Looking Forward to Another World

Chapter 625 Let me give you an explanation!


At the end of the world where even sound has disappeared, everyone is lost.

A storm of stars is blowing, eroding the surface world.

The flood of light that covers the sky is spreading.

The anchor of light holding the stars soared straight into the sky, with no top or bottom visible. It was like a towering light spear piercing into the stars, illuminating everything.

Looking at the tower of light that towered into the clouds, everyone not only lost their words, but also lost their souls.





Various emotions filled everyone's hearts and minds one after another, causing them all to fall into a state of sluggishness.

These people also include people who had been calm and composed before.

For example, Floren.

For example, Ferras.

Even Yuri and Yuloi were not spared. They looked up at the end of the world and the towering Star Tower, and their whole bodies were shocked.




This kind of voice appears deep in the hearts of many people.

Anyway, Hemulinpu has completely lost his cool and composure now. He only feels that the sword of power in his hand has become extremely fragile, like a waste.

Originally, staying in the palace shrouded in the [Celestial Light], holding the sword of power, Hemulin Pu felt that he was almighty, powerful, and able to look down on everything.

But now, compared to the end of the world, Hemulinpu suddenly felt that his absolute realm (the palace) seemed to have become very small and incomparable to this world.

He is no longer the master here.

The leader here has been replaced.

The man slowly left the ground, turned his back to the Star Tower that shot straight into the sky, and slowly floated into the air.

The man raised himself to a higher place than anyone else, and looked down at Hemulinpu and others, as if looking down at the gods in the world.

The tower of light behind the man seemed to be his weapon. As long as he raised his hand, the tower would turn into a "gun" and fall into his hands.

And as long as the "gun" is aimed at the thing, no matter what it is, it will meet its end.

“To be honest, I don’t really want to pull out this ‘gun’. "

Li Ge's voice echoed and reached everyone's ears.

“This ‘gun’ is not intended to be aimed at humans, nor is it intended to be aimed at life forms on the ground. "

“This ‘gun’ is aimed at the enemies of the world. "

“What this ‘gun’ pierced was the embodiment of doom. "

"This is the holy spear used to save mankind, save the world, and save the fate of the stars."

"Once this 'gun' is pulled out, the end of the world where it is located will come, and the end will follow. "

These words sounded so cold and so heartless.

"Unfortunately, the person who entrusted this "gun" to me was not a savior, but a witch who planned to destroy everything. "

"In that case, I don't care, just use it however you want."

"But, do you really want me to pull out this "gun"? "

Hearing this, at this moment, no matter how high the status of the king, or how powerful the sword master, there is a sense of fear from the heart.

Their instincts screamed.

Their lives were shaking.

It was as if another version of himself was screaming crazily in his ears, asking him to stop the boy and not let him pull out the "gun". Everyone held tightly the hand that was shaking involuntarily.

Their intuition told them that if they couldn't stop this, it would be the end.

When the "gun" is pulled out, everything will be over.

This is the only ending, the only fate.

"no no……"

Suddenly, one by one the knights and one by one the court magicians shook their heads in horror.

They were originally brave warriors of the kingdom.

They were originally characters who swore to dedicate everything to the kingdom.

Logically speaking, they should not be so rude, so fearful, so unseemly, but at the end of the world, their life instincts were stimulated to the greatest extent, forcing them to express themselves from the heart and soul. The most fragile and authentic side of yourself, crumbling in the storm that engulfs the world, seems to be at risk of disappearing at any time.

Even Frohn and Ferras were shocked and speechless for a moment. They just looked at the Tower of Stars and the Anchor of Light, as if they were looking at the most mysterious and great existence in the world. , I couldn’t come back to my senses for a long time.

Under such circumstances, Li Ge slowly raised his hand.

Along with this movement, the "tower" began to turn into a "gun", and while rising, the stream of light rotated around it.


The world suddenly became shaky.

Faced with this scene, Hemulinpu finally couldn't hold on any longer.

"wait wait wait!"

His Majesty the King, holding the sword of power, stood in the storm and gave a heartfelt cry to the aloof young man.

"I'll give you an explanation!"

As soon as these words came out, the changes at the end of the world suddenly stopped.

Li Ge also narrowed his eyes, smiled suddenly, and put down his slowly raised hand.


