Lord Harland

Chapter 437 The chaotic situation

At the beginning of the war, the three Dukes asked for reinforcements at the Noble Council. Because they were on the front line, they made the situation on the front line very serious.

Although there are many contradictions within the Grant Kingdom's great nobles, after all, everyone is prosperous and everyone suffers. If the three Dukes of Edward, Fox, and Guise are severely damaged and occupied by the Kingdom of Delon, the flames of war will burn into the three Dukes of Duran, Lorraine, and York. The six Dukes will not be able to withstand it, and the Grant royal family will not be able to support it.

Under the coordination of King Roger, York, Lorraine, and Duran almost tried their best to recruit 100,000 regular troops to participate in the war.

The three main legions of the royal family in the southern territory were also dispatched on all fronts, plus the conscripted noble coalition forces. The Grant royal family mobilized 300,000 regular troops to withstand the attack of the Delon Kingdom.

In this war, although the main force of the Delon Kingdom was reduced to 400,000, its combat effectiveness was far more powerful than a few years ago. The Delon Kingdom alone had the strength to suppress the 300,000 regular troops of the Grant Kingdom.

In previous battles, the troops used by the Grant Kingdom to deal with the Delon Kingdom were basically only 150,000 men.

A war broke out between the Kingdom of Delon and the Kingdom of Grant, and the nearby countries naturally followed the situation.

The first was the East Coast United Kingdom, which quickly formed three front armies. The first was the Marine Front Army, which was still 150,000 strong, including six legions and 30,000 naval troops.

However, because the Kingdom of Grant issued a sea movement order, this army was unable to attack coastal towns and replenish fresh water supplies. It could only go north from the mouth of the Oram River and was intercepted by the private army of the Four Marquises and the Royal Guards in the east of the Kingdom of Grant. In the Marquis of Guevara and Crean.

After losing its naval mobility, this front's threat to the Grant Kingdom was not serious.

The second one is the Andorra Front. The East Coast United Kingdom has assembled six legions and 120,000 troops in the southern part of the Andorra Mountains, preparing to cross the Andorra Mountains and regain the lost territory.

The five earls from the south of the Grant Kingdom formed a coalition of 90,000 nobles. They relied on the natural dangers of the Andorra Mountains to easily contain this enemy.

The third front is the main force of the United Kingdom on the east coast, totaling 200,000 people. This huge force is the western front.

The troops resisting this front are the four armies of the North, the Grizzly Bear, the Wild Lion, and the Iron Lion, plus the three counts of William, Steven, and Zachary.

The Earl of Steven was completely wiped out in the last war and now only has more than 10,000 new soldiers. Zachary has just been knighted and has only 8,000 soldiers. William has the support of the Duke of Harland and the smuggling income supplements it. Sixteen thousand soldiers were organized and trained. The three earls joined forces and only had 34,000 people.

Although the combat effectiveness of the aristocratic coalition in this direction was average, the four legions directly under the royal family were the most elite and powerful generals in the Grant Kingdom. Even though their military strength was at a disadvantage, they still withstood the enemy and maintained the stability of the situation.

The United Kingdom on the East Coast has a total of twenty-eight legions, plus 600,000 naval troops. However, in the war three years ago, the United Kingdom on the East Coast lost troops and generals, which actually damaged its foundation.

In the last war, the United Kingdom on the East Coast not only lost the legendary knight Mark Dean, but also annihilated more than 100,000 people in its establishment by the Harland Army. In other battlefields, they lost about 200,000 people at once.

Although prisoners have been redeemed and battle losses replenished in the past three years, the combat effectiveness of the six new legions has not yet been formed.

This time the East Coast United Kingdom mobilized 22 legions with a total strength of 470,000 troops. In fact, they have tried their best and are determined to succeed or not.

Grant's regular army, which fought against the United Kingdom on the east coast, also totaled about 350,000 people.

As various troops gradually join the war, the Grant royal family has mobilized all its forces. There are now only two newly formed regiments near Nolan Castle.

In recent years, as the direct territory has expanded, the military power directly controlled by the Grant royal family has also expanded and improved.

The royal family initially had seven centrally-administered legions, three of which were stationed in the three northern provinces and were frontier troops to defend against the orcs, and four were stationed in Nolan and were the forbidden army that suppressed the entire country.

The personnel of the Forbidden Army and the Border Army usually move on a large scale, and many border army officers who have made meritorious service will be transferred into the Forbidden Army. Members of the Grant royal family in the Forbidden Army will also be transferred to the frontier army.

Although the country has been established for many years, due to the powerful foreign enemy Orcs in the north, the combat effectiveness of the Grant Royal Family's Central Army has been maintained very well. In recent years, as the territory controlled by the royal family has become larger and larger, and its finances have increased, the Central Army has expanded to eleven , but the most powerful ones are still the frontier troops who have experienced the Northern Xinjiang War. The war continues until now, and except for the Harland Territory, the power of the Grant royal family and the great nobles is about to be exhausted.

