Lord Harland

Chapter 371 Encirclement and reinforcements

After Richard was promoted to a seventh-level warrior, his physical attributes improved in all aspects, his strength increased by four points, and his mental strength, agility, and physical strength each increased by one point. Now his strength is 23 points, mental strength is 53 points, agility is 5.6 points, and physical strength is 7.8 points. Compared with ordinary humans, his physical fitness is like that of a superman.

Coupled with various talent blessings, even without the use of star bombs, Richard's combat effectiveness is no less than that of the legendary knights, enough to fight head-on with a large group of regular troops from the Grant Kingdom.

If he frees up his hands and engages in guerrilla warfare and raids, the destructive power will be much greater. Even for a kingdom, provoking such an enemy is very troublesome.

Not long after Richard was promoted to seventh-level warrior, heavy snow fell in the Eagle Mountains area.

After heavy snow closed the mountains, communication between the south and north of the Eagle Mountain Range was almost impossible. It will take at least early March next year for the snow to melt before supplies can be sent from the south of the Eagle Mountain Range.

Today, there are 40,000 regular troops, 16,000 city defense troops and security troops, and 4,000 auxiliary troops operating trebuchets in the northern part of the Eagle Mountains. The total strength is as high as 60,000, accounting for three-quarters of the Duke of Harland's army.

The local area of ​​​​50,000 square kilometers has almost no population. The supply relies entirely on the SND area, which is actually very fragile. Fortunately, the supply line is relatively short, the longer one is 1,780 kilometers, and the shorter one is only 30 to 40 kilometers. Even if the supply road is bumpy, it can finally be delivered to the frontline military station smoothly.

Before winter this year, the Haaland Territory worked hard to transport supplies to the Shanbei region, totaling about 90,000 tons.

Sixty thousand tons of this is grain.

Sixty thousand tons of grain is enough to feed 60,000 soldiers, 1,400 iron horned horses, 3,000 war horses, and tens of thousands of beasts of burden for a year.

The garrison at the front also allocated manpower to cut 20,000 tons of fodder in the autumn, reducing the amount of food consumed. After counting the amount of food stored in various military stations, Richard found that food supply is not a problem for the time being and he can eat it until August next year. By then, the snow has already melted and the summer grain has been stored. It is not too difficult to obtain supplies from the SND area.

Food consumed 60,000 tons of transportation, leaving 30,000 tons of materials. More than 25,000 tons were building materials, mainly reinforced concrete.

Twenty-five thousand tons of steel and concrete sounds like a lot, but spread over a width of nearly 600 kilometers and a dozen large military strongholds, it is actually a drop in the bucket and can only strengthen important strongholds.

Most of the frontline military stations are defended by civil walls built of mud and logs. Only in key areas were stone walls built with steel bars, cement, and stones.

The remaining 5,000 tons are mainly weapons, ammunition, cotton-padded clothes, tents and other logistics supplies.

After half a year of intensifying transportation and consuming hundreds of thousands of gold coins, the logistics supplies on the front line are relatively sufficient, the main strongholds have been reinforced, the food can last for ten months, and the logistics ammunition can last for more than half a year.

This year, due to the discovery of Snow Crystal Lake, the number of Tenghui potions refined in Harland's territory has increased significantly, and the army's supply has reached 15,000 bottles.

Richard used all this batch of Tenghui Potion in the Shanbei area. As of late October, the Shanbei garrison had increased by 863 professional officers.

According to past statistics, about ten Tenghui potions can train a professional.

Harland Territory spent 15,000 Tenghui potions to cultivate 863 professionals. The probability is much lower than normal, and the ratio is just over half of normal.

In previous years, Harland Leader, like other nobles, had a shortage of Tenghui potions. Users had to be carefully selected. Those who took the potions were elite warriors, so the probability of breakthrough could reach the optimal value, usually around one tenth. .

The supply of Tenghui Pharmacy issued this year has exceeded demand.

According to the standards of previous years, many soldiers who did not meet the conditions were eligible for exchange because of insufficient physical talent. Although a few people could rely on Tenghui potions to break the shackles, it seriously lowered the probability of advancement, which was only less than 100%. Five point seven is higher.

Although the probability is low, it has greatly increased the number of professionals in Harland's army. With the addition of 863 professionals, Richard could form half a brigade of all-professional troops.

Today, Harland leads the professional army with only a few formations, such as the Wyvern Knights, the Lion Cavalry, the Special Squadron, the Elf Squadron, the First Squadron of the First Brigade, and the Demon Hunter Squadron. Adding up all the large and small troops, the total number of all-professional troops is only over 500.

These more than 500 people gathered together to form the Sutton Detachment, which played a crucial role in the war.

With the addition of more than 800 professionals, Richard can not only make up for the vacancies in the elite troops, but also transform three infantry squadrons into full-time professionals: the 1st Squadron of the Headquarters Guard Brigade, the 3rd Squadron of the 2nd Brigade, and the 1st Squadron of the 3rd Brigade. army. The remaining four hundred professionals were enriched into the basic troops. The city defense army and the security army received special attention, and were assigned a backbone of three hundred people.

