Lord Helanza

Chapter 336

Gwendolen carried a sheepskin account book and led Karl and Surdak through the corridor on the first floor of the basement.

The light in the corridor is dim, and there is only a Moonstone wick wall lamp about five meters apart. All around the basement are all traces of mottled stone walls, the ground is fairly flat, and the underground corridors are not wet. The stone wall There is a layer of black velvet moss growing in the gap, and a faint fishy smell can be smelled near the stone wall.

Ms. Gwendolen wore corn-colored lambskin boots, stepped on the slate floor and made a crisp sound of'bang bang bang'. The three of them walked through the 20-meter-long corridor and came to a stone. At the door of the chamber, the basement was well ventilated, and the ventilation holes on the ceiling above my head even had a cool breeze blowing in, which made people not feel boring at all.

The door is covered with a thick layer of paint, which is very heavy. After Ms. Gwendolen opened the brass lock, Surdak and Carl hurriedly stepped forward to help push the door. They thought that the wooden door nearly three meters high would be very heavy, but they did not bother to push the heavy wooden door installed on the slide rail. Moving to the side, the room was completely dark. Ms. Gwendolen lit an oil lamp on the wall of the door, held the oil lamp in her hand, and took Carl and Surdak into the warehouse.

Every time she walked to a wooden shelf, Ms. Gwendolyn lit the oil lamp in front of the wooden shelf, and the warehouse soon became bright.

There are dozens of neatly arranged oak shelves in the warehouse, and some weapons covered with greased paper are placed on the front shelves. From the outline, they should be weapons like long swords. Ms. Wendolin did not stop here, but introduced: "These Knight long swords are all common standard weapons, and there are more well-made weapons in them."

Walking inside, I found many shelves posted on them. Holding some notes, but the shelf was empty until she reached the eighth row of shelves. Ms. Wenger Doreen hung the oil lamp in her hand next to it and lit the two oil lamps on both sides of the shelf, Surdak. It was only then that I could see that the shelf was full of long and narrow wooden boxes. The ends of these wooden boxes were labeled with kraft paper, and the whole shelf was stacked on top of each other.

Ms. Gwendolyn asked Surdak: "Surdak Knight, what is the most handy weapon you usually use?"

"Roman sword, oh...but recently I I used a Knight long sword." Surdak said honestly that the Roman sword belongs to the standard weapon of the infantry regiment, generally speaking, and no Knights would not use this kind of short sword.

Ms. Gwendolyn’s expression solidified, then she said to Surdak euphemistically: "...We have better sabers here, heavy sword, Knight long sword, vertebral sword and craftsman's sword. These weapons are all standard weapons produced by the Pena City Swordsmithing Workshop. The craftsmanship is excellent, and they are better than the groceries in the Weapon Shop outside."

Ms. Gwendolyn from the shelf Randomly drew out a wooden box, which looked a little laborious, wiped off the dust on the surface of the wooden box, and opened the cover of the wooden box, revealing a saber wrapped in oil paper. This saber has a slight curvature and the blade is only two fingers wide. , The streamlined blood tank can be clearly seen under the greased paper. Seeing that Surdak didn't want to disassemble the greased paper, Ms. Gwendolyn found a wooden box from this row of shelves.

This time Gwendolyn asked Surdak to help pull out the wooden box placed on the high floor from the shelf. Surdak only felt that this wooden box was very heavy, so he placed the wooden box on the table. Under Ms. Gwendolen’s eyes, she lifted the lid of the box. Lying in the wooden box was a very heavy long sword. Surdak reached out and uncovered the oily paper wrapped around the blade. The black blade was covered with it. With layers of stripes, only through folding and forging can the weapon have such exquisite stripes.

"This is a craftsman's sword, which belongs to the category of heavy sword. It is a forging process from the dwarf kingdom. The only drawback is that it is mixed with some black iron. The only drawback of this sword is that it is too heavy. , There is a heavy sword that is lighter than it......"

Before Ms. Gwendolyn finished speaking, Surdak held the hilt of the sword in his hand and picked up the craftsman’s sword. He held it in his hand. Turned a sword flower inside, and then smiled slightly at Ms. Gwendolyn, and asked: "I choose this craftsman's sword...can it?"

