Lord of Deception

Chapter 488: The Misty Sea, the Monk (5k)

After just one cup, Yu Ziqing felt his consciousness flying, as if there was an endless dream world unfolding in front of his eyes.

The breeze made the boat carry him around in this world, which seemed to be stepping into it, but also seemed to be misty.

Everything seemed to be in the mist, specious, only the outline of a mold lake.

I could vaguely notice that there seemed to be a lot of people talking, and it seemed that I saw a lot of things, but it seemed like nothing.

In a moment of dizziness, the world was spinning, and he fell back into his body. There was only a hint of the dizzy feeling after drinking to a point of drunkenness.

Yu Ziqing sat on the ground and rubbed his head gently. The ingredients used were too good, especially after adding the Demon King, the wine was a bit too strong.

With his strength, one cup of it was a bit over the top.

He turned to look at the Moon God, and saw that the Moon God had fallen to the ground, soundly asleep, and was mumbling something in his mouth. His posture was very inelegant.

Yu Ziqing picked her up and dragged her to the pavilion, letting her continue sleeping.

It seems that this wine has a particularly good effect on the gods, and one glass will make you drunk.

Yu Ziqing poured himself another glass. This time he changed to a larger cup. He seemed to have seen something just now, but it was slightly worse.

After he woke up, he didn't feel any harm to his body or soul, and he didn't get drunk.

He took out a box of peanuts and sat in front of the stone table, holding the peanuts and drinking wine. After drinking a large glass of wine, the spinning feeling that day hit him again. He was already prepared, leaning on the backrest, slowly Slowly passed out drunk.

As he became drunk, his consciousness drifted again, and everything around him was shrouded in fog.

He flew on the wind in the fog for an unknown amount of time. Gradually, the outline of the lake in the fog gradually became clear.

He saw a cliff, and there was a huge monster lying on the edge of the cliff, devouring something.

As soon as Yu Ziqing had a thought, the wind he was riding on carried him over and got a little closer.

But then, the huge monster seemed to be frightened and quickly retreated back.

Then he saw a different monster from behind, exuding a ferocious aura, rushing to the edge of the cliff.

Before Yu Ziqing could see clearly, the wind had already carried him over the cliff, flying farther and farther.

A thought flashed through his mind. The monster looked like something he had heard of before...

What is it, oh, I remembered it, Yin Demon.

Was that a demon just now?

Yu Ziqing's consciousness drifted in and out, and he continued to drift without worrying too much about the matter.

On the other side, in the Yin Demon's lair, a group of evil kings fighting the Yin Demon image stood on the edge of the misty sea, scratching their heads.

He couldn't help but ask himself a question, should he feel right?

He felt a hint of ominousness, being dragged by a strange wind with a strange charm, drifting in the misty sea. The trajectory was erratic, as if he was drunk.

He could feel the other party peeping, and he thought it should be Yu Ziqing, right?

He was very familiar with Yu Ziqing's power aura and various auras.

There should be no mistake.

The reason he scratched his head was that if Yu Ziqing came to the Yin Demon's lair from outside, he would accept it.

But Yu Ziqing actually floated over from the misty sea. It was like taking off his underwear intact in winter without taking off his cotton pants and outer pants.

It's full of weirdness and unreasonableness.

What's even weirder is that after Yu Ziqing floated over, he scared away the mother of evil spirits who were lying on the edge of the misty sea eating.

I don’t know what the mother of evil spirits sensed. She is like a frightened quail, and now she doesn’t dare to come near this place.

Moreover, Yu Ziqing came right away and didn't bother him.

Evil Lord scratched his head, not understanding what was going on outside.

He hasn't been out for a long time. He finally got on the right track. He has made good progress over the years. Although the speed is not fast, he can do it steadily.

As time went by, the erosion rate of his moth also tended to become faster and faster.

He was addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself. He thought that in a few hundred years, he might be able to successfully penetrate the evil demon's way.

And he does not plunder directly, but absorbs it instinctively, using it as nutrition to supply himself.

Parasitize on the path of the evil demon, and then hatch out its own path.

