Lord Helanza

Chapter 575

The black magician in the summon array is Flanagan, the leader of this group of members of the Black Magic Priory.

The entire array is filled with a faint purple mist, and huge black blisters are constantly pouring out of the ground covered with metal rune boards. These blisters are constantly emerging from the black marsh and bursting.

At this moment, the summon array became a huge quagmire. Five huge eyeballs about one meter in diameter slowly emerged from the mud. Red’s pupils exuded an evil atmosphere, and these eyeballs grew underneath. With dozens of wicker-like tentacles, these eye monsters slowly rose into the air after they emerged from the summon array. They stared at the mountain giants on the battlefield, and their eyes were constantly absorbing demonic energy.

The mana of the tentacles below the eyeballs kept flowing, and these eyes gradually became blood red.

The mountain giant seems to have felt the threat of the evil eye. He slowly twisted his body and looked at the floating evil eyes of in midair. He wanted to use the giant tree in his hand to move this A few floating eyes were photographed from in midair, but a few torture demon entangled with it at his feet. The mountain giant was furious. He raised his foot to stom on a torture demon, and instantly turned him into a ball of purple. Blood water.

McLeish magician stood on the boulder, looked at the big eyes of in midair, and said in surprise: "They actually developed an array of summon evil eyes. These evil eyes can be released. Death rays, the armor of the mountain giants may not be able to withstand these rays."

Then he said to the student Cyril Dent in the awning: "It seems that this time we have to prepare too. Send a signal to the second squad to let them fly farther, we are going to release the Lightning Matrix..."

The Lightning Matrix is ​​a large-scale compound electric magic developed in the Darkmoon Gate organization.

Space is an advanced magic of electric magic, just like ice attribute magic is an advanced magic of Water Element magic. As space magicians, they are also proficient in electric magic. The evil eye was ready to go in midair, and McLeish immediately organized the magicians who were resting in the rear to form a formation, and then began to prepare for large-scale magic.

With the same sound of incantion, these dark moon gate magicians who stood in a circle gathered a ball of lightning in each hand.

MacLeish stood in the circle, and all the lightning power of the magician was transmitted to the MacLeish magician.

Countless lightning spheres gathered together, and under the manipulation of the McLeish magician, a bunch of beating lightning chains were formed. As the incantion in McLeish’s magician’s mouth was finished, the lightning chain looked like It is a lightning snake with a barrel thickness of more than 20 meters, sprinting to a giant mountain a hundred meters away.

Cyrillic Dent originally didn’t think that his magician could kill this mountain giant beyond the Level 4 Peak period, but saw the lightning chain turned into a ring of bondage, locking the mountain giant’s body. , The lightning beam scorched it all over, and a glimmer of hope rose in his heart.

The huge lightning chain turned into a huge power grid on the mountain giant, and the giant tree in the mountain giant's hand was also completely carbonized in an instant.

At the same moment, in midair's five eyeballs opened their eyelids almost simultaneously. Five black rays shot out from the eyes, and the death beam instantly penetrated the mountain giant's body.

Five holes of blood appeared on the upper body of the mountain giant, and countless lightning bolts were entangled.

Seeing the vitality of the mountain giant being pierced by the five beams of light, Cyril Dent, standing in the mage’s queue, was slightly sighed in relief, but he waited for a long time. I hoped to fall down miserably, but with brute force, he broke away the large web of lightning, stretched out his hand to pinch the evil eye of in midair in the palm of his hand, and turned the evil eye into a pool of purple blood with a slight effort.

The mountain giants did the same. They smashed all the evil eyes that were slow in midair with a few waves. Even though the black flames were under their feet, he killed all the tormentors who came out of the summon. The arc on its body disappeared little by little, and although there were a few more wounds on the mountain giant's body, it did not affect his movements in the slightest.

It found the summon array on the edge of the ruins at a glance, and rushed towards the summon array in a big step. It can take more than ten meters away in one step.

The magician of the Dark Moon Gate rode the magic wand again around, tearing open the magic scrolls, and the Fireball and the arc once again fell on the mountain giant.

The mountain giant bowed his waist, let the magic fall on his generous back, and rushed to the summon array.

Those black magicians had no time to put away the summon array. They had only time to put the obsidian stone pillar into the magic pockets, and the metal rune board spread on the ground was smashed by the foot of the mountain giant.

The mountain giant is stronger than imagined. The injuries on his body aroused its fierceness. He stepped heavily on the ground, and the entire valley gave a slight tremor, and the mountain giant hid sideways. He drove a series of fireballs, raised his hand and swept a magic wand, and the magician riding on the magic wand rolled and fell out.

A member of the Dark Moon Gate riding a magic handle happened to fly by near the magician's landing point. When he saw the magician flying over, he grabbed the magician's belt and caught him from in midair.

McLeish didn't expect the large magic matrix of the Dark Moon Gate, which can only restrain the mountain giant for a few seconds, and it did not cause any wounds on him. Instead, there are two magicians in battle. Injuried.

