Lord Helanza

Chapter 191

The sky has gradually darkened, and the street lights on the streets of the city have been lit by the night watchman.

The pedestrians on the main street are still in an endless stream, but some backstreets and alleys are dark, except for those local tyrants who are familiar with this area. At this time, few people go quietly. Drill in the alley.

The carriage rented by Surdak crossed a lively long street, passed an arched stone bridge, and walked a long way along the stone pavement.

Until there were fewer and fewer shops all around, surrounded by some large houses, Surdak realized that the carriage had already entered the wealthy area of ​​Ivolson City.

This city is really big, the scenery outside the car windows is constantly changing, and the dim street lights pass by one after another from the outside of the car windows. There are high-walled courtyards everywhere in this area. After walking until the sky was completely dark, he stopped beside a wall of rose flowers. The carriage husband graciously opened the door for Surdak and said to Surdak with a smile on his face: "Master Knight, are you going to get off here?"

Surdak looked out and saw the young Beard walk into a villa without walls. There was a group of villas next to this wealthy area. These villas The group has no courtyard, and is next to the street. The villas all around are paved with lawns, and rows of banana trees are planted on both sides of the street, just like courtyard walls.

He shook the head and said to the carriage husband: "No, please go forward a section of the road and stop at the front street."

" You want to go to Sherwood Mansion, but it is a good place to have fun at night." The carriage husband said to Surdak immediately, and squeezed his eyes with a lowly laughed expression.

The street entrance in front is a very famous mansion, where various high-end dance parties are often held here, but Surdak is wearing a worn-out demonic beast leather armor, which does not look like guests attending the dance party.

In Grimm Empire Mansion is actually a kind of private high level clubhouse of noble lords. These mansions are usually dedicated to providing various services for nobles, among which is included banquets, dances, press conferences, etc. There are also some mansions that provide hotel accommodation services for the nobles. Of course, the cost is much higher than that of ordinary hotels. The group of students from Swordsman Pena Academy who have come out to experience.

At night, the Sherwood Mansion is shrouded in bright lights all around. Almost every room in the mansion is brightly lit, happy laughter and cheerful voices and beautiful melody come out from the mansion hall. Fortunately, the coachman will carry the carriage. Parked in a relatively secluded place, Surdak got off the car and paid the carriage husband a Silver Coin, and the carriage husband drove away contentedly.

Surdak passed by the gate of the mansion and quickly got behind the banana tree on the side of the street. Under the shadow of the banana tree, he touched the villa where Beard lived.

This is a two-story villa with a loft. The living room on the first floor of the villa is lit, and the soft light comes out through the window. You can vaguely see Beard’s silhouette walking back and forth in the living room. How long did the lights in the 2-Layer room of the villa turn on.

Surdak approached the villa silently, walking along the side wall of the villa into the 2-Layer terrace. There were some clothes on the drying racks on the terrace, hiding in front of the terrace. In the shadow, extend the hand lightly opened the door of the bedroom. In the center of the bedroom is a large bed. The curtain hanging from the ceiling covers the entire large bed. The bed is covered with white silk sheets, which is clean and tidy. .

There was no one in the bedroom, so Surdak picked up a copper candlestick from the table and quietly moved towards the door of the room.

I pushed the bedroom away, and the sound of'hua hua' running water came from the corridor. The corridor also seemed very quiet, with two still life oil paintings hanging on the white walls on both sides.

Just when Surdak was about to follow the sound of water to find it, the bathroom door of Villa 2-Layer was pushed open.

"Lucy, are you here?"

Beard wiped his wet hair with a towel, walked out of the bathroom around a towel, his tone There is an impatient joy in it.

He walked downstairs along the corridor and saw that the living room downstairs was empty and no one answered, and he wanted to go back upstairs with some doubts.

Suddenly a candlestick appeared in front of him. At a moment of his astonishment, fiercely hit his forehead, and Beard only felt that the sky was spinning in front of him, and a bright red liquid flowed into his eyes. There was a patch of blood in the field of vision, and after a second, I couldn't feel anything in the dark in front of my eyes.

Surdak walked out from the corner of the stairs, with a smear of blood on the candlestick in his hand, and the sticky blood flowed to his hand, before he squatted down and wiped it with Beard’s towel After taking the blood on his hand, he carefully wiped the blood from the candlestick and placed the candlestick on the square table beside him. Then he turned around and walked to Beard again, squatting down and patted his fat face.

The young aristocratic officer is like a white pig with a clean shave, lying on the floor, and the blood from his forehead spills out on the floor.

Although he didn’t feel much, he still seemed to be breathing. Surdak cleaned the blood on his forehead at a moderate pace, wiped the blood on the floor, and then pried it away. He put the bloody towel completely into his mouth, and tied Beard's hands and feet firmly with a tendon bowstring before dragging it to the attic on the top floor of the villa. It was tied to the pillar of the main beam of the villa.

After doing all this, Surdak was considered sighed in relief, and then slowly went downstairs and turned off the lights in the living room, lying on the bed originally belonged to Beard and slept well until the sky It was about to light up when I heard the sound of peng peng crashing from the attic.

Surdak woke up from his dream, went to wash his face in the bathroom at a moderate pace, and then climbed the ladder at the end of the corridor to the attic.

The moment Surdak pushed away the dust cover of the attic, the noise in the attic stopped abruptly. Beard was tied to the main beam of the attic and looked at Surdak with horror, waiting for him to see clearly. After Surdak's face, she was even shiver coldly scared, struggling continuously to get out of trouble, but this kind of beef tendon tied the rope, the more struggling, the tighter it became.

Surdak walked up to Beard cat waist and sat down on the dusty floor in front of him.

At this time, Beard's body was covered with dust, like a gray mouse that everyone shouted and beaten, he stared at Surdak with a look of fear.

Surdak smiled lightly and said to him: "I know you are a smart person. Even if I pull out the things from your mouth, you won't yell, right?"

Beard was desperately nodded with a look of horror. At this time, his nose and tears flowed out, and the more embarrassed he was.

Pulling out the bloody towel stuck in his mouth, Beard gasped, as if he would suffocate to death a little later.

Surdak reached out to patted Beard’s chubby cheek and asked him: "You know who I am, right?"

Beard was nodded in horror. A few seconds later, as if thinking of something, he shook his head desperately.


Surdak said impatiently.

He has always wondered why the Duke of Newman had allowed these young aristocrats with no experience to form a war room.

"Master Knight, since I have not done any harm, I beg you to let me go, please!" Beard said shiver coldly, his voice with a trembling cry. Sound, it seems to be extremely scared.

"Oh, I can ask my family to pay you the ransom, I think I still have some value, just ask you not to kill me..."

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