Lord of Deception

Chapter 505: Seed germination, accidental collision (5k)

As time passed, Hajime felt his consciousness being pulled.

He suppressed that feeling. He was afraid that he would be discovered by the Ancient God of the Deep Sea. The purpose of coming here was to contain the Ancient God of the Deep Sea.

When Ken comes here, he no longer cares about his personal outcome.

He just wants to find a way to deal with the gods and ancient gods once and for all.

Now that the gods have become unchangeable history, all that is left is this last ancient god.

As long as the game ends happily with the Ancient God of the Deep Sea, the Ancient God will completely become history.

When I first started to comprehend and it was obvious that I was on the right path, some of the power of my mind, the power that had been in the long river of time, seemed to be pulled and kept emerging.

Some of them were attracted by the seeds in the hearts of the ancient gods of the deep sea, and silently nourished the seeds that had taken root.

When no one attracts these powers, the Ancient God of the Deep Sea can only rely on himself to water the seed.

But it was obviously different now. When Hajime was meditating, he inevitably triggered something else.

Just a little fluctuation is enough to draw down a trickle of water, which can be used as nutrient solution for irrigation.

It only took a few months for the Ancient God of the Deep Sea to realize that something was wrong.

The uneasiness deep in his heart was like a gangrene attached to his bones, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

He didn't understand the source of this uneasiness, but the most intuitive thing was that the success rate of tampering, which had just risen a little, had recently begun to fall again.

And it fell very quickly.

When he was doing the tampering, he often started to hesitate, and an idea came to his mind involuntarily, would it be better to do this?

The world is changing too fast. Is it because the experience he summed up in the past is no longer sufficient now?

The uneasiness deep in his heart, fed by himself and the outside world, grew rapidly, and it had begun to obviously affect his thoughts.

This power will not directly change his mind, nor will the Ancient God of the Deep Sea understand that when the same person faces the same thing, his own mood and will are the most important factors that affect his judgment and reaction. .

He began to make changes. Instead of continuing to do exactly what he had done before, he made slight changes.

But he didn't know that his past experiences were actually based on situations where he started to be held back.

Hajime didn't have time to hold back, it seemed like it should be easier.

In fact, this is a change.

For the Ancient God of the Deep Sea, this was a particularly huge change.

In addition, at this moment, he was indoctrinated and began to be affected, and he was even less able to adapt to this change.

He wanted to try to find a new method, but it couldn't be found easily. He couldn't easily find a stable new method that could be used for a long time.

All methods take time to verify.

What the Deep Sea Ancient God did requires more time to verify.

He began to fall into an endless loop.

My heart is unstable and full of uneasiness. I am still afraid of this uneasiness and continue to water the sprouting seeds.

Then, with constant attempts, the success rate of tampering plummeted, and the more attempts were made, the lower the rate became.

The lower it falls, the more serious the inner uneasiness becomes.

This vicious cycle continues.

When he vaguely understood that he couldn't go on like this and had to calm down.

In fact, it was too late. He was completely unable to suppress his inner uneasiness and weak fear.

He couldn't tolerate that he would have a mood that only ordinary creatures would have, that he would be afraid.

And it was the fear of having no purpose that left him at a loss as to what to do.

Watching himself falling, he could only inject himself with chicken blood and make rational judgments, while at the same time he had emotional emotions growing up, pulling him back.

Put him in this dilemma.

Therefore, when his small attempt to change his past tampering experience became uncontrollable, it became more and more outrageous.

His tampering began to run towards madness and indiscriminateness.

His actions gradually deviated from the main line of paving the way for the next era.

He began to invade every wave, trying to tamper with every key node of every big and small thing he encountered.

The ancient god of the deep sea acted recklessly, and the success rate of tampering began to plummet. In fact, his crazy tampering would sometimes even affect the events that had been successfully tampered with, causing their trajectory to change again.

Daqian, in particular, was the most affected.

The main target of the Deep Sea Ancient God is today's Daqian, just like in ancient times, it focused on the former Dadui.

