Lord God Investigator

Vol 2 Chapter 123: Noah Project

Director Luo said it nicely, but in fact, since his chief, there has been a lot of time to succumb to the law for personal gain. This is just to convince Dr. Pim that there will be some retreat in the future.

It is the way of leadership to use both kindness and power. It is naive and naive to think that if you are good to others, others should listen to you.

"Dr. Pim, the "Super Criminal Punishment Act" has been enacted and promulgated and implemented. As a law enforcement officer, of course I have to act in accordance with the law. This bill does not provide super criminals with options."

Luo Feng placed a stack of documents in front of Dr. Pim, and said in a deep voice, "Scott Lang must join the Star Marines if he wants to be pardoned."

Scott was relieved from the paralysis of the electric shock. He still had the final counterattack, which was to turn himself into a giant, but now he is in Pim’s villa, and the house of giants is about to collapse. Pim and Ho Puhui was buried in rubble.

Stared by Director Luo’s killing Yi Sensen’s eyes, Scott did not dare to act rashly. He actually didn’t want to join the Star Marines. If he joined the army, he would go to the alien battlefield to fight aliens. God knows if he can come back alive. .

If he was alone and had no daughter, Scott gritted his teeth and agreed to Luo Feng's recruitment, but he could not bear his daughter, and did not want his daughter to suffer the pain of losing his father.

"Think about it, Scott." Luo Feng said coldly, "Even if you die on the battlefield, you will die as a human hero. Your family can get a large pension, which is better than being arrested and executed by me. Good. Do you want your daughter to have a heroic father or a death row prisoner father?"


With a sigh, Scott took off the Ant-Man helmet and put it aside, which meant that he could no longer use the power of the Ant-Man suit to grow and shrink, which was equivalent to surrendering.

No way, the second-generation Ant-Man Scott was born as a small clerk, and coupled with his family, he really did not dare to fight against a large terrorist organization like SHIELD.

"You don't have to worry too much. Going to the battlefield does not mean that you are going to die."

Seeing him subdued, Luo Feng said with relief: "Joined the Star Marine Corps, that is the soldiers under me. I take the soldiers' safety very seriously and will never put you in a desperate situation. For this reason, I have prevented the world from being safe. The board of directors issued the nuclear bombing order to fight hard to save the soldiers on the battlefield. You can see these in the news reports."

"Well, I'm actually a fan of you..." Scott scratched his head and said: "I actually considered joining the Avengers and becoming a superhero."

"Dr. Pim, I hope you can return to S.H.I.E.L.D., as long as you are willing to return, the "Superhero Recruitment Act" is also applicable, and the crime of blowing up Pim's company can be eliminated."

Persuading Scott, Luo Feng turned to Dr. Pim: "I have eliminated all the Hydra undercover in S.H.I.E.L.D., and you don't have to worry about Pim particles falling into the wrong hands and harming the world."

"But you will use Pim particles to build an army." Hank-Pim said with a wry smile: "Once an Ant-Man suit is lost and falls into the hands of Hydra, an assassin the size of an ant will disrupt the entire world. ."

"I don't intend to establish an Ant-Man Legion."

Luo Feng shook his head and said, "Scott is enough for the Ant-Man warriors, and more of them will not help the interstellar battle. Dr. Pim, the times are different. Ant-Man is invincible on the battlefield of World War II because the Nazis did not Micro-detection technology and intelligent aiming system. If the enemy is an alien, a large-scale traction light can locate an entire ant-man army in place, and then sweep the gamma light wave, and the ant-man army will be like a spray. A group of mosquitoes were killed like insecticides."

Luo Feng concluded: "Ant-Man is more suitable for special missions, and the number does not increase combat effectiveness. The establishment of the Ant-Man Legion is just a whimsical idea of ​​the Hydra and the like trying to disrupt the world. It will not be taken into consideration at all."

"Then what do you want me to do for you when you invited me back to SHIELD?" Dr. Pim asked puzzledly.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s space fleet is under construction." Luo Feng replied: "Thanos's first round of invasion was thwarted by me. He is planning the next round of a full-scale attack. We must grab the fleet of Thanos. Complete the Earth’s defense fleet before arrival. The only thing that can effectively speed up the construction of the fleet is the Pim particle. It invites you to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. to save the world from the overlord of the universe, Thanos."

Dr. Pim nodded slowly, as smart as he had understood Director Luo's meaning.

If Pim particles are used in the hull construction and outfitting of giant space battleships, the hull of the aircraft carrier-sized battleship becomes the size of a yacht, and the construction difficulty will be greatly reduced.

In the manufacture of some precision instruments, if Pim particles are used to enlarge the miniature workpiece and then shrink it after processing, the accuracy will be improved several times.

