Lord Harland

Chapter 467 The situation is chaotic

King Roger is naturally aware of the undercurrent of the Grant Kingdom.

Although he wears a crown and sits on a throne, he also participated in the battle to ambush Elena twenty years ago.

In that battle, Roger was used as bait, and Duke Brenner severely damaged this opponent.

The Grant family has been fighting with Elena for more than a hundred years, and they have immortality over Elena, and the top family leaders also know it.

After nearly twenty years, the upper echelons of the Grant Kingdom knew that Elena's injuries might have recovered.

Elena is a legendary magician. Not only is she powerful in combat, she can also affect the outcome of a battle to a certain extent. The most troublesome thing is that the Venus family is still hiding in the dark and constantly infiltrating into the Grant Kingdom.

There is no good way for the Roger Kingdom to infiltrate the Venus family.

Venus is a thousand-year-old family. There are not only legendary magicians hiding in the dark, but there are also many outstanding talents in the Venus family. The power of this family is scattered in several nearby kingdoms. In the two kingdoms of Delong and Maya, there are great nobles of Venus blood.

Even some of the hereditary nobles in the Grant Kingdom were hired by the Venus family. The last rebellion was nothing more than the exposure of Gascoigne Province's pawns. In other provinces, the Venus family still hides a small number of nobles who have not been exposed.

Hundreds of years ago, the Grant Kingdom could still find the hidden personnel of the Venus family from the blood of knights. But up to now, the Venus family knight bloodline has become very confusing, and it is useless to search for it through the bloodline.

Moreover, the Venus family also used roundabout methods to infiltrate into the Grant Kingdom using the warrior profession. Although the Grant Mage Association uses Power Word, there are legendary magicians hiding behind it, blessing several clear-brained and consciousness-sealing spells, and Power Word is also useless.

This kind of infiltration method is difficult to guard against. Although the royal intelligence department is not a loser, it can only have a rough target of suspicion, including dozens of hereditary nobles.

Viscount Gauss of the Venus family is on the list of suspects, but there is no precise information, so Nolan's headquarters is not suitable for casual action.

Even the royal family has no reason to punish a hereditary noble arbitrarily.

In the Nolan Palace, King Roger and important members of the Grant family are holding a secret meeting.

Six people participating in the meeting included Roger, Philip, Pansy, York, Heaton, and Feeney. These six people are all ninth-level professionals and important figures in the Grant family.

The strongest among the six is ​​Phillip. This eldest prince of the previous generation is also a magician and martial artist like Richard. Now he is a ninth-level epic knight and a ninth-level priest, and his combat power is even better than that of the legendary knight. Although not as weird and fierce as Elena, she is still difficult to deal with.

It's a pity that because of the grudges of the previous generation, Philip now loves the church and is not keen on participating in the affairs of the Grant family. His participation in the secret meeting was actually because he represented the Morningside Church.

Philip is already the number two person in Grant Diocese of Morningside Church. Some time ago, he wrote a letter to Morningside Church headquarters requesting to be transferred from Grant Diocese.

Judging from this letter, it is obvious that the Grant family cannot rely on Philip for its affairs.

Although Philip's power is no less than that of the legendary knight, he does not have much identification with the Grant family and will not easily help the Grant family in actual struggles.

Second only to Philip in strength is Pansy, who is also a nine-ring magician. This person has left Grant Kingdom for ten years and went to Markholm Magic Kingdom, hoping to find an opportunity to be promoted to a legend.

After entering the Markholm Magic Kingdom, Pansy got some opportunities and found a treasure that increased her mental power. Now Pansy's mental power has exceeded forty points. He is not as bold as Evans, who breaks through the legend rashly. realm.

After Pansy left, Evans has been in charge of the Grant Mages Association in recent years.

Now that Evans has failed to break through the legend, Roger Kingdom can only write an urgent letter to Pansy, hoping that Pansy will return as soon as possible. After receiving the urgent letter from Roger's Kingdom, Pansy worked hard and took half a year to return to Nolan.

Roger, York, Heaton, and Feeney are all ninth-level knights. Roger and York have been promoted to the ninth level for more than 20 years.

Both of them are great nobles with actual power and would not take risks easily. Just because they have not had the courage to break through in twenty years, the probability of them being promoted to legends is not high. On the contrary, Heaton and Feeney, who have been promoted in recent years, have succeeded. The probability is higher.

But Heaton and Feeney are both distant branches of the Grant family. Once one of them is promoted to legend, it will completely change the situation of the Grant family.

The Grant family has been inherited for thousands of years and has experienced countless internal struggles, and the family's line of power has also experienced many changes.

If Yuanzhi is promoted to legend, the small sect may replace the large sect, which will also be a very big challenge to the Roger Kingdom.

