Lord Harland

Chapter 340 Hunting Eastward

After joining the Harland territory, despite the crude conditions, the elves began to settle down and gained a peaceful development environment.

Sylph and the two high elves Helen and Freya quickly recovered from their injuries and began to investigate the nearby enemies.

The elves like to live in the forest and are the darlings of the forest, especially middle-aged elves like Sylph. Not only are they powerful, they have also accumulated a lot of jungle survival experience, and they can quickly figure out the monsters moving nearby.

During this period of time, Richard also began to organize a large number of high-level demon hunting teams, which went deep into the vicinity of Bolton Viscounty to cooperate with the elves' investigation activities.

After the investigation began, Undine settled in Fort William and temporarily lived in the Mage Tower. While she was eager to learn new knowledge, she began to repair the armor that had been captured by Pilosa.

Entering March, it took more than forty days to finally complete the repair of this high-level armor.

Putting on the eighth-level defensive armor and the ninth-level long sword called Blue Sword, Richard's melee combat ability was once again enhanced.

March is the season of recovery for all things. Richard organized Harland to lead the demon hunting team and entered the forest again.

This time, Richard mobilized more than 200 people from the army, formed three demon hunting teams, and deployed two squadrons of demonic beast cavalry from the first demonic beast cavalry brigade, preparing to clear out the high-level demonic beasts 200 kilometers away from the Viscount of Bolton. clean.

Although elves don't like killing very much, for the survival of the tribe, high-level professionals such as Undine, Sano, and Sylph will also participate in this operation. The security of Bolton Territory is entrusted to several sixth-level elves.

Especially the ferocious flying dragons and terrain dragons are the key targets of the Harland leader. By clearing out the bloodline descendants of the legendary dragon, see if you can induce the legendary dragon to appear.

If this legendary black dragon is led into a trap, it is possible to kill the enemy by relying on the power of the Harland leader.

Before this hunting of World of Warcraft, two important members of Harland's leadership successfully advanced.

The first is Soros. After taking the advanced life evolution potion purchased from a multinational auction, Soros successfully advanced and became an eighth-level warrior. Although Thoros is not good at close combat, his archery skills are amazing. In some special circumstances, he is a bit more threatening than a ninth-level warrior.

The second is Zhannings. He is one year younger than Richard. He was promoted to the seventh level at the age of thirty-two. With such a speed, he can hit the legendary bottleneck by the age of forty.

This time when we entered the territory of the legendary dragon to hunt, Harland leader mobilized a large number of elite soldiers and generals, formed three demon hunting teams, and mobilized 200 Warcraft Cavalry. In addition, the Harland Mage Association also mobilized two teams of magicians. , the top executives of the Mage Association came out in full force, and Sophia and Wendy all participated in this operation.

The first target that Richard chose was the Earth Dragon Beast that had just woken up.

Earthdramon, also known as Earthdragon, is a high-level magical beast. The lowest level for an adult Earthdramon is seventh level. Some powerful male Earthdramons can even grow to the ninth level.

A variety of dragon spells have been awakened in the blood of the Earth Dragon Beast. It is also covered with tough sub-dragon skin. It has amazing defense power. It has strange powers and a very large size.

In a head-on confrontation with a seventh-level dragon beast, it is often much more powerful than a ninth-level knight.

However, Earthdramon has a very big weakness, which is that it is not smart. Earthdramon's IQ is not even comparable to that of the Iron Wild Horse, and it is as stupid as an ordinary beast.

Without a smart mind, it is easy to fall into a hunter's trap.

As long as there is some preparation in advance, a seventh-level silver knight leading a small team can often successfully hunt the earth dragon beast.

Richard still remembers the first time he entered the Eagle Mountains, captured the Iron Wildebeest group under the leadership of Thoros and Roland, and discovered the lair of the Earth Dragon Beast. The drake's feces was smeared on the clothes to prevent the drake from smelling the smell, and he managed to save his life.

The Earthdramon has the habit of hibernating. The Earthdramon that has just awakened in spring is extremely aggressive and will madly attack any enemy that enters its territory.

Different from more than ten years ago, Harland now leads a strong army. In addition, there are more than ten high-level elf professionals, and the middle and low-level professionals have mobilized 300 people this time.

Although the Earth Dragon Beast is thick-skinned and not weak in strength, it cannot compete with this army.

Sano is the fastest and most agile, taking on the heavy responsibility of luring the enemy.

Although the terrain dragon is stupid, it can still distinguish between strong and weak, and it does not dare to attack hundreds of troops.