It stands to reason that at the level of the Qiyin King, he can definitely feel it.

After all, he should be able to feel it just by his strength, not to mention that King Qiyin is very sensitive to things that are not good for him.

After waiting for all these years, he still didn't see the slightest reaction from King Qi Yin.

It seems that he is not aware of what Evil Lord is doing at all, which makes Evil Lord unable to do anything if he wants to.

He is now basically certain that as long as the Seven Yin King remains silent, leaving no traces or traces, and no contact can be made, then no one can even hope to find the Seven Yin King.

Evil Lord squatted on the edge of the misty sea, watching the ominous ray of light drifting away and disappearing. He felt that it was time for him to go out for a walk.

Go out and see what's going on outside. Don't let Yu Ziqing die.

Although he also understood, how could something happen to that guy who was evil-minded, never hesitated to strike, ran faster than anyone else when it was time to leave, and was full of weird ideas?

After thinking about it for a while, Xie Jun felt that it was probably Yu Ziqing who was wandering around again. He didn't know how to wander into the sea of ​​mist.

This guy is really, always so unexpected.

The evil king swaggered down the cliff and told the frightened mother of evil spirits that he was going to go out and find out what happened.

The Mother of Yin Demons doesn't know that the Evil Lord is an Evil Lord. In the eyes of the Mother of Yin Demons, this is currently the strongest Yin Demon responsible for fighting, and his brain seems to be much better than ordinary Yin Demons.

Evil Lord justifiably pulled an ox-horse Yin Demon and let it lead the way out of the Yin Demon's lair.

Yu Ziqing was still drifting in the mist, and more and more dream-like illusions appeared. He could see that they were all illusions, and he had never encountered anything real again.

But when he wanted to turn back and look at the cliff he had encountered before, the wind he was riding on was a bit unruly, and he felt dizzy and couldn't find his direction.

He continued to float on the wind, passing through the increasingly psychedelic illusions in the mist. When the spinning feeling hit him again, he grabbed hold of something.

When his consciousness flushed and fell back to his body, and he came to, he noticed something in his palm.

It was a wisp of deep black black energy. The whole thing was illusory, but it was caught in Yu Ziqing's hand.

He detected an extremely strong emotional power from this wisp of black energy.

As he regained consciousness, this ray of power seemed to be losing his grip and gradually dissipating.

He took it into his body, and the ray of power fell into his left kidney, stopping the trend of dissipation.

Yu Ziqing glanced at the Moon God. After pouring a glass of wine, Mengzi was still sleeping soundly.

He made tea by himself, drank some tea to sober up, and thought about what he had just experienced.

He counted with his fingers and realized that half a month had passed in what he thought was a short time.

Yu Ziqing glanced at the Moon God again, with a hint of contempt in his eyes. With such a small amount of alcohol, he still pretended to be Jiu Mengzi.

Yu Ziqing took the wine jar filled with drunkenness and dreams, and used his own strength to reassemble a jar and separate some.

This is enough for Mengzi, the counterfeit wine of Moon God, to drink for a long, long time.

After thinking about it, Yu Ziqing took out a few more wine jars and blended them. The pure liquor was really too strong.

After blending some with various spiritual wines, he added nectar and spiritual liquid to blend it into a jar.

If you try them separately later, the taste will probably be different.

After waiting for another half month, the Moon God slowly woke up from a deep sleep in the pavilion.

She sat up with blank eyes, looking at Yu Ziqing opposite him who had made tea and poured a cup for her, and she drank it down naturally.

After three cups of hot tea, Luna's somewhat dazed eyes regained focus.

"It turns out that this is just drunk..."

She seemed to be addicted, and when she wanted to try another drink, Yu Ziqing quickly stopped her.

"Save it quickly, that puree is too strong for you to drink.

I've blended it with something a little lighter for you to try. "

Yu Ziqing gave her a jar of drunkenness that had been diluted hundreds of times. Yu Ziqing was drinking tea here, and Yueshen poured it for himself. He was a little tipsy, but he could still hold on.

"How do you feel when you're drunk?

