Lord Harland

Chapter 445 The Mysterious Lock in Bolton Forest

Under the explanation of the female receptionist of the mercenary union, Frye quickly gained some understanding of the two modes.

Although private mercenaries are free and unrestrained, the upper limit is actually not high. They can only look after the homes and homes of nobles and wealthy businessmen, and do some simple tasks. They are more similar to private detectives. They do not receive basic treatment and have almost no future. It can be said.

After all, many tasks require enough manpower to take them on. Especially for larger-scale war missions, only mercenary groups with higher credibility can cooperate with the main army.

The Dawn Plane is a demonic plane, and it is very rare for a strong person to be able to defeat ten thousand people with one. Only a legendary magician can have such a powerful deterrent.

The countries near Grant Kingdom have a combined population of hundreds of millions, but there are only two or three legendary magicians. Except for Irina of the Venus family, the rest are all church clergy.

Generally speaking, even legendary warriors cannot defeat the Bloodfang mercenary group under Belayni. Of course, running an order gang cannot compare to organizing and developing as a team.

Unless you have a very high professional level, great prestige among mercenaries, and can respond to a hundred calls, you don't want to be someone else's subordinate and want to set up your own mercenary group.

But such people will not choose to become free mercenaries, but will register a brand new mercenary group.

In fact, Frye's professional level and social status have far reached the requirements for setting up a mercenary group, so he can pull the team and do it himself.

Soros was only a fifth-level warrior back then, and he only served as the deputy captain of the main army. He was able to recruit some people to form a mercenary group. Frye's foundation surpassed Soros, and the strength of the mercenary group he could recruit was not as good as that of Soros. Be stronger.

If he had made up his mind early, many people in the old Duke of York would be willing to follow him into northern Pryland to develop. With Frye's ability, if he were the first group to enter the Pryland area, they would probably not be far away from becoming a knight.

It is a pity that Fry did not have this idea and determination two years ago. Now the situation has changed. He has been reduced from a senior officer in the Duke of York to an important fugitive in the Kingdom of Grant. Although there are still some tribesmen behind Frye, there are seven or eight professionals in total, who have some power, but they dare not make a name for themselves, let alone establish a mercenary group in the limelight.

In Frye's situation, once the news leaks out, he will definitely be caught by the government and given to the Duke of York. After all, the crime he committed was to assassinate the lord and viscount, which was equivalent to challenging the aristocratic order of the Grant Kingdom. His enemy who wanted to get rid of him was also the Duke of York, who had great influence in the Grant Kingdom.

Unless Frye could make great contributions to the Harland leader and be promoted to the hereditary noble class, he would be able to gain protection from Richard to a certain extent and end the feud with dignity to a certain extent at his own expense.

One of the important reasons why Frye entered the Harland Territory was to get his family a title. Only by becoming a hereditary noble can one prevent the Duke of York from eradicating his family members.

If you want to be knighted for meritorious service, becoming a private mercenary basically has no future. Relatively speaking, joining a mercenary group will provide better benefits. In particular, the Dragon Tooth Mercenary Group jointly founded by the two Barons Odaye and Immorton has a higher salary than other medium and large mercenary groups.

Although these two barons did not participate in front-line combat, they had far more capital than the mercenary captains and bandit leaders. The mercenary group they founded already had four squads, and more than half of the mercenaries were equipped with iron armor.

However, because they did not participate in front-line battles, the two barons' prestige in Longya was not very high. This mercenary group was more similar to outside mercenaries.

After joining the Dragon Teeth Mercenary Group, Frye can hang out with other mercenary teams for a while. After understanding the situation, he can gradually recruit family members and form his own mercenary team. Affiliated under the Dragon Teeth Mercenary Group, he can not only participate in For large-scale combat missions, the treatment is better than joining other large-scale mercenary groups, because Odaye and Immorton do not participate in front-line battles, and their merits can also be shared.

Moreover, the four team captains of the Dragon Teeth Mercenary Group are not at high professional levels, only level three or four. If Fry stays with them, he will basically not be in danger of being exposed. If one enters Baron Belayni's Blood Fang Mercenary Group and is under the eyes of the ninth-level warrior Belayni all day long, his identity may be exposed unintentionally. Not only will he not be able to protect himself, but his family will also bear the risk.

After comprehensive consideration, Fry decisively applied to join the Dragon Teeth Mercenary Group.

Fry himself is already a seventh-level warrior. He has shown a little bit of combat power, and his combat power is already very impressive. Moreover, according to the mercenary union's files, Fry himself is a third-level warrior. Odaye and Immorton are very welcoming to such professionals with combat capabilities. In order to win over Fry, they also held a welcome banquet. And he increased Fry's salary to four gold coins a month. This salary level is already on par with the other four mercenary captains.

