Lord, I’m A Lizardman

Chapter 44: , only to survive

"Ha ha!"

"Beasts are beasts. Civilization is built on the capital that can survive, and can only flourish."

"And the Wanye Mountains was originally a world where only "beasts" could survive."

An Mubai looked at Bai Chi, who was deformed and weak, struggling to crawl towards him. The lizardman with black thin scales was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed softly after seeing it in his heart.

He tore off the flesh and blood from the half-frogman corpse in front of him, opened his giant lizard mouth with fangs, and began to eat.

What the shallow-pit lizardmen need now is not civilization. Civilization can bloom slowly during development, but the first thing the shallow-pit lizardmen need is to be able to survive in the Wanye Mountains.

Only by surviving can everything be possible, otherwise, no matter how much you think, it will only become empty talk.


Bai Chi's pink eyes looked at An Mubai, who was relieved to eat the food, and let out a crisp cry mixed with some doubts and happiness, and stopped moving her body towards An Mubai.

Her pink lizardmen's vertical pupil eyes might really be able to read people's hearts.


"Patriarch, where will the thatched hut be built in the clan?"

Ten minutes later, An Mubai finished eating half the frogman corpse and walked out of the thatched house where Bai Chi was, and Che Toe and Tie Ya immediately greeted him.

Outside the thatched hut of this food, Grayscale, Fierytooth, and the lizardmen cubs have finished their respective meals, and in the words of Threescales, they gathered again in the shallow swamp.

Only the twenty-five inferior lizardmen were still lying on the ground, licking the gray scales, and the lizardmen cubs ate the remaining residue.

"The hillside behind the Asazawa Cave."

An Mubai spoke words, and looked at the lizardmen cubs who had regrouped in the shallow swamp after being chased and summoned by Sanscale and the others.

Maybe it was standing all morning, or maybe it was not a long time to eat at noon, but these lizardmen cubs cooperated very well this time, so they divided their gathering areas.

Although there was still a little confusion on the way, there was no need for An Mubai to shout, he suppressed it with the bloodline of the supernatural lizardmen, and then divided.

"The hillside of Asazawa Cave!"

There were doubts in the toe and saw-scale eyes, and they looked up at the hillside of the Asazawa Cave, where there were few trees and many smells, and gravel grass.

The area of ​​the thatched hut is dry and clean soil, which is the most suitable for lizardmen to build thatched huts, and there is still a lot of open space. As long as you dig holes and insert trees, and then put on thatch, you can get a thatched hut. Very fast and easy.

It's just that An Mubai was unwilling to build this kind of thatched hut, which was like a triangle-like hole, where not many lizardmen could live, and there was not much use cycle.

"Let's build that kind of wooden house!"

An Mubai's sight effect In the jungle, Simon was still looking at the wooden house he was building. This is a round-pointed thatched house that uses trees to build the foundation, and then erects beams to lay hay.

It is very troublesome to build this kind of thatched cottage. Simon only built a small one, but he has not finished it yet, but it is undeniable that this kind of thatched cottage.

It is indeed much better looking than the one built by the lizardmen. Not to mention the field civilization, the volume and usability of the thatched cottage are often much more than that of the triangular thatched cottage built by the lizardmen themselves.

"Patriarch, what kind of thatched hut is this? We don't know how to build it. Do you want to arrest that human and let him build it for us."

Che Toe said inquiring words, and followed An Mubai to look at Simon, who was building a cylindrical thatched hut. He didn't know how to build his thatched hut.

"No, after we move the tree over first, I will ask him, don't go over, and don't let the clan members approach him."

An Mubai hurriedly shook his head, and his words resolutely told Che Toe to dispel the idea of ​​provoking Simon, and ordered him to prohibit the shallow pit lizard clan from approaching.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Che Toe and Tie Ya nodded to An Mubai, with a warning towards Simon in their eyes.

"Well, let's go, now we're going to carry the trees you cut down to the hillside of Asazawa Cave."

An Mubai looked at Che Toe and Tie Ya, nodded and agreed, nodded lightly in his heart, and then led the two of them to the jungle behind the thatched hut area.

I was really scared in my heart, Che Toe, Tie Fang and the others went to provoke Simon who was not knowing, causing the Lizardmen in the shallow pit to be wiped out overnight.

This is a bigger and more unstable danger than the group of goblins in Green Wind Plains.

"Che-toe, the cubs of the Iron Fang night clan, don't let them enter the shallow swamp, and let the three scales come over."

"Then gathered in the tree circle surrounded by these trees, Moscale and the others dealt with the frogman's corpse, and the smell of blood attracted a large number of beasts."

"You two and Sanscale are responsible for watching the cubs here, and don't let them run away. UU read www.uukanshu.com"

At dusk, on the hillside of Asazawa Cave, the trees cut down by Che Toe and Iron Teeth in the jungle, An Mubai trimmed all the branches and leaves with a two-handed sword, and then let Che Toe and Iron Teeth carry them over.

There weren't many trees I saw, only these fifteen. If it was used to build a triangular thatched hut, it would definitely be enough, but it was used to build a cylindrical thatched hut like Simon Xiu's.

However, it is necessary to further trim and select the trees.

An Mubai didn't ask Simon what to do, but first placed these trees on the ground one by one to build three tree circles.

A cylindrical thatched hut cannot be built in a day or two. The tree circle formed by these few trees can quickly and easily replace the thatched hut and help An Mubai watch over the lizardmen cubs.

The actual thatched hut is for the lizardmen in shallow depressions, in addition to storing food and hatching the lizardmen eggs of the superior lizardmen and the middle lizardmen.

It's not very useful. Most lizardmen slept in shallow swamps or in the jungle at will, and only the young lizardmen needed a place to hide.

Lizardmen's sleep is very unique. They don't need to rest for a long time a day, and they can also be extra alert to the situation around them.

This is also the reason why Grayscale, Lizardtooth, and the others were on alert all night near the Lizardmen gathering place in shallow depressions. After returning, they only needed to rest for an hour or two before they could do things again.

"Yes, Patriarch."

Che Toe and Tie Ya hurriedly nodded, answered An Mubai's words, and looked at the circle of trees that An Mubai had placed in their hearts with great doubts.

He didn't know why An Mubai did this, and what was the purpose of gathering the clan's lizardmen cubs together.

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