Lord Helanza

Chapter 457

The Knights in the guard camp are carrying a large number of spoils of war and have endured the hardships of a long journey back to the square station.

The mood of victory was beyond words. The Knights dragged their tired bodies to set up camps while discussing the gains and losses of the battle. Soon the square was covered with a white tent like fish scales.

Although the situation on the Maca plane is still very serious, there are already many war merchants who have heard the news waiting outside the Plaza Station, hoping to get in touch with the Knight commanders of these three guard battalions. Conduct a round of war supplies and spoils of war transactions, but there are also some merchants who will contact some knights in private, give better prices, and strive to trade some spoils of war.

The fountain in the center of the square has long been surrounded by curtains, and it has become a bathing room for the guard camp. The first thing the guard camp Knights do after they put down their bags is to take off their armor and set it in the fountain. After scrubbing in the pool, the dirt and blood stains on the body need to be scrubbed repeatedly with a brush to be thoroughly cleaned.

A huge torch with a pedestal is lit on the periphery of the bathroom, which is brightly lit.

In order to avoid the three-city guard battalion Knight's concentrated bathing and some unnecessary conflicts broke out, the commanders of the three guard battalions decided to divide the washing time, and the Knights in the same city will wash together within a fixed period of time. Helanza As the second team to arrive at the square, the City Guard Battalion also lined up behind the Plus Guard Battalion during the wash time.

Surdak and Andrew set up the marching tent. Ogre is obviously not suitable for him because of its huge size. Fortunately, the weather on the plane of Maca is warm and pleasant. Surdak found a few woods. Pole built a pergola next to his tent, and bought a straw mat from a local merchant, which also gave Ogre Gullitm a more decent temporary residence.

The half-elf archer Samira couldn’t wash at the fountain in the square. As a Vojmara, the guard camp had just arrived in the square and set up camp. The half-elf archer left with a pack of spoils of war on his back. Camp.

Surdak and Andrew sit by the fountain and use a brush to wash away the thick purple blood stained on the armor. This kind of purple blood sticks to the surface of the armor like a scab, which is very difficult to clean. After trying to brush a few times with the brush, Andrew threw the brush aside and complained to Surdak: "In the past, people rushed to dry the fingers of the hook when they returned home. They thought it was very difficult to wash the armor. One simple thing, I know it’s not easy until I’ve washed it myself."

After the Helanza guard battalion returns to Vojmara city, it will enter a period of rest, so the senior guards of the battalion There is no restriction on the freedom of Knights, as long as they ask their superiors for instructions and remarks on the itinerary, they will basically be approved.

Surdak guessed that Andrew was also going to visit his family, and asked him: "Should I go home and have a look?"

Andrew slightly startled, looking at Surdak with a puzzled look.

Surdak soaked the magicweave armor in the pool at his feet, and said to Andrew: "While our guard camp is still in Vojmara, visit more if you have time. Family members, those spoils of war that belong to you can be taken away and handled by yourself."

"If you feel that it is a bit troublesome to handle it, you can also turn it over to the guard camp, but it is generally difficult to sell to the highest price. The good thing is that it’s convenient. You don’t need to deal with merchants yourself, and you won’t encounter crooks."

After talking about Surdak, he filled a clay pot with water and poured it over his head.

The burn scars on his body have faded a lot, but every time he takes a bath, he still looks a little horrible to see, and I don’t know what kind of fire he has experienced before to stay So many scars.

Andrew also has many scars, especially his arms and legs are covered with many scars left when he was bitten by a hell dog. Now these scars are crusted and shed, revealing the tender pink inside. New meat. In the past few days, under the blessing of the Blessed Body, his internal injury has also improved rapidly. Andrew stood up from the pool and asked excitedly: "Captain, can I leave the guard camp?"

Surdak glanced at him in surprise, not remembering when he was forbidden to leave the camp, and said, "Of course, but be careful that you will come back every two days to cancel your leave. Anytime after the guard camp is closed It is possible to receive a new mission. When the departure time is reached, no one will stay here to wait for you, and you will have to be punished by the guard battalion."

"Then I will go back first, I really I really want to share the joy of victory with my family, maybe I can let them have a good meal..." Andrew said while putting on the wet linen shirt again, and then trapped a whole set of armor and giant axe that were not clear and clean. Together, with their backs behind, strode out of the square camp in a wet body.

