Lord Harland

Chapter 463 Seizing the Demiplane

The power Sussman left behind in the demiplane is not weak, and he has also deployed some powerful magic circles.

Under the leadership of two high-level and six intermediate-level magicians, they were able to rely on geographical advantages to trap Richard in the Rubik's Cube maze.

The two sides fought for several rounds and ended up in a stalemate.

It was obvious that Sussman's students wanted to delay time until the teacher arrived and worked together to suppress Richard, this terrible enemy.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that Sussman had been exiled to the azure plane by Richard. Although the azure plane was not too far from the red moon plane and was in the same plane group, there was still a lot to be done before he could truly return. Less pre-work, construct plane transmission channels, and build simple teleportation gates.

It would take at least several days for Sussman to complete these tasks alone.

The space above the Rubik's Cube maze suddenly twisted into a door. A dazzling white light flashed through the door, and the energy of the space suddenly escaped near the door.

In an instant, Sophia, who was wearing a palace dress, walked out of the door with Eve and Anne, and reinforcements arrived first from Richard's side.

Sussman was unable to return quickly, but Sophia entered the demiplane with Eve and Annie.

Even if Sophia's strength is not as good as Richard's, her mental strength is still over fifty points, she has mastered many nine-ring spell templates, her body has been baptized by the elements, and her combat power is equivalent to that of most of the legendary mage. She is also very tyrannical.

More importantly, Sophia is not trapped in the maze.

In addition, Eve also controlled the legendary golem to launch a frontal attack on the mage tower.

As for the mage tower that Sussman arranged in the demiplane, there were no Red Moon Holy See soldiers to help out, and only twenty golems of different levels provided melee protection.

Sussman is a legendary magician. This kind of person essentially wants to explore the truth of the universe, and his belief in gods is generally not pious.

Although he has very strong power and is a high-level member of the Red Moon Church, like Sena Walton from the Dawn Plane, he cannot actually enter the core of the church.

In any church, the core position is occupied by the pastor, which is also the basis for the church’s employment.

Therefore, there are no senior members of the Red Moon Church in the demiplane controlled by Sussman.

The twenty golems arranged by Sussman were unable to compete with the steel golems. Soon Sussman's students were attacked by Richard and Sophia, both inside and outside, and the situation finally became unsustainable.

Both sides released many large-scale destructive spells. Magical power escaped in the demiplane space. More than 18% of the rooms in the Rubik's Cube Maze were lost. The wizard tower arranged by Sussman was also destroyed by Richard and Sophie. Ya Kuang bombed it indiscriminately, causing serious damage.

The battle lasted for more than two hours, and almost all of Sussman's students were killed or wounded. The few magicians who tried to escape through the plane portal died in the focused attacks of Richard and Sophia.

Although the battle lasted only a short time, Richard and Sophia jointly killed more than 160 people and captured more than 30 people.

These thirty people are basically mage apprentices and low-level mage. They are not the core of the mage organization created by Sussman. There is not much useful information that can be gleaned from them.

Since there is no value, Richard plans to eradicate these people. After all, in a plane with gods, Richard, a believer of the Red Moon Goddess, simply cannot trust them.

Although Richard doesn't like to slaughter prisoners, he can only do special things at critical times.

After defeating his opponent and disposing of the prisoners, Richard immediately destroyed the demiplane portal and cut off the main channel between the red moon plane and the demiplane. After preventing Sussman from returning, send a large number of reinforcements to this demiplane through the plane portal.

As for Sussman himself, he can enter this demiplane again through plane positioning and plane travel spells.

After solving most of the troubles, Richard began to explore the demiplane controlled by Sussman.

This demiplane is parasitic on the red moon. It has an irregular shape and a total area of ​​about 12,000 square kilometers, which is considered medium among demiplanes.

This demiplane has no oxygen and is not suitable for human survival. Unless you are a mid-to-high-level magician who can release space enchantment spells and produce oxygen, you can stay active in this demiplane for a long time.

Without oxygen and light, this demiplane naturally has no biological activity.

Sussman's students can only stay in the Wizard's Tower and the Rubik's Cube Maze. These two magical buildings have special life-support systems that can provide space barrier protection and can also use magic to create a large amount of oxygen for human beings. use.

Although devoid of flora and fauna, this demiplane is not barren.

First of all, the concentration of magic energy particles here is high, which is very suitable for magicians to meditate. Secondly, the demiplane contains rich elemental power and a large amount of super-magic minerals. The most important thing is a large-scale magic crystal mine. As long as dozens of mage apprentices can dig out more than 10,000 magic crystals every year.

