Lord Harland

Chapter 458 Stand firm

Before the Church of the Dawn entered the Red Moon Plane, this plane had two holy cities, one of which was located in the Gothic Continent in the north, called Metro Castle. This castle is the place where the Red Moon Goddess is enshrined, and the goddess’ kingdom is also near Metro.

Another holy city is located in the southern part of the central Deen continent, named Gruin. It is also the city of saints of the Red Moon Holy See. It is said that the Red Moon Goddess was born and grew up near this castle. This castle is also the core of the area controlled by the Red Moon Holy See.

Three thousand years ago, the Church of Dawn discovered the coordinates of the Red Moon plane, opened up a plane passage, and took advantage of the situation when both the Red Moon Goddess and the Undead Lord were harmed, destroying the power of the undead in one fell swoop and sealing the Red Moon Goddess.

Soon after suppressing the Red Moon Goddess, the Dawn Goddess was involved in a fight with other gods, and fell into a deep sleep less than a hundred years later.

Even without the command of the Goddess of Dawn, in the next 2,500 years, the Church of Dawn once completely controlled the Red Moon Plane and successfully colonized this plane.

It's just that the natives of the Red Moon Plane are unwilling to abandon their faith. Most people have always secretly believed in the Red Moon Goddess. With the continuous blessing of the power of faith, the hidden Red Moon Church is developing faster and faster, and finally in five hundred years Got the first legendary priest.

The body of this legendary priest has a very high compatibility with the Red Moon Goddess. It can carry the body of the god, and can actually make the Red Moon Goddess descend in the form of a saint.

Even though the body of the Red Moon Goddess is sealed by the Dawn Artifact and cannot exert the full power of the Saint's body, she can still exert her semi-god-level power at critical times. The Dawn Popes of the previous generation all died at the hands of the Red Moon Goddess's Saint's body.

With huge power, the Red Moon Church openly raised its flag to resist the colonization of the Church of Dawn. Soon the rebellion grew larger and larger. The southern continent of Hagen was the first to break away from the control of the Church of Dawn.

Seeing that the situation was out of control and the goddess had not awakened, in order to maintain the rule of the Red Moon Plane, the Church of Dawn could only invite the Holy Empire of Radiance to enter the Red Moon Plane. Relying on the incarnation of the God of Radiance, it defeated the Red Moon Holy See and laid the foundation for the present Red Moon Plane. The situation on the moon plane.

Just like this, another five hundred years have passed, and the red moon plane has roughly maintained its balance.

However, in recent years, the God of Glory was defeated in other planes and lost two incarnations of the god. He decided to shrink his power and gradually gave up the management of the Red Moon Plane.

Richard couldn't figure out this kind of information from the upper levels of the multiverse. Even the headquarters of the Church of Dawn is not well-informed because the planes it touches are very rare.

After the death of the man in silver armor, the Holy City of Gruin was immediately alarmed.

The top leaders of the Red Moon Holy See gathered together. Many people still didn't know the cause of the death of the man in silver armor. Because the legendary professional had an accident, many people had a bit of worry on their faces.

Saint Gloria, the Pope of the Red Moon, has the highest status. Sitting in the middle of the Cathedral of the Red Moon, she was the first to speak: "Sklar's attack failed. His soul has entered the Kingdom of the Red Moon and returned to the embrace of the goddess."

Sklar was the man in silver armor whom Richard killed. This man was a legendary warrior of the Red Moon Holy See and was responsible for commanding the 60,000 defenders of Korola Castle.

Korola Castle is located 260 kilometers away from Biers Castle and is considered an important town in the south of Biers.

Legendary professionals are considered high-level no matter which party they are in. Sklar died inexplicably. Of course, the rest of the Red Moon Holy See must ask questions.

"What happened to Sklar? Why did he leave the garrison at Korola Castle? He attacked the enemy rashly and lost his life for no apparent reason?"

The person who asked the question was named Amata. He was also a legendary warrior of the Red Moon Church and had a close relationship with Sklar. He was the first to ask the question uncontrollably.

Gloria explained: "I gave the order to Sklar. The plane channels have been opened frequently recently, and the goddess sensed that an alien noble named Richard will become our enemy. This person carries the power of the evil god, We must kill this man before he can grow up.

Under the goddess's perception, Richard has not yet been promoted to legend, so I ordered Sklar to attack this person.

Unexpectedly, we underestimated Richard's strength. This man has a legendary magician under his command, and his own power is not weaker than the legendary magician. In order to prevent Richard from bringing great changes to the situation in the Red Moon Plane, I think we should allocate our strength to eliminate this evil god's minions as soon as possible. "

"Since the enemy can kill Scola, he must be very strong. Our front line is 1,600 kilometers long, and it is difficult to concentrate our strength. Even if we deploy one or two legends and tens of thousands of soldiers, it will be difficult to defeat Richard. . Unless troops are mobilized from the Oro Empire, but this requires communication with Emperor Haishan, which is not feasible in a short time."