Even this time, the ancient god of the deep sea has lost his mind a little, and the destructive damage caused is far less than that in ancient times.

But the overall situation of Daqian was not good. At this moment, it was like someone stepped on the accelerator when going downhill.

Daqian ran wildly towards the direction of collapse.

As for how long it will take to reach the finish line, no one knows.

It may still take a long time, but as long as the acceleration reaches a certain level, if it really crashes, I'm afraid I won't be able to apply the brakes.

Yu Ziqing has traveled to every mountain and river in the earthquake, absorbing the power of the word Kun contained in the earth within the territory of the earthquake.

The speed is slightly slower than in Jinlan Mountain and Wasteland, but it is not much different.

When he entered the Great Li territory, he felt that the speed of absorption dropped by another order of magnitude.

It takes a day to absorb a small mountain range using a rock from a mountain range and a handful of soil.

He walked barefoot in the mountains and could only speed up a little.

He traveled all over the mountains and rivers without leaving a single trace behind. Naturally, it was impossible to completely hide his whereabouts, and he had no intention of hiding it.

However, those who knew his whereabouts actually didn't pay much attention.

Jinlanshan Qing Ziyu is famous for being unable to sit still and wandering around all day long.

When I was the emperor of Dui, I once visited every corner of Dadui.

He had been living in the small mountain village of Dadui more than once or twice. After the enthronement ceremony was held, this matter became a good talk.

At least the lower the level of people, the more down-to-earth this Duihuang is, which has a natural bonus to their perception.

After Yu Ziqing's enthronement ceremony, he went into seclusion for a hundred years. After leaving seclusion, he still did not go to court and wandered around everywhere. Everyone was used to it.

Today, Yu Ziqing took out a jade tablet. On the jade tablet, the halo circulated, and some light and shadow emerged, transforming into the appearance of Lao Song.

"Your Majesty, I just received news today that rebellions occurred in four places in Daqian at the same time."

"Old Song, there's no need to be so serious. This is not a business matter. It's information I personally want from you."

Yu Ziqing waved his hand, suddenly feeling a little bored.

It was interesting when Lao Song didn't know his identity, but unfortunately, after the enthronement ceremony, he could no longer hide it.

"Is it still a small fight like before, or are there really rebels?"

"Unlike in the past, this time each party has at least one major force involved."

"Eh? How dare those guys? Tell me more specifically."

Old Song thought about it and said.

"Actually, this is not unexpected.

Your Majesty took back the homeland of Dadui back then.

At the time of Datui, the current Emperor Qian, who was then King Lian, could only be allowed to command the troops.

At that time, Daqian was at war with Datui and Dali at the same time, causing internal and external troubles.

At that time, King Lian used military law to deal with many people in order to consolidate his power.

There were three major forces that were wiped out back then.

And those who were not exterminated, but only killed a few individuals, that would be even more.

These measures offended countless people back then.

The main reason why he was able to ascend the throne later was because Da Qian was forced to do so.

The Dali army back then had crossed the Mujiang River and completely occupied the Mujiang River. To control it was something that Daqian would never accept.

At that time, Daqian urgently needed a Qianhuang to serve as the Dinghaishenzhen.

In addition, King Lian was murderous and powerful at that time, so he could only be allowed to ascend the throne.

Sure enough, Daqian forced Dali back. From then on, Daqian and Dali were bounded by the Mujiang River, and both sides drank from the same river.

It was the mother river god, and from then on I had two.

The root of the disaster was laid back then. His Majesty spent a hundred years in seclusion. The people's livelihood in Daqian was in decline, and natural and man-made disasters continued.

The current Emperor Qian is not like the previous Emperor Qian, who is based on benevolence. He was born in the military and is decisive in killing.

Over the years, he has killed more people in one year than the previous Emperor Ren killed in his entire life.

In the past two years, there has been widespread resentment among the people of Daqian. Therefore, the big forces that had offended the current Emperor Qian took the lead and directly launched a rebellion.

