Lord Helanza

Chapter 382

The winter hunting ground for the nobles is about fifty miles away from Helanza city. It takes more than three hours to ride a horse. There are eleven magic caravans in the hunting team on the road. It was also covered with a layer of very solid snow, which greatly reduced the speed of the hunting team. The team passed through the red pine forest all the way to the north into the rolling mountains.

The mountains here are not steep. There are tracts of woodland and open ground between the mountains. There are bushes on the open ground. Some small beasts in the forest fled into the depths of the jungle after seeing the horse team.

The sun is shining brightly, the sky is blue, and the white snow is all over the mountains. Surdak rode out from the red pine forest on a horse, feeling that his eyes suddenly opened up.

A group of young nobles who rode at the forefront galloped on horseback, chasing each other in the snow, and suddenly broke the dullness of the team walking through the red pine forest. Karl also rode a horse from the squad. He ran out and rushed to the window of a magic caravan. At this time, the window of the carriage was pushed aside from the inside, and the window revealed the irritating face of Mrs. Christine.

Miss Brenda was unable to participate in the winter hunt this time because of physical illness.

Luelin can only stay obediently and honestly in the squad and chat with Surdak and Byrd tax officer. The Byrd tax officer likes a set of riding and hunting leather suits, and the wide belt can’t be tightened. With his beer belly, he seemed to be reminiscing about his great feats on the hunting ground twenty years ago, telling Surdak how he shot a thousand-pound wild boar with one arrow. The wild boar was covered with tree oil, as if he had a Layers of armor, a pair of fangs a foot long.

Luelin Baron heard with keen interest pleasure, and occasionally inserted a sentence to ask the tax officer byrd about the details of the hunt.

"Unfortunately, in recent years, it has been difficult to see wild boars of this size on the outskirts of Helanza, but the Timberwolves have multiplied more and more." Tax Officer Bird was riding on horseback, spraying his mouth. In vain, even if he rode this horse, he was a little breathless.

Surdak remembered the experience of being hijacked by the dark magician a few days ago. He was carrying Darcy Christie and was followed by a group of Timberwolves in the red pine forest. Those two nights are really fresh in my memory. So he said with emotion: "I met a group of Timberwolves in the red pine forest a few days ago. They followed all the way to the outside of the village before they retreated quietly."

The frost and snow on the stubble were introduced to two people: "These Timberwolves were not originally the top-level existence of the food chain. Before, First Rank demonic beast rock tigers lived here. They specialize in preying on Timberwolves. In addition to the precious leather, the tiger also gave birth to magic veins and spirit bones. It is also the First Rank demonic beast, attracting Fiend hunting and hunting to the southern area of ​​Paglos Mountain. As the rock tiger gradually disappears, the forest gray wolf population here is more and more proliferated. The more, by now, he has almost occupied the entire red pine forest."

His finger points to the large pine forest in the distant mountains.

The team walked on the edge of the bushes. Along the road, you can almost see slices of red fruits. After being frozen by frost and snow, they are still hung in bunches on the branches. The sour soup beef stewed with this kind of red fruits It is also a specialty of Helanza.

Surdak originally thought of hunting sand wolves on the hunting ground in order to obtain some primary level sacrifices, but now the leg injury has been completely recovered, there is no need for primary level sacrifices, and the hunting mood is not so urgent. Now that I heard that there are rock tigers here, I have some curiosity in my heart.

"Can there be traces of rock tigers on the hunting ground?" Surdak curiously asked.

The tax officer byrd lightly shook the head and said: "It has disappeared completely. Now occasionally, some sand wolves are used to cross Desolate Land to this woodland. Those sand wolves will not hunt. Timberwolves, on the contrary, sometimes leave some strings. Because of the Bloodline Power of Sandwolves, this type of gray wolf will mostly become the Wolf King of the wolf pack, and sometimes will be promoted to the First Rank demonic beast."

Luelin looked at all around curiously. In the snow-covered mountains, without seeing the wolves, he asked: "Why didn't we meet the gray wolves along the way?"

Haha, the tax officer byrd, smiled and replied: "Our team has so many people, and there are so many young nobles and guards in the team. Those Timberwolves are not fools. How could it bring about one's? own destruction. They must be lurking in the dark. As long as there are people in our team, within a quarter of an hour, we will meet those gray wolves. I can guarantee that there will be more than one group."

