Lord Helanza

Chapter 460

A piece of gray clouds on the horizon is bordered by the setting sun, and even the rolling hills in the jungle are stained with pale-gold.

The stone wall on the east side of the valley is still bathed in the setting sun. A beam of golden sunlight shines from the entrance of the cave into the cave and falls on the belly of a Great Demon ape. The sunlight is rich in the breath of Fire Element. Slowly sucked into the body by this Great Demon ape, constantly nourishing the wound on its belly more than a foot long, the Great Demon ape rolled over lazily, resting his stout arms under his head, and continued to sleep in a comfortable position. The cave is dry and warm, and can be bathed in the afternoon sun. It is indeed an excellent place to rest.

The soft brown fluff is leaning against the stone wall. The Great Demon ape has his eyes closed and his sturdy body is stronger than Ogre.

It escaped from its own territory and has stayed here for more than half a month. Unfortunately, it did not find the magic herbs to heal injuries. Instead, it almost fell into the hands of a human magician, which made the Great Demon ape There was a lingering fear. It knew that this hiding place could not stay for long, and planned to leave here after getting enough sleep.

After all, this place is too close to a human city. It needs to bypass the previous towns and go through this jungle all the way south to a warmer place.

A trace of wind blows into the cave...

The magic ape suddenly smelled a dangerous smell in the wind blowing from the entrance of the cave. Perhaps it was the sour smell of sweat and the smell of food. It suddenly Opening the pupil with golden threads, two golden lightning flashed in his eyes. It propped up its fangs and suddenly sat up and looked towards the entrance of the cave.

Surdak didn't expect this demon ape slept so shallowly, he had tried his best to put his feet on lightly, but when he stepped into the cave entrance area, he was still alerted by the big guy in the cave, a head the size of a washbasin. I moved towards Surdak and looked over, a pair of eyes shot out two sharp golden glow.


The Great Demon Ape made a loud noise in the cave, which shook Surdak's ears almost unable to understand any sound from the outside world.

Just as the body of Surdak was shaking slightly, the Great Demon ape slammed forward, and an arm thicker than ogre’s legs came out and moved towards Surdak’s head. Caught it, it moved as fast as lightning. Surdak had only time to raise the dwarf chain shield, and the defensive posture was not even standing. The great hand of the Great Demon ape had already hammered Surdak's shield heavily.

A piece of silver rays of light exploded on the shield, which offset most of the force from the arm of the magic ape.

It’s still the case. Surdak leaned back. The big hand of the demon ape was already on the edge of the shield, and he slammed it backwards. Surdak’s whole person was picked up by the demon ape, the demon ape I wanted to throw Surdak onto the stone wall of the cave, but a sword light pierced on his face forced him to turn his head to avoid it, and grab the sword edge with another big dark hand.

Surdak only felt that an irresistible force pulled himself off the ground. He quickly pierced the eyes of the devil with the blood-red crescent moon in his hand. The devil tilted his head and cut the sword. After hitting the ear of the demon ape, the sharp machete left a shallow wound on it, and was held in the hand by the great demon ape. Surdak cuts the demon ape’s hand muscles towards the backhand, but found that the machete was tightened by the demon ape. It's locked and can't be pulled out anyway.

The devil ape only feels a sharp pain in his ear, which makes it angry. Its arm span must be more than four meters. It is holding the edge of the dwarf chain shield in one hand and the blood red crescent in the other. He pulled his hands to the sides abruptly, intending to tear Surdak in half. A pair of big black hands were as solid as gold stones, holding the sword edge of the blood-red crescent moon, and they were not cut in the slightest.

Surdak realized it was bad, but couldn't let it go.

Under the blessing of the'Blessed Body' and the'Power Aura', Surdak's power is still completely suppressed in front of the magic ape. The subsequent moves are unsustainable and can only passively resist the magic ape's Pulling, didn't expect the power of the magic ape is so terrible, Surdak did not dare to be careless, and quickly released his own'potential'.

A double-sided, four-armed Demon God illusory shadow appeared behind Surdak, and Surdak's power went up a step, his body was tight and he was carrying the pull of the magic ape.

While Surdak was fighting with the magic ape in the cave, the indigenous warrior Andrew also rushed up from the entrance of the cave. There was a special rhythm when he stepped on the rocky ground, like a rush of war drums. Sounds, Andrew is holding a giant axe in his hand, and rushing towards the magic ape against the rock wall in large strides. Just as the magic ape opened his arms to tear the Surdak in half, Andrew jumped up high and smashed the giant with both hands. axe is raised above the head, and the body is in a reverse bow shape in midair, as if Heavenly God descends to the earth, moved towards the top of the demon ape's head.