Once the earth dragon escapes, it will be particularly troublesome to hunt, and the gryphon cavalry will be needed to help. There are flying dragons nearby. The flying dragons have a strong sense of territory and will attack any monster that rises into the air.

Now Harland has only two squads of eighteen Warcraft Cavalry. It is difficult to replace the losses. Of course, Richard will not let the Griffin Cavalry suffer easily.

Sano acted as a bait, and it was really easy to lead the terrain dragon into the encirclement. Richard, Thoros, and Sylve, the five sharp archers, suddenly fired cold arrows and accurately shot high-level armor-piercing arrows into the vitals of the terrain dragon, hunting it easily. It worked.

"Get the dragon marrow liquid quickly."

After Richard gave the order, the adjutant beside him hurriedly opened the big mouth of the earth dragon beast and collected the dragon marrow liquid into a porcelain bottle. The magician immediately put a seal on the porcelain bottle and stored it in a storage item.

Hunting monsters in the jungle is easier with an elite team of more than a dozen high-level professionals. The main reason why Richard mobilized his army into the virgin forest was to deal with the legendary dragon.

This legendary black dragon has a mixed army under his command, including dragon-veined kobolds, gnolls, wyverns, and even a small number of trolls and ogres serving the dragon.

At critical moments, this legendary dragon can pull out thousands of elite troops.

Once there is no numerical advantage, it is easy to fall into the dragon's trap and be attacked by the dragon's army, which will be extremely risky.

After all, the legendary dragon is different from the terrestrial dragon beast. It is a highly intelligent creature and may be more cunning and smart than humans.

This time when he broke into the territory of the legendary black dragon, Richard needed to bring as many troops as possible. However, he was limited by his supply capacity, so he chose to mobilize 400 troops.

Bolton Viscounty is 80 kilometers away from Double Star Castle. This viscounty is already on the edge of the legendary dragon territory. Richard provokes the legendary dragon this time and squeezes the living space of the legendary dragon territory. He mainly wants to solve it once and for all. Regarding the security issues in Randland, we also want to create a good security environment for the elves.

Although the biggest enemies of Harland Territory are orcs, they are surrounded by legendary black dragons and legendary ogres on the east and west sides. Compared with the orcs, the legendary black dragon and the legendary ogre are weak persimmons, and it is easier to expand their territory from east to west.

Richard planned to spend two months on this hunting operation, because he had mobilized 200 Warcraft Cavalry and needed to prepare a lot of baggage.

The food intake of a Warcraft war horse is equivalent to ten people, it carries 200 Warcraft cavalry, and consumes baggage roughly equivalent to 2,300 infantrymen. Moreover, three hundred professional officers and soldiers were mobilized for this operation, and the appetite of professionals far exceeds that of ordinary people. The consumption of the four hundred men under Richard's command was roughly equivalent to that of three thousand infantrymen, and they consumed tens of thousands of kilograms of food every day.

Had it not been for the purchase of two space bags at the auction and the seizure of Pilosa's legendary space props, Leader Harland would not have been able to support such an operation.

After all, the Viscounty of Bolton has no output and cannot provide luggage at all. It is already very difficult for East Grotta River County to maintain a food supply line for two thousand indentured servants. According to the current manpower and material resources in the Grotta area, it is simply unable to support the army's activities in the eastern part of Bolton Viscounty.

After killing the Terrain Dragon, the members of the Demon Hunting Team immediately began to peel and twitch.

The sub-dragon skin of the terrain dragon can be used to make mid-level enchanted armor. A set of dragon skin can be used to make more than a dozen pieces of mid-level armor. Now that the Harland Mage Association has Undine, a high-level alchemist, it can effectively use this money. Resources will no longer be used by the Grant Mage Association to earn excess profits.

The blood of the Earth Dragon Beast is also a precious medicinal material. It can be used to refine Dragon Blood Potion, and its internal organs can be used to refine the Tenghui Potion. The bones of the Earth Dragon Beast are all high-value alchemy materials. Successfully hunting a terrain dragon can roughly exchange for 20,000 to 30,000 gold coins. Because there is a big buyer like the Jonathan family nearby, dragon marrow liquid can often be sold at a premium in exchange for more funds.

After hunting the Terrain Dragon, Richard and others began to move within 200 kilometers east of Bolton Viscounty. They successively discovered the lairs of seven Terrain Dragons and cleaned up the seven Terrain Dragons.

In addition, one hundred and twenty kilometers away from Bolton Viscounty, Richard also discovered a tribe of dragon-veined kobolds.

