Lord Harland

Chapter 362 Sutton Detachment

After the Birthday of the Goddess, the new class of students in Harland Territory is about to start school.

This year, the recruitment work in Harland Territory has been done well. The number of new students has exceeded 6,000, and the growth rate has reached 23% compared with last year.

Last winter, more than 2,400 people graduated from more than a dozen elementary schools in the territory. These teenage students have entered society, and the average quality of territorial citizens has improved.

Nowadays, primary school graduates are no longer assigned jobs. The government and the military will only recruit some outstanding members from them.

If you want to have a good future, it is best to graduate from high school. However, it is very difficult to get into middle school. The middle school admission rate is less than 30 to 1. Last year, the four middle schools only admitted a total of more than 90 students, with an average of only one class per school.

After the goddess's birthday, because the number of students enrolled was too low, Richard talked to his cousin Flora, who was in charge of education.

In the past ten years, Flora and Jennings have become important members of the duchy.

Zhan Nings has repeatedly made military exploits, and his professional level has been continuously improved. He is already a heavyweight officer in the army. He now commands half a legion and is responsible for operations in one direction. His power in the army is second only to Richard and Soros. He is almost the third most powerful person in the Harland Territory army, and his status has become increasingly important.

Flora is in charge of education and is also an important official in the territory.

Flora's extraordinary talent is very average. She spent three days fishing and two days drying nets and practiced breathing techniques for more than ten years. She is still a mid-level warrior student. Practicing breathing techniques has only improved her physical fitness. But her IQ is very high and her memory is very good. Over the years, the education department has been managed in an orderly manner and has contributed greatly to the development of the territory.

Richard found Flora and asked for her opinion on the issue of middle school enrollment expansion.

“Although the literacy rate in the territory is increasing rapidly, there are very few people who truly master advanced knowledge. In addition, the territory’s scientific research institutes continue to drain outstanding students from middle school graduates, and the development of secondary education seems a bit slow.

In recent years, we have only trained a total of more than 200 middle school students, and less than one-tenth of them remain in school. If the number of teachers is obviously insufficient to expand the number of teachers, it will be difficult to guarantee the quality of education. Besides, this year’s enrollment has been completed, so I don’t think it’s appropriate to change.

The expansion of middle school enrollment can be implemented next year, but Fourth Brother, please promise me that some graduates with excellent knowledge should be reserved for the education system. "

After listening to Flora's request, Richard thought for a moment, and finally nodded: "You can be given eight places for the top-ranked students. The twenty best students will still be allowed to engage in scientific research."

Nowadays, the supply of middle school graduates exceeds the demand in the job market. Less than a hundred middle school students graduate from Harland Territory every year. Scientific research institutes, industrial departments, military systems, and civil service systems all vigorously recruit high-quality talents.

Richard attaches great importance to scientific research institutes, and every year they can select the best batch of students.

Then the military system and the civil service system selected another batch based on their superior position. The education system, industry sector can only choose students who are left by others.

This is not that Richard does not pay attention to the education system. Even the worst middle school students have IQs far higher than their peers and are very outstanding talents in the territory.

Because the enrollment probability is very low now, only students with high IQs can get into middle school. This kind of high-IQ students mainly rely on self-study to learn knowledge, and their requirements for teachers are much lower than ordinary students.

The courses studied at Harland Elementary School were much more difficult than those at the elementary school in Richard's previous life.

In addition to not needing to learn a foreign language, the mathematics knowledge that needs to be learned in the five years of primary school already involves graphics, functions, solid geometry, algebraic equations, etc., which is approximately equivalent to the eighth grade level in Richard's previous life.

Chinese requires memorizing tens of thousands of commonly used words, proficiently writing various official documents, and mastering some classic classical literature.

In addition, starting from the third grade, there are courses such as history, geography, military science, music, and art. The academic burden is not easy and requires mastering a lot of knowledge points.

The average age of students entering school is also around ten years old, and the aristocratic class may go to school earlier.

Of course, the hereditary aristocracy basically has tutors, and the content taught is different from that in school. In addition to general knowledge, it also involves some management, psychology, economics, and the art of emperors. In addition, the aristocratic class must master a certain amount of extraordinary knowledge, which is the hard-earned experience accumulated by their ancestors.

The children of the eleven hereditary vassals under Richard did not attend public schools in the Harland territory. They all invited tutors to complete their studies, including Richard's uncle Thoros and his third uncle Tony. They all chose to do this. On the contrary, Richard's own children have all entered school and are exposed to children from ordinary families, and their thinking is far ahead of theirs.

