Lord Harland

Chapter 398 Exploring the Realm of the Dead

Because they didn't know what dangers there were in the world of the dead, no one dared to light the magic lamp. Richard hurriedly used the second-ring magic dark vision and found that the place they were in was also a cave. γ€πŸ††πŸ††πŸ††πŸ†‚πŸ†ƒβ™¦β™¦β™¦β™¦πŸ…²β™¦πŸ…Όγ€‘

There is still a stone door in the cave. There is a card slot on the stone door, and the ruby ​​ring is intact and set in the card slot.

Richard took off the ring, looked at the dusty world of the dead, led everyone out of the cave, and began to carefully explore the surrounding situation.

Although everyone is a high-level professional, the speed of exploring the world of the dead is still very slow, and every step must be carefully considered and taken with caution.

The three-ring magic used by magicians to hide the aura can only hide the detection of low-level and medium-level undead. Once the whereabouts of everyone are noticed by the intelligent high-level undead, the location of the undead passage may be exposed.

If the undead king discovers the coordinates of this plane passage, and the undead passage happens to be not completely destroyed, the undead king can pass through the plane passage and invade the dawn plane in reverse.

Although the seal arranged by Shao Gongyuan is very powerful and ingenious, it is inferior to the method of the Undead Lord. Fortunately, Shao Gongyuan left a backup plan. Once Richard uses the Star Sword, he can destroy the plane passage. In fact, he took the initiative to close the plane channel.

After Richard and others walked out of the cave, they walked more than ten kilometers south and soon discovered a stronghold where the undead gathered.

Sylph was the most agile and decided to investigate this undead stronghold first.

Richard and Undine used optical invisibility and breath sealing techniques on Sylph respectively, and Sylph suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Sylph is already a legend, with an agility attribute of over 20 points. If she breaks out at full speed, her speed will be extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, Sylph penetrated deep into the undead stronghold. Her movements were not only fast but also very light. However, the high-level undead who owned this stronghold were not very smart and did not notice it.

About half an hour later, Sylph successfully returned and whispered: "This stronghold is a cemetery of the undead. There are three high-level undead inside. They are all creatures without intelligence. We can easily destroy them."

"Don't take action yet. There may be intelligent undead creatures nearby. If the intelligent undead creatures discover the abnormality, we will also be in trouble."

Richard spread out the map, quietly marked it, and then continued to lead everyone in the investigation.

Entering the world of the dead, Richard found that the density of the dead here was indeed very high.

After walking more than ten kilometers south from the Skeleton Tomb, we discovered another mummy nest.

Compared to the most common skeletons in the undead world, mummies have very weak vision, and their combat power is greater than that of skeletons. They also possess corpse poison, making them relatively difficult to deal with.

This time it was Sylph who took action again to investigate the mummy's lair.

There are two high-level undead creatures in the mummy's lair. The number of mummies adds up to about three hundred. With the strength of Richard and others, it can be regarded as a relatively easy undead stronghold to defeat.

Just at the beginning of the investigation, the expedition team discovered two undead creature strongholds.

The expedition team are all high-level professionals with far more energy than ordinary people. Even though it has been more than half a day since they entered the world of the dead, no one is tired at all.

After leaving the mummy's lair and continuing to walk for three hours, everyone discovered a towering palace complex twenty kilometers away from the mummy's lair.

The undead in this palace are obviously more powerful and difficult to deal with than the skeletons in the cemetery and the mummies in the cave.

Facing this opponent, even Sylph's face looked a little solemn this time, and she started to test cautiously.

The investigation lasted for four hours. Undine and Sutton already had some worries on their faces, and even Richard was a little impatient. He asked William to meet Sylph near the palace, ready to fight at any time.

Just when everyone's endurance was almost exhausted, Sylph finally returned successfully.

"How is it going?"

Sylph whispered: "The situation in the palace is a bit troublesome. At the core is a sleeping corpse demon. It should have a certain degree of wisdom. Judging from the level, it is estimated to be a legendary undead creature. There are a huge group of corpse demons inside the palace complex. The total number is in the thousands.”

After hearing what Sylph had detected, Richard thought to himself: "We left the plane passage and walked about fifty-five kilometers south, and then we discovered legendary undead creatures. The density of undead in this world is too high. "

"Don't go to the south yet. I think we should use the plane passage as the starting point and turn around and go to the east first."

William thought for a moment and put forward his own opinion.

In fact, with the strength of Harland's expedition team, it is not troublesome to enter the corpse palace and kill this suspected legendary undead creature.

Richard and Sophia can release starlight bombs six times. Starlight bombs are very powerful to clear out miscellaneous soldiers and can solve most troubles.

Sylph, William, Sutton, and Undine are also very strong professionals. Together with the assistance of Thoros, Wilde, Ruola, Wendy, and others, they have enough power to defeat the Corpse Palace.