Do you ever feel like your consciousness is drifting away and going somewhere else? "

"I'm drunk, as if I'm in a deep sleep, but it's not a deep sleep.

It feels good, all thoughts are gone, as if I am... dreaming?

That was a dream, a dream.

I dreamed that I flew for a long time, flew to this world, and drank in this world.

The kind with vegetables to eat. "

"That's it?"

"That's it, nothing more."

Yu Ziqing was a little disappointed, thinking that the Moon God was like him, and his consciousness flew out to that misty land.

However, an idea struck him and he continued to ask.

"Where did you go to drink in your dream?"

"It's a small tavern on the street. I can't understand what they're saying, but their wine is very unique and has a nice floral aroma."

There was a trace of nostalgia in Luna God's eyes. He stretched out his hand and saw that the surrounding light continued to gather, transforming into a tavern scene in front of him.

Yu Ziqing could still recognize it. There was a red paper on one of the wine jars, which said "osmanthus wine".

Looking at the handwriting, it was obviously not Dadui, and looking at the clerk in the store, wearing a light blouse, it was definitely not Daquake.

Either Dali or Dagan.

The tavern is so deserted and the shopkeeper has a worried look on his face, so the probability of doing something big is higher.

Yu Ziqing was thoughtful, but luckily he asked more questions.

Moon Goddess has never been to the present world. She must have been drunk and dreamed of death. After being drunk, her consciousness flew away and went to the present world.

Otherwise, she would definitely not be able to remember it so clearly and directly visualize the places that impressed her.

In other words, this drunkenness and dreaming of death can indeed make people's consciousness fly, but the direction of this flying is uncertain.

It's quite reasonable for the wine to drift away to the tavern in this world.

But the question is, why did he float to that misty dreamy land twice in a row?

Yu Ziqing didn't quite understand.

He was a little envious of the Moon God, who had simple thoughts and simple desires, but was very clear about them.

His thoughts are too complicated, and he may not even be able to figure out why.

"You can't drink this puree, so I won't leave you much.

Save some for the occasional drink when you feel like getting drunk.

I have blended twenty or thirty kinds here, and the one with the highest concentration has been diluted a hundred times, otherwise you won’t be able to drink it.

When drinking, pay attention to having a small drink to enjoy yourself, and it is best to be slightly tipsy.

If you just pour one cup, what's the point? "

"Well, you're right." Yue Shen thought about it seriously and nodded.

Indeed, she got so drunk after just one cup that she even forgot the taste.

In contrast, the flowery wine, although not intoxicating, left a deep impression on her.

Especially, she learned that people always have side dishes when drinking wine!

The last thing I want is a small dish of boiled peanuts.

Who drinks alcohol dry?

The door to the new world was just opened.

The conversation about drinking with Luna was almost done, and Yu Ziqing became more and more sober.

He has basically fully returned to his human form.

It's almost time to leave here, I've been delayed in Haoyue for too long.

He now feels that there is something wrong with him, being able to squat by the flower bed and wait for more than ten years.

This is at least a waste of time that could be used to learn several lines of books.

Close your eyes, enter the ring on the seventh floor, and contact Lao Yang.

Soon, the old sheep swayed up slowly.

After seeing Yu Ziqing, Lao Yang glanced sideways at Yu Ziqing and said in a strange way.

"Look who this is, it turns out to be His Majesty Dui Huang.

I almost thought I was dazzled, His Majesty Duihuang was finally willing to take care of people. "

"Ahem, I really didn't feel that before. Didn't I come to Haoyue specifically to find you? I've been waiting in the Moon Palace for a long time but you haven't come back..."

Lao Yang stared at Yu Ziqing seriously, wanting to see if Yu Ziqing's words were true or false.

In the end, he couldn't tell the difference either.

This ring on the seventh floor is useless, and the mantra magic here is of no use to Yu Ziqing.

Damn it, Yu Ziqing could confidently say that the sun rises from the west.

Unable to distinguish the true from the false, Lao Yang was too lazy to argue with Yu Ziqing.

Anyway, he's fine, just come back.

Lao Yang was really afraid that Yu Ziqing would never come back.

"Forget it, just come back."