Seeing that the hell tormenters and evil eyes of the black magicians summon could not defeat the mountain giants, McLeish gritted his teeth and strode towards the black magician Flanagan.

Flanagan magician just spent a lot of mana in the summon hell demon, and his face turned pale.

The summon array that was built with great effort was crushed by the mountain giant, and the magic Talisman writing board worth hundreds of gold was also destroyed. He could only take seven black magicians to temporarily withdraw from the battlefield. In the morning, he still laughed at McLeish’s incompetence, but now he finally understands McLeish’s feelings, the feeling of having unspeakable bitter suffering is very uncomfortable.

Flanagan magician saw McLeish approaching, he quickly stood up politely, and said politely: "Speaking of which is a little bit ashamed. The demon from array summon is at least one difference from the mountain giant. Level, it has no effect in front of this mountain giant."

"Our forbidden magic is also useless, so this time I come and officially invite you to join our second plan!" McLeish magician said: "I want to withdraw part of the magician to build the temporary Transmission Formation, so the Priory will also participate in the task of containing the mountain giants."

"We will do our best to complete!" Flanner The magician said seriously.

Mclean, nodded, immediately discussed with the Flanagan magician to send the magician to take turns to contain the mountain giants.

And McLeish magician led a group of his men overnight to build a temporary Transmission Formation in a hidden woodland in the valley.

Surdak and Carol took turns staring at the battle in the valley.

Until noon on the 2nd day, in the hidden woodland on the edge of the ruins, McLeish magician finally successfully built a temporary Transmission Gate.

Place a large number of Devil Crystal Stones into the gem base, the Magic Transmission Gate slowly rotates, and a magician of the Dark Moon Gate walks into the temporary Transmission Gate.

"What are they doing?" Carol asked suspiciously as he watched a Transmission Formation build up.

"It is estimated that the reinforcements from Darkmoon Gate were brought in..." Surdak said softly.

Before speaking, a team of tall warriors wrapped in linen entered the valley through the Transmission Gate. These warriors held Trident in their hands, and several lithe and graceful silhouettes appeared in the team, but They are also tall and tall.

This group of warriors moved quickly, and it didn't take long before they began to line up in a square array at the entrance of the ruins.

In the sky, the magicians riding the magic handles continue to involve the mountain giants, the lithe and graceful silhouettes holding the crystal ball in their hands, first look all around the valley, and then select The hidden peak in Surdak climbed halfway up the mountain in one breath before stopping.

Surdak thought these people had discovered their whereabouts, and was considering whether to fight a fight and then retreat. He didn’t expect the group to stop when they climbed halfway up the mountain. At the same time, he also Seeing the true identity of these tall silhouettes, these people are actually a group of fish-tailed warriors-Pompeii Sea Clan.

These guys are actually covered with scales. Those strong warriors are holding Trident in one hand and a solid conch shell in the other, all covered with green scales.

There are three witches in the group of Pompeii Sea Clan that climbed halfway up the mountain. Flanagan magician and McLeish magician immediately went to Pompeii, the leader of Pompeii Sea Clan, and a group of people surrounded Start to discuss the battle plan together.

Those Pompeii Sea Clan warriors did not immediately enter the battlefield. Nearly 300 Pompeii warriors formed a huge circle around the ruins.

And the Pompeii warrior on the mountainside moved out twenty conch shells that looked like huts. These shells were engraved with long magic Talisman texts. Three Pompeii witches quickly removed some white The pearls and magical gems are inlaid on the shell of the conch.

This time all the magicians of the Dark Moon Gate have withdrawn from the air, and only the six black magicians of the Priory are holding the mountain giant in the air.

McLeish magician formed a lightning matrix formation on the hillside this time. The three Pompeii witches began to cast spell continuously. The conch shells halfway up the mountain kept flashing the light of mana, from A large amount of sea water gushes out of the conch shell. This sea water does not flow down the slope to the bottom of the valley. The large amount of sea water is like being restrained by an invisible force. It's like being stored in an infinite transparent bathtub.

Along with the influx of sea water, the three Pompeii witches held up their hands almost at the same time, controlling the huge wave that was tens of meters high on the hillside.

The mountain giant finally found the strangeness on this side of the hillside. He got rid of the entanglement of the black magician and rushed towards this side. The Pompeii warrior hiding in the forest still did not launch an attack.

At this time, McLeish and the members of the Darkmoon Gate once again gathered a huge lightning snake. This lightning chain was drawn directly on the mountain giant's body, and the lightning chain turned into one after another electric circle to prison the mountain giant. Tie tightly in place.

Surdak is hidden on the top of the mountain, and you can clearly hear the Pompeii witch sing incantion in Ghana...

As the sound of incantion falls, hoarding a few in the middle of the mountain The ten-meter-high sea water instantly turned into a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses moved towards the mountain giants.

At the same time, nearly three hundred Pompeii warriors plunged into the sea and rushed towards the mountain giant along the turbulent tide.

Seeing the huge ocean tide appearing within the valley, Surdak and Carol both looked at the scene in shock...

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