Lord Harland

Chapter 419 Promotion to the Eighth Ring

Richard originally planned to organize his manpower to enter the world of the undead again to investigate and find a way to hunt down some of the undead. Nowadays, Leader Harland refines a lot of Styx potions every year. The supply of dragon blood fruit and moonlight grass is very sufficient, but there is a shortage of soul crystals.

If you enter the world of the dead once a year and eliminate an undead creature stronghold, you can make up for this gap. With the help of the Styx Potion, at the same level, the mental power and magic power of the magicians of the Harland Mage Association will be significantly higher.

Increased mental power and magic power will not only make it easier to advance to a professional level, but the magician's combat effectiveness will also be greatly improved. Even if three of the cheapest elementary Styx potions are refined, the magic power can be increased by 17.5, which is enough to release two first-level spells.

For magicians below high level, at the same level, casting two more first-level spells can almost determine the outcome of a battle.

On the goddess's birthday last year, William did not return to Northern Xinjiang. Now Sylph also went to the mouth of the Black River. Without the protection of the two legendary close combatants, in order to avoid accidents, Richard could only postpone the time of entering the world of the dead.

Richard had just returned to Fort William from Graveson and took the time to visit Philip with Sophia.

After nearly a month of adaptation, Philip's arrogance was reduced a lot. He spent a long time with the slaves on the farm, and Philip also made several younger indentured slave friends.

Children's feelings are sincere, and they will not be influenced by power and interests like adults. Richard also did not expect that Philip, the Duke's son, would actually become friends with several indentured slave children.

Time flies by so fast, June is here in a blink of an eye, and summer harvest is about to begin. Philip also spent three months as an indentured servant on the farm. After three months of hard life, Philip's mind gradually began to mature.

Under the guidance of Zhan Nings, Phillip finally got started with breathing techniques, gained a sense of Qi in his body, began to awaken the seeds of fighting energy, and was successfully promoted to a junior warrior student.

After entering June, Richard asked Philip to move out of the farm. Before leaving, Philip also made a request to Richard, hoping that the families of several friends could be pardoned as freedmen in advance.

Richard happily agreed to Philip's request and took him back to Fort William.

Philip will first reunite with his fiancée Vivian for a few days to relax for a while, and then he will work in a brick kiln and experience the life of a free man for nine months.

Because he had experienced a more difficult life as an indentured servant, Philip adapted faster this time.

Phillip's education was on the right track, and Richard let go of his worries.

Entering the dawn calendar year 3273, Richard's mage level took a step further in May this year, and he was successfully promoted to the eighth-ring mage.

After being promoted to the eighth ring, Richard's mental power went further and increased to sixty points.

After his mental power increased to 60 points, Li Chao awakened his lightning body talent.

The thunder and lightning body talent is similar to the flame body. They are both elemental magic talents. Awakening the thunder and lightning body doubles Richard's resistance to thunder and lightning attribute magic, and also enhances his meditation speed of absorbing and refining thunder and lightning elements. When releasing lightning attribute magic, Richard's magic power consumption will be reduced by half, and the power will be increased by one-third.

Normally, it takes thirty points of magic power for a magician to release a three-ring magic lightning beam. According to standard magic rules, the lethality is about forty-five degrees.

Li noticed that he had awakened his lightning body talent and released a three-ring magical lightning beam, which only cost fifteen points of magic power. He himself had awakened his powerful spellcasting talent, superimposed the lightning body, and the lethality of releasing this spell would reach one hundred and two. About ten degrees.

One hundred and twenty degrees of lethality, usually far exceeding that of six-ring magic, but slightly inferior to seven-ring plastic magic.

If Richard holds the thunder staff and releases a three-ring magic lightning spell, superimposing the effect of the thunder staff, the magic power will only be consumed by about ten points, and the lethality will increase to 180 degrees. One hundred and eighty degrees of lethality, far exceeding that of eight-ring magic, and second only to the strength of nine-ring magic.

After being promoted to the eighth level, Richard's magic power already reached 1,440 points. If he held the lightning staff, it would be enough to release 144 lightning beams.

If Richard acted as a fort mage, one hundred and forty-four lightning beams would be released, which would be equivalent to releasing one hundred and forty-four nine-ring spells. The firepower would be enough to defeat a regular legion.

Even if Harland's territory was well equipped and protected by a combined shield, it would not be able to withstand the continuous impact of more than a hundred powerful magic spells.

But a regular legion cannot just take a beating without fighting back. Facing the enemy's long-range attack, Richard has to release protective spells. If the two sides fight head-on, if the will of the regular legion is superimposed to the limit, Richard cannot be an opponent of the regular legion. Even if he holds legendary magic props such as a star necklace and a thunder staff, it still cannot change this.

