Lord Harland

Chapter 344 The War on the East Road

After repelling the flying dragon, Richard, Undine, and Sophia left the materials in the space props. Half of this batch of materials has been consumed. There are still about 200 tons of food and grass. If you save some, it can support two people. month time.

The biggest food consumers are the captured flying dragons. The daily consumption of one flying dragon is equivalent to thirty soldiers.

In order to reduce food pressure, high-level professionals such as Jennings, Wilde, and Soros also need to lead hunting teams to reduce food consumption.

In the end, it was decided that Sophia and Sylph would take everyone to rest temporarily in the kobold cave, while Richard and Undine would lead a small number of soldiers back to Harland Territory.

After returning to the territory, they replenished a large amount of supplies with space equipment and mobilized some reinforcements.

Due to supply constraints, Richard could only mobilize more than 200 people. Among the more than 200 people, there are also some medical staff to take care of the wounded soldiers.

The journey from the Kobold Cave to Fort William, the core of Harland Territory, is about five hundred kilometers, and a round trip requires a thousand kilometers. A large part of this road is through barren mountains and ridges. Traveling in primeval forests will certainly not make you go very fast. Even if Richard mobilizes a large number of elite troops, he can still cover 60 to 70 kilometers in one day.

Sixteen days later, Richard and Undine arrived at the kobold cave.

After repelling the wyvern, the legendary dragon Oramos did not continue to send reinforcements to attack the kobold cave, but instead focused on advancing towards the castle.

The Forward Castle is closer to the Dragon's Nest. Once the Jonathan family gains a foothold in the Forward Castle, the Dragon's Nest will always be threatened by the Jonathan family.

There is a legendary dragon knight in the Jonathan family, who is Ramoos's biggest enemy. After discovering that the enemy in the direction of the kobold cave was very strong, Ramos did not dare to continue to divide his troops, but was ready to concentrate his efforts to deal with the enemies in the advancing castle first.

To be sure, Ramos decided to go out personally.

Creatures like giant dragons are born with a strong sense of territory, especially pregnant female dragons. They will kill all powerful creatures in their territory to create a safe environment for dragon eggs to hatch and for young dragons to grow. When the young dragons grow up, the mother dragon will also drive away the offspring to survive in new territories.

The early dragons were actually not good at managing their territories.

Because the dragon is greedy by nature, the dragon's nest is often filled with gold coins, gems, and magic crystals, which naturally attracts powerful professionals to slay the dragon. Moreover, the dragon's lair is a natural magic well.

In the war between humans and giant dragons, of course, humans will use all possible means, give full play to their own advantages, and organize armies to hunt down giant dragons.

Although the giant dragon is powerful and has a very powerful physical body with both magic and martial arts, it cannot defeat an elite soldier composed of professionals.

An elite army composed of hundreds of professionals, under the command of a legendary knight, can often successfully slay a dragon.

In order to protect the dragon's nest, the dragons must also find ways to train helpers to avoid falling into the dilemma of fighting alone.

The most suitable helpers are the direct descendants of the dragon, various dragon-born monsters and half-dragons.

Dragons are lustful by nature. Once they enter the estrus period, their minds will be filled with the desire to mate. This desire is almost uncontrollable. If they cannot find dragons of the opposite sex, they will find different female creatures to mate with.

According to thousands of years of dragon tradition, after the estrus period, the dragon will kill the creature it mates with to prevent the birth of hybrids.

But in order to face human competition, the dragons can only give up their old traditions, especially the dragons in the Dawn Plane. Now almost all of them are cultivating dragonborn and have huge soldiers under their command. Otherwise, you will not be able to keep the dragon's nest and become a wandering wild dragon.

Dragons are very intelligent creatures and have a very deep research on magic. Since they had humans as enemies, they dissected human corpses and created the magic of human transformation. They used the power of magic to transform and then blended into humans. In society, learn the advantages of human society.

During this process, many giant dragons mated with humans, creating the race of half-dragons. The famous Jonathan family of Grant Kingdom were actually half-dragons.

In the past thousand years or so, dragons have even founded countries. The most famous one is the Red Dragon Prince in the Orc Empire. The kingdom controlled by this legendary dragon has almost fully learned the social system of the Holy Radiant Empire, and has very powerful dragons under his command. An army of descendants. He even trained a legendary half-dragon. There are also a large number of human slaves in the country, responsible for production and logistics.