Three hundred professional officers have been strengthened. There are already more than 700 professional officers in the 16,000 city defense army and security army. Professionals account for nearly 5% of the total number.

From the perspective of the quality of the army soldiers, the Harland City Defense Army and the Security Army are no less than the 8th Battalion of the Mad Lion Legion that Richard served in that year, and the quality of the personnel far exceeds that of the second-line corps such as Feiying and Feiyan. As for weapons and equipment, Harland led the production of a large number of alchemy bombs, enchanted swords, and steel armors. Even if the city defense army's equipment was average, it was still a little better than the Eighth Brigade where Richard served back then.

Of course, the city defense army and the security army have not been tested in brutal battles, and their combat experience and fighting will are worse than those of the Eighth Battalion back then.

Taken together, both sides have their own advantages. Harland leads the 16,000 elites selected from the city defense army and the security army. Their combat effectiveness is already comparable to that of the weaker brigades of the Mad Lion Legion.

By next year, Richard plans to integrate all these 16,000 troops into the main army. Coupled with the new recruits trained this year, the number of Lord Harland's main troops will exceed 70,000.

There are 70,000 regular troops, enough for Haaland territory to defend the northern defense line, and even expand the buffer zone.

As soon as the heavy snow closed the mountains, the orc army braved the severe cold and moved south from the northern grasslands to attack the northern defense line of Harland's Mountain, hoping to pull out the nails that had penetrated the northern grasslands.

In particular, the orcs in the Puliland area used hundreds of thousands of satyrs and kobolds as food. In the severe winter, they assembled three legions of troops, crossed a 200-kilometer supply line, and moved the No. 10 military station, the core stronghold of the Beishan defense line. Surrounded by people.

On the third day of November, a commodity fair was still held in the southern part of the Duchy of Harland. People were laughing, drinking, and talking about a lot of big business, and it seemed peaceful and peaceful. But on the northern front line of the Eagle Mountains, in the ice and snow, fierce battles broke out between the soldiers and the orcs, and the situation was already very bad.

Outside Military Station No. 10, orcs were everywhere, and 80,000 troops swarmed out and besieged Military Station No. 10 from all directions.

The orcs did not care about casualties, and the battle was already fierce on the first day.

The siege only lasted for less than half a day, and the main force of the orcs suffered five to six thousand casualties. Because the orcs used elite soldiers and strong generals to attack the city, the defenders also suffered close to a thousand casualties.

With red eyes, Zhan Nings raised his eyes and glanced at the corner of the city wall, and found that the orcs had left a large number of bones. The desperate energy of the orcs made Zhan Nings, who had led the army for many years, feel a little scared.

Despite repelling the orcs again, Jennings still saw fear in the soldiers' eyes.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Nings got rid of the guards' obstruction, stood at the highest point of the city wall, roared with all his strength, gave a speech to the soldiers, and conducted battlefield mobilization.

"Behind our line of defense are our parents, brothers, sisters, wives and friends. No matter how ferocious the orcs are, our mission is to hold on to this stronghold. As long as we hold on here, we can protect the safety of our families. Even if we die or sacrifice in battle, as long as Ha The Landlord is still there, and His Majesty the Duke will provide us with pensions, so that our family will have enough food and clothing, and our children will grow up to adulthood.

As a soldier, I will give my loyalty and passion to the respected lord. Please be a witness. As long as the military order to retreat is not issued, I, Zhannings, will never take a step back.

If my left foot moves back, please cut off my left foot. If my right foot moves back, please cut off my right foot. If my body moves back, please chop off my head.

This line of defense starts with me. Everyone is only allowed to move forward and not retreat. After the war, I will count every corpse. For those who die in battle with wounds to their backs, pensions will be stopped and their families will be reduced to indentured servants. "

After mobilizing on the battlefield, Jennings fulfilled his promise very well. In the next two battles, he stayed at the front.

Jennings's leading role greatly boosted morale. Even though the defenders of Fortress No. 10 had nearly a thousand casualties, they still blocked the orcs' violent attack and interrupted the orcs' offensive momentum.

After two days of fierce attack, Castle No. 10 could not be taken, and the orcs were forced to adopt a siege.

Under the command of Commander Ju Xiao, he divided his troops into eight brigades to surround Castle No. 10, and then led more than 20 brigades south to attack the No. 5 and No. 6 military stations in the south of Castle No. 10.

There are only about 3,000 defenders at the No. 5 Military Station. Facing the main orc army, they are unable to fight in the field and can only defend the core stronghold. It was only thanks to Soldier No. 6 standing at the rear to contain the attack that the orcs' attack was stopped.

The width of Jennings' defense line is about fifty kilometers, with a strength of 14,000 troops. They are mainly stationed at the three military stations No. 10, No. 5, and No. 6.

