A series of sounds from the system fell, and the players of the entire world were stunned again.

Not just the newbie map, the whole world has received such a message.

After a period of confusion, the Terrans also reacted differently.

“Didn’t the tyrant just kill the purple-gold level world boss, and actually killed the legendary level boss?! It’s terrifying, right?! ”

“Hey, legendary boss, according to past experience, at least tens of thousands of people have to besiege together, and it is possible to consume hundreds of millions of troops, this tyrant, I remember being a novice, how did he do it?”

“Hahaha, my Dragon Kingdom is going to rise!!”

“Yaga! This tyrant is actually from the Dragon Country?! The genius of my Sakura Country is no less than that! ”

“Ah Xiba, the dragon is out for another day! It’s unheard of for a newbie map to kill legendary bosses! ”

“I, the president of the Third Guild of the Beautiful Country [Free Beacon], now issue a killing order, as long as someone provides the information of the tyrant, the reward will be 10 million eagle yuan, and if killed, it will be directly rewarded with 10 billion eagle yuan!”

“Beautiful country, you are gone, my Terran race is hard to get out for a day, you were pressed to the ground by various races in the war of ten thousand races, is it not shameful? You actually want to carry out assassination? ”


There was a lot of noise among the Terrans, a few joys and some sorrows.

But the other races are unacceptable.

In the dark underground abyss, the air was filled with a terrifying aura of destruction.

A charming woman with strange long horns on her head also squinted slightly, and her eyes released a dangerous light.

It was the female demon king in the depths of the abyss.

The female demon king also snorted coldly: “Human beings can actually appear such a genius? Killing legendary bosses in less than three days after the service was opened, we demons can’t do it! ”

“Pass on the order, let Lilith speed up the pace, if she is surpassed by humans again, there is no need for her to exist!”



Zerg, Undead, Mechanics, Elves, Titans, Giants…

The powerhouses of countless races have issued various orders one after another.

Either they were ready to continue to wait and see, or they directly issued the highest assassination order of the race.

The resources of the universe are so little, if the Terrans rise, their status will not be guaranteed.


And Qin Feng….

He didn’t bother to care what other people thought.

Other races?

If it is not the battlefield of ten thousand races, it is easy to touch.

But whoever it is, as long as he’s still on the novice map, they definitely can’t get in.

At this time, he was also light.

This wave can kill the boss… I can only say that I am very lucky.

The damage value played by the elemental family will be forcibly determined by the will of the heavens as elemental damage.

All the damage of the Crimson Fire Elemental Monarch was judged to be fire attribute damage.

Mainly… It is estimated that the will of the heavens did not expect that the elemental resistance of living beings in the universe could actually reach 100%.

The halo system… Directly upset the balance of the universe!

At this time, Qin Feng also stopped thinking about it, looked at the Crimson Fire Elemental Monarch who had dissipated in the air, rubbed his hands, and picked up the loot on the ground.

“Dingdong~ You got the loot [Flame Shell (Legendary Level)]!”

“Dingdong~ You got the loot [Scorching Staff (Legendary Level)]!”

“Dingdong~ You have obtained the loot [Advanced Fire Attribute Resistance Elixir (Legendary Level)]!”

“Dingdong~ You have obtained the loot [Advanced Concealment Elixir (Legendary Level)]!”

“Dingdong~ You have obtained the loot [Legendary Certificate (Legendary Level)]!”



Legendary bosses are definitely very powerful.

Especially the first kill, there are a lot of loot that burst out.

Qin Feng looked at it in turn.

First of all, it is a strange equipment like a turtle shell, with a fiery red transparent body, like a red glazed jade.

He looked at the properties.

[Flame Shell (Legendary Level)].

Note: Only rocks near the core of the plane of fire can form a hard shell, which has an extremely tough appearance and can improve the strong defense ability.

Level: 1

Grade: Legend Second Order

Type: Territory props

Requirements for use: Territory level greater than or equal to level 20


1. [Flame Area]: The shell of fire comes from near the core of the plane of fire and has absorbed infinite flame power.

Effects: 10W yards in and around the territory, +90% fire resistance for all units, +200% damage for fire attributes. Enemy fire attribute resistance -50%, when receiving fire attribute damage, there is a probability of triggering [Explosion (LVMAX)].

2. [Purgatory Shell]: When the flame is thick to the extreme, it can block all attacks.

Effect: All buildings in the territory receive a fire attribute shield with durability value *10. Shields take -90% physical damage, +50% ice damage, and -50% other magic damage. After the shield is broken, a new shield is generated after 24 hours.

3. [Wind of the Flame Domain]: Part of the environment of the Fire Plane has been transformed by the Flame Goddess, which will be particularly suitable for plant growth.

Effect: -50% growth cycle of all plants and medicinal herbs in the territory.

Durability value: 1000W/1000W


Seeing the attribute, Qin Feng’s eyes also shrunk.

It’s actually a territory prop?!

【War】In this game, some equipment directly affects the entire territory.

As long as the territory item is placed in the lord’s hall, it will take effect.

Tier 1 Lords can only use 1 Territory item.

Tier 2 lords, 2 can be used.

And so on.

The rank and number of lord props is usually a sign of whether a lord is strong or not.

Naturally, the price of lord props is also extremely high.

A silver-level one can be regarded as a family heirloom by ordinary people and passed down from generation to generation.

And the legendary …

It can already be sold for a sky-high price, and usually only some large guild families have the capital to use it.

And [Fire Shell (Legendary Level)] is also worthy of being a legendary territorial prop, and the three skills are extremely powerful.

[Flame Zone] acts on the entire territory, as long as it is a fire attribute attack, it can receive a strong increase.

Directly increased by 200%, plus 50% reduction of the enemy ….

One increase and one decrease, the increased damage can be said to be extremely strong.

The [Purgatory Shell], on the other hand, provides a very high value shield for all buildings.

This shield is fire attribute, and also inherits the characteristics of fire attribute.

Almost immune to physical damage, except for ice attribute magic damage, all other magic damage is halved.

It can be said that the defense is full.

The third skill is biased towards development.

Farming was also a very important part of the war.

All kinds of grain, plants, and medicinal herbs can be obtained through farming.

Especially in the later stage of the game, when large-scale battles are fought, the population is trillions at every turn, and the fight is the reserve of various resources.

Therefore, this property is useful.

The growth cycle is -50%, which directly saves half the time!

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