Lord Harland

Chapter 366 Going deep into the grassland

By the time Richard arrived on the battlefield with three infantry brigades, the orcs were already surrounded on three sides. Targeted by the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, the orcs were unable to retreat at all, and were soon surrounded and annihilated by the coalition forces of Harland and the nobles of Gedda Province.

In the East Grotta war zone, Sutton's detachment worked closely with Martin's department and annihilated eight orc brigades, with a total loss of 16,000 orcs.

In the direction of Sigrotta, the Thirteenth Orc Legion stormed the canyon castle for thirteen days. The Thoros Division withstood the test and withstood the fierce attack of the Orcs. After more than ten days of siege battle, the Orcs lost one of their organized brigade. Level unit, the total strength was reduced by 6,000.

In the direction of Nite Canyon, the Jennings Division cooperated with the Marcus Division heading north from Hurricane Castle and also fought a big victory, annihilating eight thousand orcs.

At the main battlefield of Hurricane Canyon, Richard destroyed the 17th Orc Legion in one battle. He completely annihilated this elite Orc Legion with all its members and wiped out more than 26,000 enemies.

In the southern foothills of Platos, Richard led the southward detachment and cooperated with the aristocratic coalition led by Viscount Luomen to eliminate five orc brigades and annihilate more than 10,000 enemies.

No fierce fighting broke out in the direction of the Snow Mountain Castle, but the orcs already knew that failure was inevitable, and they all made plans to retreat.

The war has reached this point. On the Duchy of Harland front alone, the orcs have lost more than 30 established brigades, and the main force has been annihilated over 70,000. The defeat of the war is inevitable.

In the Kaiya River Basin, the eleven orc brigades were besieged by the Mad Lion and Northern Legions. The situation was also extremely bad.

Less than twenty days after the war began, the orc front has been completely shaken. Although the orc legions in the east and west directions have achieved some results, they cannot fill the vacancies at all.

Counting a legion surrounded by Flame Castle, the orcs lost four and a half of their main legions in this battle.

Although the orcs have a large army, it is still very difficult to replenish four and a half legions at once.

Although the maturity period of orcs is generally short, and kobolds can reach adulthood in three or four years, it is not difficult to replenish ordinary soldiers, but it is not easy to train professional officers and it takes a long time.

After annihilating the kobolds at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range, Richard led an army of more than 10,000 to the direction of Flame Castle for reinforcements.

Rab, the commander of the Northern Army, did not support the Harland Territory in order to gain credit. As a result, a large area of ​​Harland Territory was plundered by the orcs. Although some were later rescued from the orc captives, the total population was slaughtered by the orcs for more than 80 years. thousand.

The material losses were incalculable, and tens of thousands of houses were burned down. Many corpses were thrown into the well by orcs, completely polluting it. The bridges were burned by the orcs, the reservoirs were dug up by the orcs, and most of the food in the area was burned.

According to rough statistics, the loss converted into gold coins exceeded one million.

The area at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range was originally a rich area in Harland's territory. Although there was no industry in this area, the agricultural conditions were very superior. In addition, it is not far from Black River Fort and Flame Fort and can be connected through the Kaiya River. The cargo flow is very large and it has a relatively developed water transportation industry.

As a result, years of accumulation were destroyed by a war. According to estimates by territorial officials, it will take at least three years for the economy to return to its original size.

Because of this matter, Richard and Rab already had a knot in their minds.

The reason why Richard sent more troops to Flame Castle was actually to eliminate hidden dangers in this direction.

If the hidden danger is not eliminated, he leads his troops north to attack the orcs' rear. The royal family's army deliberately allows the orcs to enter the Harland Territory to plunder, and the situation will be very ugly.

This was not because he was maliciously speculating on others. This time Harland suffered a heavy loss because Richard had too much trust in the Northern Army.

It is better to rely on oneself than to rely on others. Only by forcing the Northern Territory and Mad Lion Legions to fight bloody battles with the orcs can this hidden danger be eliminated.

Seeing Richard coming with his troops, Rab immediately ordered the northern army to attack the orc camp in order to avoid looking ugly, and annihilated the orc army before Richard.

According to the practice of Grant Kingdom, Richard's status is much higher than the commander of the main army. Once reinforcements arrive, Richard will definitely get the battlefield command authority.