A pair of glaring eyes appeared behind Andrew, together with the deep statute lines on both sides of the nose, the illusory shadow is clearly the glaring of a certain giant.

After the awakening of the'Berserker Soul', it means that Andrew has an extremely powerful'potential'. When he slowly learns to master his own'potential', his strength increases with each passing day, The giant axe cut through the air, bringing out a white mark.

The magic ape felt the killing intent on the axe blade, and hurriedly moved Surdak threw away in horror. His sturdy arms crossed the top of his head, and the giant axe that Andrew had chopped off hit the magic ape’s arm.


The sound of bone cracks is clear and audible.

The magic ape made a loud roar, the giant axe's axe blade was deeply embedded in the magic ape’s arm bones, and the magic ape golden’s eyes instantly dyed flashed with blood color, and he grabbed the axe handle with his backhand , The right arm moved towards Andrew swings out.

Andrew didn’t expect that the arm bones of the magic ape were so hard that his full strength attack could not cut it off. Instead, he was caught by the magic ape with one hand. When he was stunned, the magic ape An Iron Fist smashed over and hit the chest of Andrew's full-covered metal armor. With a loud bang, the full-covered breastplate quickly sank, and Andrew's body flew upside down suddenly, hitting him with a'bang' On the wall.

The demon ape uttered a sky-shaking roar again, and his sturdy body moved towards Andrew who hung on the stone wall, and he was about to smash Andrew directly into the stone wall with his thick shoulders.

But suddenly I noticed a sharp pain in my abdomen. I lowered my head and saw that the old wound in my abdomen broke apart at this moment. Not only was blood splashed out, but a section of the intestine was also exposed from the wound, and the magic monkey uttered an unwilling voice. Roaring, he stopped his body quickly, dragged his intestines in his hands with one hand, and stuffed it back into his stomach indiscriminately, but when he moved his hands away, the internal organs still flowed out.

The magic ape put a hand on his belly and continued moving towards Andrew and rushed over.

It noticed a sharp pain in his big leg, and looked down behind him, and saw that Surdak was holding the blood-red crescent moon in both hands and inserted it into the crotch of his back. The big hand like a magic ape cat fan moved towards Fanning behind him, Surdak only felt a strong wind coming, and quickly raised the shield, the big hand of the demon ape slammed on the chain shield of the dwarf with a bang, and Surdak assumed a defensive posture, still unable to stop the demon ape's rage. hit.

The body flew out and was beaten out of the cave.

At this time, Andrew had already got out of the stone wall, he held the giant axe again, behind him a pair of huge eyes watching the magic ape, ready to fight the magic ape again.

Faced with such a fierce Andrew, the magic ape suddenly stopped. It hammered its chest with one hand, and then a gorgeous cyan-green. magic pattern appeared on the chest, that huge one. Iron Fist was poured into the ground by the magic ape with a touch of cyan-green aura. The entire cave made a loud noise. Numerous Wood Element auras were aroused from the magic ape’s arm and spread along the rocky ground to form a whole green area. A full array of magic patterns.

Andrew realized that it was too late when it was bad. Four thick-waisted tree and vines emerged from the rocky ground. Amidst the falling rocks and flying, these four thick tree and vines twisted and twisted. Andrew entangled it, and the wooden cage woven in an instant not only confined Andrew, but also locked Andrew's big axe.

In midair, where Andrew was confined in a cave by huge trees and vines, he couldn't get rid of his hands and feet for a while.

The scarlet pupils of the magic ape recovered a trace and soberness and calm. It hesitated for a moment, covered the abdominal wound with one hand, and rushed towards the cave entrance.

Surdak was holding a shield at the entrance of the cave. Without even thinking about it, Surdak threw a giant fist to the shield in Surdak's hand. It wanted to smash Surdak again, as long as some gaps were revealed, it You can rush into the jungle outside, where it belongs to the world.

The fur of the devil ape's right arm showed golden patterns, which looked like it was coming out of the bones, and the violent aura also came out of the devil ape's arm.

Behind Surdak, the Demon God illusory shadow once again emerged. The demon ape’s fist slammed into Surdak’s shield, and the scimitar in Surdak’s hand also opened a wound in the demon ape’s ventral groove. Dwarf A huge fist mark clearly appeared on the chain shield. The entire shield was hit by the magic ape and hit Surdak's body with a touch of earth. The magic shield emerged from Surdak, resisting the full strength of the magic ape. attack.

