Under the gaze of the villagers, Alexander and his party walked out of the simple wooden fence outside the village and walked towards the path opened when they landed on the island.

The light in the direction of the village went out soon after, and the moment the group of villagers saw them stepping out of the village, they couldn't wait to disperse and rush back to their homes.

When Toma from the rear saw this scene, he couldn't help but sneer.

They had only been walking into the woods for a few minutes when they heard a strange sound, like the sound of an iron blade being rubbed.

As soon as Alexander raised his hand, the other eleven people in the team slowed down in time. The two sailors beside him immediately raised the double-barreled shotguns in their hands. The barrels were engraved with complex patterns, creating a structure of unknown effectiveness. occult symbols.

Thomas pulled out a black handkerchief, raised his hand and threw it forward. The handkerchief stretched and became illusory, turning into a night curtain to cover the more obvious figures of everyone.

He didn't expect this spell to effectively block the enemy, but it could at least cover his tracks.

Others also raised their weapons, guarding against all potential threats. The "Clover" will equip the crew members who leave the ship to explore with guns and daggers according to the number of people, so everyone's hands will not be empty. Mary held the revolver in her hand and scanned the shadows between the trees intently. Thomas held the lantern in his left hand and held two scrolls in his right hand. From time to time, he would look back at the direction of the village.

Alexander at the front held a lantern in one hand and a charm in the other, leading everyone forward slowly.

The Raiders targeted the middle of the line.

Its spirituality seemed to be quite high. It realized that the people at the head and tail of the team could pose a greater threat to it, so it chose ordinary sailors without any extraordinary powers. They were dragging a simple cart with several boxes on it, and the wheels occasionally made a clanking sound due to the uneven ground.

This is an extremely clear goal at night.

The first person to react was Mary, who was at the back of the team observing the overall situation. The small revolver made an explosion in the night. As the bullet accurately penetrated the attacker's body, Mary activated her extraordinary ability.

"briber", "undercut"!

Mary's priority target is to weaken the opponent's defense, which is to prepare for further attacks later.

However, the monster that was hit did not react at all. Its two-meter-long body flew out from between the tree trunks nimbly and hit one of them hard.

Under the close-up illumination of the lights, everyone was finally able to see clearly the appearance of this monster:

It looks like a long snake, with two black eyes that exude a dead air. Only the white skeleton is exposed at the snake's head. Although the snake is almost two people wide, it is wrapped in a thin layer of snake skin, but through You can also see the fleshless white bones inside the snake skin.

There was only a small sunken hole where Mary penetrated it, and nothing came out of it. It was hard to believe that this monster, which was purely supported by bones, was still moving freely.

Alexander did not hesitate, and took out another charm from his arms with his backhand, and as he whispered the ancient Hermetic language: "Sun!"

A bright light bloomed from Alexander's fingers, illuminating an area within ten meters, naturally including everyone in the team.

Mary fired again. The long snake really didn't bother to dodge such an ordinary bullet attack, but Mary applied new abilities to this gift during the attack - "briber", "arrogant"!

The long snake slowed down for a second, closed its huge mouth that was originally open to the sailor, and roared silently at Mary - it only had bones and a layer of snake skin on its body, and naturally had no organs that could produce sounds.

However, under this silent roar, everyone felt a roar in their heads, and they all felt dizzy and weak. This snake actually had an attack method that directly affected the spirit body!

The scroll that Thomas had prepared couldn't find the time to activate it. Thompson, who was trying to pull his partner up, lost his footing and almost fell to the ground.

But Alexander tried hard to stay calm, and regardless of waiting for his spirit to regain calm, he took out another charm from his arms and spoke again: "Sun!"

What was condensed this time was a radiant spear.

The knocked-over sailor was thrown away by the long snake. The bone snake seemed to feel the anger because of Alexander's two consecutive attacks, and targeted him, completely ignoring the others.

It was affected by Mary's extraordinary ability, and its original mentality of teasing its prey was completely irritated. Alexander gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his head, and stabbed the spear into the mouth of this huge bone snake with his backhand.

The dazzling light exploded under the snake's skin, but it was not affected in any way. Instead, it roared even more fiercely.

This time, even Alexander took two steps back. He tried hard to support his body to prevent himself from falling. He took out a short black needle and a blowpipe from his arms, but because of his shaking hands, he could not hold these two things steady. Hold it firmly in your hand.

A sailor guarding Alexander also endured the discomfort, and while dizzy, he raised his shotgun at the snake at close range, "Bang!"

