Lord Helanza

Chapter 537

Selena’s new home is on the westernmost side of the second townhouse in the village. The simple lines make the building look a bit square-shaped, each townhouse In Liuhu villagers, there is a small courtyard surrounded by wooden fences on the south side of the small building. These courtyards have not been cleaned out yet, and some construction materials have been piled up randomly.

The main body of the small building is made of limestone and volcanic ash cement. The roof is covered with a herringbone frame, and a thick oak board is laid on the frame, and the oak board is covered with a layer. Grey tiles, terraces, lofts, including wooden doors and windows all exude a faint fresh taste.

The townhouses are divided into upper and lower 2-Layer. The top floor has a small attic and terrace. In order to save time, the bricklayers constructing these townhouses should try their best to build these townhouses. Some unnecessary repeated decorations are removed, so from a distance, the three small buildings look a bit monotonous, unified and lacking in aesthetics.

But this is nothing to the villagers of Wall Village.

They are about to get out of the thatched house and live in a solid stone house made of concrete. From now on, they don’t need to worry about the roof collapse when the snowstorm strikes, and they don’t need to worry about rainstorm strikes outside the house anymore. It rained lightly in this heavy rain room.

They are full of expectations for their new home, and joy hangs on their faces.

Sometimes in the village square holding a pot and eating a big pot of rice, you will laugh unconsciously.

When the four-wheeled carriage passed the wild lake ten kilometers downstream of the river bend, they would go to the lake to pick up some beautiful pebbles and come back.

After returning to the village, they would Before it is completely dark, pave these pebbles on the yong road of the townhouses, fill the gaps of the pebbles with volcanic ash cement, and then wash the road with water until the smooth and round pebbles show the most beautiful side.

The buildings in Helanza usually support the tall and smooth Dali stone pillar all around the house. The villagers follow the style of the nobles in the city and build a row all around the townhouse. The concrete stone pillar propped up a circle of outer balconies.

The nobles like to use hollow ladies' stone fences on the terraces, and the villagers also build strong oak railings on the terraces and balconies.

Selena is holding one corner of her long skirt in one hand. The soft and light long skirt outlines her two slender and straight thighs on the other side. She stepped up the outer stairs, and Signa flung off the race. Linna’s hand rushed to the stairs first, standing on the jogging platform and shouting to Selena: "Selena, I want to go to the attic to play for a while..."

The attic of the house can become a paradise for children. After leaving the thatched hut with only one room, Signa finally has a room of her own. She rushed to the attic and pushed the wooden windows on the attic. Open, put your hands on the windowsill and watch the sunset that is about to go down.

Surdak saw that the cracks in the cement stone wall were very smooth, and the construction level of the villagers seemed to be improving very quickly.

With a faint smile on her face, Dai Linna lowered her head and pushed the door open to let Surdak into the living room.

The walls of the brand-new living room are whitewashed with white ash, and the patterned blanket from Surdak hangs opposite the fireplace. The living room looks very empty except for a wicker chair beside the fireplace. There is only one very old and very old wooden table.

Behind the living room is a small dining room, washing room and kitchen, and two bedrooms are upstairs.

Selena went into the kitchen to boil the water, and Surdak leaned against the door frame beside her, with her hands wrapped around her chest, looking at Selena in silence.

When she leaned down, the soft long skirt highlighted her round buttocks. Recently, she became plump. Although the waist is still slender, it has a little more feminine charm. .

She tied her long, supple golden hair into a ponytail with a handkerchief behind her head, and looked at the spacious kitchen with contentment. The kitchen alone was half the size of the thatched house, and everything in the kitchen The cooking utensils are brand new.

In the past year, thanks to the man in front of her, her life has undergone a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and even the preaching of the dark Goddess doctrine has improved greatly. , Those kobold slaves still have a little bit of IQ, at least they can understand the dark Goddess blessing stories told by Selena.

The azure flame in the stove licked the bottom of the kettle, Selena turned and walked in front of Surdak, her pretty face was like a ripe apple, reaching out to help Surdak unlock the magic pattern of the "Earth Shield" Armor, hung on a wooden stand on the side.