It is precisely because this demiplane is so rich that Sussman spends all his efforts in running it without telling the people of the Red Moon Church.

It's a pity that this battle failed, and this demiplane will soon fall into Richard's control.

Just the magic crystals that Sussman had accumulated over the years fell into Richard's hands.

The total number of magic crystals seized from the energy reserve room of the Mage Tower is as high as 130,000, which is almost the same as the inventory of Harland Territory.

You must know that the Harland Territory itself is in an area rich in magic power. It has discovered four magic crystal mines, created magic crystal charging technology, and has many magic wells. It took many years of accumulation to reserve hundreds of thousands of magic crystals.

And Sussman only relies on a demiplane with abundant mineral resources, and his net worth is roughly the same as Richard?

This discovery shocked Richard.

Of course, the Harland Territory has advanced magic crystal industrial technology, and it also has to face a large-scale war. The amount of magic crystals consumed every year is huge, and it is not as good as Sussman. It can only get in and out, which is also a fundamental reason.

For example, Harland Leader produced 21,000 magic crystals this year and charged 38,000 magic crystals, which is equivalent to producing 60,000 magic crystals, but it is still not enough.

Now the cost of opening the Red Moon Plane channel alone for one year would cost 30,000 magic crystals if divided among the Harland Territory, and about 20,000 magic crystals would be consumed by industry, plus the 4,000 magic crystals consumed by magic research. The war consumed 38,000 pieces, but the inventory consumed 30,000 pieces a year.

If the plane channels are still opened frequently and the war is not stopped, even if the magic crystal charging technology is mastered, the Harland Territory will not be able to support it unless new magic crystal mines and new magic wells can be discovered.

Seizing Sussman's batch of magic crystals can buy the Harland Territory more than five years, which is extremely important to the development of the territory.

According to the current situation, there is a high probability that Richard and Sophia will be promoted to legends in five years, and there will also be enough garrison troops in the red moon plane. Two of the three red moon plane magic crystal mines controlled by the Holy Radiance Empire will also be handed over to Richard. Not only will the consumption of opening the plane channel be reduced, but most of them can also be replenished in the red moon plane.

By then, Harland will have two legendary magicians with a bright future, and the room for maneuver will be greatly increased.

After destroying the plane passage arranged by Sussman, Richard cooperated with Sophia, Eve and Annie, and quickly rebuilt a new plane transmission array.

The new portal is located in Beers Castle controlled by Harland Territory. The first batch of magicians to enter was more than 30 people.

After these people came in, they immediately started repairing the Mage Tower and Rubik's Cube Maze.

After Sussman returned, he wanted to take back the demiplane, but was defeated by Richard and Sophia. In desperation, he could only escape the demiplane in despair.

In order to defend against Sussman's attack, Richard decided to continue to recruit elites from Harland.

At this time, the Four Kingdoms War was over, and the situation in the Harland Territory was no longer tight. Richard transferred Wendy to the red moon plane.

In April this year, Wendy's professional level was also improved, and she was promoted to an eighth-ring magician. Her mental power is also very strong, having already exceeded 40 points, and her combat power can be compared to half that of a legendary magician.

The professional level of Undine who stayed behind has also been improved. She is almost on the same level as Wendy and has been promoted to a nine-ring magician.

Undine is a half-elf. Although she is born with a longer lifespan, it is more difficult to break through the professional level barrier than humans. She has stayed in the eighth-ring magician stage for fourteen years. If it were not for the continuous opportunities after joining Haaland, I am afraid it would have to wait for more than ten years to complete the promotion.

The total number of magicians who entered the red moon plane with Wendy totaled more than a hundred. Among this group of people, there were more than 16 mid-level magicians.

Now, 70% of the magicians in the Harland Leader Mage Association have entered the red moon plane in batches.

With the repair and renovation of the mage tower completed, the Rubik's Cube Maze can also be put into use, and the foundation of the Harland Territory in the demiplane becomes more and more stable, Sussman is finally completely discouraged. He knew in his heart that it was completely impossible to regain his demiplane, so he had no choice but to give up.

After winning the battle to defend Beers and taking away Sussman's half-plane space. Maybe she felt threatened, or maybe she didn't know the details of Richard. The Red Moon Goddess did not use the divine descending technique to descend, nor did she take the risk of using the body of a saint. The situation in the Red Moon Plane finally calmed down for a while.

In the blink of an eye, time has entered February of 3279 in the Dawn Calendar, and Richard has reached the age of forty-three.

Because he had taken the water of life, his life span had been increased by two hundred years, and Richard still looked younger in appearance.