The powerfully amplified psychic bullet was shot out, and the power it brought was beyond the comparison of Mary's small revolver. There was a huge mouth on the side of nearly half of the body of the bone snake, and the skeleton inside was blasted into pieces, splashing everywhere. Everywhere.

Because of his abnormal condition, the sailor's attack still missed.

Such an attack did not have any more impact on the bone snake. It swung its tail angrily and flew away the sailor who dared to attack him, and crashed into a bush.

Alexander took advantage of this short opportunity to finally stuff the flying needle into the blowpipe. He did not hesitate to blow out the short needle that exuded an evil aura, and did not care where it hit the bone snake. Its huge body facilitates such an attack.

This rather proud bone snake shook its head. It didn't bother to dodge any attack, but it suffered a lot this time.

The black corrosive aura instantly exploded from the wound, causing the monster to struggle violently. Others moved far away to avoid being swept away by its tail.

Soon, blackness spread from the giant snake's wound to its entire body, and its roar no longer had the same power as before. After another two minutes of struggle, it was covered with the evil black pattern. With its white skull and tusks exposed, it completely stopped moving.

The unlucky guy who crashed into the bushes was helped up. He seemed to have broken two bones. It was very difficult to move, but he could still walk.

Seeing that the bone snake did not cause much damage to the team, Alexander was relieved. Although this level was troublesome, it was still within their response range.

But two minutes later, his luck evaporated.

Because there were constant violent crashes coming from the depths of the jungle, a group of people were quickly approaching the group passing by!

Such a huge movement means that they are facing a more terrifying monster. If it is still something like this bone snake, the efficiency of physical attacks is too low and it is not convenient for them to deal with it.

But there were wounded people in the team, and the forward speed was greatly shortened. Even if there were no wounded people, the speed of the new monster was too fast. They had no time to board the "Clover" before it arrived. It was no matter how far away from the shore it was. It has to be an hour away.

"Adrian opened the box marked No. 5! Take out the gun barrel inside!" Alexander made a decision in his heart instantly. He shouted to everyone, "Thompson carried the injured Pierre on his back and walked away from the edge of the battle. Hide, don’t be affected!”

Thompson gritted his teeth unwillingly and motioned for Pierre to climb on his back: "Got it!"

You can't hide. The opponent's direction is very certain, and it's coming towards them.

You can't run away, you can only face the enemy!

Thomas shook out a scroll with his backhand, accompanied by an ancient Fusac language: "Guard!"

A dim yellow light shone around everyone, as if a layer of strange illusory shield had condensed, which greatly enhanced their resistance to various attacks. Judging from the movement in the forest, this monster is huge. If someone else is swept out and has a broken bone, the burden on the team will be greatly increased.

If such a group of people spread out and fled into the jungle, they might be able to escape one or two people, but most of them did not have the extraordinary abilities of Alexander, Thomas, and Mary. They knew that they would be the first to die, and fighting was more for themselves. Seeking opportunities for survival.

Even though they were fearful and timid, no one fled directly. These sailors showed qualities that far exceeded those of the ragtag pirates.

Thomas threw away another scroll again: "Protection!"

A curtain of light surging with stars rose in front, spanning several meters to block the front of the team.

The two sailors have skillfully set up Alexander's gun barrel. Rather than saying it is a cannon, the design of this device is more like some kind of steam machine gun without peripherals, but it can only be set up on the ground because of its excessive mass.

From the appearance, it is difficult to tell what drives it. The tail drags a row of bullets that emit some spiritual fluctuations. As long as you pull down the safety bolt above the barrel and start the trigger, you can ensure a powerful enough sweep. .

The sound of dragging and crawling on the ground was getting closer and closer, and every step was like a drum beating on the ground, causing urgency and fear to quickly weigh on everyone's hearts.

Alexander could already see the monster's hill-like white back through the light curtain. Thinking of the structure of the bone snake before, he groped in his arms again, took out a blood-red diamond-shaped gem, and prepared it for the first time. Activate this one-time magic item after a wave of attacks.

After several tree trunks were suddenly broken, a huge mouth nearly three meters high appeared in front of everyone, with a few rotten flesh hanging on the rough and jagged fangs at the top.

This is a crocodile skeleton without any flesh or skin. If its length is three meters, it is still within a reasonable range. But the height of this skeleton crocodile is close to three meters just after opening its long mouth, and the total length is close to fifteen meters. There are traces of being violently trampled behind it.

It's too big. Anything that big is a threat to humans, let alone an evil creature that looks quite ferocious.

In the empty eye sockets of the crocodile skull, a cold black light shines. This black light fills its fleshless skull and surrounds the inner core.

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