Lord Harland

Chapter 375 Meeting Minutes

After educating their daughter, Richard and Sophia returned to their temporary residence together.

Although No. 9 Military Station is on the front line, Richard still has a very good living environment. Although his residence is not luxurious, it is also a complete courtyard. There are more than a dozen large and small masonry houses, adding up to several hundred square meters.

Sophia took out a parchment book from the space bag and handed it to Richard.

"You did not attend this year's annual financial meeting. I brought the minutes of the meeting. You have time to take a look."

Richard looked through the minutes of the meeting. The first page was the population data compiled by the household registration department.

After the invasion of the northern prairie, the territory rescued 230,000 slaves and merged into the Earl of Martins, which also added 6,000 people. After entering winter, the Harland territory also accepted thousands of refugees from the Eagle Mountains.

The number of newborns this year is also close to 70,000. In addition, Richard spent 50,000 gold coins and purchased 10,000 slaves. Thousands of free people have also migrated from other territories. According to statistics from the household registration department, there are more than 1,803,600 people in Harland Territory this year.

With a population of 1.8 million, the population of Harland Territory has ranked third in the Grant Kingdom, second only to the royal family and the Duke of York.

Originally, the Duke of Jonathan had a population of 2 million, surpassing the Duke of Harland. However, a few years ago, 40,000 troops were moved to the Grand Duchy of Stanik, and more than 200,000 people were lost including family members.

In addition, part of the territory was assigned to the Harland family, which resulted in a loss of 60,000 to 70,000 people. In addition, some nobles migrated to the Grand Duchy of Stanek. Now the population loss of the Duke of Jonathan is very serious, and it is no longer as good as the Duke of Harland.

The Duke of York is inland, and its territory is a prosperous land with a population of more than three million. If it wants to catch up with the number of people in the Duke of York, it will probably take more than ten years of rapid development, and it is unlikely to be possible in the short term.

There are already 810,000 free citizens out of a population of 1.8 million. From the field tax alone, more than 200,000 gold coins were collected.

As the territory becomes more and more prosperous, revenue from commercial taxes and customs duties are increasing rapidly. Coupled with very stable real estate taxes, Harland's tax revenue has increased very quickly this year, reaching more than 32,000 gold coins.

The most important income Harland receives is the income from monopolized goods, not taxes.

This year, when hunting snow crystal fish, Haaland has another major income-generating product.

By refining the Tenghui Potion, the Harland Territory Army not only added more than 800 professionals, but the Mercenary Association, Demon Hunter Union, and Intelligence Department also increased their strength and trained more than 100 professionals. Counting these people, there are more than a thousand new professionals in the Harland territory this year.

In addition to internal use in the territory, Richard also traded Tenghui potions, exchanged 46,000 gold coins of grain and ore from the nobles of Gedda Province, and traded 50,000 gold coins of extraordinary materials at the commodity expo. I got back more than 10,000 gold coins in supplies and more than 30,000 gold coins in IOUs. A large amount of meritorious deeds and 84,000 gold coins in cash were recovered from the army officers and soldiers.

Not counting the debts owed by the vassals or the meritorious service of the officers and soldiers of the territory, hunting the snow crystal fish not only saved the territory a lot of expenses, but also brought profits of more than 200,000 gold coins.

Agriculture in the Harland Territory is also going well this year. Although Martins County has delayed spring plowing and can only sow some beans with a short maturity period, the agricultural output in this area is very low. Richard needs to feed an additional 300,000 people.

However, there was a lot of food surplus in the territory last year. This year, the total grain output in the territory exceeded one million tons. In addition to the 10,000 to 20,000 tons of grain traded with the nobles of Gedda Province, the food in Harland Territory is completely sufficient.

Even though a lot of food was consumed in transporting military rations, the territory's food reserves were still maintained at a very high level.

It's just that Harland has led an increase in the flour manufacturing industry. This year, more than 300,000 people need to be fed, and the grain cannot be sold for cash.

Although the grain could not be sold, the income from flour manufacturing increased significantly.

Although the selling price of flour has dropped by 15% this year, the wholesale price of flour in the territory has dropped to five gold coins per ton of flour. The industry has overall reduced profits, but hundreds of thousands of freedmen have been added, and the consumer market is still Rapid expansion.

Six state-owned flour mills handed over a profit of 140,000 gold coins this year, and four private flour mills also paid a tax of 43,000 gold coins to the territory, but this part of the tax was included in the tax revenue.