In fact, even if Haaland leads an infantry squadron, his salary is only three or four gold coins a month.

After joining the Dragon Teeth mercenary group, Frye quickly established himself and spent several months in northern Puliland.

The Dragon Teeth Mercenary Group was founded by the two barons Immorton and Odaye. Most of Frye and others were active in the territories of the two barons. Their main combat targets were kobolds. They occasionally entered the Bolton Forest to fight against the infiltrated undead. .

In more than three months, Frye participated in nine battles, large and small, and his combat effectiveness was stronger than that of a third-level warrior, but a little worse than that of a fourth-level warrior. On average, they participate in a battle once every ten days. The frequency of mercenary battles in the Pulilan area can be seen, although most of the battles are lackluster and not intense.

In the past three months, Frye personally killed a fourth-level undead knight, two third-level undead skeletons, a second-level undead corpse, and three first-level ghouls. Although he killed seven low-level undead, Frye did not capture the soul crystal. Since he could not obtain the soul crystal, Frye naturally could not get the most valuable merit.

Although he did not get the soul crystal, Frye also seized some negative energy materials and received three gold coins as a reward. Counting it all, he has been in the Dragon Teeth Mercenary Group for four months and has obtained twenty gold coins. The Wright family is finally done with nothing.

Fry gained the initial trust of the two barons and quickly established the fifth team of the Dragon Teeth Mercenary Group. He began to write letters to his family. Let the tribe come to Pulilan City together.

Frye's mercenary team has a total number of more than 40 people, including nine professionals, more than half of whom are Frye's sons and nephews. Relying on the professionals of the Wright family and the experienced military commanding skills, Frye quickly took control of this mercenary team.

After the mercenary team was established, Fry applied to the two Barons Odaye and Immorton to enter Bolton Forest for reconnaissance operations.

According to the experience of previous explorations, the widest point of Bolton Forest from north to south is as high as 1,600 kilometers, and the narrowest point is about 700 kilometers. It is about 1,300 kilometers from east to west, most of which is aimed at the Harland Territory, and the other half is in the northern part of the Grand Duchy of Stanik.

Although the Harland Territory has extended its tentacles to Bolton Forest and is considered the most powerful force near the northern prairie and Bolton Forest, in fact, due to the vast land and sparse population, development is limited and backward, and not many expedition teams have been sent into this area. A virgin forest covering an area of ​​more than one million square kilometers.

Most of the eleven barons in the northern region of Pryland are active on the southern edge of Bolton Forest. Only some powerful mercenary captains have the courage to enter the depths of Bolton Forest.

Although Frye has a high professional level and strong combat effectiveness, because of his special status, he does not want to be in the limelight and only operates on the edge of Bolton Forest.

During an ordinary reconnaissance mission, at the edge of Bolton Forest, the mercenary team suddenly entered a special foggy space.

The area of ​​this fog barrier is not very large. After breaking in rashly, Fry's team was trapped in the fog for more than ten days like ghosts breaking into a wall. If they hadn't brought a lot of supplies with them, Fry's team would probably have lost everything. Die Jue.

In the end, it was Frye who was experienced and led everyone to escape from the foggy space. After a lucky escape, Frye led the mercenary team back to Puliland in a panic.

Frye is a high-level professional. Although he is not a hereditary noble, he still has noble blood, extraordinary inheritance, and his knowledge far exceeds that of ordinary mercenaries. Although they had only been there once, Fry knew that what they saw must be a large magic mystery lock. Judging from the occasional architectural shapes revealed in the mist, it is estimated that the ancient elves were the ones who established the mysterious lock.

After discovering this, Frye immediately wanted to hide the news, but his mercenary team had a total of more than forty people, and it was impossible to keep a secret with so many people talking. If the ruthless and murderous Longya mercenary suffered heavy losses, it would surely alarm the top brass of the mercenary union. If the higher-ups send a magician down to investigate, Frye will have no way out and may even lose his life under a power word spell.

Seeing that it was difficult to conceal the news, Frye decisively passed the news to the mercenary union headquarters, and through this channel it was delivered to the ears of Harland leaders.

The first person to receive the information was Grumang, the commander-in-chief of the Pulilan garrison. Grumang was cautious in character. Hearing the news about Elf Mystery Lock, he did not dare to neglect and personally participated in the second reconnaissance operation. Grumang's own professional level Up to the ninth level, the second investigation also mobilized the elite of the Fifth Legion's mage squad.

Harland leads the garrison mage team. The leaders are all fourth- and fifth-level magicians who already have relatively high magic levels. They came to the vicinity of the mysterious lock. Although they were very restricted and could not unlock the mysterious lock, they walked out of the foggy space relatively easily.