Ogre on the side is much simpler, sitting in the corner of the fountain, constantly lifting the wooden barrel above his head, and allowing the clean water to clean the blood stains all over his body, but he is also a bit distressed at the moment , Because Surdak gave him a brush, ogre originally thought that this small brush would be a little too small for scrubbing the body.

Then Surdak stood in front of ogre and took out a toothbrush for ogre to demonstrate cleaning his teeth.

Ogre took a long time to realize that the brush in his hand was also used to brush his teeth.

ogre Gritem hesitated. He had never done this before, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with a mouth full of teeth. He reluctantly stuffed the bristle brush into his mouth.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Surdak said to Ogre, standing on the stone foundation in the pool. "If you don’t want to eat beef, you can still remember the taste of sour meat from the hell dog, just do as I said, so that you can taste more delicious food."

"Just For example, delicious porridge for lunch?" Ogre asked immediately, cheering up.

His voice is very thick, and his voice caught the attention of the other Knights in the bath.

Surdak shook the head and said: "That is the march ration we eat most often. If you like to eat those, I can satisfy you later, but I plan to fulfill my promise and entertain you Eat a hearty beef meal."

"Barbecue?" Ogre said expectantly.

Surdak took out a box of canned luncheon meat from the magic pocket, tossed it in his hand, and gave the answer: "Canned beef!"

ogre Guliterm immediately cheered : "Dak, I like canned food!"

Surdak's original idea was to prepare a barbecue meal for ogre, but according to Carl, the city of Vojmara has recently been short of supplies and prices have soared, especially in the market. The fresh meat on the website has skyrocketed to the point that a Silver Coin can only be bought for two pounds, and it may not be available, so Surdak temporarily decided to change it to grilled luncheon meat.

As the Knights of Constantinople began to enter, the Knights of Helanza Guard Camp left the fountain bath in the center of the square one after another. It is said that the water flowing out of the fountain in the square this evening is light. It's purple, and it has a faint smell of blood.

Walking back to the tent, Surdak saw some wounded Knights in the guard camp waiting eagerly. When they saw Surdak, these Knights looked full of expectation.

After the Battle of Meijin Town, the injured Helanza city guard battalion Knight received Surdak treatment after the war. Now, most of the people who come to Surdak for treatment are the Knights from the other two city guard battalions. They I heard that Surdak has the Holy Light Technique to heal the bites of hell dogs, so I don't want to go to the battlefield hospital to ask those Water Element magicians with eyes high above the top for treatment, and the camp is closer here.

Surdak didn’t think there was anything here, so I immediately put down the things in my hand, got into the tent and prepared it, and placed the sacrifice items in the tent. After everything was ready, I got out. Set up a tent and set up a table outside the tent, and began to receive the injured Knights.

Although ogre had some reluctance on his face, this simple and honest guy sat quietly beside him, and did not mention that Surdak had promised the great dinner.

The day will be bright in a while, ogre is lying on the straw mat in the pergola, looking up at the starry sky above.

Only the bathroom side of the square is still brightly lit. Many Knights in other places got into the tent and fell asleep after taking a shower. Only Surdak’s tent still gathered a lot of people to heal injuries. Knight.

Knight who is slightly injured does not need to pay anything. Surdak simply treats the wound, and then uses the Holy Light Technique to accelerate the healing of the wound.

Without Andrew's help, Surdak will also need to do some dressing.

However, this situation did not last long. When the long legs appeared in front of him, Surdak knew that it was the half-elf archer Samira who had returned, and her body was still floating with a touch of saponins. The smell, the hair on her head was still a little wet. Instead of hiding her face in her hood, she covered her face with a dark veil.

The half-elf archer took over the hemostatic bandage from Surdak's hand. Her bandaging skills need not be as good as Andrew, but she lacks a little bit of Andrew's bone-making skills.

For some seriously injured Knights, Surdak needs to bless them with the "Body of God" in order to improve their recovery strength and speed up wound healing. They must hand in the head of a hell dog. In addition, Bring out a box of canned luncheon meat, which is regarded as the reward charged by Surdak. These canned luncheon meat are piled higher and higher in front of the tent.