More than 90,000 square kilometers of land were expanded, and the pasture area of ​​Harland territory increased significantly. However, due to the restrictions of the consumer market, the production capacity of cattle and sheep cannot increase rapidly.

The number of sheep in stock was too high in the past few years, and Richard needed to find a way to sell mutton in Nolan and give away more than half of the profits. If it weren't for the low breeding costs, he might not be able to afford such losses.

Now that the consumer market has been cultivated, the breeding sector naturally needs to be stable.

Harland now controls more than 300,000 satyrs in the territory. These satyrs are just slaves in terms of status. By squeezing more than 300,000 satyr slaves, the government-run ranch turned over a profit of 110,000 gold coins.

Due to the outbreak of war this year, military output has increased significantly, and coupled with the demand for railway construction, steel production capacity has once again reached capacity. By the end of the year, Harland Land had produced 24,000 tons of steel and more than 40,000 tons of iron.

After the surge in production, the price of steel products fell again. The retail price reduction was not large, and the wholesale price once again dropped by 20%. Although prices have fallen, the steel manufacturing industry has still increased profits by 20% due to the surge in production capacity.

This year the Steel Department handed over 240,000 gold coins to the territory.

The market size of brown sugar has also begun to stabilize, and the brown sugar sales market has begun to become saturated. This year, it has brought a profit of 110,000 gold coins to the Harland territory.

The real estate industry began to flourish more and more.

The real estate industry has a long industrial chain, involving masonry, cement, glass, wood, etc.

This kind of industry related to people's livelihood has a strong financial attribute. Richard has always prohibited private companies from entering the real estate development market. Freedmen who moved into a new house had to pay Richard an installment payment for the house every year. This income was actually very stable.

This year, the income from the real estate market has exceeded that of the brown sugar trade, bringing a profit of 130,000 gold coins to the territory.

Because of the Southern War and the invasion of orcs, the arms trade is still very prosperous. More than 8,000 alchemical bombs were sold, and thousands of searing ray guns were sold, plus thousands of pieces of iron armor, a small amount of force field shields, and magic props. . Arms sales brought a profit of 120,000 gold coins to the territory.

Minting coins is also a hugely profitable industry, and the Harland territory is still in a money shortage. This year, it minted 110,000 gold coins in metal currency, and also printed 100,000 vouchers.

Compared with last year, residents in the territory have a little more confidence in vouchers, and some vouchers are already circulating in the market in small quantities.

In addition to printing vouchers, Richard also issued a portion of treasury bonds for the first time, with an annual interest rate of 2%. The amount of this portion of treasury bonds was very small, and the initial issuance was only 60,000 gold coins, which were basically distributed to soldiers and civil servants.

Because of the issuance of vouchers and treasury bonds, new markets began to emerge, and there were already some bond merchants in the territory who purchased vouchers.

Financial sectors such as coin minting, voucher printing, and treasury bond issuance have brought cash income of 260,000 to the territory this year.

This income is second only to the tax department.

Although this is the second year since the establishment of Duke Halland's Bank, its profit has exceeded 60,000 gold coins. However, Richard did not ask for this part of the profit to be turned over and remained in the banking system to replenish capital.

As the population of Harland Territory increases, the cotton spinning industry market is also expanding. This year, the cotton spinning industry has brought a profit of 80,000 gold coins to the territory. The soap and toilet soap industry is still increasing production capacity, turning in a profit of 60,000 gold coins this year.

Pharmaceutical income is now also an important income of Harland Territory. With the development of more than ten years, the level of medical skills in Harland Territory has gained a high reputation in the Grant Kingdom. Some Nolan nobles have to go to Harland Territory Hospital when they get sick. see a doctor.

His medical proficiency made him famous, which greatly helped Harland lead the pharmaceutical sales department. Nowadays, in the Grant Kingdom, the medicines produced by Harland Territory have also become very popular commodities.

In addition to the two blockbusters of hemostatic ointment and painkilling pills, Haaland led the drug research and development department to develop more than a dozen new drugs. These new drugs have a certain market. The drug sales department turned in a profit of more than 100,000 gold coins this year.

The coal industry is also improving steadily, especially the second coal mine in the Losa Basin, which has increased its output to 100,000 tons this year. This year, the Harland Territory Exploration Department discovered the third coal mine in the upper reaches of the Burnie River. The construction of the No. 1 mine has been completed, and the output in the first year of mining has exceeded 10,000 tons.

Harland's coal output has reached 320,000 tons this year, and the three coal mines have collectively turned in a profit of 76,000 gold coins.

The rest are basically some medium-sized industries, with a total profit of close to 200,000 gold coins.