It was better when King Roger was around, but once King Roger died, his sons couldn't control the situation at all. Even if a civil war does not break out, he will become a puppet, just like King Charles of the previous generation.

For King Roger, the best option is to be promoted to legend himself. Although the situation forces him to muster up courage and plan to take risks, other important members of the Grant family do not agree with Roger's conditions at all.

Pansy, York and others all supported Heaton's use of eukaryotic potions, which would have a greater chance of being promoted to legend.

Under the opposition of everyone, King Roger could only propose other exchange conditions.

The Kingdom of Roger requested that the southern direct territory be taken out separately, divided into a duchy, and granted to the eldest prince Ferdinand in recognition of his contributions to the Grant family over the years.

In addition, after Heaton is promoted to legend, he will support the Grant Kingdom in launching a war to seize the area north of the Mara River and east of the Gut River in the United Kingdom on the east coast to level the battle line. The royal share of the hundreds of thousands square kilometers of land captured will be given to backbone members of the Grant family such as Heaton and Feeney.

Although dividing the royal territories directly under the jurisdiction of the Crown will expand the influence of the Grant family, it will also disperse the power of the central government. Separating two duchies would weaken the power directly under the royal court, even if the Grant family's reputation in the noble meeting was greatly increased.

Such a decision would bring both pros and cons to the Grant family. Based on past experience, when the big nobles divide the land, it is easy for them to fight civil war when fighting for inheritance rights.

But King Roger now lacks confidence and is determined to leave a way out for his children and grandchildren.

He had witnessed the political struggles in the early years, and his father's tragic ending also required him to do this.

The total area of ​​the Grant family's territory in the south is approximately 360,000 square kilometers. If divided, it would be equivalent to a large duchy. Such a powerful duchy is a threat to the Grant Kingdom. After careful consideration, several key members of the Grant family disagreed with Roger's conditions.

After sitting on the throne for twenty years and winning many foreign wars, the prestige of Roger's kingdom has reached its peak, especially at the bottom and middle levels, and now it is at its peak.

If he had made up his mind to be promoted to a legendary warrior, the Grant family would have become his master, just like Duke Brenner twenty years ago.

It's a pity that after Roger took the throne, he became afraid of death and dared not take risks. His personal strength could not suppress the important members of the Grant family. Many things can only be discussed with the subordinates, otherwise civil strife will break out in the Grant family first. Without the support of Pansy, York, Heaton and others, Roger alone cannot suppress the subordinates.

In the end, everyone bargained for a long time, and divided the provinces of Steven, Saron, Isaac, Helen, Novena and Campa into the direct jurisdiction of the Nolan royal family.

Ferdinand and other seven provinces formed a duchy, which was granted to King Roger's eldest son Ferdinand after the situation stabilized. This duchy covers an area of ​​more than 200,000 square kilometers, and its land and resources are stronger than those of the Duke of York.

The other people didn't want to agree to Roger's conditions, but he had a high prestige and great achievements in the past twenty years, so they didn't dare to fall out with Roger easily.

In today's situation, Roger's interests are obviously different from those of the Grant family. Among the different interests, Roger chose himself.

Although this choice is not far-sighted, it adds a layer of insurance to one's descendants.

After careful discussion, the Grant family decided to let Roger attract the attention of the Venus family openly and secretly support Heaton to break through the legend.

The Grant family's strategy confused Irina to a certain extent.

The Venus family believed that the probability of Roger's promotion was not high, and they were prepared to wait for Roger's death to provoke a civil war and take advantage of the civil strife to develop.

Unexpectedly, Roger suppressed his inner suspicion and personally covered Heaton.

The Grant family is united and ready to weather the storm together.

In this way, time slowly came to November 3279 in the Dawn Calendar. Heaton drank the legendary eukaryotic potion and was successfully promoted to a legend.

Twenty years after the death of Duke Brenner, the Grant family finally has a new legendary knight. After Heaton was promoted, the pressure on Roger's kingdom finally eased.

After hearing that Heaton was promoted to legend, Elena's face became extremely embarrassed.

Although the Venus family was the previous owner of this land, Elena also experienced leaps and bounds after she was promoted to legend. But it is also extremely difficult to restore the throne and wear the crown.

Although Elena was promoted to legend, she was not the most powerful professional in the Grant Kingdom.

On the surface, the most powerful profession in the Grant Kingdom is Senna, the Archbishop of the Grant Diocese of the Church of the Dawn. As early as more than ten years ago, Sena had been promoted to the second level of the Legend.