The dinner is very simple. Selena prepared a plate of vegetable salad, chestnut noodle pancakes, and some broth.

Signa hurriedly ate her share and borrowed Cyrus from Surdak. Hickok black magician's magic notes.

Surdak feels that little girl also has some magic innate talent. If she can awaken the magic pool to become a magician at the age of 12, the lives of their mother and daughter will become better in the future.

Watching Signa ran upstairs in three or two steps, Selena did not forget to tell her not to watch too late...


Wal Village at night seems very quiet. Most villagers will go to the village square to eat big pot of rice. After eating, they will go home in small groups. There is basically no entertainment at night in the small villages, and the villagers will go home to wash and wash. After the shabu, I usually go to bed very early.

Soon, the whole village will be silent in the night.

In Wall Village, kerosene lamps and candles are luxury items, so few people are willing to spend money to light them.

Ludwig was sitting outside the adventure group tent, watching the crooked moon slowly climbing from the top of the dead tree to the top of his head, and then he lightly exhales one breath saying, all around. Even the sound of breathing makes even the members of the adventure group who sits opposite him doze off.

He patrolled quietly and found that everyone was already asleep. Then he quietly got out of the campsite of the adventure group, passed the big dead trees at the entrance of the village, and fumbled towards the village along a road in the village. As they walked, the few local dogs in the village heard the movement, made a few barks, and rushed out of the darkness, moving towards Ludwig, rushing towards them.

He had prepared for a long time. He took out a pack of broken bones without oily water from his arms and threw it out. Suddenly the attention of those dogs was attracted away. Although the bones were not oily, they were faint. The scent still attracted the full attention of several native dogs.

As soon as Ludwig wanted to pass by these dogs, he saw the sound of footsteps from a construction site not far away.

Someone in the village seems to have heard the movement of the local dogs, worried that some people from outside the village will come to the construction site to steal construction materials, especially those steel bars. Clothes crawled out of a shack, murmured around the construction site, and then touched the construction site nearby.

Ludwig just wanted to take advantage of the villagers on duty to leave, passing through this construction site, just to see a village woman emerged from that shack, she smoothed her long skirt as she walked, Ludwig was so scared that he quickly hid in the shadow on the corner of the wall.

Looking at the direction the village woman was walking, he was a bit speechless, so he could only choose to bypass this uncompleted construction site.

Except for the three small townhouses built, the village is full of construction sites filled with building materials. If you want to bypass them, you can only walk up along the edge of the river.

Fortunately, there are many wheat fields by the stream. The wheat in the fields is about to reach Ludwig's thigh, and these wheat have begun to ear.

'hua hua' The flowing stream covered his footsteps, Ludwig became a little bolder, and he walked up the pond stems in the wheat field.

During the day, he had already explored the way when he entered the village, knowing that he would reach the construction site of the upstream reservoir by going up the stream.

Before you get there, you must go around in advance.

Otherwise, if the craftsman on the construction site finds his whereabouts, when the time comes, I can't get away even if I want to run.

Ludwig was thinking about it in his heart, when he heard a scream of'baa-baa' coming in front of him, which shocked him suddenly.

During the day, he didn’t see a flock of sheep here. By the faint moonlight, there were some yellow sheep in the wooden fence in front of him, listening to those yellow sheep. The number of calls should be quite a lot.

Ludwig wanted to go around the sheepfold, but didn't want to cross the river to the other side, so he wanted to get closer to the sheepfold and see if there was a way to go around.

He got out of the wheat field and saw that there was a sheep pen in front of him. He peeped to the side against the low wall, wondering if there were any villagers guarding over there...

Seeing a huge head suddenly appeared on the other side of the low wall, he stared at Ludwig unblinkingly with bull eyes like brass bells, and his big mouth sprayed out with a touch of faintness. The smell of garlic, his bald head almost scared Ludwig to scream.

Gullitum was obviously taken aback by Ludwig, he just slept on the low wall outside the sheepfold, and when he opened his eyes, he saw someone outside the wall Sticking out his head, staring at himself face to face.

Under the night, the thin man in front of him was wearing a rags of linen clothes, and he didn't even have much flesh on his body. Gullitum glanced at him disgustingly.