This dragon-veined kobold tribe has a large number of people. In total, there are more than 20,000 ordinary kobolds. Even the number of dragon-veined kobolds is as high as 400.

After discovering this large kobold tribe, Richard immediately led his soldiers to launch an attack.

According to the information obtained by the Duke of Harland, the dragon-veined kobolds are an important force under the legendary black dragon Ramoos.

When the Jonathan family conquered the legendary black dragon, the dragon-veined kobold soldiers played a very important role. It was this elite soldier who burned Duke Jonathan's food and cut off the Jonathan family's food route, forcing Duke Jonathan to withdraw.

During this demon hunting operation, Richard had communication with MacMillan, the eldest son of Duke Jonathan.

MacMillan is also a ninth-level epic knight and became the new Duke Jonathan last year. The previous generation of Duke Jonathan, Neo, is now the full-time Archduke Stanik.

Because the two areas were too far apart to be able to rule effectively, the Jonathan family finally made the decision to separate. Of course, they have just separated now, and the managers of the two territories are closely related and have very deep feelings.

In another hundred or two hundred years, after two or three generations, the relationship between the two territories will be similar to that between the Grant royal family and the Duke of York.

In recent years, the Duke of Jonathan has been facing pressure from the legendary black dragon. Three generations of Duke Jonathan wanted to expand their territory to the north, but they were all blocked by the legendary dragon.

Because of the legendary dragon Ramois, the Jonathan family has not been very successful in its development in the eastern part of the Eagle Mountains. Castles built in the mountains have been destroyed by legendary dragons several times. Bipedal dragons are often active in the southern foothills of the Eagle Mountains, destroying production and hunting humans.

Especially when the orcs invade, Ramos will cooperate with the orcs' activities to contain the army of Duke Jonathan.

After receiving Richard's letter, Macmillan agreed to Richard's request without any hesitation, and once again mobilized thousands of troops to the east of the Eagle Mountains, preparing to build a castle again on the original site, compress the legendary dragon's territory, and continue Advance towards the dragon's lair.

The person commanding this army was also Richard's old acquaintance Stareno.

More than ten years ago, Stareno came to Black River Castle and exchanged dragon marrow liquid with the Harland family. At that time, Stareno was only a fourth-level knight and had little say in the Jonathan family. He often participated in some business activities. Now, He has been promoted to the seventh level Silver Knight and has become an important helper of Macmillan, commanding thousands of troops.

Richard and MacMillan sent troops almost at the same time, launching an east-west invasion, which greatly reduced the territory of the legendary dragon.

Especially the Dragon Vein Kobold tribe, led by Harland in a surprise attack, suffered heavy casualties.

Although the Dragonvein kobold tribe has tens of thousands of members, the Dragonvein kobolds live in separate camps from regular kobolds.

Ordinary kobolds live in underground caves, while dragon-veined kobolds live in large caves.

Leader Harland launched a surprise attack, instantly sealing the six entrances and exits of the underground cave, and blocking the dragon-veined kobolds in the cave.

There are three high-level professionals in the Dragon Vein Kobold tribe. In addition to the ninth-level clan leader Pilatu, there is also an eighth-level kobold priest Latino and a seventh-level kobold warrior Masala.

These three high-level professionals were just about to organize a team and launch a counterattack. The seventh-level kobold had been killed by Sylph's cold arrow.

Facing the elite troops led by Harland, the numerous kobolds were unable to compete. Facing the sneak attack by the Warcraft Cavalry, the kobolds lost their organization and fell into chaos instantly.

The troops composed of ordinary kobolds are not even as good as the serf soldiers recruited by the nobles. They are also a relatively poor unit in the orc empire.

Facing two hundred warcraft cavalry, the army that the kobolds had just organized fell into disintegration in an instant.

Seeing that countless kobolds were blocked in underground caves, they were unable to form an effective organization and rush out of the underground caves.

The Warcraft cavalry jumped off their horses one after another, cut down trees to collect wood, and threw bundles of wood into underground caves, where the wood was ignited by rockets.

Suddenly thick smoke billowed into the underground cave.

The kobolds were running around in the forks of the underground cave, huddled tightly together.

After the fire burns, it releases a large amount of irritating and toxic gases, which damages the nervous system of the kobolds. The large amount of smoke produced by the combustion will block the respiratory system, causing mass suffocation of kobolds.

As wood continued to be added, more than tens of thousands of kobolds died in the underground caves.

If these tens of thousands of kobolds were organized and launched a brutal charge, they might cause heavy casualties to the two hundred Warcraft Cavalry. However, the kobold organization collapsed and could not resist, and most of them died in the fire.

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