Baron Baron Hearing what the tax officer Bird said, she couldn't help touching the saber around her waist, and asked nervously: "Tax officer Bird, is it so scary?"

Tax officer Bird Patted his greasy belly hard, and said affirmatively: "My territory is here, of course I know it very well!"

"Well, how long we have to walk." Llewellyn Baron embarrassed Touching the inner thighs, the horseback was already aching, and the stomach also made gu gu gu protests, but there seemed to be an endless road ahead.

Tax Officer Byrd looked at the surrounding scenery and said to Llewellyn Baron: "Cross over the mountain in front of you will be here."


The entire group arrived at the home of the winter hunting ground at noon. It was actually a manor built next to the lake. This glacial lake covering an area of ​​nearly four hectares is covered with a thick layer of white snow, all around They are all forests of oak and fir trees. Because the number of winter hunters far exceeds the previous few times, the villa of the Christie family can't accommodate so many people. Therefore, the three manors around the hunting ground have also become temporary residences for these hunters. .

There are three manor houses around this glacier lake. In addition to the manor built by the Christie family for vacation and the lakeside villa of the Byrd tax officer, there are also the manor of the Goss family.

Arrived at the hunting grounds residence, but did not see any ferocious prey. Some young aristocrats were a little uncomfortable and wanted to take a stroll in the forest together, but they were stopped by experienced aristocrats, entire group After assigning a residence, Surdak followed the tax officer Bird to his lakeside villa.

Originally, the three manors were separated from each other by the lake, but at this time the lake was very frozen. The tax officer byrd took Karl, Surdak, and Llewellyn Baron entire group to wear it. After crossing the ice, it only took about twenty minutes to reach the lakeside villa of the tax officer Bird, along with Carl’s lover, Mrs. Christie, and several other young nobles whom Surdak was not familiar with.

This lakeside villa of Tax Officer Byrd is a 2-Layer loft. Although it looks a bit old, it still seems to have traces of refurbishment.

This villa is built on the hills and beside the water. Behind it is the rolling mountains. It seems to be a place with excellent scenery.

When everyone came to the villa, the servants in the Byrd tax officer’s house had already cleaned the villa in advance and a fire was set up in the fireplace. Everyone walked into the villa and immediately felt the warmth in the room. In spring, Steward of the Byrd tax officer's house thoughtfully divided Carl and Mrs. Christie into two adjacent rooms, while Surdak was in the guest room on the lake side.

The original plan was that after everyone settled down, they would return to the Christie family’s manor for lunch, and then take advantage of this afternoon to take a walk in the woods and get familiar with the surrounding terrain. Everyone was exhausted after riding for nearly half a day, and the steward of the Byrd Tax Officer also prepared barbecue steaks. The Byrd Tax Officer suggested that everyone might as well have lunch here, take a break, and meet at Christie Manor.

When everyone returned to Christie Manor in safari outfits, some young nobles had already begun to march into the mountainside woodland. Darcy Christie wore a leather armor with a thorn-tailed crystal lion and a piece of leather armor. White cloak, riding horses with several young nobles, waiting by the lake, Surdak saw Leonard dancing and talking with Dassy Christie from a distance, beside him was the sharp-sounding Miss Van Nistelrooy. In addition to these guests, Miss Hoyle was also by Darcy's side.

Seeing Surdak coming across the ice lake, Dassy Christie beckoned to Surdak, motioning him to pass.

The process of meeting Surdak and Leonard Swordsman was still a bit awkward. Leonard never thought that Dassy Christie, who was once a deadly rival with Hathaway, actually became friends with Surdak. Reasoning this kind of thing made Leonard couldn’t figure it out anyway. He stared wide-eyed and looked at Darcy Christie, wanting to get some understandable answer from her, such as what was caused by family pressure, or It was a trap that caused this hateful Surdak to fall into the abyss of consigned to eternal damnation, but looking at the degree to which Darcy and Surdak became acquainted, these conjectures became groundless.

Leonard couldn’t figure out how, after the loss of Hathaway, Cole Norton couldn’t even keep Darcy Christie. He wanted to give his friend at night Cole Norton writes a letter, telling in detail what he saw and heard in Helanza City.