Among them, Castle No. 10 is the focus of defense, with a total garrison strength of 6,500. Military Station No. 5 is located in the middle, with the smallest garrison of about 3,000 troops. Military Station No. 6 is located 50 kilometers north of Nitburg, with a garrison of 4,500 troops.

Because most of the garrison was mobilized to the defense line of the military station, Nitburg was very empty. There were only more than a thousand city defense troops responsible for protecting the transportation lines.

Richard was inspecting the No. 7 Military Station. After receiving the request for reinforcements from Jennings, he decisively mobilized the No. 7 Military Station defenders to reinforce the No. 5 Castle.

No. 7 Military Station is located to the west of No. 5 Military Station. The distance between the two places is about fifty kilometers. If the infantry marches in a hurry, the journey will take less than a day.

However, marching in winter often cannot be done so quickly in freezing weather. Human beings are not as good as orcs in their ability to withstand severe cold. It takes at least two days to walk a short distance of fifty kilometers in winter.

In order to speed up his troops, Richard directly led the first brigade of Warcraft Cavalry and the soldiers of the guard brigade on horseback.

The area from Military Station No. 7 to Military Station No. 5 has been separated from the mountainous area, and there are flat roads along the way. Even though riding a war horse in winter is very hard, it actually only takes half a day.

Warcraft war horses are fast and have strong endurance, especially the Iron Wildebeest, a specialty horse breed in the Eagle Mountains. They like the cold climate and will soon leave the guard group riding ordinary war horses far behind.

Starting in the morning, it was just after noon, and the city wall of No. 5 Military Station was already visible in the distance.

Above the Warcraft Cavalry, the Lion Knights continued to circle high in the sky, sending reconnaissance information to Richard.

"It seems that the orcs have become smarter. They changed their commander and even learned the tactics of encirclement and reinforcements."

After receiving the news that the lion knight had detected it, Richard rode on a tall iron horned horse and took out the map from the cowhide. He jumped off his horse, laid the map on the suitcase, pointed in the direction of Military Station No. 5 and said: "The Orcs set up two traps in the east and west with the No. 5 Military Station as the center, trying to separate us from Soros's troops. Circle.

Relying on only twenty-four brigades, I don’t know why the orcs are so arrogant and think they have such good teeth? Since the orcs want to touch us, we will grant their request. "

The orcs used four brigades and about 8,000 men to besiege the No. 5 Military Station.

The ambush in the west of No. 5 Military Station is divided into two parts. There are about eight brigades in the north, mainly targeting the reinforcements of No. 7 Military Station. There are about five brigades in the south, and the main opponent is Castle No. 6 reinforcements.

There are nine brigades in total in the ambush in the eastern part of Castle No. 5, with Soros's department as the main opponent.

Because both sides have flying reconnaissance units, each other's opponent's formation is clearly known. As if playing a bright card, strategies and tactics are basically useless.

Richard let the Warcraft Cavalry rest for a while, cut down some trees and lit a bonfire. After regaining his energy, he led the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade and charged fiercely at the opponent.

Even though the orcs had eight brigades of soldiers, more than ten times the number of the Warcraft Cavalry brigade, Harland still led the charge of the Warcraft Cavalry without hesitation.

"Charge forward, crush the enemy, and defeat your opponent."

Richard stretched out his left hand and waved the enchanted sword. Seeing that he was within attacking range, he decisively activated his magic power and released the starlight bomb.

In an instant, a thick starlight fell into the orc army formation, and a loud bang exploded in the orc army formation, as if a mountain collapsed and the earth cracked, raising dust a hundred meters high.

In an instant, the orc forward group was completely defeated. More than 500 people were killed directly, and about a thousand people were injured in total, including minor and serious injuries.

The giant owl commander was flying high in the sky and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw this scene. Although he had heard Kui Bing talk about the power of the Starlight Bomb, he didn't believe it in his heart, thinking that Kui Bing was shirking responsibility and exaggerating. Now that he had seen the power of the star bomb with his own eyes, Commander Giant Owl suddenly became frightened and broke out in a cold sweat.

"The power of this blow is not weaker than the legendary fourth-level spell. Could it be that Duke Harland actually has a legendary fourth-level magic treasure? I don't know if the use limit of this treasure is too big. If the use limit is lower, , that would be bad.”

Taking advantage of the collapse of the orc forward brigade, Richard led the Warcraft Cavalry to easily crush the opponent.

After overcoming the obstruction of the orc forward brigade, Richard ignored the arrows fired by the orc brigade on both wings and suddenly let the nine hundred iron horned horses launch magic missiles at the second echelon of the orc army.

Nine hundred magic missiles hit, almost destroying the second echelon of the orcs.

The second echelon of the orcs had just breathed a sigh of relief under the attack of the star bomb, and was hit by 900 magic missiles. In an instant, about 500 or 600 people were injured or killed.

A quarter of the soldiers suffered casualties, and there must be a big gap in the formation. Richard led the soldiers to rush in, instantly defeating the orcs' will to resist, and defeating the second echelon of the orcs' opponents.

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