Lord Of All: Start With A Fantasy World Tree

Chapter 83 Easy First Wave Of Attack

Take a closer look.

What kind of black line is this?

There were obviously countless demons, densely packed together, running towards the Holy Peak City from a distance.

At this time, Catherine, the city lord, also appeared on the west city wall, and her cold voice came out.

"All ready to fight!"

Suddenly, the entire city wall started to get busy.

Archers, mages and other long-range troops came to the city wall one after another, ready to attack at any time.

On the city walls of Holy Peak City, there are a large number of city-defending crossbows.

This is a very powerful weapon for defending the city.

The crossbow arrows it fires are not only equivalent to a full-strength strike from the Rank Nine arms each time, but they can also be split.

It can be said to be a garbage fish cleaner and a weapon for defending the city.

Under the city wall, the temporarily formed legions were quietly waiting for the enemy's arrival.

However, although the war was about to come, Qin Mu and Eric had nothing to do for the time being.

Because a war of this level basically lasts for a long time.

Moreover, in the early stages of the war, the low-level arms were basically attrition.

As for the forces of Rank Nine and above, they generally will not be dispatched easily.

So there should be no time for Qin Mu for the time being.

However, as a hero of Holy Peak City, even though it was not the time for his troops to go into battle, Eric still participated in the command of the troops.

Qin Mu, on the other hand, temporarily watched the war quietly as a class observer.

Soon, the demon at the front was approaching Holy Peak City.

When they get within a kilometer range.

"All archers at the ready!"

Following the commander's order.

Along with the sound of bows and arrows being drawn, all the archers aimed at the open area in front of the city wall.

Soon, the demon cannon fodder arrived within 500 meters of the city wall.


"call out!"


With bursts of sound breaking through the air.

A dense rain of arrows flew out from the wall and reached the sky above the demon army in the blink of an eye.

There are more than 10 billion people in Holy Peak City, excluding lords like Qin Mu who have no combat effectiveness and some soldiers.

There are nearly 10 billion with combat capabilities.

Although long-range attack units are relatively rare, in such a huge number.

Holy Peak City still has an army of hundreds of millions of archers and an army of nearly 10 million mages.

These long-range troops were basically deployed on the frontal battlefield of the West City Wall.

And this resulted in the long-range firepower here being extremely powerful.

Just a wave of arrows covered the entire area from 500 to 1,000 meters in front of the long city wall.

Accompanied by bursts of flesh and blood piercing sounds, countless low-level demons fell down in pieces like cut wheat.

However, these casualties are nothing to the fearless demon.

A five-hundred-meter blank zone has just been cleared in Holy Peak City.

The next second, the demon behind them stepped on the corpses of their fellow humans and continued to charge.

And Holy Peak City showed no mercy.

As long as these demons and demons break through to a distance of five hundred meters, they will be covered by a hail of arrows.

And so on.

Thirty minutes later.

Even if they attack in batches and in turns, the archers in Holy Peak City have run out of arrows and entered a vacuum period for a period of time.

As for the devil, he is also in the forbidden distance of 500 to 1,000 meters.

A layer of demon corpses up to two meters high was left behind.

After the archers entered the vacuum period, it was the mage army's turn to take action.

When the devil's army charged again and reached the 500-meter line again.

"The entire mage army is available!"

"Bombing as planned!"

Following the order from the Commander of the Mage Legion, more than 10 million mages were directly divided into ten echelons.

Then the one million mages in the first echelon immediately started chanting spells.

Then, brilliant spells flew out from the walls of Holy Peak City one after another and landed among the demons.



Among the skills of these mages, very few are single-target ones, and they are basically range damage.

And many of them are extremely lethal range damage.

In addition, generally speaking, the attack range of mages is further than that of archers.

As for the current one million mages, they can basically attack to a range of one thousand meters, and the farthest can even reach a distance of two thousand meters.

So under the attack of these one million mages.

Within a range from 500 meters to 2,000 meters in front of the Holy Peak City, countless thunderous explosions suddenly sounded.

Because demons basically gather together, and low-level demons are generally smaller in size.

Therefore, one skill can often destroy a dozen low-level demons.

When the skills of the first echelon enter the cool-down period, the mages of the second echelon begin to release their skills.

Next is the third echelon, the fourth echelon...

When the last echelon of mage skills are used up, the first echelon of mage skills have already been cooled down.

So the first echelon started bombing.

So for the next whole hour, there were violent explosions.

The number of demons destroyed is at least E.

However, due to the intensive spell bombing, all the demon corpses originally laid out in front of the city wall were blown to ashes.

The area that had been intensively bombed dropped several meters as a whole, and a huge trench appeared.

For more than an hour, Qin Mu was quietly on the city wall.

Watching the demon army launch a death-defying charge, watching the army of Holy Peak City harvest these abyss demon lives like mowing grass.

But although it seems that Holy Peak City has the advantage.

But Qin Mu didn't show any happy expression.

Not only him, but everyone on the city wall, including the two long-range legions that had just shown their prowess, no one showed a happy expression.

Because everyone knows that these people who have just been eliminated are just cannon fodder for the demon army.

Although the number is in the billions.

But for the almost endless abyss demons, what they lack most is cannon fodder.

Let alone billions, even tens of billions of casualties are nothing to them.

And the most disgusting thing is that you can't just ignore these cannon fodder.

Otherwise, because of the disappearance of rank suppression, the almost endless cannon fodder would be enough for his opponent to eat.

This is why many people don’t want to go to war with demons.

But many times, whether to go to war often does not depend on whether you want it or not, but on what the other party does.

For example, this war.

Catherine herself didn't want to fight.

But others took the initiative to attack, so she could only respond.

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