There is also a gem dragon kingdom in the southernmost part of Dawn Continent, and its rulers are a pair of legendary gem dragons.

On the Eastern Continent, there is also a legendary green dragon who established the Green Dragon Kingdom.

Ramoos is a legendary dragon that is hundreds of years old. After years of management, the strength under his command is not weak at all. There were not only an army of three hundred dragon-veined kobolds, but also sixty bipedal flying dragons, as well as more than one hundred and thirty half-dragon soldiers. In addition, Ramoos also controlled six trolls, more than thirty ogres, tamed dozens of terrain dragons, and controlled 1,600 gnoll soldiers.

With Dragon's Nest as the center, the surrounding 200 kilometers are the territory of Ramos. The land it can influence and control is equivalent to a dukedom.

Ramoos will attack all external armies within the dragon's territory. It is not only hostile to the Grant Kingdom, but also prohibits the orc army from crossing the border.

In the direction of the Grant Kingdom, Ramoos carefully struck a balance. When humans were strong, they would choose to help the orcs. When humans were weak, it was Ramoos and Gray who blocked the orcs from going south in the Eagle Mountains. Cable and the Legendary Lizardmen.

In the past hundred years or so, the Grant Kingdom has grown increasingly prosperous. First, Duke Brenner achieved a brilliant victory, taking control of the Dragon Canyon and establishing the three provinces of Northern Xinjiang. Shortly thereafter, the three northern principalities of Edward, Fox, and Jonathan were created, extending their sphere of influence to the southern foothills of the Eagle Mountains, expanding their land to more than 400,000 square kilometers.

Then came the emergence of Richard, who created a powerful duchy of Harland and controlled the central area of ​​the Eagle Mountains. In recent years, the force fields of the legendary dragons and legendary ogres have gradually tilted towards the orcs.

Since more than a hundred years ago, Ramos has consciously cooperated with the orcs in their southern expedition.

After Stareno advanced to build the castle, Ramos made two tentative attacks. However, Duke Jonathan made a lot of preparations for this battle, and the tentative attacks could not achieve satisfactory results at all.

Seeing that the Jonathan family was about to take root in the Forward Castle, Ramos decided to concentrate his efforts to defeat this enemy first.

It personally led the two-legged flying dragon and took the lead in launching the charge. Ramos opened his big mouth and spit out a powerful breath of dragon fire. In an instant, the huge fire dragon fell from the sky.

This flame has a hint of black and is very toxic. As long as you are burned by this flame, you not only need to treat the burns, but also need to detoxify. Unless you are a mid-to-high-level professional, ordinary soldiers can hardly breathe in the dragon flames of the legendary black dragon. The mediator protects life.

With just one spell, Ramos killed dozens of soldiers and caused a main squadron of Duke Jonathan to lose its combat effectiveness. At the same time, dozens of bipedal flying dragons swooped down following Ramoos, and the flames they spewed also killed or burned more than 200 people.

The soldiers led by Stareno are the main force of Duke Jonathan. They build a forward castle for garrison. The road is relatively easy to travel. It is more than 100 kilometers away from the core territory. It is relatively easy to replenish. Therefore, the number of this army is as many as 6,000. people.

Although the six thousand-man army is large, the number of professionals is not as large as that of Harland.

Arrows shot by ordinary soldiers can hardly penetrate the wyvern's sub-dragon skin. They can only play a supporting role under the command of professional officers.

However, now that Duke Jonathan's army is equipped with a lot of alchemical bombs, the grenadiers can still hurt the flying dragons if they seize the opportunity.

Seeing that the flying dragon descended from a high altitude in order to ensure the accuracy of the dragon's flame breath, Stareno and his officers threw flying claws one after another, trying to pull the flying dragon down from the sky.

Despite suffering heavy casualties from a round of dragon flame breath, Starenor's army successfully held back seven wyverns that were slow to react.

When Ramos saw this scene, he immediately turned around lightly and waved his wings to violently attack the soldiers on the ground.

Dragons possess great power. A legendary dragon like Ramoos has more than a hundred points of strength and can easily lift objects weighing ten tons. Even the legendary knight is only less than half of the dragon in strength and cannot do anything at all. contend with it.

Anyone who is hit by Ramos dragon wings will have their bones shattered in an instant and be killed on the spot. Even the ninth-level epic knight dared not challenge him.

When fighting against a legendary dragon, the legendary knight must act as a human shield at the critical moment, so that the losses will be greatly reduced.