The speaker is the legendary magician Sussman. Although this person is not very religious to the Red Moon Goddess, he is still a core member of the Red Moon Church because of his powerful strength.

The Red Moon Holy See has been able to maintain a stalemate with the Church of Dawn and the Holy Glory Empire for many years, so its strength cannot be underestimated.

The Church of the Red Moon Goddess alone has nine legendary professionals. The Oro Empire in the southern continent, which also believes in the Red Moon Goddess, also has six legendary professionals.

Although Gloria's strength is far inferior to that of Saint Larry five hundred years ago, the Red Moon Holy See is more powerful than five hundred years ago. It can mobilize as many as fifteen legendary professionals in total.

Although the man in silver armor Scola was killed by Richard, the number of legends possessed by the Red Moon Holy See still exceeded that of the Allied Forces of the Church of Dawn and the Holy Radiance Empire.

"Notify Emperor Haishan immediately and ask him to mobilize his troops as soon as possible. This matter is an oracle issued by the goddess herself, so Emperor Haishan should hurry up."

The Red Moon Holy See was preparing to mobilize manpower from the Hagen Continent in the south to target Richard, but he had no idea about it.

After Richard killed the legendary professional Shining Armor, he immediately retreated to Beers City. During the first reconnaissance, he encountered an enemy attack, which made Richard a little more cautious.

After all, the red moon plane is also a high-demon plane, and there are gods among the enemies.

The power of gods has always been mysterious. In order to maintain the mystery, the Church of the Seven Gods will try to limit the spread of this knowledge. But after all, Richard traveled through time for more than thirty years and climbed to a high level, and was able to collect a lot of secret intelligence.

According to Richard's understanding, gods are a special kind of spiritual energy body. They have eternal lifespan. Even if the descending saint's body is shattered, the damage to the gods is still not fatal.

Normally, the body in which the spirit descends in physical form is called the body of a saint.

Generally speaking, the body of a saint is the original body before the god ignited the divine fire, or the holy body of a pious person, which has a high affinity with the god.

If the body of the holy spirit is completely destroyed, the spirit will not be able to come in the physical body and can only use the incarnation to move.

The gods can teleport anywhere. This kind of power is from heaven. It can be cast at will and will never go wrong. They can even travel across planes with ease as long as they are on a plane with followers.

The gods can understand any language, sense soul fluctuations, and use almost all conventional magic with just a thought. Even the prophecy magic that is difficult to master can be easily used by the gods.

Gods possess powerful shape-shifting abilities and can transform themselves into objects of any size, including living and non-living things. They also have extremely high magic resistance. Magic that damages less than 200 points has no effect on the gods, and physical attacks are even less likely to harm the gods as spiritual energy bodies.

Therefore, even if there is an army of hundreds of thousands of professionals, only professionals of level seven or above can cause minor damage to the gods.

Even in the Holy Radiance Empire, the total number of professionals above level seven is estimated to be only a few thousand. Even if these thousands of people form an army, they may not be able to defeat a god who is good at fighting.

Gods also have very powerful perceptions, especially when it comes to themselves. They have very mysterious special inductions that can accurately predict certain things.

Richard estimated that the reason why the Harland leader was ambushed was probably because of the special induction of the gods, which detected some abnormalities, so the Red Moon Church dispatched high-level officials like the Silver Armored Man.

The gods also master the secrets of life and death. They can kill creatures below demigods through curses, and can also easily resurrect dead creatures. Some gods with special vocations can even turn back time.

The gods also have divine abilities, granting priests who believe in them the use of divine spells.

Because of its various mysterious powers, killing a god must be difficult. If you want to complete the feat of killing the gods, you need to kill the body of the saint first, and then eliminate the incarnation of the gods. The most critical step is to attack the church of gods and restrict the spread of faith. Without the power of faith provided by believers, gods will perish and lose their lives.

Although the Red Moon Goddess is only a deity with elementary divine power and can only grant believers magical spells below the sixth level, according to publicly available information, the Pope of the Red Moon Holy See, Saint Gloria, is already a legendary fourth-level priest. For such a ruthless person, even if Richard, Sophia, and Sylph join forces, they have little chance of winning.

Fortunately, the Red Moon Goddess has been sealed by the Dawn Goddess. Her saint's body was wiped out by the Dawn Church as early as three thousand years ago. The two incarnations of the gods were also killed, and only the last saint's body was left five hundred years ago. He was severely injured by the incarnation of the God of Glory and did not dare to act rashly.