If they don't rebel, they won't live a good life for long.

According to the current posture of Emperor Qian, I am afraid that within three hundred years, they will be able to kill every one of their disciples.

It is now difficult for them to even recruit some disciples.

Because it was already known to everyone that Emperor Qian was targeting them.

Now, they are taking advantage of the public resentment caused by the bursting of the Mujiang River two years ago to rise up.

The name he was given was also the name of a member of the Daqian royal family, and he used it as an excuse to bring down the tyrant.

In any case, this riot in Daqian was unavoidable.

They made it clear that they did not want to change the dynasty, but they simply could not survive with the tyrant.

Inside Daqian, the situation is a bit complicated, and I can’t explain it clearly at the moment. "

"What's unclear about this is that even in the court, everyone has their own ideas, and the matter of suppressing the rebellion won't be decided for a while.

Emperor Qian may not be at ease with those who are related to each other.

Maybe the army that was just brought out here will turn around and merge into the rebel army. "

Yu Ziqing sneered. He still didn't know what Da Gan was like.

Old Song gave a wry smile. He didn't dare to speak too bluntly just now, because it was impossible to say that the people in Dadui were completely selfish when Daqian was like this.

After all, not everyone can be a saint.

There's nothing black and white about this.

"That's more or less it. It must have been decided that he is a talented person from the Queen of Daqian clan.

But that man, who had studied in a major force in the rebellion for a period of time, was not allowed to lead the army. "

"It's a pity that the Xu family has talented people." Yu Ziqing sighed. He knew the Xu family quite well. He never joined the court and was always in the military.

At least there are outstanding people in every generation.

"Emperor Qian is quite discerning, and he chose the virtuous daughter of the Xu family as his queen."

When Lao Song heard this, he suddenly stopped talking.


"Your Majesty, you may have remembered wrongly. The queen is not the virtuous daughter of the Xu family who is famous for her intelligence, but another Da Xiu who is famous for her appearance and strength."

"I used to..." Yu Ziqing came to his senses as he spoke.

"You go check this out now."

After hanging up the communication jade board, Yu Ziqing's face darkened.

This must have been done by the Cliff God King. How could this guy tamper with the candidates for the establishment of the Great Qian?

Even if they are from the same family, there is no difference in political significance, but they are different.

He remembered that he had just seen the Riddler's record before, and he glanced at it and didn't take it to heart. But it was absolutely impossible to say that he had forgotten it or had remembered it wrongly.

How did the Ancient God of the Deep Sea do this?

Can this be tampered with?

Not to the point.

Soon, Lao Song contacted Yu Ziqing again. He held a record in his hand, which clearly stated that Lao Song was right.

But Yu Ziqing understood clearly that the names recorded on it were all from the Xu family, and there was only one stroke difference between the names.

A concubine, a concubine, if you are not careful, you will ignore it.

Lao Song knew Yu Ziqing very well and directly let him read the original records.

"Your Majesty, who is this?"

"Other than that turtle grandson, who else could be there?"

Yu Ziqing thought about it and realized that something was not quite right.

Logically speaking, if a divine dynasty has established a queen, it should be unlikely to be tampered with.

Another one, even if it is really tampered with, the relevant records will be changed.

However, Yu Ziqing still remembered something completely different.

If it were in the past, he shouldn't have such an obvious cognitive difference, but he actually succeeded in tampering.

The ancient god of the deep sea must be up to something.

He had to start asking about the situation.

Yu Ziqing took the communication jade board and gave some advice to Da Dao.

This was sent by Oshima a few days ago. After a hundred years of iteration, it has reached more than forty versions.

When used for communication, there is no problem, and it does not require a base station. Using Laoyang's laboratory as the medium is enough for use in this world.

It can only be used as a phone. In many cases, it is difficult to transmit information that is too complex and large in a short time just by dictating it.

What made Yu Ziqing a little nervous was that these guys had all set up projections, but they could only be used as video phones.