Four star bombs would definitely not be able to kill a legion of soldiers. The maximum number of casualties is five to six thousand. As long as morale can be maintained, there are more than ten thousand soldiers left. Each of them can drown Richard with a drop of spit.

But a highly lethal mage like Richard is actually more difficult to deal with than a legion.

After Li noticed his second elemental magic talent, his mental strength was better than that of a legendary first-level mage. He also mastered legendary magic items such as the Star Necklace, Star Bottle, and Thunder Staff. In addition to magic resistance, spell selection Outside the scope, other methods are already better than the legendary first-level magician.

Richard, equipped with the Star Necklace, is actually as difficult to deal with as the legendary magician.

A legendary magician cannot fight you to the death in a war until the end.

The magician's methods are mysterious and unpredictable, and his ability to save lives is extremely strong. Not only can he open dimensional doors and enter different dimensional spaces to escape, but he can also master teleportation. If you fight near the mage tower, you can escape instantly. In addition, the magician also mastered levitation, flying, avatar, transformation, teleportation, transformation, shrinking and other strange spells.

In actual war, high-level magicians are far more difficult to deal with than soldiers and knights.

A legendary magician, if he disregards his face and concentrates on sneak attacks, assassinations, and ambushes, he can bring down a human kingdom.

Unless you have enough intelligence to set a trap in advance so that the legendary magician cannot escape.

More than ten years ago, Elena of the Venus family successfully controlled a civil strife. If it had not been for Duke Brener's scheme, the Grant family's dominance might not have been maintained.

Richard was promoted to the eighth ring in May, and Wendy also took a step further in June. Successfully promoted to the seventh-level mage, because she has been very lucky in the past two years and has continuously used the water of life and the legendary Styx potion. After being promoted to the seventh-level, Wendy's mental power increased to 42 points, and she awakened the talent of magic multiplication.

After Wendy's promotion, there are already five high-level mages in Harland. Among them, Richard, Sophia, Undine, and Wendy all have more than 40 points of mental power. They have awakened the powerful spellcasting and magic multiplication talents. His mental power is much higher than that of a mage of the same level, and he can actually fight across levels and easily defeat ninth-level opponents.

Wendy's current mage ability is actually much higher than that of Pansy and Evans of the Grant Mage Association. Pansy and Evans are already nine-ring mage, their mental power has not exceeded 40 points, and they have not awakened the magic power to double. talent. Although he has more spells, he is actually not as powerful as Wendy.

Sophia's mental power is three points higher than Wendy's. Because of her more outstanding talent, her magic power is nearly three hundred points more than Wendy's. Three hundred points of magic power is enough to release three nine-ring spells. Sophia's strength is obviously higher than that of Wendy. Dee went above and beyond.

Undine and Eve are both elf mages. They have very good talents and are also stronger than mages of the same level. Now, the power of the senior leaders of the Harland Mages Association has far exceeded that of the Grant Mages Association, and they are gradually able to compete with the same level of magic. organizations compared.

Although Sylph went to the East Coast Province, with the promotion of Richard and Wendy, and the increase in the strength of the Harland leader, the time has gradually matured to eliminate the ogre tribe.

Last year, Richard exchanged territory with the Duke of Edward, and the ogre tribe had fallen into the Harland Territory and was surrounded on three sides. Since Villa Castle fell into the hands of Harland Territory, the legendary ogre's lair is only about 40 to 50 kilometers away from Harland Territory.

It only takes a day and a half at most to send troops from Villa Castle to attack the ogre's lair.

The only trouble was insufficient logistics. In last year's war, the orcs had severely damaged the economy of Duke Edward, especially in border areas such as Villa Castle, which had almost no population.

Although the two sides exchanged territory, the situation has not recovered.

Last year, Haaland had plans to march south, but he never wanted to cause trouble and did not take action against the ogre tribe.

After the winter, the losses in the battle south were heavy, and Richard could not spare any troops. Now he has reorganized 20,000 prisoners of war from the United Kingdom on the east coast. After more than half a year of rest, the combat effectiveness of Haaland's army has been restored, and Richard is ready to conquer. The ogre tribe, the lowest goal is to drive away the ogre tribe.

In fact, since January this year, Richard has mobilized a lot of capable manpower from the direction of Martins Castle, and many conflicts have broken out with the ogres.

In just two or three months, Harland took the lead and killed more than 600 professionals and wiped out many ogre teams.

In dozens of consecutive skirmishes, the ogres killed about 400 people.

The number of ogres in the eastern part of the Eagle Mountains is very rare. At its peak, there were only about 2,600 people. Now, after years of consumption, especially the attack after the spring of this year, the number of ogres has been reduced to 2,000. Below, the space for activities has also been greatly reduced, and now the scope of activities is gradually shifting to the west.