"I have been waiting for you in the Moon Palace for more than ten years. If you don't come back, I will go back."

"Then you go back first, I will continue to do more research here, this is a rare opportunity.

I found a lot of things here, and also found some records. "

Lao Yang didn't reveal why Yu Ziqing hadn't used the seventh floor ring to contact him first after coming here for more than ten years.

"Is there any record left on the bright moon? Who left it?" Yu Ziqing was a little curious.

"I discovered the records left by the founder of the asceticism."

"Huh? Didn't that person leave nothing behind? Not even a name?"

"Hehe...hehe..." Lao Yang suddenly laughed: "It has a name, and you know it too."


"I saw part of the handwriting he left in Haoyue.

He said anything left in this world might be tampered with.

They may all be erased by time.

Therefore, these handwritings are all printed on the bright moon.

He also thought that in this world, there will always be people who can walk on this path of ascetics.

Therefore, he anchored this path with his own name.

As long as his name is recited, the path becomes stronger and stronger.

Even in the beginning, it was impossible for anyone to shake the existence of this path.

In fact, no one can prevent the latecomers from entering this path. "

"What?" Yu Ziqing thought for a moment and couldn't think of anything.

Lao Yang couldn't help but laugh.

"Actually, it's very simple. Grandmaster is called a cultivator."


Yu Ziqing was confused.

Are the ascetics the ones who opened the way for the ascetics?

Lao Yang had a hint of emotion on his face.

"The handwriting is actually not very clear. There are many places that have gone through changes over the years and have become very imitated.

Moreover, those records, in order to survive and not be noticed by some people, have no true meaning.

They are all purely written records.

I also had a hard time watching it.

Grandmaster is really a genius.

His name is Taoist, and he takes this as his Taoist name.

Even if no one in future generations knows this.

But he anchors the ascetic with the ascetic, dare I say, every day now.

Every day someone chants the name of the ascetic.

No one knows it, no one knows it.

Even if we don't know that the founder's name is a Taoist, it doesn't affect us at all.

The one from Deep Sea, even if you kill him, you won't be able to tamper with this. "

Yu Ziqing scratched his head. Fortunately, it was the Taoist Patriarch who took advantage of this loophole...

No wonder it has been so long, neither the Cliff God King nor the Ancient God of the Deep Sea, have ever heard of or felt what they are doing to the way of ascetics.

I'm afraid they knew it a long time ago, and it would be useless if they did it.

"Then you will continue?

I will go back first. I have been coming to Haoyue for more than ten years. "

"You go back, I will go back by myself later. It seems that Rui Shou can't completely eliminate the blood moon problem. He said that there may be many years in the future, and there will be another day of blood moon. Not necessarily ”

"Don't worry, it's not that we are afraid of another blood moon, but some people are afraid."

Coming out of the ring on the seventh floor, Yu Ziqing couldn't help but muttered something.

"Monk...hey, this Patriarch is really good at playing."

He bid farewell to the Moon God, promised to bring some flowers to the Moon God next time, and replant the bare flower beds with flowers, and then left Haoyue.

Outside the Moon Palace, somewhere else above the bright moon, in a cave.

Lao Yang stood in front of a stone wall, looking at the content on the stone wall, his face sinking.

There were things he didn't tell Yu Ziqing.

Because the founder of the cultivator recorded his last whereabouts on it.

Back then, he realized the Tao, one step at a time. On the last day, he broke through the sky and came to Haoyue first.

Because the Patriarch is also curious about Haoyue, and when the opportunity comes, he must get rid of this curiosity.

By the way, I left the final record here.

He said that once he attained enlightenment, he had a strong thirst for knowledge. After reaching the limit, he wanted to know the ultimate truth.

He stepped onto the road and headed towards the end of the road.

From then on, there was no coming back.

If the latecomers, after seeing this, think that he is dead, that he has become a Taoist, or that he has gone to other unknown worlds, you can do whatever you want.

Because as a Taoist, it is impossible to give up the pursuit.

If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening.

After reading this, Lao Yang was completely sure that if Yu Ziqing had continued to go down, he would have been the same and never come back.

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