Seeing Ramoos killing soldiers wantonly, several sharpshooters from the Dukedom of Jonathan immediately released enchanted arrows. The high-grade armor-piercing arrows they used drew an arc and pierced Ramoos's skin fiercely. A dull popping sound.

Although the dragon's defense is very strong, and the dragon skin can block a large number of attacks, it cannot block high-level enchanted arrows that are designed to break armor.

Moreover, the archers who shoot arrows are all professionals, and the arrows all carry the power of fighting spirit. To defend against such advanced armor-piercing arrows, the power of spells can play a greater role.

Ramoos is not a diligent dragon, nor is he very diligent in learning magic. Although he is already a mature dragon several hundred years old, except for the spells integrated in his bloodline, Ramoos's magic level is only equivalent to the fourth ring. level.

The fourth-ring magic cannot release a high-level defensive force field, and the second-ring magic protection arrows can only defend against one or two cold arrows. However, there are as many as a dozen sharp archers aiming at Ramos, and these people's archery skills are generally very good. They were at the fourth or fifth level, and one captain even reached the sixth level. The accuracy of the arrows they shot was amazing.

In an instant, Ramos's body was covered with more than ten arrows, and one arrow even hit Ramos' neck.

The legendary dragon let out an angry roar, and sprayed another burst of dragon flame breath at the surrounding soldiers, especially the sharp archer who shot himself in the vital point. Ramoos became the priority enemy to attack. Most of them were aimed at this person.

Although this fifth-level warrior had good defense, he still couldn't withstand the legendary dragon's targeted attack. He was instantly attacked by poisonous fire and lost his life.

Ramoos' dragon flame almost cleared away all the enemies fifty meters in front.

Seeing that his stand-in's hand-to-hand combat played a decisive role in rescuing five fallen flying dragons, as for the remaining two, they had been severely injured by the army and could not save their lives.

Although physically very powerful and highly resistant to spells, dragons do not enjoy close combat with armies.

In the battle just now, Ramoos's casualties were not light. After all, he was shot in a vital part by an arrow. This arrow caused Ramos to lose a lot of vitality, and the strong stinging pain reminded the dragon at any time.

Although Ramoos is cruel and bloodthirsty, he also understands the principle of not touching porcelain with earthen pots, and will not easily risk his own life against the enemy.

After killing the sixth-level archer who shot him and successfully saving the bipedal dragon, Ramos waved his wings vigorously and flew into the sky again.

Just after Ramoos launched an aerial assault with his bipedal dragon, the ground troops led by the half-dragons also charged against Duke Jonathan's army.

The half-dragons were very fast and very brave. Under the command of a ninth-level half-dragon, they broke into Stareno's right wing at an extremely fast speed. The two thousand people on the right wing could not withstand more than a hundred and a half. Dragonite attack.

The forwards of the half-dragons are sixty dragoons. These half-dragons can control the terrain dragon with the help of the dragon scales shed from Ramos's body. The combination of the terrain dragon and the half-dragon has extremely powerful combat power and strong frontal impact. The flying dragon cavalry, the ace unit of the Holy Radiant Empire.

Although there were only sixty and a half dragon cavalry, the troops on the right wing that had already been attacked continued to retreat and were obviously at a disadvantage.

At the same time, trolls and ogres also launched from the left wing, and 1,600 gnolls advanced to the center, cooperating with Ramoos and the flying dragon.

Trolls and ogres are both high-level units. Although their numbers are very small, they are not easy enemies to deal with. They are all advanced intelligent creatures, and their power is also amazing. The stone projectiles thrown by trolls and ogres using slings weigh five or six kilograms. They are almost as powerful as the stone projectiles launched by trebuchets, but they are more powerful than trebuchets. allow.

Fortunately, the ogres do not have alchemy bombs in their hands. If the ogres are equipped with a large number of alchemy bombs, it will become a very scary thing.

Ramos took the flying dragon to observe at a high altitude and found that a fighter plane appeared on the right wing. He turned around and attacked the enemy on the right wing from the air.

Stareno's right wing was already weak and fell into a disadvantage in the battle with the half-dragon. Now he was attacked by the legendary dragon. He could not withstand the pressure in an instant and collapsed.

The right wing was defeated, and the outcome of this battle was determined. In the end, only 1,200 soldiers survived.

In this battle, the Jonathan family suffered a huge defeat and still could not gain a foothold in the Forward Castle.

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