by others.

This is the fairy knight Gawain, a being who can properly distinguish between himself and the enemy, protect his own side in every possible way, and show no mercy to the enemy.

This is also the biggest conflict between Lancelot and Gawain.

The former believes that the weak should obey the strong and takes their own strength as a matter of course, while the latter believes that the strong should protect the weak and follow the alternative law of the jungle.

The conflict of views and beliefs between the two parties is the biggest reason why Gawain dislikes Lancelot.

There may also be Gawain's dissatisfaction with Lancelot's claim to be the strongest elf knight, and Lancelot's previous attitude of not caring about creatures weaker than himself, as well as the rest. Scattered factors led to her dislike of Lancelot.

However, the most fundamental reason is the difference in beliefs.

It’s probably hard for Lancelot to figure this out, right?

Despite the cold appearance of this fairy knight, in fact, she has the same appearance as her appearance, and has a quite innocent part of her nature, which is called aloofness at best, and childish at worst.

Therefore, Li Ge did not intend to wake her up, but just said something.

"Let's talk about your reason for coming. It shouldn't be the same as Gawain, it's just for a visit, right?"

Li Ge's words freed Lancelot from his entanglement.

She did come to Li Ge because she had something to do.

The dragon girl's gaze turned slightly and turned to Li Ge's right hand.

On that hand, a dragon-claw-shaped ring was being worn by Li Ge.

"Did you come for it?"

Sensing Lancelot's gaze, Li Ge raised his right hand.

Lancelot's eyes immediately moved together, staring at the ring on Lige's right hand.

"What's going on with that ring?" Lancelot hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: "I felt the dragon's breath and magic power from that ring. Isn't this an illusion?"

"No." Li Ge shook his head and said directly without hiding anything: "This ring is a secret treasure made by the dragon clan, so it has the power of the dragon on it. The dragon's breath and magic power you feel should come from it. this."

Lancelot's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"Are there other dragons in this world?"

No wonder Lancelot asked this.

As far as she knew, there should be only one dragon like her in this world.

At least, Lancelot has never seen a dragon other than himself, let alone a dragon fairy other than himself.

As for the Dragon Secret Treasure worn by Li Ge, the magic power and aura on it were far different from his own, and it obviously came from another dragon.

This made Lancelot quite concerned, and also made Li Ge look at her deeply.

Others may not know the origin of Lancelot, but Li Ge knows it very well.

In the distant past when Britain, the fairy country, was not what it is now, a dragon once appeared here.

It was the last pure-blooded, pure, pure dragon left on earth, and was called the Last Dragon by many humans and fairies.

In the era when the last dragon was still on the earth, there was no land on the earth, and it could only fly in the sky all the time.

In this way, one day it will finally reach the point of exhaustion.

Thus, the last pure-blooded dragon fell, leaving only its remains in the fairy country of Britain.

Lancelot was born from the left hand of the dragon, so she is both a dragon and a fairy, and is born with extremely strong power.

Naturally, it is impossible for Lancelot to have seen a dragon other than himself, because the source of her birth is already the last pure-blooded dragon in the world.

As for those dragon and sub-dragon species that were born later, they probably can't be regarded as real dragons in Lancelot's opinion, right?

On the other hand, the dragon clan that made the Dragon Secret Treasure, although they are not dragon species in this world, are not impure sub-dragons, let alone the dragon that made the Dragon Secret Treasure in Li Ge's hand. The ancient magic before the birth of rank magic was a power called primordial magic.

That kind of power, purely in terms of mystery, is definitely not inferior to the real dragons in this world.

In view of this, Lancelot felt the pure dragon aura on this ring, and then started to care about it.

Under such circumstances, Li Ge spoke like this.

"There must be no other dragons in Britain, the fairy country." Li Gemo wiped the secret dragon treasure between his fingers and said to Lancelot: "I got this ring from outside Britain."

"Outside of Britain?" Lancelot was startled at first, then his expression changed and he said, "Is it paradise?"

Obviously, Lancelot thought that Rigg was the son of the prophecy, a fairy from paradise.

Li Ge didn't explain either.

"That's okay if you want to think so." Li Ge said indifferently: "I just want to say that if you want to learn about other dragons from my mouth, then you should give up."

There are no other dragons in the fairy country of Britain. This is what Lige wants to express.


Lancelot suddenly looked disappointed, even visibly frustrated.

That look made Li Ge particularly interesting.

"No one can imagine, right? The rumored most powerful and beautiful fairy knight, the cold and cold Lancelot, would actually show such an expression in private."

Li Ge remembered the scene when he met Lancelot in Salisbury.

At that time, Lancelot also showed an extremely cold and cold side, giving the impression that she was like a ruthless executioner. Anyone who stood in front of her would be killed on the spot.

Who would have thought that Lancelot would have such rich expressions in private?

It's a pity that Lancelot doesn't seem to be able to get Lige's point.

"What's wrong with your expression?"

The dragon girl had a puzzled look on her face, and her most outspoken doubts almost made Li Ge stop.

"...Nothing." Li Ge could only suppress the weird feeling in his heart and said, "Want to drink?"

Seeing Li Ge change the subject, Lancelot was puzzled but did not ask any more questions.

"Is there any fruit wine?"

The dragon girl's words made the strange feeling in Li Ge's heart become even stronger.

He actually drinks fruit wine... Why does it feel like this Fairy Knight is like a child?

Li Ge shook his head and got rid of the messy thoughts in his mind. He took out a bottle of fruit wine from the storage space of the Dimensional Rubik's Cube, took a new cup, and poured a glass of fruit wine for Lancelot.

By the way, the fruit wine is for Artoria.

Who said Artoria was just a girl who had just turned sixteen?

It's too early for such a fairy girl to drink ale or something.

Next, Li Ge and Lancelot began to chat word by word.

The main reason was that Lancelot wanted to know about the dragon that made the Dragon Secret Treasure, while Rige dealt with her half-heartedly and half-heartedly.

However, while chatting, the two of them actually chatted for more than two hours.

Although Lancelot is not as topical as Gawain, she only asks about dragon-related things when she opens and shuts up, but her attitude is more straightforward than Gawain, and from time to time she shows an innocent look other than a warrior. Unknowingly, Li Ge also lost his hostility towards him.

"Could she be trying to get me to relax so she could stab me in the back?"

Unknowingly, Li Ge even came up with such an idea while chatting happily.

But soon, he gave up this idea.

Because, before leaving, Lancelot also declared war on him like Gawain.

"If we have a chance, let's decide the outcome last time."

"When the time comes, I will definitely not lose again."

After leaving these words, Lancelot left.

Li Ge watched her leave and sighed.

"It's truly a wonderful day in every sense of the word..."

Two days of volunteer life are over.

I came back late today, so I can only update this chapter. Let's see if there is a way to update it earlier tomorrow.

We hope you will forgive us for the inconvenience.


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