Lord Helanza

Chapter 511

Surdak heard the news that the Knight squad of the Pena Provincial Intelligence Agency was attacked in Oak Ridge, three days later.

The escort officer of the Intelligence Agency was ambushed by an unknown person on the way back to Helanza. Not only did the two rebels died, but even the escorted Knight squad failed to get out of Oak Ridge alive. Helanza was responsible for it The responding personnel found the place where the battle took place, and it was in a col that was less than fifteen kilometers away from the city of Helanza.

At such a close distance, this Knight squad could not be delivered to Helanza City. It is estimated that the opponent killed the entire escort Knight squad with a thunderous method. After the investigation by the Magic Union Law Enforcement Group, there was a large amount of residue left on the scene. The traces of electric magic, the preliminary judgment should be an archmage who is good at electric magic.

At the same time, the Desolate Land security team outside the Paglos Pass also received an investigation order from the Helanza Security Battalion, ordering Surdak to cooperate with the Pena Provincial Investigation Team to collect evidence on the spot.

A week later, an investigation team from Pena Province came to Wall Village.

It was an investigation team composed of fifteen nobles and Knight. The investigator headed by Viscount Frank was from Pena City. He was a high level investigator of the Pena Provincial Intelligence Agency. He brought two Assistants, two magicians from the law enforcement group of the Magic Federation of Pena Province, and a Knight squad from the Helanza City Guard Camp. The Captain of this Knight squad happens to be Karl Casement.

As the leader of the support platoon platoon, Carl is familiar with most areas outside Helanza, so Sauron Great Captain let him be responsible for receiving the investigation team and acting as the team guide.

Carl rode a horse to the forefront. When he crossed the Paglos Pass, he stopped at the pass and looked up at the wooden crosses on the top of the mountain. I don’t know when, the wooden cross on the top There are several corpses hanging on the cross. Although Surdak has learned about it from the written report sent to the guard camp from the security squad, when he actually stood at the mountain pass and looked at the corpses of the robbers, he had another feeling.

The last time Carl came to Helanza was during the harvest festival. At that time, Wall Village had already begun to build a reservoir upstream of the village. The cistern has only a rough outline. Now the Level 1 cistern has been completely completed, and even the Level 2 cistern has a very clear outline. This visual impact is still quite large for Carl.

A group of kobolds are digging an artificial canal in a frenzy on the beach of the river bend outside the village. There is also a low flood control dam less than two meters high around the canal, which will cover several hundred acres. Surrounded by the tidal flats of the river bay, several villagers lit a large area of ​​reed grass on the tidal flats. Freeing up wasteland is the first step to reclaim the tidal flats. Before long, the old village chief Bright will personally divide the land here.

Surdak led all the members of the security squad to stand under the dead tree at the entrance of the village. At present, the official members of the security team are only Captain Surdak, and the team members Andrew, Samira and Andrew.

When Karl jumped off his horse, the guard camp Knights who came with him moved towards Surdak to say hello.

"This is Surdak Knight, the Sheriff of Desolate Land outside the Paglos Pass..."

Carl's lips are very slippery, and he can tell this string of names in one breath. He was introduced to Viscount Frank.

This Viscount Frank is a middle-aged nobleman. He wears tight-fitting sheepskin soft armor and leather breeches. He rides stiffly on a handsome blue-scaled horse. He is pulling the horse's rein with one hand. Jumped off the horse flexibly, and handed the reins of the horse to the assistant who had caught up behind him.

Carl introduced to Surdak: "This is Viscount Frank, a high level investigator of the Pena Provincial Intelligence Agency, and this is the magician of the Pena Provincial Magic Union Law Enforcement Group... This time Viscount Frank came to the security team. In order to investigate the attack on Oak Ridge ten days ago, Sauron Great Captain told me that you must do your best to cooperate with Viscount Frank’s investigation."

When Carl gave an introduction, that high level The investigator, Viscount Frank, had been looking all around with a straight face, and finally his eyes fell on Ogre's body, his eyes were slightly surprised. Then he said to Carl and Surdak: "Then let's start now!"