No one in the village dared to approach him, and no one would take the initiative to talk to him. Everyone was a little afraid of him.

When the women in the village even coax children, they will threaten the Brat and say: be honest, let you and Gullitm go herding sheep together if you are not obedient...

ogre Gulitum has taken the only job of the big children in the village, so in the eyes of the large and small children, he is a heinous demon.

He is an ogre who is willing to be reasonable. He likes to talk to someone when he is bored. He likes the food in the ogre tribe...

Unfortunately, no one in the village wants to talk to He is reasonable, and no child likes to listen to him telling stories, such as carrot and finger stories.

"Who are you? You are not from the village?"

Gulitum looked towards the stranger in front of him vigilantly and asked.


Ludwig said without hesitation. Facing the ogre in front of him, he worried that he would be eaten by the opponent if he hesitated a little bit. .

Gulitum believes that the outsider in front of him is telling the truth, and the reason for judging the truth is that this kind of unthinking answer is basically the truth.

"It's so late, why did you come here? Do you want to steal sheep?" Ogre Guliterm continued to ask.

Ludwig felt that the ogre in front of him was putting more pressure on him, he hurriedly waved his hand and shook his head and said:

"No...I don't!"

I heard Ludwig say this, Gullitm was sighed in relief...Since he wasn't stealing sheep, it would be nothing serious!

He believes that Ludwig should be the bricklayer in the outer village on the construction site of the reservoir. Seeing that his palms and tiger’s mouth are covered with cocoons, his body is thin and thin, but his eyes are shining—very big. Craftsmanship!

At this time, Gu Litum remembered his stomach gu lu lu. He was not very hungry when he drank multi-grain porridge at night. After sleeping for such a short time, his stomach felt empty, which he missed a little. When the salamander broth came, Ogre wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth, waved his hand a little impatiently, and said to Ludwig:

"Okay, get out of here, big evening Don’t run around, and don’t come here to wake me up, otherwise my stomach will be hungry easily. It’s not easy to sleep until dawn. Okay, hurry up and go back to the construction site of the reservoir!"

Just as Ludwig wanted to go back the same way, he stopped when he heard Ogre say this.


He was full of question marks...

I wanted to ask Gullitum if he was wrong...

But then I reacted immediately, ogre Gulitum, this is the bricklayer from the outer village who used him as the construction site of the reservoir, and replied after a quick brainstorming:

"Oh , Ok, I'll go right away..."

Ludwig walked forward without thinking, he never thought that he was actually watching an ogre glare like a tiger watching his prey Down, easily passed the sheep pen, and also walked into the upper reaches of the river.

The tents on the construction site of the reservoir are almost connected into a large area, and a few torches are lit all around the construction site, and some villagers on duty are standing on the high pile of materials.

Although he successfully entered the upper reaches of Wall Village, he was not overwhelmed by it.

Looking at the only large house in the village with lights still on, Ludwig immediately thought that the Surdak Baron was probably in the house, and the followers should have followed him. By his side, I heard that there is a very difficult to deal with archer beside him. His eyes are not limited by night and day. It was the archer who shot and killed more than 20 companions...

Think of this. , Ludwig felt chilly on his back, he decided not to take the risk, and directly thought of the direction of the police station in his memory and touched it.

A dark cloud completely covered the hook-like moon, and the small mountain village was plunged into absolute darkness.

Ludwig walked along the flat area leveled out of the Level 4 Reservoir, moved towards the Wall Village Security Office. He wanted to venture there and see, after all, Gelden magician died here , There should be some clues in the village of Wall. According to the information obtained from the magician of the law enforcement group of the magic union of Helanza city, the mysterious magic crystal did not fall into the hands of the magician.

This also means that the magic crystal is likely to be in the village of Wall.

A row of chestnut and hawthorn trees were transplanted outside the police station. Ludwig hid beside the low wall of the lantern Fruit Tree, peeping into the police station, through the dark bushes. Cong, he felt that there was some terrifying in the police station. He squatted in the bushes and waited for a while, and found nothing unusual, so he decided to go around the back of the yard and sneak into the police station...

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