After the Harland Territory exchanged territories with Edward and Fox Dukedom, the ogre tribe has been surrounded by the Harland Territory and basically has no way to survive.

The ogre territory is surrounded by the newly built Roman Castle in the Harland Territory in the north, Martins Castle in the east, Vera Castle in the south, and Sawyer Castle in the west.

The situation has developed to this point, and the ogre tribe can be said to be desperate.

Now the only factor that restricts Richard from sending out a large army to defeat the ogres is the logistical supplies and the population along the way.

In the era of feudal lords, population growth was mainly limited by factors such as the distribution of territorial resources, population carrying capacity, and surrounding situations.

Every noble lord wants to increase the population, because population is a very important wealth.

As long as a population is born and raised successfully, it can be sold on the serf market.

A male slave aged seventeen or eighteen is often sold for more than twenty gold coins, and even a cheaper female slave can be sold for more than a dozen gold coins. If it is a beautiful female slave, the price is even more incalculable, and can be sold for up to several hundred gold coins.

Therefore, the nobles must try their best to hope that the serfs will have more people.

However, noble fiefdoms are limited by natural resources and economic development levels, and it is impossible to increase the population without limit. When the population increases to the edge of the territory's carrying capacity, the nobles will control the population and find ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

The usual method was to sell serfs in exchange for gold coins, separate male and female slaves, strictly monitor them to avoid random mating, and maintain the number of slaves at a certain number through various means.

Today, Harland's territory is vast, with an area of ​​780,000 square kilometers, roughly equivalent to the three eastern provinces in Richard's previous life. The natural conditions are slightly better than those in the three northeastern provinces. At least the temperature in the Samba River Basin is not as harsh as that in northern Heilongjiang.

Although there are mountainous areas such as the Eagle Mountains in the territory, there are also large plains formed by the impact of the Black River Basin and the Samba River Basin. Even with the productivity of the feudal era, the population carrying capacity is at least about 50 million people.

Today, the total population of Harland Territory is only over seven million, which is far from the time when the population cannot bear it.

Therefore, Richard has always encouraged the population to have children. Whether they are free citizens or indentured servants, as long as they are pregnant and give birth to a child, they can receive subsidies from the Harland government. The subsidy for each child is about six silver coins a year.

Six silver coins are equivalent to one and a half months' salary for ordinary people. When used to buy grain, it can buy about 500 jins. If it is to buy coarse grains, it can buy 800 jins. Eight hundred kilograms of grain a year could barely feed two adult serfs.

Because Leader Haaland has been issuing maternity subsidies, the birth rate has remained at around 5% in recent years.

This number is a very scary figure, which means that even if there is no external population, the population can double every fifteen years.

Fifty years later, the population will increase eightfold, and Harland Territory will also experience a population crisis by then. If the territory cannot be expanded, it will eventually explode in place, which is unbearable.

Richard knew in his heart that in this era without entertainment and contraceptive facilities, if fertility was not controlled, the birth rate could usually be maintained at more than three percent. Although the birth rate is high, due to the underdevelopment of the medical field, the death rate is also very high. The population of most countries can basically maintain a balance.

If there is a severe war, the population will be greatly reduced.

Because of the invasion of the orcs, although the Grant Kingdom purchased slaves from outside every year, its population basically did not increase much for more than a hundred years.

This time it increased from more than 30 million to 50 million, mainly due to the annexation of the territorial population of the Delong Kingdom.

Due to the significant improvement in medical standards under Harland, the population death rate data has dropped sharply, and the population has increased very quickly. More than 20 years after the territory was established, the population of Harland Territory has grown from scratch to more than 7 million.

Although the total population of more than seven million is large, there are actually not many people near the four castles of Vera, Sawyer, Martins, and Roman.

Near the two castles of Vera and Soya, only 20,000 indentured slaves were moved in total, and the number of castle defenders was only about a thousand, which was unable to provide logistics for the large army.

Although the population near Roman Castle is larger, about 30,000, and although there are 4,000 garrison troops, the food reserves are very small, and they are unable to serve as a logistics base for the army.

Although Martins Castle is the farthest away from the ogre's lair, about 200 kilometers away, Martins County has a population of more than 300,000, which can barely provide a large amount of supplies. In addition, the railway line has been built near Songtao Castle, and it can be transported by railway. Supplies from the rear were transported to Martins County.

Therefore, the advance base can only be chosen in Martins County. After years of reconnaissance, Richard has already made a plan and decided to divide his troops into two groups, starting from Martins Castle, marching along the northern foot of the Vera Mountains, and marching from Songtao to Depart from the castle, walk along the upper reaches of the Kea River, cross the Vera Mountains, and join the Northern Route Army.

Wherever the army passed, it was just enough to clear out all the scattered ogre tribes.

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