An assistant brought two chairs for Viscount Frank and placed them under the dead tree at the entrance of the village. Viscount Frank invited Surdak to him. The other side sat down, staring at him with falcon-like eyes and said: "Surdak Knight, please tell me the whole process of capturing the two rebels at that time, and be as detailed as possible."


Surdak sat down at the entrance of the village.

A group of half-old children in Wall Village squatted in a row from a distance and looked towards this side curiously, but no one dared to run over.

"About half a month ago, our security team received a notice from Helanza city, ordering us to pay close attention to two rebels who fled from Helanza city. According to intelligence, these two A rebel army may pass through Desolate Land, walk all the way north along the mountain range of Paglos and leave Pena province." Surdak said.

Viscount Frank asked seriously:

"Your security team currently has only four people?"

Surdak turned his head and moved towards and took a look beside him, Andrew , Samira and Gulitum all stood aside and said, "Yes, our security team is full of five people, but due to the short time it has been formed, there are currently only four people."

Nodded, Viscount Frank, asked again:

"How did you find these two rebels? Didn't you send someone to guard at the Paglos Pass?"

Surdak said truthfully "It was not us who discovered the two rebels, but a group of villagers living here in Wuta Village. The two rebels exposed their whereabouts when they entered the small village to steal food, and then they ran here to report it to me... …The specific process is like this."

He narrated the arrest process in one breath, and drank two sips of water in the middle. Viscount Frank had been sitting there quietly listening, without interjecting to ask.

Wait until Surdak finished speaking, Viscount Frank asked Surdak:

"You mean that the two of them were locked in a wooden cage at the entrance of the village one day, one night?"


"Yes." Surdak said.

"Did the two rebels say anything?" Viscount Frank asked again.


Viscount Frank was silent for a while before asking Surdak again:

"Can I look at the cage?"

"Of course it can."

After Surdak said, he led the investigation team up the river along the path of Wall Village.

The wooden cage holding the rebels was carried out of the security team by Ogre Gulitum, and it has been coated with a layer of varnish.

At this time, the fence of the new premises of the security team has been erected. Several bricklayers are erecting plywood on the fence. According to Surdak's description, after weaving the iron net on the roof, immediately The pozzolan cement was used for grouting, and it seemed torn everywhere.

Carl stabbed Surdak, pointed to the building, and asked him in a low voice, "This is the premises your security team is building?"

Surdak nodded, saying'yes' .

Carl stepped forward, touched the already wet wall, and asked curiously: "What kind of stone is this, and how is it a whole piece?"

Surdak points to Pointing to the pile of volcanic ash outside, he replied: "This is not a stone, but a mud made of volcanic ash!" Carl saw Frank standing next to the wooden cage. The Viscount looked a little impatient, so he didn't ask any more.

The two assistants of Viscount Frank inspected the wooden cage. After half a month, the wooden cage was varnished again, and all traces have been removed. It is impossible to find out. To any useful clues.


Viscount Frank called Andrew before him again and asked him:

"Your name is Andrew?"

"Yes" Andrew nodded, answering very concisely.

The Viscount Frank asked: "Did you inform the villages of Desolate Land to guard against the two rebels?"

"Yes, this is my duty." Andrew Say.

Viscount Frank touched the oak cage with his hand and asked Andrew: "Are you the last guard guarding the two rebels? Are you the first to see the escort of Squad Knight?"

Andrew honestly replied: "I was responsible for guarding the two rebels during the 2nd day. They were very honest at the time. The sun was very sunny and warm. They lay in the cage and slept almost until the night, because they woke up a little It was too late, which led to the wrong dinner at the kobold slave camp...a ​​little later, the escort Knights came to Wall Village along the dirt road of the mountain pass. I also waved to them."

Viscount Frank stared at Andrew, his eyes sharper.

However, the native warrior who crawled out of the dead on the battlefield, especially awakened the'Berserker Soul', and felt nothing in the face of the mental oppression of Viscount Frank.


Viscount Frank asked the half-elf archer again: "Samira..."

The half-elf archer standing beside Andrew said on the spot : "I was out on patrol at the time, and I didn't know any details..."