According to the economic statistics report sent by Rogge, Richard discovered that even though Haaland led the four-nation war last year, the economy was still developing rapidly.

Last year's war broke out on the border, and the front line basically remained unchanged. Wilde also relied on powerful weapons such as magic crystal cannons to cross the Campa River and capture seven smaller border castles, pushing the front line toward the enemy's territory. .

The war broke out in enemy territory, so the economic and population losses were not serious. On the contrary, Wilde relied on a small advantage to plunder more than 300,000 people from the Kingdom of Lane.

Coupled with the small number of free people who voluntarily migrated into the Harland Territory, the population of the Harland Territory reached 12.8 million according to the household registration books at the end of the year. The number of freedmen increased dramatically again, exceeding 10 million for the first time in statistics.

For ten million free people, the land tax alone can collect nearly 3.4 million. Adding in commercial taxes, customs duties, property taxes and other taxes, Harland's tax revenue last year was as high as 4.7 million. This figure Close to the level of Grant's royal family.

After nearly thirty years of development, the number of free people in the Harland Territory has far exceeded that of indentured servants. According to statistics from the official household registration department, there are now only more than 1.6 million indentured servants left in the territory. If there are not 1.6 million indentured servants left in the territory within five years, With the influx of a large number of indentured servants, the Harland leader will lose the indentured servant class.

In addition to taxation, Harland also owns a large number of government-run enterprises. Although the vitality of government-run enterprises is not high, corruption and waste are serious, and their profits are not as good as those of private enterprises, many state-owned enterprises are monopolistic industries and can steadily turn over a large amount of money every year. profit.

Last year, Harland's fiscal revenue reached 7.2 million. This financial level has surpassed coastal kingdoms such as the East Coast and Sith, and ranked first among nearby kingdoms.

With sufficient financial revenue, Harland will naturally continue to expand its army. Despite being involved in the war last year and experiencing a significant increase in financial expenditures, Haaland's army is still expanding rapidly.

Last year alone, Haaland added more than 20,000 soldiers, bringing the total strength to 190,000.

Among them, the red moon plane has expanded to 6,000 indigenous soldiers, and the Harland territory has expanded to 14,000 people.

As of February 3279 in the Dawn Calendar, Haaland entered the red moon plane after taking the lead, with as many as 10,000 people. Last winter, a second batch of 6,000 soldiers were recruited from the natives of the Red Moon Plane.

As the army increased, the Holy Radiance Empire handed over part of its territory. This time, in addition to the border castle, it also owned part of the rear territory, including a small magic crystal mine. From this magic crystal mine, Harland leader can get about two thousand magic crystals a year.

Including the territories transferred this year, the land controlled by Harland Territory in the Red Moon Plane already covers 90,000 square kilometers, an area equivalent to a duchy in the eastern countries.

Including new recruits, the army under Richard's control was approximately 22,000.

There are about 400,000 indigenous people living in the 90,000 square kilometers of land. After all, most of the territories controlled by Richard are front lines. Due to frequent wars, there are basically no people on the front lines.

The management of these 400,000 people is relatively chaotic, and they also rely on locals from the Red Moon Plane.

After all, most of the Harland leadership bureaucrats are not professionals, so it is difficult to survive in the red moon plane and block special germs.

Unable to recruit bureaucrats from the Dawn Plane, Richard could only select talents from the locals to straighten out the ruling order.

Of course, Richard's most important starting point is the family members of the local garrison. There are a total of fifty or sixty thousand people in these people, because their family members serve as soldiers in the army led by Haaland, so they are relatively trustworthy.

Last year's war was also a great boost to Harland's industry.

Steel production has surged again, reaching 380,000 tons.

The railway was also built to Padin City on the western border. Richard also wanted to build a railway within the Grand Duchy of Stanik and enter the Earldom of Philip in the south. However, judging from the intentions of the Grand Duchy of Stanik, it was obvious that he did not want to agree.

Since the western railway cannot continue to be extended, Richard plans to have the railway department focus on the east and prepare to build the railway to the original Dukedom of Jonathan.

Now that Harland has abundant fiscal revenue and sufficient manpower and material resources, Richard is planning to build two railways at once to connect the section from King's Castle to East Castle. Then continue to advance along the East Castle and build the Morning Glory Castle at the mouth of the Black River.

In addition, in the southern foothills of the Eagle Mountains, Richard is also planning to build a branch line from Double Star Castle to Annes Castle, eventually leading to the dragon's lair.

With the advancement of the railway, the territory will be further developed and the economic foundation will be consolidated deeper.

Unknowingly, the great railway era led by Harland had quietly arrived.

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