After "The World" confirmed this time, "The Fool" waved his hand and sent Esther out of the gray fog.

The soft and friendly light curtain faded.

Esther opened her eyes again. On the dark wooden floor, there were old scratches left by the dragging of chairs. The bed was covered with blue sheets, and the dark gray curtains revealed the sunlight that was not dazzling. .

This room was not spacious, and the decoration was extremely simple to save money, but it made Esther feel at ease.

Everything was so ordinary, so ordinary that she was almost moved to tears. Her vision had returned, and she was able to break away from the weird and chaotic perception. She only needed to look at the world with her eyes.

"It's really good..."

Esther found that her voice was as hoarse as sandpaper, and couldn't help but stroke her throat and chuckle.

She stood up from the wooden chair, and one of the uneven legs of the chair scraped against the ground, making a harsh noise.

Even such a sound made Esther feel happy. She put her hand on her heart, and the simple repeated beating of her heart made her feel that she had not seen it for so long.

Esther walked to the window, opened the curtains, and pushed open the closed window.

The voices of people, the sound of wind, the distant roar of steamships, all the sounds and colors of the world poured into her eyes and ears.

The blue and boundless sealine in the distance, the slightly gloomy sky due to floating clouds, groups of sailors calling their colleagues to go to the tavern, and the vendors rushing to the passers-by constantly displaying their wares.

Everything was mixed together, still a little chaotic, but clear and full of life. Just looking at it gave Esther the peace of mind to return to reality.

She smiled with red eyes and took a deep breath. The salty and wet smell of the sea breeze gently brushed her chest, making Esther's eyes red.

"so good……"

She touched the tips of her forehead, which had completely returned to light golden hair, and whispered in a hoarse voice.


The first thing Esther did was to run out to the market for shopping. In addition to buying a new suitcase and a change of clothes, she also had to buy a few candles, paper and pens, hoping to pray to "The Fool" for blessings as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Esther counted the balance in her pocket and found about thirty gold pounds left. She was used to carrying most of the cash with her, so she would not be unable to buy anything.

Esther held up a glass of mint and honey water and enjoyed it slowly. The way she was carrying a black suitcase looked no different from other passengers. Esther even bought a jar of peppermint paste on the recommendation of a roadside vendor, who had heard it was a popular sweet in Port Pulitzer.

After eating fish stew and bacon sandwiches in a restaurant, Esther felt completely resurrected.

I feel so happy even if I can eat something...

Esther took another hard bite of the sandwich, and her overly moved expression made the guests who were looking at her turn their heads subconsciously, wondering if this young lady was not mentally well.

After Esther returned to the hotel with satisfaction, she didn't start the ritual of praying to the "Fool" until she finished bathing and put on new clothes. It had a sense of ritual like burning incense and bathing.

However, she did not pray directly. Instead, she prayed first and asked Mr. Fool when he could perform the ceremony.

On the other side, in a restaurant in Pulitzer Harbor, Klein, who was eating grilled fish pie, heard the call to prayer. He quickly borrowed the restroom from the store, skillfully arranged a spiritual wall and walked backwards in four steps. Then he walked towards the place where he was praying. The ball of light sent the response "Now".

Because she had prepared things long ago, Esther moved very quickly. When she prayed for blessings this time, the movement was far less violent than when she sacrificed the human skin shadow last time, but Esther still lowered her head, not at all. Dare to peek at what’s on the other side of the door.

Soon, as the cracks in the spiritual world closed, Esther breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the extra things on the table:

This is a claw knife made according to Esther's illustration. It is small and portable, and its total length is about the same as an adult male's hand.

The handle and the blade are separated at both ends. The fang-like blade is curved as a whole, showing a dark red color, and there are blood grooves like claw marks on it. There is a ring at the end of the handle, just enough for your fingers to pass through, and the handle of the knife, which is covered with thick short hair and has the same curvature, can be grasped tightly.

But when Esther rubbed the short hair, it quickly shed a layer of hair, revealing its true dark appearance.

So before trying to use the feel, Esther grabbed its hair and rubbed it several times to remove all the strange "negative effects". Then she tried the feel of the claw knife.

As she expected, this small and delicate weapon, which requires the coordination of fingers and wrist strength, is tailor-made for "thieves".

Esther happily let the claw knife fly up and down between her fingers, making it dance like a light blade shadow like a butterfly piercing a flower. The best thing about this claw knife is that it is easy to hide. Esther directly wrapped it twice. The bandage can be pinned to the waistband of your pants, and can be tied around the inside or outside of your arm or in your high boots without any problems.

"You won't poison people randomly, right?"

Esther turned the claw knife around and around, thinking about what to name it.

Of course, this magical item had no "living" characteristics. It was simply suppressed by the "Zoya" hidden in Esther's body. It was played with by Esther quietly, and no poison was emitted from the beginning to the end.

Esther gestured at the shape of the claw knife. With a thought, and with a little force, the tip of the claw knife protruded outward, making its shape closer to a short scimitar.

What should I call it? Iron broken teeth? This claw knife is too small, and it doesn't have that kind of momentum at all. It's too far behind. But that extraordinary characteristic seems to be called "werewolf"?

Esther thought for a moment and quickly decided on its name - "Logan's Claw".


On January 4th, Esther paid an extra day's rent at the hotel, planning to meet with Klein today before considering the next trip.