Viscount Frank stood in front of Ogre, Gullitmu stared wide-eyed. Looking at him, he was stared at by a strong ogre. People who were not strong enough in their hearts simply did not dare to look at him.

Especially this ogre is wearing a streamlined armor and carrying a big bone-shattered mallet behind him, which looks very vicious in every way.

Viscount Frank touched his chin implicitly. He looked at Ogre and asked him:

"Gullitum? You and Surdak Knight entered the Gobi, can you describe it? What was the fighting situation at that time?"

Guliterm immediately came to his mind. He still vividly remembered the battle scenes at the time, especially when he threw a stone cake with his hand and smashed a rebel army off the horse. Viscount Frank didn’t expect the most silly and most clumsy ogre but the most utterable one. He sat there and talked so much that the stars were flying everywhere, and his memory was very good. Excellent, even every detail is clearly depicted, and in some places, some subjective emotional and psychological descriptions of Ogre Gullitm are added.

So much so that at the end, Viscount Frank had to use the next question to interrupt Gullitum who was talking about the whole process.

This ogre, who likes to reason with others, also likes to tell stories.

Viscount Frank asked him again: "Are you responsible for guarding the rebels at night?"

"Oh, yes, to be precise, it should be the latter half of the night. The one who guards them both in the first half of the night Luke, he..."

Viscount Frank decided not to give Ogre the opportunity to continue, and then asked: "Is Luke also a member of your security team?"

ogre Guliterm shook his head and said, "No, it's the young man in the village."

Later, Viscount Frank asked some people in the village.


"Village Chief Bright..."

After a round of investigation and questioning, the sky was already dark.

The village chief, Bright, is already in the village and has prepared a room for dinner and rest for the investigation team.

Wal Village is a remote rural area. Although the village is building large-scale construction projects, the temporary residence used to entertain the investigation team is the old village chief Bright’s house. The conditions are somewhat difficult, but it is the best house in the whole village. The largest official in Helanza City that Wall Village entertains is the Tax Officer Bird, who also lives in the old village chief’s house.

This time there were a lot of entourage members. The guard battalion Knight set up two tents on the open space outside the old village chief’s house to guard the safety of Viscount Frank.

Viscount Frank and his two assistants moved into the old village chief’s house, and the old village chief and Luke gave a warm hospitality throughout the whole process.

Everyone didn’t expect Surdak. As the only one named Knight in Wall Village, his residence is actually a two-room earthen house. Standing in the old village chief’s yard, you have a sweeping view of the whole village. Seeing the thick red thatch on the roof of Surdak's house, everyone's eyes were full of surprise. It was said that a Knight who was officially canonized by the Grimm Empire was so shabby, didn't expect dignified.

The two magicians who followed the whole time did not speak. At this time, they showed some curious eyes when they looked towards Surdak.

Standing in the courtyard of the old village chief’s house, Viscount Frank said to Surdak, “I want to take a look at the Gobi scene where the two rebels were captured, Surdak, can you still find that?”

Surdak said: "Yes, Master Viscount!"

He may not find that place, but the villager in Wuta Village will definitely be able to find it. No one likes here. Residents are more familiar with this piece of Desolate Land.

Nodded, Viscount Frank said to Surdak, "Well, we will leave tomorrow morning...Everyone will rest early tonight!"

Until Surdak and Carl leave from the old village chief’s house, When the old village chief Bright began to arrange rooms for Viscount Frank, Viscount Frank asked Luke, who looked very honest and honest, "Is Surdak Knight poor at home?"

Luke subconsciously nodded He shook his head again...

Then quickly explained: "Their family was very poor before, but after Duck retired from the army, the situation at home suddenly turned around. He learned a superb skill. Skinning craftsmanship. He often peeled the black devil on the battlefield and saved a lot of money. After returning to the village, he also paid for himself to build a reservoir in the village."

I heard Luke Xiang The investigation team introduced the situation of Surdak. The old village chief turned around and knocked on Luke's head with a pipe, and scolded: "What are you talking about, child? Where is it from your own pocket? The village also took out some money." , Most of the money he spent building the cistern was the output of his Knight’s open-pit sulfur mine."

Luke felt aggrieved by the large bag above his head, not daring to say a word... …

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