"...Of course!" Gwen Ms. Doreen didn't expect Surdak to make a decision so quickly.

I thought that Surdak would look at the heavy sword and the vertebral sword again, so she tentatively asked: "Surdak Knight, are you not going to look at the vertebral sword? That sword is actually more Features."

Surdak set his gaze on the honest craftsman's sword and replied, "No, this one is good."

"That's good," Gwen Doreen wrote the Surdak guard camp badge on a piece of kraft paper and put it in this wooden box, then put the empty wooden box on another area of ​​the shelf, and said to Surdak: “You can regularly place the craftsman’s Bring the sword back to the guard camp for repairs. This craftsman’s sword is damaged or lost. As long as the reason is reasonable, you can send a written report to reissue a new one. Do you understand?"

Surdak nodded said that she understood that Ms. Gwendolen laughed to Surdak with satisfaction and said: "Next, I will take you to choose a dagger."

There is no option for daggers, Gwen Ms. Doreen brought Surdak to the back shelf, and directly took out a red bladed short dagger. This dagger has an exaggerated forehead protection. It is more comfortable when held back, with a well-made leather. The scabbard can be tied to the waist or leg.

"By the way, Surdak, what kind of shield do you like?" Ms. Gwendolen asked Surdak again: "I guess it will not be the most common Knight light shield."

The three people left this warehouse and went to the opposite warehouse again. They saw that the warehouse was filled with shields, small round shields, large round shields, light shields, iris shields, tower shields and various belts. With a spiked alien shield, Surdak is standing in front of a row of pale blue iris shields. It seems that the iris shield he used before should also belong to the well-made standard armor.

Surdak smiled and said: "I have been using Iris Shield before, but the shield that was in hand was damaged in a previous battle, and now I have replaced it with a tower shield."

Ms. Gwendolen understands Surdak’s preferences. He simply doesn’t care too much about whether the shield is too bulky or not. Everything is practical for the best. She patted her forehead, said with a smile: "It’s really all Power type guy, but if you are sure you can use the tower shield, your horse can withstand it? Besides, you will need to receive a set of armor later, I think between metal armor and leather armor, you would not be willing to choose leather armor, right? !"

"Of course." Surdak replied.

Gwendolen pointed to the various shields between the walls and on the shelves, and said to Surdak: "So...Knight, please make your choice."

Surdak thinks about everything. Without thinking, he said: "I wish I could have a dwarf chain shield."

He hadn't been able to buy it in the Helanza weapon store before, so he has the right to choose here, so I will mention this here. A shield that is strong enough and flexible enough.

The dwarven chain shield is a thickened version of the iris shield. Dwarves have extraordinary arm strength. Therefore, this kind of dwarf chain shield is thicker. Limited by their height, this shield is not too big and short. People connect the shield and the arm with a chain, and when necessary, they can throw the shield to attack the enemy.

Gwendolen said with some emotion: "Well, your preferences are almost the same as those of the northerners."

Said she brought Surdak to hang three sides. Next to the heavy dwarven chain shield shelf, he continued: "It is said that the three-sided dwarven chain shield has been hung here since the weapon arsenal. Now you can take one side away."

Wait for Surdak’s After removing the dwarf chain shield, Ms. Gwendolen pasted a piece of kraft paper with the Surdak number on the wall of the shield.

He pointed to another shelf and said: "There is a place to store armor, Surdak Knight, all the metal armors you like are placed there."

The black iron armor is the standard armor in the Helanza guard camp. Surdak only needs to report the size, and Gwendolyn finds the corresponding wooden box on the shelf. The box is filled with brand new black iron armor. According to Karl , Not all guard battalion Knights can wear this bulky full-cover armor. Swordsman and knight-errant can't wear it. They usually choose lighter and more flexible leather armor.

Looking at Surdak glanced around in the armor warehouse, Ms. Gwendolyn asked him curiously: "What are you looking for?"

Surdak also said very honestly: "I'm curious, is there that kind of...oh, that's the magicweave construction."