She once again visited several open stalls nearby in the morning, and tasted the quite fresh clam and mussel soup and grilled mackerel fillets, paired with crispy croissants and mint sweet tea, and then asked the stall owner about "Pulitzer" "Hong Kong Ticketing Company", and went to wait with satisfaction to meet the fellow villagers.

According to what Mr. "World" said, he could directly convey this matter to Klein. I don't know how they contacted each other. Maybe there was a messenger or something?

Esther's steps were brisk and she had a bright smile on her face. If she wasn't worried about causing any unusual movements, she would have really wanted to hum a little tune on the way.

Her new clothes were as simple as usual:

A dark blue wavy slim-fitting vest, a long-sleeved white shirt, and black duffle trousers. The trousers were tucked into the inside of the boots for ease of movement. The hooded black cloak just passed the knees. It was not long enough to cover the whole body and would not drag on the ground. Instead, it hung down on the calf like a skirt.

At this time, Esther did not put on her hood, exposing her hair and full face, and walking openly on the street, so that she would not look so suspicious.

But compared to other people here, she is dressed more casually. She does not look like a passenger going on a sea trip, nor does she look like someone who has been living on the sea all year round. Rather, she looks like a ranger who escaped from some kind of drama story, and Pulitzer Harbor is a misfit.

Esther was also carrying a small box in her hand, which was also filled with light clothes. The important things were still in her shoulder bag, including the deformed sand hammer, which was also carried by Esther. Cleaned and left behind.

She didn't take a carriage, because the area where she originally lived was not too far from the White Rose District. After walking for dozens of minutes, she also found the "Plitz Port Ticketing Company", but it was different from what Esther had originally imagined. The vast ticket hall is different. There is only an old three-story building. The wooden plaque exudes a faint musty smell, as if it has been soaked in sea water.

The hall after entering was very spacious. There were actually seven ticket windows. There were many people queuing up at this time. Esther glanced at the hall and then stood next to the notice board. It would not block anyone from passing by. She You can also see what is posted above.

The bulletin board posted information on recent passenger ships, including destinations, ports passing through, and various price points. Esther weighed her wallet. If it was a long-distance voyage, third class would be her limit.

"Is there a place you want to go? I can recommend some reliable ships to you."

After hearing this voice, Esther immediately turned her head and looked over.

The middle-aged man's clothes were similar to a police uniform, but he did not have any police badge to prove his identity. Instead, he wore a seagull badge on his chest. His exposed cheeks and hands were bronzed, and his skin was rough, obviously the traces of years of exposure to the sun.

"Thank you for your kindness. I just took a look. Because my friend hasn't come yet and I'm waiting for him."

"I guess so! A delicate girl like you shouldn't wander around alone. The sun on the sea is not as relaxing as in novels and stories."

Esther smiled back at the gentleman who seemed to be a guard: "But you have to go to the sea to experience it firsthand, so you know what kind of life it is."

The guard pointed at the bulletin board: "Then just think about where you want to go and wait until your friends arrive before deciding. I know several reliable captains. No matter where you go, your credibility is guaranteed."

Esther nodded and scanned the "Destination" column. There were many ships heading to Feneport to the west, but she saw a special word and read it subconsciously:


The pronunciation of the name of this area is very similar to "Binxi" in the giant language. Esther made a guess, suspecting that it was the place mentioned by the "evil spirit" in the underground ruins of Backlund, the "Red Angel" Medici.

Hearing her interest in this place, the guard interjected: "That place is not normal. I don't recommend you to go there. Bansi Port is also known as the 'Weather Museum'. You should be able to imagine that the weather on the island is The climate is always changing dramatically and is very weird."

"So strange? Wouldn't approaching this island make ships easily in danger?"

"There is no problem with the normal route. The storm is coming, and after they built a church on the island, there will be fewer weird things there."

Esther nodded: "But such a strange island should be quite attractive to tourists?"

"Haha, I heard that the locals there will eat the blood of animals, use the blood to prepare blood clots and other things, and then make dishes. There are always brave tourists who want to try it, but I haven't tried it anyway."

Esther's eyes suddenly lit up.

Blood tofu?

Just when she wanted to ask more questions, a cold voice sounded behind her:


Esther turned around and saw a young man wearing a half-high silk top hat and gold-rimmed glasses.

He wore all-black gloves on both hands, carrying a suitcase in one hand, and a gentlemanly cane in the other. His black hair was combed close to his body, and his face was stern with a sharp temperament and sharp features.

Esther was sure that she had never seen this man before, but there were vague shadows on his facial features, which immediately gave her some kind of wonderful intuition, and she could immediately identify the slightly familiar man in front of her as Klein.

This made Esther smile from the bottom of her heart:

"Good day, sir."

"Gehrman Sparrow. It's an honor to meet you, Miss Hamel Brooke."

The young man stretched out his hand towards Esther. Although his face was still expressionless, there was an unadorned smile in his eyes.

This was a pseudonym Esther wanted to use that they had discussed during their chat.

"It's an honor to meet you too, Mr. Sparrow."

"Just call me Gehrman."

The young man nodded with a straight face, which made Esther's smile deepen. She immediately understood the current situation:

You really put your heart and soul into your performance, Klein...

Happy Dragon Boat Festival. Three updates today, one update.

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