After the armies of the Kingdom of Delon and the United Kingdom of East Coast entered the battle, the Kingdom of Lane soon declared war on the Kingdom of Grant.

The first to attack was the army of the Linus family. This army rushed into the Grand Duchy of Stanik. There were about 40,000 people along the way and launched an attack along the southern part of the Silver Wolf Mountains.

Then came the second army. There were four legions in this route, with a total strength of 80,000 people. They advanced along the Oram River and attacked the middle towns of the Grand Duchy of Stanik.

The third army has the largest number, with eight legions and 160,000 people. It wants to join the Delong Kingdom and advance along the Mara River. It wants to fight decisively with the main force, defeat the Grant Kingdom in one fell swoop, and achieve complete victory.

The Linus family's troops pose a serious threat to the Grand Duchy of Stanik.

After all, the Linus family was once the owner of the Grand Duchy of Stanik and ruled for more than a hundred years.

Many of Stanik's hereditary nobles are vassals of the Linus family. They were promoted to the hereditary noble class with the canonization of King Linus.

Although there were the fewest troops along this route, Archduke Jonathan decided to go out in person. He led a legion north from St. Jonathan Castle and assembled a coalition of 20,000 nobles to meet the enemy.

As the commander of the center, Archduke Jonathan appointed his eldest son Macmillan. Macmillan led two legionnaires and joined the two Dukes Marshall and Watson, with a total of 80,000 troops to deal with the enemy.

The army of the Kingdom of South Lane was so strong that Grand Duke Jonathan could only order Dukes Hughes and Sardin to form a coalition of nobles to serve as the first wave of reinforcements.

Before the Lion Kingdom entered the war, the Roger Kingdom had already discovered that its army was not enough. Immediately dispatch the Griffin Knight to communicate with Richard, hoping to mobilize troops from the Duke of Harland.

At this time, Richard had led his elite troops deep into the northern part of Puliland and began to exterminate the undead. In May, he was shocked when he received a letter from King Roger asking for help.

He never expected that the Grant Kingdom would be in danger of being surrounded by enemies on all sides.

King Richard and King Roger are both smart people and veterans of decades of war. If the Delong Kingdom takes the initiative to provoke a war this year, there must be people behind it.

Judging from the situation in surrounding countries, the Lion Kingdom immediately fell into Richard's sight.

The territory of the Dukedom of Harland has expanded to the size of a kingdom. Although the number of troops is small, its combat effectiveness can compete with that of a kingdom.

But without the support of the Grant Kingdom, they will also fall into a very passive situation.

After more than 20 years of running-in, Richard has developed basic mutual trust with King Roger. The two parties have dealt with each other many times, and the two families are even married. The Dukedom of Harland and the Kingdom of Grant are back-to-back, and the situation is actually a win-win situation.

Once the situation in the Grant Kingdom collapses, Richard would certainly be worried if it were anyone else. A large army will inevitably be stationed in the southern part of the Duchy of Harland. The two sides will fall into a confrontation, and it will be difficult to expand the northern territory.

In addition, once the Grant Kingdom collapses, the goods produced in the Harland Territory will inevitably be blocked, and the external market will be greatly reduced, which will also affect the finances of the Harland Territory.

Material and population transportation channels will also be cut off, which is also a very troublesome matter.

Maintaining the stability of the Grant Kingdom is actually maintaining the Duchy of Harland.

Moreover, from a moral point of view, Richard is still a vassal of King Roger. According to the moral standards of the nobles of the Dawn Plane, he should send soldiers to fight and be loyal to his lord.

After analyzing the situation in a short period of time, although he was still clearing out the undead, Richard immediately decided to withdraw his troops and gave the main force an order to mobilize before the war.

This time, in addition to a few elite troops, Richard mobilized the first and fourth legions for the southern expedition, accompanied by about 20,000 auxiliary troops.

Harland's army assembled very quickly and did not set up any camps along the way. It entered the Dukedom of Fox in late May and joined the reinforcements of Dukes Hughes and Sardin.

Although both sides have the same title, their strength is not comparable at all.

The two Dukes, Hughes and Sardin, are the Dukes within the Grand Duchy. Their territory is only 40,000 to 50,000 square kilometers. Not only are they inferior to the Dukes of the Kingdom of Grant, they are even less comparable to the Dukedom of Harland.

The combined strength of the two duchies of Hughes and Sardin is equal to that of the weaker duchies of the Grant Kingdom such as Edward and Guise, and their strength is roughly similar to that of the four eastern marquises of the Grant Kingdom.

The military combat effectiveness and industrial production capacity of the Dukedom of Harland can probably compete with the United Kingdom on the East Coast. Although it may not be as good as the Grant Kingdom, it is somewhat stronger than the power controlled by the royal family.