The information about Elf Mystery Lock found in Bolton Forest has been confirmed, and it was rushed to Fort William by 800 miles.

After hearing that the Elf Mystery Lock appeared in Bolton Forest, Richard, Sophia, and Undine came to Puliland City in person with the backbone of the Harland Mage Association.

Before exploring the Elf Mystery Lock, the intelligence department began a detailed investigation, and Frye's identity was also found out.

After hearing Vitas' report, Richard did not arrest Fry immediately. Instead, he ordered Vitas to seal the file and monitor this person first.

If the Elf Mystery Lock is unlocked, Harland's harvest will be astonishing. In any case, Frye, who reported the news, must have made great contributions. Although the relationship with the Duke of York is very important, the cost of protecting Fry is very high, and it may cost a lot of political money. According to Richard's character, he will not easily sacrifice meritorious people.

Thirty years after entering the Dawn Plane, Richard's views have changed to a certain extent. He has become ruthless, indifferent to human life, and even a little ruthless. He is almost the same person as the kind-hearted good man Richard thirty years ago.

But until now, Richard still can't treat human life as trivial, nor can he be like the local nobles. Everything centers on his own interests and everyone can be sacrificed. This quality is also an important reason why Sophia and Undine like him.

After Vitas left, Richard summoned Frye and said straight to the point: "If you open the Elf Mystery Lock and obtain precious treasures and magic inheritance, you will be considered to have made great contributions to the territory. Harland leads the law. It is strict, and meritorious deeds must be rewarded, and delinquencies must be punished.

I have a general understanding of your situation. As long as your identity is not exposed, we will not hand you over to the Duke of York. We will also provide territorial protection for your family and we will try to keep them as safe as possible.

The Harland Territory is a place where dreams can come true. As long as the Wright family works together, they will surely achieve a class jump. After returning home, you must keep it secret to avoid leaking your identity, and don't take risks for the sake of merit.

There are now spies sent by the Duke of York in Pryland Castle. Members of your family should not show up in Pryland easily. "

After hearing Richard's words, Frye knew in his heart that Duke Harland would not arrest him openly, but would secretly cooperate with him to hide in Harland territory. With the Duke's protection, the safety of the Wright family has been guaranteed.

Seeing that a noble was willing to protect him, Frye hurriedly knelt on the ground and said excitedly: "Thank you, Your Excellency the Duke, for your protection. Our Wright family will be loyal to the Harland family and will not cause trouble to our master."

After sending Fry away, Richard and his party came directly to the Elf Mystery Lock.

Undine originally mastered the magical heritage of the elves and had some research on the Elf Mystery Lock. When she arrived at the scene, her pretty face suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Richard and Wen Tini have been sleeping in the same bed for five years. They know each other very well. When he saw something unusual about Wen Tini, he asked with concern.

"There is a rich life force in the Mystery Lock, and this Mystery Lock has been running for more than three thousand years. If I am not wrong, I am afraid there is a Tree of Life in the Mystery Lock. If the Tree of Life is really discovered, the Dawn Tribe will There will be rapid development.”

Richard's magic level has reached the eighth level, and his accumulation of knowledge from the Harland Mage Association is extraordinary. He knows in his heart that the so-called mythical locks are all permanent magic barriers created by legendary spells.

It can be said that behind every mystery there is a legendary mage, and every mystery is not simple.

If it weren't for the profound foundation of the Harland Mage Association, Sophia would be promoted to the ninth level, Richard and Undine would be promoted to the eighth level, and Wendy and Eve would be promoted to the seventh level. If they had enough magic power to unlock the mystery, Richard would all You may not dare to test it easily.

Richard and his party entered the Mystery Lock. The number of people exploring the Elf Mystery Lock this time was small, with only more than sixty members, but the quality of the expedition team was very high.

Not only did Sylph, the legendary elf, but also ninth-level professionals such as Sutton, Thoros, and Jennings personally participate in the process.

There are more than 60 members of the exploration team, and more than 20 high-level professionals, half of whom are magicians. Most of the elite soldiers of the Harland Mage Association are included in the middle.

"Do you have any ideas now to unlock this mystery?"

"Generally speaking, there are only two ways to unlock the mystery lock. The first is to break through it violently from the outside. Our power is already very powerful. If we release the starlight bomb, we should be able to explode the mystery lock. But in this way, the mystery lock will be broken. What's inside the lock may not be safe.

So we can only take the second method and crack it from the inside. If you want to crack the Mystery Lock from the inside, you must go through many trials, master the effects of the spells in the Mystery Lock, figure out how to build the Mystery Lock's barrier, and then conduct reverse engineering to find a way to stop the operation of the Mystery Lock from the inside.

I don't have any ideas yet, but it may take some time to crack the mystery lock. "

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