In order to prevent Richard from intervening in command, the Northern Territory and Mad Lion armies fought bravely and bloodyly, and the orc army was completely annihilated. Because time was too short, the Northern Army and the Mad Lion Army suffered more casualties, with a total reduction of nine thousand people.

Richard led his troops halfway and received news that the orcs in the direction of Flame Castle had been annihilated. He left two infantry brigades, appointed Viscount Romain as the commander of the coalition forces, and Commander Conde as the deputy commander, commanding the coalition forces to guard the west of Harland's territory.

Richard led the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade and the Guard Brigade all the way north, rushing into the north of the Eagle Mountains from Hurricane Canyon. Although Richard is only in his thirties, he has rich experience in leading troops in wars. It has been eighteen years since he first went into battle at the age of sixteen. Veterans with eighteen years of war experience are relatively rare in the entire northern Xinjiang region.

In the past eighteen years, this was the second time that Richard had fought over the Eagle Mountain Range.

The last time we crossed the Eagle Mountains was fifteen years ago. In that battle, Donny Martins, the commander of the Northern Army, set a trap and killed the orc front army commander, the legendary quilboar Gilat, and used a heavy trebuchet for the first time. , annihilated a main army of orcs.

Relying on the majesty of this battle, the army of the Grant Kingdom crossed the Eagle Mountains along the Kea River and Kelania Valley, and entered the hinterland of the Orc Empire to plunder.

Through this battle, Richard gained nearly 10,000 people, accelerating the development of Harland territory.

The scene from fifteen years ago was right in front of him, and Richard's thoughts seemed to have returned to fifteen years ago. During that battle, he and Sophia were just starting out and were still minor figures in the Northern Expedition, responsible for harassment and guerrilla operations.

Fifteen years have passed, and things have changed. Donnie Martins, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition, died in battle for many years. The Northern Army also changed several commanders. His father William was transferred to the south, and he became the leader this time. The commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition.

The orcs attacked Harland's territory, losing 70,000 troops on this front, and the rear was extremely empty.

Richard led the army all the way north, as if entering an uninhabited land, sweeping through the orc territory with wind and clouds, and all the orc tribes he encountered along the way were killed by Richard.

There is no mercy at all in the struggle for survival between races.

Eighteen years of brutal war training has changed Richard's outlook to a certain extent and made him hard-hearted.

No matter whether they were old or dead, or the orc babies were waiting for food, they all died under the butcher's knife under this cruel military order.

Wherever the army passed, the orc tribes were exterminated.

Richard's army ran all the way north, approaching Pulilan, the core city of the orcs.

Most of the orcs on the northern prairie live a nomadic life. Although the orc tribes have territories and winter and summer pastures, they have no fixed stronghold.

Prilan is a rare settled city on the prairie, with hundreds of thousands of orc nobles living nearby.

Although orcs have extraordinary blood and have far more professionals than humans, there are also flaws in the evolution process. The vast majority of orcs have far less flexible feet than humans, do not have a pair of flexible hands, and are not good at making tools or developing manufacturing industries.

Unless the orc civilization can develop to a certain level and create high-intelligence artificial intelligence and mechanical arms, it can make up for this shortcoming.

Starting more than 2,000 years ago, during the first war between humans and orcs, the top brass of the orcs discovered this weakness.

The orc leadership thought of many ways to improve the situation. The first was to capture humans and cross-breed them with humans to give birth to the half-orc race.

The second is to cooperate with the magic countries on the southwest coast to serve as bloodline experiments for magicians and improve their bloodline and body with the help of magicians' research.

The third is to capture a large number of humans as slaves and use human creativity and hands-on ability to improve this shortcoming.

Over the years, the orcs have invaded every three years, and most of the captured human slaves have been escorted to several core cities in the rear.

The largest of the orc cities in the north of Grant Kingdom is Pulilan.

Because there are a large number of human slaves in Pulilan, a large amount of farmland has been cultivated, and the settled population is very large. Basically, the orc nobles have settled in the city of Pulilan.

Seeing that the army of Harland Territory was divided into three groups, the forward was already 80 kilometers away from Pulilan, and the Orc Eastern Front Command was now in chaos.

In just a dozen years, the Eastern Front Army lost two legendary commanders.

Because the losses were too serious, the Orc Royal Court did not bother to send the Duke down to serve as the commander of the front army.

The Orc Royal Court did not send anyone down, and the Prairie Governor-General could only send a ninth-level giant owl to serve as the acting commander of the front army.