Seeing the canned luncheon meat, ogre suddenly felt that this kind of boring treatment suddenly became interesting. I really hope that there will be more serious injuries!

If Surdak’s “situation” is the demon Divine Idol who can give blessings, it’s no secret in the three guard camps. There are even many Knights who think that the “divine body” is an enhanced version of the Holy Light Technique.

Until the dawn of dawn spread across the city of Vojmara and the rising sun also ushered in the square, the number of Knights waiting for treatment gradually decreased.

This time, the battle of Meijin Town was a complete victory. After capturing the town, he stayed in the town for more than a day. Therefore, many injured Knights were accepted by the town. Surdak's treatment, it is actually not too much to be able to wait until returning to Vojmara City.

Seeing the canned luncheon meat piled outside the tent, Surdak drove away the only little sleepiness, took out the fire-gathering rune board from the magic pocket and placed it on the ground, set up a barbecue, and used a dagger to The canned luncheon meat box is cut open, and a large piece of meat is scooped up with a wooden drill to make an incomparable gigantic kebab, which is grilled on the grill.

The luncheon meat, which was originally cooked meat, exudes a rich smell of meat under the magic flame. Ogre, lying in the pergola, could not bear it for a long time, and sat up from the straw mat. , Sitting quietly in the pergola like a big child, waiting for Surdak to grill those delicious meat skewers. His big, silly face is full of expectation.

Surdak couldn't eat enough, so he grilled ten big skewers, and brought back a large stack of granola and threw it in ogre's arms.

While ogre was munching on oatmeal, Surdak came to the half-elf archer and asked her to untie the bandage on the right hand arm.

Samira stopped for a moment before he unwrapped the bandage on the right hand arm. Surdak still got to the right hand arm, which had cracked numerous fine wounds. Although this arm was on the left side of Samira’s The arm was nearly twice as thick, but still did not have enough bearing capacity to bear the magical power of the forest bow, and Samira always uncontrollably inspires that powerful force, this is what caused her arm to continue to collapse The main reason.

"Your arm condition is getting worse and worse. If this continues, you will soon be unable to draw the bow!" Surdak once again told the half-elf girl.

Samira didn't care, lifted the black veil and took a bite of green dates.

ka ka ka, sweet and crispy.

Surdak feels that Samira should pay more attention to her arm. Although she has the resilience of the'Blessed Body', her arm still doesn't get any better. This is a very bad situation in itself.

He said to Samira: "I know a very good magic scholar in Helanza. His name is Ferdinand. If this arm breaks into a pile of rotten meat, maybe he has a way. It is better to graft one for you, but I have to know your preference beforehand."

The half-elf girl's face is a bit ugly.

Surdak ignored her expression and continued: "The arms with the most innate talent for archery are of course the wingmen in Cloud City. Their arms have the power of wind, which can make arrows fly. Farther, but Ju said that the last cloud city has disappeared for nearly a hundred years. Now those winged men are harder to find than giant dragons. It is not easy to find a winged man’s arm."

Then he changed the subject and said: "But I heard that the Lizardmen in the Savage Swamp have good bow and arrow innate talent. The only downside may be the fine scales on it, but I heard that it is The original traces left by the scales degenerated, but the skin of the lizardmen is actually very delicate, but the color is darker..."

"...I am not going to change my arms!" Samira finally endured Can't help but protest.

"Then you have to cherish and cherish it, and you can't let it hurt frequently." Surdak quickly reminded her, and then pointed to the new scar on her arm and said: "Your arm There are too many wounds, and it is estimated that you will not be able to draw the magic pattern on it in the future, but you can consider the magic pattern. I mean if you meet a suitable magic pattern in the future, you may wish to consider it."

Samira looked at Surdak’s exposed half of his arm, which was covered with terrifying burn scars, and asked him: "Are you going to draw a magical coat?"

"No Wrong, I’m looking for it everywhere, but this thing can be met but not sought!” Surdak nodded admits: “In addition, the magic pattern reproductive equipment does not need to be drawn, only a suitable reproductive equipment needs to be implanted, but the carrying capacity is still The key!"

"I don't lack the carrying capacity, but for the magic pattern, I need to increase my agility and instant explosive power!" Samira is very clear about the direction that she wants to strengthen.

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