Lord God Investigator

Vol 2 Chapter 245: Meet

Thanos’s fleet orbital airborne method is very unique. The huge metal airborne capsule is like a building from the sky. The impact force is extremely strong when it hits the ground, and the buffer device cannot completely offset the impact force.

If it were replaced by human fighters using this method to airborne, I am afraid that the collision will cause heavy casualties, and all of them will be killed in the giant orbital airborne capsule.

The soldiers under Thanos can withstand such an impact. Thanos has strengthened them, and the physical strength of every ordinary soldier is far beyond the peak of humanity.

In other words, the captain of the US in the original plot, Steve, without the protagonist's halo, is actually not as good as the ordinary minions under Thanos.

The elite of the Thanos army, the four-armed lead soldier, was able to support the badly wounded body and flee back to Thanos to report after being stuck by the Black Bat King. The physical resistance was far beyond that of humans.

You must know that the black bat king's parents, the previous generation of alien kings and queens, were shaken by the destruction sound wave released by the black bat king accidentally and casually, but they turned into two lumps of meat sticking to the wall.

The physical fitness of Steve Rogers at the peak of humanity is estimated to be blown to ashes by the black bat king after a hiccup.

The airborne area is located in the center of New York City. The huge metal cubic column smashed high-rise buildings, destroyed roads on the ground, and pierced underground subway passages. The airdrop lasted only a few minutes, and New York City became tattered.

If there is no time to evacuate the people, I am afraid that this airborne collision will cause thousands of deaths and injuries.

In the original plot, the superheroes with hindsight often fight the enemy while they are busy rescuing the people who are fleeing and fleeing when the enemy attacks the city.

Not to mention distractions, the few people they saved are just three or two kittens compared to the number of people they can’t see but died tragically. What's the point of saving it?

In the original plot, Dr. Strange obviously has the Eye of Agamotto, which can predict the future. When Thanos strikes, he will fight on the streets of New York. I don’t know how to give early warning and cooperate with the government to evacuate the masses. Necessary casualties.

It's like when they are fighting, there are no people running around, and they feel uncomfortable if they don't save the next two people. Is this an obsessive-compulsive disorder?

In Luo Feng's view, this is a typical super sick!

Superheroes also like to fight in densely populated cities. Couldn't they learn from Dragon Ball fighters in another universe, negotiate with the enemy, and then fly to no-man’s land to fight?

No matter once or twice, Quandang was caught off guard and was forced to helplessly, but this time after time, Luo Feng somewhat doubted the character of the superheroes. He felt that they were superheroes for other purposes and did not really treat them. The people take it to heart.

At least, in the Battle of New York in Avengers 3, everyone in the Avengers has already foreshadowed all sorts of signs. Dr. Strange also possesses a variety of predictive magic, which can completely evacuate the city people before Thanos strikes to prevent problems. Greatly reduce casualties.

But the Avengers and Doctor Strange did not, so they waited for Thanos to hit the door, smashed a mess in New York, and then pretended to save three or two kittens under his nose.

Luo Feng came directly to the global clearing scene, sending all the people on earth out of the earth, leaving the entire empty planet as the battlefield, destroying it casually, without hurting the civilians' half hair. This is a true heroic move.

New York City’s high-rise buildings collapsed, the ground was in a mess, and large blocks of neighborhoods were turned into rubble. However, no one was killed except for pet cats and dogs abandoned by their owners, mice and lizards in the sewers.

A cube orbital airborne capsule flew to the Stark Tower. Aurora raised his hand to the air and the airborne capsule was twisted like a twist, twisted into a metal coffin in the true sense by the force of the magnetic field. The tyrants were all crushed by the twisted metal.

Luo Feng turned a deaf ear to the Thanos army that had landed in New York. He picked up the black technology mobile phone, activated the mobile phone's quantum communication mode, and issued orders to the China Capital Region across the entire earth.

"The Thanos Army has begun to attack New York, the'Noah Plan' is officially implemented, and the immigrant fleet will be launched immediately. Good luck!"

Opposite the New York area is China’s capital area, and the terrestrial immigrant fleet is ready to take off. It will set sail invisible after Luo Feng’s order.

Coincidentally, in the movie "2012", humans built Noah's Ark in China, and now Thanos is attacking, the immigrant fleet of "Project Noah" is also made in China.

On the other side of the earth, it was still midnight. Thanos always felt that the whole mankind had some conspiracy against him by turning off the lights. After detecting the signal of Infinite Gems in New York, he launched a general attack on New York at noon to avoid the possibility of attacking the earth at night. The danger of falling into a trap.

Thanos, a cosmic strategist, is really a wise man. Humans did not plan any conspiracy. It was only because the whole people were evacuated to live in immigrant boats. All power stations, especially nuclear power facilities, were shut down. Of course there will be no lights at night in the case of electricity.

It just so happened that General Thanos concentrated on the daytime side of the earth, and the human immigrant fleet secretly set off in the dark and flew into the deep space of the universe.

The monster soldiers who rushed out of the orbital airborne capsule searched for the traces of humans, wanting to kill and destroy them, but no matter how they searched, they couldn't see a half-person figure, and then discovered that they had attacked an empty city.

The alien soldiers smashed some city facilities indiscriminately, and lost interest in continuing to destroy them. They woke up from the frenzy that was about to destroy the civilized planet and felt that something was wrong.

For the soldiers under Thanos, Thanos is their god, and these monsters are also full of pathological desires for destruction and killing like Thanos.

If you just smash the city and cannot kill the people, you lose the fun of destroying civilization. The soldiers looked at each other and were at a loss.

More and more soldiers gathered on the streets of the city. Looking down from the Stark Building, it was as if the ground was covered with ugly bugs. Luo Feng took out his mobile phone in disgust, and said in a cold voice: "Red Queen system, police station There are combat robots, and they all slaughtered the flag of sacrifice!"

Since the enemy has been led to the preset battlefield, it would be too boring not to fight an ambush and annihilation. The citizens of New York City have already evacuated. The citizens are replaced by tens of thousands of Ultron combat robots manufactured by the automated robot factory. Among the tens of thousands of combat robots, there is also an elite robot captain made by Qian Zhenjin.

With an order from Luo Feng, the combat robots in ambush all over New York rushed out. These robots were dressed in bionic skins and dressed in colorful civilian clothing. They looked like a group of New Yorkers bravely fighting for justice.

"The camera drones are also activated for me, take a good shot of the scene of human civilians beating the alien invaders. I want to broadcast this scene to the entire universe!"

Luo Feng was excited and ordered to hide in the building

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