However, Richard wanted to obtain resources in the world of the dead for a long time and was not willing to make a one-time deal. Therefore, he was not completely sure and was not willing to fight rashly.

The power of the star bomb is so great that it can be easily detected even from a hundred kilometers away. Once the noise is too big, everyone is at risk of leaking it. If the top brass such as the legendary lich is alerted, it will cause trouble for future exploration of the world of the dead.

The expedition team adopted William's advice, carefully bypassed the Corpse Palace, and walked east along the Corpse Palace for more than 20 kilometers. The expedition team made new discoveries.

This time it was a ghoul. Sylph once again lived up to her expectations and detected information from the ghoul tomb. She found that there was only one high-level undead in the ghoul tomb, and the number of ghouls was also very small, compared to the skeleton tomb. The power of the garden is weaker.

Within the undead world, there are not only various undead nests, but also many undead scattered in the wild. However, most of these undead are low-level undead creatures. Under the deliberate avoidance of Richard and others, the low-level undead creatures are not able to escape at all. Their whereabouts may be discovered.

After crossing the ghoul tomb and continuing eastward for more than ten kilometers, Richard and others saw living creatures for the first time.

In addition to undead creatures in the undead world, there are also some special creatures that absorb negative energy, such as death spiders, scarabs, etc.

What appeared in front of Richard and others was a pyramid. The pyramid was supposed to be the mummy's lair, but after Sylph's investigation, she found that there were no mummies in the pyramid, and instead there were a large number of scarabs living in it.

The scarab is a special type of magical creature. This creature is not high in level and is considered a magical insect like the purple-headed peak, but it is very troublesome to deal with.

Especially in the special environment of the undead world, there is no benefit. It is impossible for Richard to fight with these dung beetles.

After crossing the pyramid and continuing eastward for about twenty kilometers, Richard and others discovered the three-headed hell dog.

The three-headed hell dog is also a special high-level monster. When it reaches adulthood, its professional level is equivalent to the ninth level. This kind of monster's favorite food is soul fire, and it likes to live in a plane full of negative energy.

The adult Cerberus is very tall, similar in size to a Tyrannosaurus rex. This kind of monster can spit out a stream of black smoke, which is extremely corrosive. It can turn the corpse of its prey into blood and water, and its soul becomes his dessert.

The three-headed hell dog not only possesses wisdom, but also has extremely powerful vision and smell. Although the investigating Sylve is blessed with optical invisibility, breath sealing and other spells, the breath of life in her body still makes the three-headed hell dog have discovered.

As if smelling the scent of prey, the three-headed hell dog opened its mouth and was about to let out a silent roar when Sylph took action decisively and shot the elf feather arrow.

Sylph's archery level is no less than that of Richard and Thoros. After being promoted to legend, she is even better than them. Because her mental power has been greatly improved, she can already control magic arrows.

In order to kill the three-headed hell dog unexpectedly, Sylph used a high-level enchanted arrow. This arrow is already a seventh-level enchanted item. It not only has strong penetrating power, but also contains magic damage. If it hits a critical point, even a ninth-level demon beast with thick skin and thick flesh will not be able to survive.

The arrows shot by Sylph were extremely fast, like bullets. They arrived in front of the three-headed hell dog in the blink of an eye, aimed at its mouth, and wanted to shoot through the three-headed hell dog's head.

At the critical moment of life and death, the three-headed hell dog's eyes released a red light, which was the seven-ring magic negative energy rainbow light contained in the body.

The negative energy rainbow light between the electric light and flint accurately hit the high-level enchanted arrow. There was an explosion on the arrow, and the arrow shaft with a lower material grade instantly shattered.

It was discovered that the magic arrow continued to break through the red light blockage, and a trace of spatial ripples appeared on the body of the three-headed hell dog. In an instant, the three-headed hell dog appeared hundreds of meters away, apparently transformed by the four-ring magic.

Discovering that the enemy was far more powerful than he expected, the three-headed hell dog was just about to escape when Richard had already released the three-ring magic immobilization technique on it.

Even though the Cerberus has high magic resistance, the time it is immobilized is very short. But in this moment, Sylph has already gained enough opportunities.

The magic arrow circled in the air, like a bolt of lightning, and shot at the three-headed hell dog again.

When the three-headed hell dog had just gotten rid of the entanglement of the immobilization technique, the magic arrow had accurately shot into the three-headed hell dog's mind. The magic flame released by the arrow burned the three-headed hell dog's brains dry in an instant.

After killing this powerful monster, Richard immediately put the body of the three-headed hell dog into a storage bag.

Compared with ordinary warcraft, the flesh and blood of the three-headed hell dog is full of negative energy and cannot be eaten by humans. The magic core can only be used in special places, but the canine teeth and eyes are precious casting materials.