Although Elena was promoted to Legend earlier, and she had obtained the broken pages of the artifact in the early years, signed a life-sharing contract with the Legendary Lich, and became immortal, but she is even better than Senna in terms of the level of magic. Worse. He could not find a way forward to become a legend for hundreds of years, but he is still at the first level of legend.

Senna is only the top expert on the surface. In fact, the most powerful person in the Grant Kingdom is the aberrant fusion of Princess Oflan and the Undead King Cannian. If Richard lets go, he is also much stronger than Senna, so he should be able to Standing shoulder to shoulder with Princess Oflam.

The reason why Princess Oflam was so talkative back then was not only because Senna was so powerful that she couldn't afford to offend Richard's powerful divine power, but it was also very crucial.

Princess Oflam is hiding in the mausoleum. Due to special circumstances, Richard cannot let go and fight the enemy desperately. However, with the Star Necklace in his hand, even if he does not let go of the power of the God of Slaughter, he will be able to defeat Elena. Also a big threat.

The Venus family has a long way to go to get their crown back.

First, they must obtain the acquiescence of the Church of the Dawn so that the church's power will not interfere in the civil war. In addition, they must win the support of Harland and other big nobles. Finally, they must defeat the Grant family. Only when three conditions are met can the situation be controlled.

Twenty years ago, the Venus family could not meet any of the conditions. Twenty years later, they can't do anything either.

The plan of the Venus family is nothing more than to control the central power of the Grant royal family by provoking civil strife, creating a situation in which the emperor is coerced to order the princes, taking control of the central royal court of the Grant kingdom, and slowly negotiating terms with the great nobles and the Church of Dawn. In fact, it is just a conspiracy and cannot be put on the table.

Moreover, in the process of controlling the central power of the Grant royal family, they will also face many difficulties. After all, the Royal Guards has members of the Grant family as its backbone and cannot accept leadership from outsiders.

If the Venus family wants to control the central power, they need to get rid of the hidden danger of the Royal Guards first.

Twenty years ago, they hoped to use the border army of the Mad Lion Legion to replace the Royal Guards to control the situation. Twenty years later, the conspiracy is probably still the same.

Not long after Heaton was promoted, Elena became angry and dispatched several masters from the Venus family to Nolan, hoping to assassinate the Roger Kingdom and forcefully create civil strife in the Grant Kingdom.

King Roger's guard force is extremely strong. He is protected by a group of 300 personal guards all year round. These people are all professionals, as well as knights and magicians who cooperate with each other. They can easily get the support of the mage tower and the imperial guards. Even if the maintenance Two legendary professionals from the Nas family took action, but there was no way to kill Roger.

On the contrary, in this assassination battle, the Venus family killed the Harden Knight, and Anthony also lost an arm and his backbone.

If the assassination is unsuccessful, the Venus family will naturally not sit still and wait for death. Seeing that there was no hope of restoring the country, Elena made up her mind and prepared to recruit foreign aid regardless of the cost. She personally came forward and contacted the legendary magician Marlo of the Scarlet Horn, preparing to cooperate with the cultists and must provoke a civil war in the Kingdom of Grant.

Although the Scarlet Horn is a cult organization, the power it controls is not weak at all. This cult organization believes in the God of Killing and has six legendary professionals with extraordinary strength.

Night Walker Marlo is a legendary magician and the third figure in the Scarlet Horn. He is responsible for the parishes of Grant, East Coast and Delon. He is very difficult to deal with.

Back then, this person had provoked a rebellion in the Grant Kingdom and was severely wounded by the legendary second-level pastor of the Church of the Dawn, Mavela.

In the past twenty years, Marlo has been hiding in the East Coast and Delong, and has some secret connections with underground forces such as the Venus family.

In recent years, the Scarlet Horn has been secretly cultivating followers, like rats hiding in the dark, killing them all.

Elena and Marlo teamed up, and the Blood Horn cultists caused a riot, which immediately caused war in the Grant Kingdom.

Seeing that civil strife broke out in the Grant Kingdom, the three countries of East Coast, Delong, and Lane seemed to be wild dogs smelling blood and started a war together.

East Coast and Delong had just entered the war, and the bloody horn also stirred up civil strife within the two countries. For a cult organization like the Scarlet Horn, the more people die, the stronger the killing artifact becomes, and the easier it is for the god of killing to resurrect. They are just killing madmen who do not consider the surrounding situation and the overall situation at all.

More than 20 years ago, the chess pieces secretly arranged by the Scarlet Horn were cleared by the Grant Kingdom and the Church of the Morning. Although the Blood Horn re-preached and arranged the secret pieces, after all, the power was not strong, and the scale of the rebellion provoked was not very large. On the contrary, in Delong and East Coast, Marlo has been operating for many years and has stronger control.

Entering the dawn calendar year 3280, the eastern countries were already in chaos.

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