"Aren’t you going to hunt sand wolves? You can go through this golden oak forest and look north. There are often sand wolves over there, but you’d better form a more reliable team, those Sandwolves are not as easy to deal with as Timberwolves." When Darcy Christie spoke, she liked to lift her white chin to show people her snow-white neck, just like a proud swan.

Leonard was so happy that Dassy was digging a pit here...

Then he was worried that Surdak would see through Dassy’s tricks, and simply didn’t want to look for it. Those sand wolves.

Because in his opinion, encountering sand wolves in the wild without the formation of Knight or the professional Fiend hunter is bringing about one's own destruction, he is not going to warn Surdak.

"Okay, I will take the time to try one's luck. If you find the trace of the rock tiger, remember to let me know."

When Surdak speaks, he puts on a very He doesn’t seem to care about it. He really doesn’t want to go through this oak forest. There is snow everywhere in the forest. Gubolema could easily break his leg if he accidentally stepped into the snow pit. Interested, there are five magic antelope heads in the backpack, enough to deal with any sudden occurance.

However, Surdak didn’t want to mix with Darcy Christie’s squad. Leonard’s hostile eyes made the entire squad look at Surdak vigilantly. Surdak planned to surround the lake with Carl. It's okay to go around casually, so looked towards Daxi waved his hand and motioned him to go around the lake.

Of course, Darcy Christie could not leave the classmates who came from afar, so she had to watch Surdak turn around and leave.

Seeing Mrs. Aunt Christie and Carl Platoon are very sweet and greasy together, Darcy Christie's face full of black lines, and her mood becomes a little irritable. She is not willing to be with Mrs. Aunt Christie. There are any intersections in the circle of friends, but Carl and Surdak are friends...

The tax officer Byrd looked at the melancholy Miss Hoyle with a daze. Surdak was also a little speechless. The tax officer byrd was more than enough when Miss Hoyle’s father was more than enough, and she actually looked like a pig brother. Although Miss Hoyle has been a bit miserable lately, even if it is a little bit more miserable, she still inherited the blockbuster. The Queen of the Territory.

Surdak saw someone on the ice lake digging into the ice cave with a big iron spear, and it looked like he was preparing to fish, so he rode over to watch the excitement, and threw Karl and Mrs. Christie away. Behind him, he didn't want to get close to the two of them and become the most eye-catching person.

Luelin Baron and Byrd Tax Officer stayed, and went into the dense oak forest with Dassy Christie’s entire group to look for prey in the forest.

The sky in the depths of the oak forest lit up red. When the magic flare, Surdak was pulling up the 11th whitetail on the ice. The plump and round whitetail was pulled out of the water, in the snow on the ice. After a few flutters in the ground, it will soon be frozen hard.

Some bodyguards who were on guard near the manor also saw the distress signal from the depths of the oak forest. Surdak didn't expect someone to send a distress signal. At this time, there was no time to deal with the whitetail fish, so he whistled to the Gubolai horse by the lake and ran to the horse quickly.

Surdak rides on his horse and breaks into the oak forest with other guards who went to support. The oak forest is not as dense as it looks from the outside. There is plenty of room for horse riding between the tall and thick oak trees. Mercedes-Benz, but you need to be careful with the roots of the trees hidden under the snow and the rotten woods that lie in the forest. Fortunately, someone rides by in front of them. Surdak only needs to follow the horseshoe prints to find the safest way.

When I rushed to the jungle scene, I just saw a group of young nobles surrounding five Glazed Beasts. These cats, which are significantly larger than snow leopards, are much more ferocious than leopards, due to their fur. It looks full of brilliant lights and vibrant colors, especially in the snow, it appears crystal clear and near-transparent, so it is called Glazed Beast by the empires. Glazed Beast belongs to Level 2 demonic beast, because its leather is in the snow. A certain concealment effect, generally speaking assassin and thieves like this light leather armor made of leather, so Glazed Beast leather is also very valuable.

Surdak didn't expect to see Glazed Beast on the outskirts of Helanza, and there seemed to be someone injured. As the Christie family guards arrived one after another, the young nobles and guards were talking to Glazed Beast. During the battle, gradually gained the upper hand......

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