Today's Red Moon Goddess has become a toothless tiger. Otherwise, the gods would personally participate in the battle, the Dawn Goddess would not be able to awaken, and the situation in the Red Moon Plane would immediately become unsustainable.

Because the enemy's situation was unclear, Richard did not dare to blindly launch troops even though his own strength was not weak.

In the next period of time, the Red Moon Holy See mobilized troops from the Hagen continent in the south, while Richard devoted himself to garrisoning Beers Castle.

Time flew by like this, eight months passed in the blink of an eye, and we entered February of the dawn calendar year 3278.

Eight months have passed, and the first echelon led by Harland has completely entered the red moon plane, with a total strength of more than 5,000 people.

The first echelon is the elite carefully selected by Harland. Among the more than 5,000 soldiers, professionals account for 80%, and the total number is about 4,000.

Of the more than 1,000 people left, they are basically high-level apprentices, and there are only more than 100 middle-level and below-level apprentices.

Even the warrior students had very good physical fitness and good medical support. Although they were not used to entering the red moon plane, only more than 200 people died of illness in total.

The death of more than 200 people from the disease shocked Richard.

After realizing that the situation might be serious, Richard reduced the number of soldiers entering the red moon plane.

After all, the quality of the second and third echelons is far from that of the first echelon. Once they enter the red moon plane, the number of soldiers who die from illness will increase rapidly.

According to statistics from the medical department, if there is good medical protection, the probability of a professional dying from illness when entering the red moon plane is about 30%. The loss is not serious. Harland leads the first echelon of more than 4,000 professionals, plus Fourteen people got sick and died. However, the probability of death of a senior apprentice from illness will increase dramatically, reaching almost one in eight. Of the more than 900 advanced apprentices, 116 died of illness.

The remaining more than 100 people were basically elementary and middle-level apprentices with relatively average physical fitness. Even if they received adequate medical support, the mortality rate was still more than half. Such horrific casualties made Richard a little frightened.

As of now, although Harland has an army of 170,000, it only has 26,000 professional soldiers. Among the remaining soldiers, there are about 30,000 high-level apprentices and more than 100,000 intermediate and below-level apprentices.

If you want to deploy an army of 60,000 in the red moon plane, at least tens of thousands of people will die from illness. Such terrible death from illness is a burden that the Harland Territory cannot bear.

Reduce the number of troops invested in the red moon plane. If you want to maintain the front, you can only recruit troops locally.

Although many local people believe in the Red Moon Goddess, it doesn't seem very credible. However, the situation forced Richard to rely on the locals of the Red Moon Plane.

In the past eight months, Richard has recruited 6,000 soldiers in the occupied area near Beers Castle.

In order to ensure the loyalty of the 6,000 recruits, Richard thought of many ways, not only providing material support for the soldiers' lives, distributing land to them, but also pardoning their family members' status as slaves.

In addition, he also tried to mentally control these recruits and asked the pastor of the Dawn Church to enter the recruit camp and monitor the recruits' thoughts at all times. In order to enrich the soldiers' spirits, Richard also arranged many entertainment activities in the recruit camp.

Arrangements were made in advance, and during these eight months, Richard did not find any Red Moon cultists operating in the recruit camp.

However, the Red Moon cultists are hiding in secret and may engage in some underground activities. Secretly preaching in the extraordinary world is impossible to prevent.

The Holy See of Dawn suppressed the Red Moon Plane for two thousand and five hundred years without success.

Therefore, Richard did not trust the recruits from the red moon plane from the bottom of his heart. Now these new recruits are still training and have not developed combat effectiveness. They can only barely defend the castle at critical times and cannot play a role in the field.

After the new recruits are trained, Richard will also divide them into different armies.

In addition, in addition to the breathing method, the invisibility threshold must also be raised to prevent the natives of the Red Moon Plane from penetrating into the upper level in a short period of time.

Of course, the time it takes for new recruits in the Red Moon Plane to obtain the breathing method is relatively short. Within three to five years, it is almost impossible to be promoted to the level of captain.

Over the past eight months, Richard has handed over six border castles and more than a dozen rear towns with the Holy Glory Empire, controlling less than 40,000 square kilometers of land, and gradually established a firm foothold in the Red Moon Plane.

During this period of time, the situation in the Red Moon Plane was relatively stable.

In today's red moon plane, the northern Gothic continent has been infected by the dead and is not suitable for human survival. The southern continent of Hagen fell into the hands of the indigenous nobles of the Red Moon Plane. Although the Oro Empire still obeys the orders of the Red Moon Holy See, after all, it has a strong independence and will not send all its forces to the Deen Continent and fanatically launch a holy war to drive away the Dawn Holy See.

Just when the Oro Empire mobilized its manpower and prepared to attack Richard, the bipedal flying dragon in the sky had already noticed the enemy's situation in advance.

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