At this moment, all the visions disappeared.

Soaring into the sky, the star anchor that tied the surface of the world disappeared.

The storm that swallowed up the world and made life gradually lose its place also disappeared.

The end of the world that appeared when the Star Anchor was pulled out began to slowly fade away, like a mirage with faded colors, and the original king was released bit by bit.

Everyone returned to their original place and looked at Wang Jian who had recovered, looking shocked.


Someone was breathing heavily.


Some people were looking around in panic, wondering if they had just had a dream.


Some people also feel that they have seen a fictitious scene and suspect that everything they just saw is fake.

Even Hemulinpu sat down heavily on the throne that reappeared behind him at some point, panting and sweating profusely.


Yuri left Feras and ran towards Li Ge.

Li Ge stood there, as if he had never left from the beginning to the end, let alone floated into the air. Standing next to him was Yuro Ellie with her head tilted and an incredible look on her face, looking calm and refreshed.

Floren and Ferras looked at each other, and then both looked at Li Ge.

As for the rest of the people, they didn't care about their injuries, let alone the mentality they had developed over a long period of time. They were just like ordinary people, looking around in panic while looking at each other.

This scene lasted for a long time.

Until a certain moment, the voice that sounded to everyone like a god and a devil sounded.

"Say it."

Li Ge's eyes were directed towards Hemulin Pu on the throne, and he spoke with a rather cold expression.

"Why did you put Liz under house arrest?"

Hearing this, Hemulin Pu came to his senses, but also fell into a long silence.

He looked at Li Ge with eyes full of uncertainty.

He seemed to feel fear involuntarily when he thought of everything he had just experienced.

He struggled, hesitated, and hesitated, wondering if he felt unwilling.

Looking at Hemulinpu like this, Rom, who was unable to move due to serious injuries, naturally did not need to say anything. Even Froen and Ferras lost their words and could no longer speak.

The situation was clearly beyond their control.

While they were feeling excited about what Li Ge had just shown, they also felt that they could no longer intervene here, so they fell into silence at the same time.

The voices of the injured knights and court magicians suddenly became louder and louder in the entire king's room, and finally it became a noisy mess.

Finally, Hemulinpu gave up as if dejected.

"Everyone get out."

He seemed to be tired and waved to everyone present.

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other again, but no one raised any objection or refutation. Instead, they speeded up their pace somewhat dejectedly and embarrassedly, dragging their injured bodies, and left Wang Jian.

"Marquis Borlai and Marquis Acremis, please retreat as well."

Hemulinpu sighed and said to Fron and Ferras.


Floren and Ferras paused, then received the instructions at the same time, bowed to Hemulinpu, and exited the king's room.

Before leaving, they also glanced at Li Ge at the same time, as if they wanted to completely remember his appearance, and then they both exited here.

It didn't take long before there were only five people left in the huge royal room.

Li Ge, Yuli and Yuluo Ellie.

Hemulimp and Rom.

"His Majesty……"

Under Feras's healing magic, Rom seemed to have regained some mobility. Although the wound on his abdomen had not fully recovered, it no longer bled. He clutched his abdomen and returned to Hermitage with a pale face. Mulimp's side.

"Are you OK?"

Hemulinpu asked Rom a tentative question, and Rom shook his head.

"It's nothing serious."

Rom glanced at Li Ge and Yuluo Ellie, and then quickly took it back as if he was electrocuted.

Obviously, he was also frightened by the power displayed by Li Ge and Yuluo Ellie.

"That's good."

His right-hand man who was most loyal to him was no longer seriously injured, which finally made Hemulin Pu's face look better.

Seeing Hemulin Pu like this, Li Ge didn't say anything, but Yuli suddenly felt a little pitiful for him.

Presumably, His Majesty the King never thought that he would stumble into such a big mistake here today, right?

Li Ge didn't feel any sympathy for Hemulinpu's pitiful appearance. He just looked at him and quietly waited for his explanation.

Hemulinpu turned his eyes and looked at Lige.

After a while, Hemulinpu let out a long sigh, and his expression became more decadent.


"Liz is not my daughter."

What Hemulinpu said with a decadent expression caused the expressions of everyone present to change.


Li Ge and Youli were shocked and no longer calm at all.

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