The bandwidth is completely wasted, can't we add something to transmit huge data?

If he hadn't happened to find something wrong while chatting with Lao Song this time, he might not even have known that things had changed.

If he was looking directly at first-hand information, there would be no such omission.

After giving his opinion, Yu Ziqing put away the jade plate.

He went straight to the underground cave, preparing to contact Shi there.

Last time, he contacted Hajime directly by judging the status, but now he doesn't have the ability to contact him anytime and anywhere.

And it may not be safe either.

When they arrived at the cave, Yu Ziqing contacted Shi Shi and waited for a long time before receiving Shi Shi's response.

"What the hell is the Ancient God of the Deep Sea doing recently? Has the candidate for the post of Da Gan Li been tampered with? Has he become stronger?"

"I haven't been following him lately."

"Huh? What happened?"

"I'm studying what you left behind. I've already begun to understand and understand something. It may not be long before I can understand a method."

"The things I left behind..." Yu Ziqing thought about it for a moment.

He left something for Hajime to study.

As soon as his thoughts changed, he locked the target.

He was a little shocked.

How long has it been? Let’s not say whether it will happen or not.

Just being able to comprehend it is already outrageous.

Is Hajime's compatibility with those powers so high?

"Can you sense the lead I left? Can you sense that kind of thing?

Forget it, don't tell me, just feel free to understand.

That was originally meant for everyone to come and understand. "

"Wait a minute, I'll go take a look."

He left a few words and disappeared for several days, and then contacted Yu Ziqing again.

"I felt a strong sense of uneasiness in him. What you used to trick him seems to have had a big effect.

He is a little crazy now and is tampering with everything indiscriminately.

Everything began to become a mess, involved in each other, and affected each other.

What he once couldn't do was now accomplished by accident.

In this case, I don't dare to follow him.

It's such a mess, it's a mess. If I interfere, I might be discovered.

And, more importantly, if I intervened, I don’t know which direction things would develop.

Everything is different from before.

I have to go and understand the Dharma first.

I have a hunch that this method must be useful. "

After Shi finished speaking, he left quietly, leaving Yu Ziqing alone, standing in front of the stone wall and frowning.

It's just a seed planted. The ancient deep sea god's mentality will not be lost so quickly, right?

Yu Ziqing felt that he had to speed up.

For Tao Ting to evolve to the next step, at least there will be a way out.

He continued to wander around Dali, absorbing the power of Kun Zi.

At the same time, the Ancient God of the Deep Sea was ecstatic.

He was delighted that he had successfully tampered with the choice of Queen Daqian.

He felt that he had been searching for new methods a little out of control these days, and finally had some results.

It is impossible for him to tamper with the Emperor Qian, but a queen with a big background has no relationship with the Emperor Qian, and the relationship is purely political.

And if this is not the virtuous woman who is famous for her wisdom, then there are too many things that he can do.

After nightfall, the ancient god of the deep sea peered into the life of the new queen in a wave of the long river of time. Then he became cruel and gently took off part of her form, turning it into an invisible and formless message, which fell into the world. On the figure of the dry queen.

The next day, before dawn, the queen suddenly woke up and looked around cautiously. Her breath began to escape to the surroundings.

Soon, someone rushed in from outside. Seeing the palace maids and guards, the queen put down her snacks slightly and calmed down her breath.

"You all go down."

While dressing up, she was still recalling the dream she had last night, in which she dreamed that someone was talking to her about something alone.

"Isn't my younger brother here today?"

"Your Highness, Master Xu should be in the army and will set off the day after tomorrow to quell the rebellion."

Hearing this, the queen couldn't help clenching her hands.

She clearly remembered that yesterday, there were people quarreling in the court, and they found an excuse to prevent her younger brother from going to quell the rebellion.

Of course she didn't want to. She knew best about her younger brother's strength and brains. Today's counterinsurgency, even if it was just one party, was not something that her younger brother could solve.

Why did you go again today?

She thought of what the voice talking to itself told her in her dream last night.

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