Since the age of admission is relatively late, the students will certainly be more sensible and generally very hardworking and eager to learn.

In order to select outstanding talents in the Harland Territory, the graduation examination papers are particularly difficult every year, and there are many knowledge points that are beyond the syllabus.

There are many kinds of these super-syllabus knowledge points, and primary school teachers generally do not master them. Those who can get high scores generally rely on talent and self-study.

Even middle school graduates with poor grades have strong self-learning ability and extraordinary quality. After all, the enrollment rate of middle school students in Harland Territory is very low, and the difficulty is comparable to that of passing the 211 entrance examination in southern Henan Province in the previous life.

After negotiating with Flora about expanding the middle school's enrollment, Richard took charge of testing the magic aptitudes of the new students. There were more than 6,000 new students this year, and more than a dozen magicians worked for more than ten days to test the new students' magic aptitudes.

Of the more than 6,100 freshmen, only 53 were found to have magic aptitude. None of these fifty-three people have high-level talents, and even medium-level talents are pitiful. Only four of them are on the Mage Association's focus list.

Fifty-three students with magic qualifications enter a special class. They first have to learn basic knowledge for a year before they can be exposed to meditation. After graduating from elementary school, they are basically middle and high-level mage apprentices.

Some talented people can become official mages in school and often graduate early.

After testing his qualifications, Richard ordered the lion cavalry and the magic hot air balloon team to strengthen the reconnaissance of the northern theater, while joining forces with Undine to speed up the production of the steel golem.

By March, the materials for making the steel golem had been exhausted.

Twenty-three pieces of materials were used to create eighteen steel golems. These steel golems were also sent to the front line of Hurricane Castle by Richard and Undine.

March is the beginning of spring, the temperature has begun to warm up, the snow has melted, farmers are about to start spring plowing, and the land of the Duchy of Harland is about to usher in a busy scene.

As March entered, reconnaissance missions in Harland territory became more and more frequent, and traces of orcs began to appear.

In recent years, a war broke out between the Holy Glory Empire and the Orc Royal Court. The power of the Orc Empire was contained in the central and western parts, and the eastern battlefield could only maintain the situation with its original strength.

Especially the Grant Kingdom battlefield, in recent years, it has gradually been unable to maintain the battle line. In just a dozen years, two front army commanders were killed in action.

First, the legendary wild boar people underestimated the enemy and died in battle, and were penetrated by the Grant Kingdom through the Eagle Mountain front.

Then the legendary dragon-veined kobolds were surrounded and annihilated by the Duke of Harland.

The orcs' battle line has retreated again and again, and has retreated from the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range to the northern part of the Eagle Mountain Range. If it continues to retreat, there will be no danger to defend, and there will be no danger.

Seeing the orc army approaching, Richard immediately gave Viscount Bolton a retreat order.

Bolton Viscounty is the territory of the elves. This territory was established relatively recently, less than a year. Apart from a few elves, there are only some indentured servants responsible for construction work in the territory.

Before the orc army could approach, everyone retreated to the Double Star Castle. Also retreating with the Bolton Viscounty were the personnel stationed in the Demon Hunting City.

The total number of people in these two places exceeds 3,000. There are many high-level professionals in the two places, and their combat forces are very capable.

On March 12, before the orc army appeared, the people from the two places had retreated to the Double Star Castle. At the same time Richard's order had been delivered, appointing Martin as commander of East Grotta County.

Although Sutton has the highest professional level and the most noble title, he has only commanded small-scale elite mercenary battles in the past and has no experience in leading large armies.

Richard was not confident in his ability to command the army, and of course it was impossible for him to take up the heavy responsibility and serve as the commander of the army.

Although Wilde had experience in commanding large armies, he had few achievements in Haaland's territory, and it was difficult for him to command Martin's proud soldiers.

However, Richard transferred two elite soldiers from the Special Squadron and the First Squadron to Sutton's command. Together with the elves and demon hunters, he formed the Sutton Detachment and stationed troops outside the Double Star Castle to take charge of independent regional operations.

In order to facilitate logistical supplies, Undine gave the legendary space bag to her brother, and Richard also gathered three small and medium-sized space bags in the Harland territory and gave them to the Sutton detachment to extend the Sutton detachment's combat time.

The four space bags have a total of 140 cubic meters of space. If they all carry food supplies, it will be about 110 tons more.

The Sutton detachment was not very large, with a total of less than 500 soldiers.