Including the 60,000 gold coins from the issuance of treasury bonds, Haaland received a total of 1.83 million gold coins in cash income this year. Not counting the 60,000 gold coins from treasury bonds, there were also 1.77 million gold coins, which is still 2% compared with last year. One hundred and thirty-five thousand gold coins increased.

Next year, when production resumes in Martins County, more than 200,000 freedmen will be added, and the fiscal revenue is expected to surge, possibly exceeding the level of two million gold coins.

The fiscal revenue of nearly 1.8 million gold coins is equivalent to one-third of the royal family's level. The royal family controls a population of more than 12 million people, has complete minting rights, and has a variety of monopoly commodities.

If the Grant Kingdom did not have various local protectionist policies and implemented liberal trade, the Harland Territory's current productivity could produce ten times more goods. However, everyone from the royal family to the territorial nobles resented the loss of precious metals and formulated strict local protectionist policies to restrict the commodity market in the Harland territory.

The market cannot be expanded, and Haaland can only make small efforts and rely on cultivating the domestic demand market, without making much excess profits.

Nowadays, in the Harland territory, there are gradually voices calling for breaking local protectionism and opening up the door. If the Dawn Plane were not an extraordinary world, an alien version of the Opium War might have broken out.

With nearly 1.8 million gold coins in cash income, the territory’s expenses this year are also staggering.

There are now 58,000 regular troops in Harland Territory, 55,000 soldiers with citizenship rights, and only 4,000 indentured soldiers left. Richard also increased the salary and subsidies for the 20,000 city defense troops and security troops on the front line.

The salary of the 90,000 soldiers in Harland's territory reached 760,000 gold coins. Coupled with the bounty of more than 100,000 gold coins, the total expenditure on military salary was 910,000 gold coins.

In addition, the pension for disabled and killed families also reached 45,000 gold coins a year.

The logistics expenditure of the 90,000-strong army is also a very huge expense. This year, a lot of resources were consumed to build the defense line of the military station. Transporting materials to the front line entailed huge additional costs. This year, a total of 250,000 gold coins were consumed.

The military expenditure exceeded 1.2 million gold coins. If it were not for a significant increase in fiscal revenue, Harland Territory might not be able to expand its military this year.

Military spending has increased so much this year that it already accounts for 65.8% of fiscal revenue, a significantly higher proportion than last year.

Military revenue exceeds 1.2 million, and government expenses are also rising.

Now there are 12,000 civil servants under Harland's leadership. Their salaries plus welfare subsidies will consume 140,000 gold coins. Because the burden of military expenditures was too heavy, Richard ordered civil servants to cut their salaries by 30%, reducing the salaries of civil servants to less than 100,000 gold coins. Compared with last year, the number of civil servants increased by nearly 3,000, and the total expenditure barely increased.

This year, the population of Harland Territory increased by more than 300,000, with an additional Martins County, four more elementary schools, and one more middle school.

Today, Haaland has 20 primary schools and five middle schools, with more than 30,000 students enrolled.

If you want to popularize education, you must lower tuition fees. Nowadays, the annual tuition fee for Harland Primary School is only two silver coins, which is roughly equivalent to two weeks' salary of an adult man, which is about 180 pounds of wheat.

Because tuition fees are low, the education industry will certainly suffer losses. Thirty thousand yuan has been invested in education this year.

Even though the medical hospital admitted some wealthy foreign nobles, it was unable to make ends meet. Now there are more than ten hospitals in Harland Territory, and they also provide free medical treatment to indentured servants.

The investment in the medical port has exceeded 60,000 gold coins, and the burden is gradually increasing.

Because Tenghui Potion was sold at the commodity expo in exchange for 50,000 gold coins for extraordinary materials, the funding for the Mage Association and the scientific research department has been reduced this year, adding up to about 80,000 gold coins.

In addition, an important investment this year is the construction of more than 30 kilometers of railway. It costs 1,500 gold coins to build one kilometer of railway. Although the 30 kilometers of railway is short, it still consumes 50,000 gold coins. And investing in railways will take a long time to get back the money.

In addition, the territory built several steamships this year, which cost more than 10,000 gold coins. Ten thousand slaves were purchased, consuming fifty thousand gold coins in cash.

Overall, there is a total of 240,000 gold coins left this year, plus the 690,000 gold coins left over from last year. A huge sum of 930,000 gold coins has been deposited in the territorial treasury.

This year's hunting of snow crystal fish in the territory consumed a lot of merit, which undoubtedly reduced the cash expenditure cost of the Harland territory.

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