The power gap between the two sides is more than ten times. Dukes Hughes and Sardin are not fools, and of course they must obey Richard's military orders.

After the two armies met in the Dukedom of Fox, Richard immediately led his troops westward and decisively invaded the Kingdom of Lane.

Now Richard has an army of 100,000 under his command, and the food fodder required by the army of 100,000 requires at least 300 tons of food every day.

Now it was a life-or-death national war, and the Duke of Fox was almost risking his life to provide logistics for Richard's army.

In this battle, the Kingdom of Grant and the Grand Duchy of Stanek mobilized more than 800,000 troops on a battlefield covering an area of ​​more than 2 million square kilometers. The combined number of civilians and auxiliary soldiers who provided logistics for these 800,000 troops exceeded Millions of people.

Two million people were mobilized to participate in the war, which put extremely heavy pressure on both countries.

Although both countries are feudal classical militarist countries with very strong mobilization capabilities, the combined population of the two countries is less than 60 million, and there are only 16 million prime-age men. For this war, eight people have been mobilized. One in four prime-age men.

Just when Richard was about to lead his troops to invade the Kingdom of Lane, the magic fleet of the Sith Kingdom swarmed near the mouth of the Black River.

Leader Harland built a castle after the Black River entered the sea, and now hundreds of soldiers are stationed there. However, facing the enemy's elite soldiers and powerful magic ships, the castle's defense force was simply not enough, and it was quickly submerged in the Sith. The kingdom is on the attack.

The Sea Slave Catching Group of the Sith Kingdom sailed upstream along the Black River and quickly captured East City, the capital of the Duke of Jonathan.

Although most of the soldiers were mobilized to the Grand Duchy of Stanik, there were still 16,000 defenders at Castle East.

The soldiers of Duke Jonathan were very effective in fighting and withstood the attack of Yunhai Slave Catching Group.

Seeing that they could not capture East City, the Yunhai Slave Catching Regiment continued to advance along the Black River and actually invaded the Harland Territory.

The Yunhai Slave Catching Regiment originally planned to conquer Flying Eagle Fort, Tongshan Town, and Graveson along the river crossing, capture Black River Fort in one fell swoop, and severely damage the Harland Territory.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived at the river crossing, they were attacked by Harland's soldiers.

Although the defense focus of Harland Territory is heavy in the north and light in the south, heavy troops are stationed in the north of the Eagle Mountains. The three main forces of the Second Army, the Third Army, and the Fifth Army are all stationed in the north of the Eagle Mountains to defend against the orcs. Only the city defense army is stationed in the south. , security army.

However, the Harland Territory has a large number of flying units, and other magical hot-air balloon units that are gradually being phased out. Except for the attached artillery, they are basically deployed in the Heihe Province in the south.

Moreover, because of guarding the plane passage, Harland led a relatively elite army of 6,000 people in the Dragon Canyon. Including the security army and other second-line troops, Haaland's troops left in the south also numbered 46,000.

With a huge force, Haaland's troops soon blocked the Yunhai Slave Catching Group near the river crossing.

After the Yunhai Slave Catching Group fought several outposts with Harland's army, they immediately felt the seriousness of the situation.

Most of the castles in the southern region of Harland's territory, except for a few important cities such as Black River Castle, have not had time to equip magic crystal cannons. However, the castle's defenses are very complete, and the auxiliary troops and city defense troops are equipped with heavy trebuchets and alchemy bombs. .

The Yunhai Slave Catching Regiment made a tentative attack on Hebend Ferry. Although the city defense troops stationed in the attack suffered heavy losses, they actually lost seventy or eighty people. They bypassed the river crossing and attacked Flying Eagle Castle, but still failed to succeed. They suffered heavy casualties from the alchemy bombs thrown by the defenders at the top of the city. This time the casualties were as high as 150 people.

Although the Yunhai Slave Catching Regiment is a full-time soldier, it also has a gryphon cavalry of more than 100 people, and its combat effectiveness is far more powerful than the defenders. In two battles, 1,300 auxiliary soldiers led by Harland were killed. The casualty ratio reached one to six, which was far better than Haaland's.

However, the members of the Yunhai Slave Catching Group only have a dozen magic ships and less than 4,000 people. They are struggling with the huge Harland-led army. The scale of the Yunhai Slave Catching Group is simply not enough. Before they could take action and capture a castle, Harland's navy troops also appeared nearby.

After more than a year of construction, although only one magic ship was built, with several steam engines, Harland's Black River Fleet has expanded to more than 2,000 people.

Harland's magic ship was equipped with magic crystal cannons, which were extremely powerful. The twelve magic crystal cannons fired a salvo, causing the navy of the Yunhai Slave Catching Group to flee in panic. Even one of the magic ships was sunk. This In the first battle, Harland led the army to a complete victory, sinking a magic ship and annihilating more than 300 Yunhai slave-catching groups.

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