Carl held Surdak's shoulders, smiled and jokingly said to him: "Magicweave armor But it won’t be stored here. Everything related to magic is invaluable. When you wait for someone like Sauron Great Captain of the guard camp, you will naturally have a set of magic pattern armor."

The three people left the armor warehouse all the way talking and laughing, and then Ms. Gwendolyn took Surdak to receive a lunch box, a water bottle, ordinary uniforms and a pair of leather shoes. Perhaps because of the good relationship between Karl and Ms. Gwendolyn, all the armament items received by Surdak are brand new. According to this system in the guard barracks warehouse, weapons and armors can be used repeatedly, but Surdak has Karl’s Layer relationships will lead to brand new ones.

When he left the logistics department, Carl asked Ms. Gwendolyn to play cards with her free time, and Gwendolyn said with a smile,'I'll talk about it another day.'

Then the two returned to the lobby on the first floor of the guard camp. Carl smiled and said to Surdak: "Well, I will take you around in the guard camp."

Carl Bring Surdak to the other side of the building, point to the side door opened separately, and say to Surdak: "This is a dormitory. If needed, I can apply for one for you."

Surdak thought of I have a fairly good living environment in Knight Academy, and I decisively shook the head. After all, I have mainly been taking classes at Knight Academy for the past six months.

Carl then pointed to a stone fort next to the stables, almost half of which was hidden underground, and said to Surdak: "There is a temporary prison in the guard camp. Usually prisoners caught temporarily are kept here. , There is the site of the group of people from the torture department. Usually, it’s best not to go there. They have weird tempers and are not easy to deal with."

"We can be regarded as platoon outside the city, Most of the time we spend missions outside of the city. Usually we don’t have to sit in the guard camp, and there is no special office area for us. Usually when we go back to the guard camp to report on duty, we will wait here in the lounge."

Speaking, Carl led Surdak to the third floor of the building. This is a very large room. It looks more like a chess and card room with many tables and chairs, but at this time in the lounge It seemed very quiet, and there was not a single silhouette. Obviously, the death of young Vic made the entire guard camp busy.

Carl sits down in a chair casually and says: "This is the lounge. In your free time, everyone gathers here to play cards, but now everyone is doing tasks. Usually this is the most lively place. At the other end of this corridor is the training room. Only some energetic youngsters can soak in it all day long."

After a big circle in the guard camp, it turns out that all the guards stayed in the guard camp were Inside staff, waited until the two walked out of the guard camp gate.

Next to the guard camp is the City Hall, which belongs to the administrative center of Helanza City. Opposite the City Hall is a very wide square with a statue of a 20-meter-high double-edged sword, Pena Province It is the hometown of the Swordsman, so in every city in Pena Province, there are many statues highlighting the Swordsman.

The two crossed the wide street and came to the Municipal Square. Surdak asked Carl: "When will we execute our plan?"

Carl said with some embarrassment: "We should prepare first. At least we need to get acquainted with the members of the support team. I have to apply for support from Sauron Great Captain. You saw it that night. The assassins of the Black Magic Priory are not something we can deal with. Got it, now the city is making a mess. The application has been submitted, but it has not been approved yet."

"It is estimated that there shouldn't be any reply for the time being. Those guys above just want to rush. Before the Magic Union Law Enforcement Group finds out any clues, wipe the fart stock first." Carl looked a little helpless and a little bit angry.

Carl’s carriage stopped not far from the side of the street, and the entourage stood in a place where Carl could see him at any time, making sure not to hear the conversation between the two.

"Otherwise, I will go out of the city and take a test. Maybe there will be an unexpected harvest." Surdak said to Karl. Surdak thought that he had all the equipment. There was no reason to grind the foreigner.

Carl hesitated for a moment, and did not agree immediately, but said to Surdak: "Well, I will arrange a party in the evening. Let's get acquainted and discuss tomorrow's actions."

Surdak nodded promised: "Okay, it depends on your arrangement!"

Carl beckoned to the entourage in the distance, and the entourage immediately drove the magic caravan over. Carl and Surdak boarded the carriage together, and then Karl Said:

"I will send you back to Knight Academy first, and wait for me to gather the team members in the afternoon, and then I will pick you up at the Academy gate in the evening..."

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