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136 one three seven

Time flies, and half a month has passed. In addition to the night, Jin Shanghui followed Gong Lizhen every moment. After being taught a few times, he learned the lesson and no longer attacked the base. When Gong Lijun handled the base affairs, he was able to calm down and wait for the animal nature to gradually decrease, and more and more showed sexuality. one side.

The base also found out that Gong Shao was not calm and restrained in their imagination, quiet and well-behaved. He also loves to play with love, but because he did not find a suitable playmate, he hides the naughty nature. This suitable playmate is naturally the fourth-grade gold zombie, and only he can play with Gong Shao.

Whose child will run into the city to kill high-level zombies in order to collect a few good-looking crystal nucleus? Who can sneak into the sea for an hour or two without venting, nor fear of hordes of fish? Whose children can walk into the jungle adventures of mutant beasts and mutant plants? In addition to the non-class Jin Shanghui, only the strength of the Gong is less.

However, in just half a month, the two became the best partners. When they went there, they were inseparable, intimate, and provoked the group members who were dismantled to be more eager and more desperate, so that they could return to Gong Shao as soon as possible. Gong Gong, who was lying on the bed, also knew about Jin Shanghui's existence. When his son really liked it, Jin Shanghui did not eat meat, so he defaulted.

My brother has looked after, and he is sensible every day. The research on pharmacy has also made significant progress. Jin Shangyu is refreshed and refreshed every day. He seems to have endless efforts, and he is dedicated to taking care of Gong’s father. In no particular order, I soon got the favor of Gong Fu. If it wasn’t for the son and Song Haoran who had already made a difference, Gong’s father wanted Jin Shangyu to be a daughter-in-law.

When Gong Xiangyi walked into the infirmary, he heard Jin Shangyu’s crisp voice and his father’s hearty laughter. Gong Lijun accompanied the bed, followed by a slightly curved corner of his mouth, looking very beautiful, very normal Jin Shanghui. Dou Heng’s handling of the affairs at hand will also come and visit, and he will always pick up Gong Lijun. At this time, he was sitting next to the juvenile, not speaking, only listening quietly, sometimes looking at the young man with a slight look, deep in the joy and gentleness of the purple.

Gong Xiangyi's footsteps were slightly stunned, and suddenly there was a feeling like a world. The original demon is not gloomy and lonely, but cheerful and lively; the original demon is not alone, but has a zombie side; the original Dou Heng is not crazy paranoia, but also has a calm and indifferent side. In the last world, many things she saw in her eyes were actually superficial superficial phenomena, and even many of them were subjective delusions. Recalling her self-willed behavior of leaving the safe area because of the change of mind, she suddenly had the urge to cry. What did she miss in the last life? In this world, everything she should have cherished was discarded by her confused.

"Xiangyi, what's wrong?" Seeing her daughter standing at the door for a long time, her eyes were flushed, and Gongfu frowned.

"Nothing." Gong Xiangyi said, taking a deep breath, shook his food box and said, "Dad, give you red dates and porridge, drink more."

"Well, come over and sit down." Gong father patted the bed and laughed.

Gong Xiangyi saw the smile and smiled. He felt bitter and unspeakable in his heart, but his face was not obvious. After nodding his head, he took out a spoonful of porridge and gave it to Gong. A bowl of porridge just drank to the bottom, an abilities rushed in and hurriedly opened, "Gong Shao, go to the North District to see it, the North District suddenly flew a group of crows, will spurt fire, almost put the woods and The building of the building is burned!"

"Fire crow?" Gong Xiangyi's hand in the bowl shook and shouted. She has been busy taking care of her father for months, and she almost forgot about this fate affecting the base. In the last world, it was because the fire crow selected the long snake island as a habitat, and the fire granary was burned in the first place. In order not to let everyone starve to death, the father had to choose to go north and vote for the Xiangcuiwan base. The father was seriously ill, coupled with a long journey, overwork, and died when he arrived at Xiangcuiwan.

Although the father is still there, but the fire crow is on schedule, as if it indicates the destruction of the Long Snake Island, Gong Xiangyi’s heart instantly mentioned the eyes of the blind man, put down the porridge bowl, and hurriedly ran to the northern district.

"Let's go and see, my sister predicted the arrival of the fire crow, the situation seems to be very serious." Gong Fu waved to his son.

Gong Lizhen did not suspect him, and immediately agreed to leave immediately after the one, and other people quickly followed. When Gong Xiangyi arrived in the North District in a hurry, the situation was not as serious as she imagined. There are several granaries at the end of the building, and there are no thick clouds like clouds in the sky.

The members of the Self-Defense Force gathered in the North District, wearing special gloves, and the net bag made of mutant spider silk was launched with special guns, and the fire crows were netted. Hundreds of fire crows squeezed in the net pockets, and the sound was fierce, and the mouth was still smoldering from time to time, trying to burn the wire. Unfortunately, the mesh has been specially treated by Jin Shangyu. It has a fire-proof function and is also soaked with neurotoxins. It can cause deep coma when it is exposed to the eyes, ears and nose.