The acting commander has not been in office for long and has a relatively shallow foundation. This year is his first time commanding hundreds of thousands of troops in combat.

Although the giant commander attached great importance to the Harland territory, he dispatched four and a half legions on this front. He also adjusted the attack direction of the elite legions and accumulated a main force of more than 100,000.

The orcs originally planned to break through the defense line of Harland territory and recapture the Losar Basin, a mountain stronghold with extremely important geographical location. Unexpectedly, in three years, the population of Harland Territory doubled, and the number of regular troops expanded from less than 20,000 to 50,000.

The most critical issue was that Richard used the Star Necklace for the first time on the frontal battlefield. Three consecutive star bombs severely damaged the elite Orc army, and then commanded the army to annihilate the seventeenth army.

A small number of defeated troops of the 17th Army fled back to the rear and reported the situation to Commander Juxiao. The descriptions of the survivors made Commander Juxiao terrified and did not dare to fight a decisive battle with the army of Harland Territory.

In fact, there are not many orcs in the Pulilan area. The reserve force has roughly assembled 19 brigades, with a total of less than 40,000. The retreating Thirteenth Legion also had 18,000 elite soldiers. Together with some other chaotic defeated troops, the number of the orc army organized by the giant owl commander exceeded 70,000.

The northern prairie is considered a prosperous place in the orc empire. The orc commander in this governorate has a strong influence in the orc royal court. There are thousands of orc tribes living on this vast prairie, with a total population of more than 150 million, which is more than the five human countries near the northern prairie combined.

However, most of the orcs are low-end populations such as kobolds and satyrs. The orc race with strong fighting skills has a low fertility rate and is very rare. Most of them still live in urban areas with the best conditions.

Now Richard led the Harland Territory army to approach Pulilan. After the giant commander thought for a long time, he decided to abandon the city. The overall decision was to strengthen the walls and clear the country. Until the information about the starlight bomb was unclear, there would be no contact with the Harland Territory. The army battles.

Once the orc army fled, Lord Harland easily captured Prilan.

Although many human slaves in the Priland area were killed and relocated by orcs, Harland's army still rescued more than 100,000.

After capturing the Pulilan area, Richard let the soldiers rest for a few days and tallied the results.

After entering the northern part of the Eagle Mountains, the Haaland territory army killed a large number of orcs, and together with various random races, the number exceeded one million. A dozen orc supply depots were captured one after another, and together with the capture of Pulilan, 260,000 human slaves were rescued.

Arriving at the gates of Pulilan City, Richard found that a large number of human slaves had been slaughtered by the orcs. These slaves were mainly old people and children. It seemed that they did not have the physical strength to move with the orcs.

Seeing this scene, Richard's face suddenly turned pale. He ordered sternly: "Kill all the orc prisoners and pile their heads together to form a Jingguan."

The reason why Richard issued this genocidal policy was that in addition to the factors of racial war, he was also troubled by food shortage.

Entering the northern part of the Eagle Mountains, supplies became very difficult. Agriculture developed slowly on the northern prairie, and the orc tribe mainly relied on animal husbandry. When marching and fighting, there is a lack of food supplies, so soldiers need to loot.

Fortunately, Harland's territory has flying units such as bipedal dragon knights, lion knights, and magic hot air balloon teams. Through high-altitude reconnaissance methods, traces of the orc tribe can be discovered, leaving the enemy with nowhere to hide.

In order to facilitate the supply of the army, Richard ordered the second-line corps to drive the sheep raised in the Harland territory to the northern part of the Eagle Mountains. Using goat milk and mutton as military rations, and using the nomadic supply method, they could continue to fight deep into the northern prairie.

After Pulilan killed all the orcs, in the next period of time, the Harland Territory army continued to penetrate deep into the north, looking for the main force of the orcs for a decisive battle.

The giant owl commander commands the orc army and has always adopted a strategy of avoiding fighting. Compared with humans, the orc race is more hardworking and can survive longer in the wild.

For the next month, the two sides chased each other, as if they were playing hide and seek on the prairie.

Along the way, whenever an orc tribe was discovered, Richard would order to kill them all.

Under this genocidal policy, the Harland territorial army entered the northern prairie for a month and killed more than three million orcs of all races.

They penetrated more than 800 kilometers into the northern prairie, until the food consumption was too great and the number of sheep dropped below the danger line, then they stopped and slowly retreated to the north of the Eagle Mountains.

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