Every time the Earth Shield appears, it means that the Devil Crystal Stone on the "Earth Shield" magic pattern has burned at least one third.

Surdak didn't have time to distress the worn-out Devil Crystal Stone. He took a step to the side of the devil's ape, and made another cut in the devil's groin.

Magic Ape looked at his fist and didn't understand why his full strength attack didn't knock Surdak off.

It felt a pain in the abdomen again, and moved towards and grabbed it indiscriminately. But before the magic ape could wave his hand out, he was caught by the big hand that stretched out from the cave, and a fist was knotted. He smashed it firmly on the face of the demon ape, and smashed it back into the cave.

ogre's burly body is jammed at the entrance of the cave like a Roshan.

The magic ape took two steps backwards, the wood element magic breath oozes from his chest and right arm, and the light green six-pointed star array appeared again under his feet. The magic ape’s arm nearly doubled in the magic pattern array. The brown fluff all over his body showed a trace of golden glow, and the hand that was holding the wound in the abdomen was also raised by the magic ape, his two hands were clenched into fists, and the step by step slowly walked out of the cave.

At this moment, the lower body of the demon ape has been blood dyed through by himself, and every step he takes, even the footprints on the ground are bloody.

It was first moved towards Surdak...

Surdak did not raise a shield this time, but took three steps back.

The hand of the demon ape fell on the stone wall behind Surdak, and suddenly caught the rubble, there were several huge cracks on the edge of the cave. Looking at the several cracks, the demon ape’s eyes seemed to have discovered Like the new continent, the two fists fiercely slammed into the cracked stone wall, and the rubble flew away. The magic ape actually avoided the hole, smashed a hole with his fist, and got out of the cave with the flying gravel.

The magic ape who escaped alive dare not have any nostalgia, took a big step moved towards a giant tree and rushed over, ogre saw the magic ape escaped from the cave, and hurriedly waved the big wooden stick in his hand Catch up from behind.

The magic ape uses both hands and feet to run fast in front.

With the help of Surdak, Andrew also broke free of the wooden cage from the collapsed cave and rushed out.

Seeing that the magic ape has rushed to the bottom of a big tree, using his hands and feet together, dragging the body of the riddled with scars up the tree.

As it climbed to the middle of the tree trunk, it suddenly saw its slender body standing on the horizontal branch of the canopy, holding a forest bow in one hand and a green arrow in the other. arrow. Samira frowned slightly, her eyes filled with a trace of blood, and her bandaged arms clapped again, and a green glow flew out from the forest bow, hitting the center of the demon ape's eyebrows.

The magic ape is stared wide-eyed, and its face becomes extremely hideous. It wants to pull out the arrow from its forehead, but finds that the power in its body is rapidly losing.

It has never felt this way before, and its body has become extremely heavy. When its hands touched the top of its head, it unexpectedly fell from the tree trunk uncontrollably, and a panic flashed in the eyes of the magic ape, it I saw ogre rushing and saw the round wooden stick in ogre's hand...

next moment, I only felt that my head was hit by a huge external force.


The big wooden stick in ogre's hand hit the devil ape's head, and the stick broke.

The devil ape only felt that his eyes would lose consciousness when his eyes were dark, and his heavy body slammed under the tree, making a loud noise.

Andrew, who arrived from behind, stared at the demon ape who had fainted on the ground, raised the giant axe in a spurt of energy in his hand, and slashed the demon ape's head.

Samira also hugged her arms and jumped from the top of the tree lightly.

Surdak did not hesitate this time. Before skinning, he placed a sacrifice altar next to the demon ape and sacrificed the head of a hell dog to Demon God, obtaining the'Eyes of Truth' The power of blessing, and then took out the skinning knife, and began to peel off the most precious fur of the magic ape. The fur on the front of the magic ape’s chest has natural magic patterns. In order to maintain the integrity of this part of the magic pattern, Surdak can only Split the fur from behind the magic ape.

Samira stood aside with her right arm, watching Surdak skilfully peeling her skin with some envy.

Waiting until Surdak stripped the fur of the demon ape’s arm, he felt that the demon ape’s right arm had a lot of magic fluctuations. I thought it was a natural magic pattern on the fur. Then Surdak found out. This is not the case. He slowly cut through the fascia and muscles of the demon ape with a skinning knife, exposing the demon ape's arm bone, which was impressively printed with golden magic patterns.

The magic ape’s arm actually has a'magic pattern spirit bone'...

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