The crow's cry was getting smaller and smaller, and it took a few minutes to faint. The members of the Self-Defense team felt that it was not enough. They picked up the masonry and shattered their heads, then shook their bodies out and piled them together. The **** smell of the same kind of tragic death skyrocketed, and a large group of fire crows dared not approach.

Crows are very intelligent animals and are quite alert to danger. They were discovered by the classes on the ground, and then they were captured by countless net pockets. They were a little embarrassed, and they saw the thorns of the vines in the woods on the island of the wood abilities. The vines were covered with dense stingers. They have nowhere to live, they fly in the sky for a while and then fly away from the beach, and they are not disturbed by these classes.

Seeing that the situation has been controlled by the Self-Defense Force, Gong Xiangyi has taken a big breath.

Afterwards, Gong Lijun turned around and saw the Self-Defense Forces led by his team members were very alert and their combat effectiveness improved several times. The first time they found and repelled the raid raid, they felt very Satisfied, a little smile. A group of members saw the boss happy, and quickly surrounded them to ask when they would be allowed to form again.

After being released to the Self-Defense Forces, there are some ordinary people with low ability. They have to take care of their safety, and they must upgrade their strengths. They must also do their responsibilities for patrolling and defending. They discovered that they have many fates. One of the hard things, the love for their own bosses is also deeper through this experience.

Lin Wenbo and Song Haoran stood by and thought about the performance of a group of members. This time, they can be re-teamed. However, they have established a very high prestige in the Self-Defense Forces, and I am afraid that there will be a lot of disappointment.

Thinking of this, the eyes flashed with a smile. At this moment, Luo Haihai and Gong Xiangyi, the outermost part of the station group, exclaimed in one direction, "Don't!"

The public turned around quickly, but they saw Jin Shanghui’s body squatting with the body of a fire crow. He used a sharp nail to pry out a soybean-sized crystal nucleus in the skull of the fire crow, and pinched it at his fingertips. The light red nucleus glowed under the sunlight, and it flashed and dazzled.

Dozens of fire ravens, which were still hovering in the sky, saw the crystal light on the ground, and immediately yelled and swooped down. The momentum was so fast that they immediately went to Jin Shanghui and scratched the fire around him. Although he could not hurt him, he could He had a black tail and a ragged shirt. He described it as a wolf.

When Dou Heng saw it, he raised a hand and threw a thunder. In the past, dozens of fire crows were burned to the ground and they fell to the ground. "The crow likes the sparkling thing. When he sees it, he will rush to grab it." He turned his head and looked at the teenager who was full of doubts.

"It turns out that it's no wonder that everyone just killed the firecracker and didn't smash the nucleus." Gong Lizhen showed his expression of ignorance, and the hand grabbed the crystal nucleus in Jin Shanghui's hand and then said it to a group of members. "Collect the bodies of these fire crows, wait in the room, close the door and let them squat again. These crystal nuclei are small, pretty good."

The boss of his own is the nuclear control, a group of members have long been accustomed to, and agreed to come down in unison, and work hard to clean up. Lin Wenbo and Song Haoran shook their heads and laughed. They had thick pets on their faces and ran over to help. Dou Heng did not hesitate, and when he spoke, he smashed his sleeves and put the birds around him in a bag.


The fire crow was driven to the beach, and the habitat was found on the rocky cliff. The class of the snake island did not invade each other, and did not interfere with each other.

In this way, after half a month, one day in the middle of the night, Gong Lizhen was riding Song Haoran on the waist, and the pink-small hole wrapped around the male giants and swallowed up and down. It was the time when you couldn’t stop.

Suddenly, the young man’s eartips with flushed cheeks moved, and the man’s ear whimpered, intermittently, “moving, moving faster, the island is strange.”

Song Haoran grabbed the juvenile's waist and lifted it up, complaining, "Baby, they just started!"

Gong Lizhen’s eyes were fascinated with misty water, and he kissed the man’s thin lips to comfort. Dantian accelerated his movements and simultaneously contracted the chrysanthemum, stirring the giant body in the body, trying to get it to get high-tidal. Lin Big Brother is still patrolling outside, he is not at ease.

The juvenile's small-hole is moist and hot, so that it is the eclipse-soul-soul, so that the desire-sin-desire-death, as if there are countless small mouths to allow-sucking, the taste is wonderful. Song Haoran whispered with a low sigh, and the semi-soft and semi-hard giants were unwilling to sway a few times before they were reluctant to pull out.

"Baby, I want to compensate next time!" In a hurry, the two wolves will be cleaned, and Song Haoran bites the pink ear of Gong Lijun.

Gong Lijun climbed the neck of the man, enthusiasm and kissed his throat sliding up and down, the man who was screaming, arrogant, afraid to get out of control again, had to urge him to go out to check the situation before giving up. Dealing with Song Haoran and Lin Wenbo, Gong Lizhen can be said to be handy and easy to use.

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