If Pim particles are used for the transportation of a large number of raw materials from all over the world to the spacecraft dock, the load of a suitcase is equivalent to a 10,000-ton ship.


If used properly, the construction speed of the Earth's space fleet can indeed progress at a rapid pace and be completed earlier.

"Besides." Luo Feng said solemnly: "I also considered what should we do if Thanos is too strong and we can't resist it? The superhero was killed by him, and the SHIELD fleet was destroyed. , Don’t people on earth have to wait obediently to die? Are you willing to accept this fate?"

"We in China have a proverb:'If you don't think about victory, you must first think about defeat.' Is it true that the result of this defensive battle must be the victory of the earthlings?" Luo Feng's tone was very heavy: "Thanos's legion is flat. Stars, the physical fitness of ordinary residents of many planets has surpassed many superheroes on the earth, but they are still destroyed. Why can our earth say that it will definitely win?"

Kamora’s planet and Drax’s planet were destroyed in the hands of Thanos. The physical fitness of Kamora and Drax is superhuman. The world’s superhuman alien civilization cannot withstand Thanos. How dare the earthlings say that they will win?

Could it be that the superheroes exploded, poured chicken soup into each other, and said "We can't win together, then we lose together" Will Thanos die under the plot?

The more Luo Feng accumulates strength, the more cautious he will never take it for granted that victory is at hand.

"I plan to use Pim particles to build a global refuge before Thanos strikes, shrink the people of the world and hide them in a spacecraft. Using Pim particles, one spacecraft can hold all the size of an ant. The earthlings can also hold a large amount of resources and goods sufficient for the earthlings to restart civilization. Once the arrival of the Thanos fleet cannot be stopped, the battlefield will shift to the surface of the earth, and the war will destroy the surface world, and there will be no deaths or injuries to the earthlings."

Luo Feng solemnly said: "If we lose, that spaceship will be the last Noah's Ark for the people on earth, fleeing the destroyed homeland, looking for a livable planet in the universe, and restarting the earth's civilization. SHIELD His strategic goal was to sacrifice himself, try his best to hold down Thanos’s army, and cover the evacuation of all the people on Earth."

Dr. Pim was stunned. He never expected that the guardian of the earth, Director Luo of S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to obtain Pim particles for such a purpose.

He is for the safety of all human beings and the survival of earth civilization after the destruction of the earth!

"This is the ‘Project Noah’ backup plan for the failure of the interstellar war between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Thanos. Would you like to help me?"

Luo Feng stretched out his hand to Dr. Pim and stared at him with expectation in his sharp eyes.

Dr. Pim stood up, held out his hand with Luo Feng with a serious expression, and shook it vigorously.

"I am willing to join, it is incumbent!"

Director Luo smiled happily, holding Dr. Pim's shoulder and leading him to the door.

"Then, let's pick up your wife."


After arriving at the Sanctuary in New York, Luo Feng asked the mage guarding the sanctuary to open a space door leading directly to Kama-Taj, and took Dr. Pim to find an ancient master. The master gave the matter to his disciple Strange , Doctor Strange found the spell book in the library. After the spell was finished, the first generation of Wasps really fell from the sky and fell into the arms of the long-awaited Dr. Pim.

Trapped in the gap between time and space, the first generation of Wasp Girl Janet has not aged at all, she is still young and beautiful, and her mind is frozen at the moment she fell into the quantum universe.

Suddenly, she woke up and found an old man hugging herself, and she slapped her violently. She slapped the excited Dr. Pim and almost broke the old bones.

After a lot of verbal explanations, the two finally clarified their misunderstanding, and Janet the Wasp woke up. She had been trapped in the quantum universe for decades, and the man just waited so stupidly for decades and kept thinking hard Save yourself.

The Wasp was both distressed and touched by the old Dr. Pim, and the two kissed each other with emotion.

Director Luo quietly gave Dr. Pim a copy of "Changchun Gong", telling him that although he could not reach the advanced realm at a late start, if he worked hard and practiced hard, he could not restore his youth, but he could live longer for decades , Live healthily to more than one hundred years old, at least not let the wasp be a widow.

Hope, who came with him, saw his mother who was about his age and his old white-haired father showing affection in public, and felt that they were distorted. This gave him the illusion that his father had found a mother for himself.

Ant-Man Scott is secretly scoring the flowery mother and daughter of the sisters. After careful evaluation, it seems that Janet has a higher score, but he absolutely dare not owe it to him. If he said it, he would really die. .

The family returned to the villa through the time-space gate provided by Doctor Strange to continue the Christmas dinner.

Director Luo declined their invitation, and reunited with the long-lost and happy Pim family, and faced the cold wind toward the cold street where the night was deep and the snow was deep.

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