In fact, to the necromancer, the corpse of the three-headed hell dog is more precious than the corpse of the ninth-level monster. The corpse of the three-headed hell dog can easily be turned into a corpse demon. This kind of corpse demon has stronger combat power than the steel golem. Apart from the body of the Cerberus, the remaining materials are easy to collect.

Although the Harland Territory has the inheritance of the Necromancer, it has no connection with the Necromancer organization. Naturally, the body of the three-headed hell dog cannot be realized through the Necromancer.

Richard has a bright future, so he naturally does not need to specialize in the methods of the necromancer. Everyone in the Dawn Plane wants to beat up the Necromancer. Richard is a Duke and a nobleman and does not want to be associated with the Necromancer.

In order to avoid leaking the traces and letting the nearby intelligent high-level undead notice it, Richard planned to store the body of the three-headed hell dog in the bottle of starlight until he returned to the plane of dawn for disposal.

After killing the three-headed hell dog, everyone was more careful on the road and continued walking for more than ten kilometers before discovering the Ghost Cave.

Compared with the physical undead, ghosts are more difficult to deal with.

Especially warrior-type professionals have relatively simple methods of fighting enemies, and they have no way to deal with such undead creatures.

Through careful investigation of the Ghost Cave, the expedition team has confirmed that there are no legendary undead in the Ghost Cave, and the number of ghosts is not very large. Relying on the magic methods of Richard and others, it is not troublesome to clean the Ghost Cave.

After investigating the Ghost Cave clearly, Richard estimated the distance and found that he walked about 60 kilometers east from the Corpse Palace.

It was found that the eastern part of the reconnaissance was almost done, and after everyone discussed it, they decided to turn north from the Ghost Cave.

The enemies in the undead world are strong and we are weak. Otherwise, you can take a magic hot air balloon to conduct reconnaissance in the air. You don’t need to go to such trouble. You can quickly detect the surrounding terrain and the distribution of undead creatures.

Unfortunately, there are many intelligent undead creatures in the undead world. In order to keep the secret, Richard and others can only hide in the dark. If you take action near the plane passage, you must ensure that the roots are eradicated. Once you fail to do this, you must return to the Dawn Plane, close the plane passage, and use the Star Sword to destroy the stone door to completely eliminate this hidden danger.

Unable to rely on magic hot air balloons for aerial reconnaissance, the expedition team can only rely on ground reconnaissance to obtain intelligence. They must also try to avoid various undead creatures along the way, and the reconnaissance speed is also relatively slow.

In twenty-four hours a day, he could only investigate six undead strongholds, covering a distance of about one hundred and twenty kilometers.

After turning north from the Ghost Cave, Richard saw that everyone was a little tired and rested for a while in a hill. Being in the world of the undead, of course it is impossible for everyone to fall asleep, and they can only take turns to watch and rest for an hour or two. Compared to mentally powerful magicians, melee professionals are in relatively worse shape if they don't rest for a long time.

After taking a short rest, everyone walked about 20 kilometers north and found an undead stronghold. The undead here were mainly skeleton warriors, but the leader was a wise skeleton mage. In order to prevent the skeleton mage from noticing the abnormality, Richard and others carefully detoured for more than ten kilometers.

The Tower of Bones continues to the north for more than ten kilometers and is the lair of the death knights. Death knights are high-level soldiers among the undead. There are a good number of death knights in this lair. There are only a dozen in total, but it is difficult to deal with them. But it's very troublesome.

After walking 25 kilometers north along the death knight's lair, Richard and his party discovered the Evil Eye Cave again.

There are more than thirty evil eyes of undead creatures living in this cave.

The evil eye is a magical weapon among undead creatures. Richard had personally seen the evil eye when he fought against the undead in the princess's tomb a few years ago. In that battle that year, in order to avoid a large number of casualties among the soldiers, Richard released the star bomb, killing a large number of death knights and evil eyes.

After walking about sixty kilometers to the north, it was estimated that they were now roughly in line with the plane passage. It had already taken a day and a half to enter the realm of the dead for reconnaissance. After discussing with everyone, Richard decided to change direction and rush back. .

On the way back, everyone also discovered a zombie nest.

The strength of the undead in the zombie lair is also very average. There are only two high-level undead without intelligence. It will be very simple for Richard and others to clear this place.

After two days of investigation, the situation in the undead world was an eye-opener for everyone. Through careful investigation, more than a dozen undead strongholds were recorded on the map. When the investigation scope becomes larger and the map becomes clearer, Richard can dispatch a team to wipe out an undead stronghold at once.

By destroying an undead stronghold, you can harvest soul crystals. The refined Styx potion can not only cultivate Harland territory magicians, but can also be sold for resources.

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