Among them, the elf squadron has the smallest number of members. Counting the half-elves of the Bolton family, there are only twenty-nine members in total. The number of special forces squadrons is not large, with a total of fifty-two members. The First Squadron is fully staffed and slightly overstaffed, with a total of 162 officers and soldiers. The Demon Hunter Squadron has the largest number, with a total of 228 soldiers.

Although the number is small, the Sutton detachment is very capable. Needless to say, the elf squadron is powerful. There are many high-level professionals who are very good at fighting. The members of the special squadron are also carefully selected from the entire army and are good at sneak attacks.

The First Squadron is the backbone of the territorial infantry and is also an all-professional squadron.

The Demon Hunter Squadron is not a regular army, but they are good at survival in the wild and their combat effectiveness in the jungle is very impressive.

In addition, the Demon Hunter Squadron is also an all-professional squadron. Even if you don't know how to form formations, you can still engage in guerrilla warfare and harassment warfare.

On March 16, several armies of orcs appeared in the northern part of the Eagle Mountains.

First, in the direction of Grotta, eighteen main orc brigades were discovered through reconnaissance, with a total strength of less than two legions.

Six of the orc brigades approached the Double Star Castle, and an outpost battle broke out with Martin's army.

A large group of orcs acted as a surprise force and circled around to attack the Baron of Vito, but were blocked from the castle by the coalition forces of the four baronies of Morgan, Vito, Grumman, and Vader.

Another orc brigade circled around again and attacked the Morgan Baron on the west side of the Vito Baron, but was blocked by the coalition of the three baronies of Bernie, Jose, and Wendy in the rear.

Eight orc brigades attacked the East Grotta area, and fierce battles broke out with six infantry brigades commanded by Martin.

The Sutton detachment also received a combat mission to attack the logistics line of the East Grotta Orc army.

The situation in the Sigrota war zone is equally difficult. A complete orc army in the canyon castle wants to break through the defense line of Thoros.

The Sigrotta theater under the command of Soros includes the Fourth Brigade, the Tenth Brigade, the Eleventh Brigade, the Seventeenth Brigade, five infantry brigades of the Legion Guard Brigade, the Reconnaissance Cavalry Brigade, the Second Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, the Third and Fourth Infantry Brigades. Four magic hot air balloon squadrons, the main army totals more than 10,000.

According to common sense, it is not difficult to block a legion of Orcs, but Thoros's opponent is the elite Orc legion, numbered as the Thirteenth Legion. It has always been the ace of the Orc front army. In the past, it mainly fought against Duke Jonathan.

This orc legion has many professionals, and there are many snake-like tribes in the recruitment area. The legion has strengthened the snake-like heavy infantry brigade and the orc archer brigade, which are very good at attacking difficulties.

Although the attack on the canyon castle suffered heavy casualties, with more than 300 snakemen killed or injured, the orcs' crazy energy has not diminished.

By now, the camp outside the castle had been breached by the orcs, and the defenders had no choice but to retreat into the canyon castle.

Without the obstruction of the hillside camps on both sides, some small groups of orcs began to cross the mountains and infiltrate behind the canyon castle.

In Norman behind the canyon castle, the king's castle is full of auxiliary troops. The auxiliary troops have poor combat effectiveness and it is difficult to fight out of the city to deal with the infiltrated orc army.

As a last resort, Soros could only reduce the garrison strength of the canyon castle and use the reconnaissance cavalry to eliminate the orc infiltration troops.

After the battle in the direction of Grotta, orcs from other areas gradually began to appear. An orc regiment also appeared in the direction of Tani Canyon, but this orc regiment had average combat effectiveness. Although the strength of Jennings's defenders was not as strong as Thoros's, they easily blocked the orc attack, and the battle was not considered fierce.

On the front of the Lothar Basin, a main orc army was discovered through reconnaissance, numbered as the Seventeenth Legion. This legion is the trump card of the Stanik Front. It has also strengthened the Serpentine Heavy Infantry Brigade and the Silver Moon Wolf Cavalry Brigade, two full-time professional armies, which are very brave and good at fighting.

This time the Seventeenth Army was also mobilized to Grant's Front and used on the front of the Duchy of Harland.

In the direction of the Snow Mountain Castle, six infantry brigades appeared from the orcs. Guarding this direction were the coalition forces of Platos and the Black River Castle nobles. Richard appointed Baron Sharp as the commander.

The total number of the noble coalition forces commanded by Sharp was six thousand. In order to enhance the strength in this direction, Richard also deployed the 24th Infantry Brigade to strengthen this front.

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