Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 228 Pros and Cons

"We can ignore the topic now and discuss what you know." Esther said.

She sat on the edge of the softer bed, leaving the wooden chair on the other side to "Gavin". Because the clone made no move to escape from the room, Esther chose to believe in his "sincerity" for the time being.

After all, this room can now be regarded as her "home field". As long as Esther wants to, she can swallow this worm of time together with Calvin's fate at any time. But after that, she had to change places as soon as possible and hide from the crowd, lest other Amon clones or even the main body chase after her.

Esther was looking forward to what the other party would say. It was precisely because of the extremely uneven status that the conversation between the two had enough credibility.

"How did you find me?" Esther was the first to ask the question that concerned her most.

"Gavin" didn't hide anything, and seemed to be really trying to show sincerity: "A few days ago, I felt a little strange movement in the spiritual world. Through the twisted fate of the owner of this body, I locked your general location, and then as soon as possible Come here, I will be surprised to meet you directly on the train."

Esther thought about what she did a few days ago, exploring the ruins with Aaron and the other three? She didn't use the power of the 'destiny' pathway at that time, it shouldn't be because of that incident...

Her heart suddenly tightened.

Before the four of them went to the ruins, Esther used coins to do a divination that revealed a scene fragment!

Because "Zoya" is too closely connected with the spiritual world, if I perform divination frequently, it will easily be affected by some occult influences?

Seeing that Esther didn't speak for a while, "Gavin" spoke up: "How much do you know about the concept of 'anchor'?"

"I know that Zoya has a special 'anchoring' ability. Based on the literal meaning, I can infer that it has a similar 'positioning' function." Esther tilted her head and added, "In terms of cognition, perhaps."

"Gavin" crossed his legs, his expression was leisurely and casual, and he had no consciousness of being trapped at all: "On the whole, it can be said that it was He who told you?"

Esther frowned and rubbed her temples: "A very vague perception, you can regard it as intuition."

"The crazy foundation contained in extraordinary characteristics cannot be erased through 'acting'. Once entering a high sequence, the human self of an extraordinary person will be more strongly eroded, and only close people or believers will form an 'anchor'. Only in this way can we better maintain ourselves.”

"It's really been digested by the magic potion... and it has to be reversely affected by the outside world's perception. Does 'Zoya' have the ability to help the other party maintain their humanity?"

"Gavin" did not answer the question immediately, but looked at her for a moment before speaking: "He can anchor a person's strongest self-awareness through the long river of destiny, which is often the most objective and stable feedback, so He can give any feedback to anyone." It is a high-quality anchor point for high-sequence extraordinary people.”

It was hard for Esther not to think back to the several "gods" she had come into contact with: "Amon needs an anchor?"

"No need. Amon are the best anchors for Amon. Because we know ourselves very well, our understanding of ourselves will not be biased, and it will not easily affect the main body in reverse."

"Gavin" paused and smiled a little weirdly: "Even if there are special cases, they will be cut off from the main body quickly and cannot bring about any changes."

Esther subconsciously drew circles on the sheets with her fingers: "Then why is he staring at 'Zoya'? It can't be that he was annoyed because of the third era and has been holding grudges, right?"

"Hahaha... Could it be that 'Zoya' gave you any hint? I will not deny this. To the body, 'Zoya' is an absolute villain."

"You have the nerve to say that!?" Esther couldn't help it, and raised her voice because she was angry and funny, "Since you know yourselves best, you should also know the bad aspects of your personality best."

"Gavin" pressed his hands down, signaling Esther to calm down: "You can think of it as a matter of position. This is related to the true identity of 'Zoya'."

"Related to the Lord of the Spirit World?"

"Speaking of which, this is because of the flaws left by 'Zoya' herself. She rejected the possibility of the real body in the third era. Before you, 'Zoya' also appeared once in the fifth era, but time has changed. Very short, about two hundred years ago.”

It was the time Russell Gustav landed. Esther easily connected her previous conjecture with this experience.

"Gavin" did not wait for Esther's reaction and continued: "That time, 'Zoya' more clearly denied the possibility of becoming the 'Lord of Mysteries' and refused to be an anchor to help him board the Take control of 'Origin Castle'."

Esther's fingers curled up subconsciously: "The gray mist above the spiritual world."

"Yes. You may also know what will happen next, at least 'Zoya' will definitely know. It is suspected that there are 'believers' of 'The Fool' in the Forsaken Land. After our discussion, it is almost certain that Source Castle now has a new owner. .”

"Gavin" carefully observed Esther's expression, but to his disappointment, Esther's indifferent attitude did not change and she did not reveal any further information.

Perhaps her attitude itself speaks for itself.

It seemed that there was nothing else he could do except convey the main body's words.

The smile of this Amon clone was full of teasing: "Didn't He remind you when you were in contact with the Fool?"

Esther raised her eyebrows: "What do you want to say?"

"You are just a shell of 'Zoya' leaving a way out for yourself. 'Wait until the turning point of fate comes', that's when you die."

Golden cicada escapes from its shell?

Esther's mood was quite complicated when she heard this sentence. "The Fool" gave her corresponding blessings, and "Zoya" also helped Esther when she faced Amon's true form.

Is this the price she has to pay for those "cheats"?

Esther lowered her eyes and chuckled: "So?"

"You will die. Instead of leaving your life to 'fate' without knowing it, how about cooperating with us? We have a way for you to survive, and the best 'psychiatrist' in the world will be willing to provide it. Helpful."

Although "Gavin" smiled happily, there was undisguised malice in his eyes:

"It's just to survive. It's not a wrong thing. No one is qualified to criticize your choice. No one wants 'himself' to die."

"There is absolutely no need for you to participate in this level of struggle. The only one controlled by 'The Fool' is 'Zoya', not Luna or Esther, not you."

Esther couldn't hold it back, she laughed twice, and even relaxed a little: "Is this your position? Is it what the body wants you to tell 'Esther'?"

She put her finger on her right eyebrow: "If I were asked to choose the most untrustworthy transaction partner among the existences I have seen and come into contact with, it can only be your true body."

The smile on "Gavin's" face faded: "Don't trust any high-sequence extraordinary beings, including gods, and don't be fooled by the appearances they show you."

"For the same reason, I won't trust you or you either." Esther replied expressionlessly.

"How long will your good luck last? I hope you can figure it out as soon as possible. 'Zoya' will always have better luck than you."

This clone Amon tapped his forehead: "You will disappear, just like the people who were completely parasitized by us, you will lose yourself forever and cease to exist."

His remaining left eye was full of anticipation, as if he was looking at a fish jumping into the frying pan on its own, and felt amused by it.

The next moment, the worm that was constantly twisting in "Gavin's" right eye suddenly stopped moving.

Esther's reaction was extremely quick, and she never completely let down her guard against this clone from the beginning to the end.

She just raised her hands slightly, and the light spots hidden in the whole room lit up at the same time. The buzzing sound formed a wave, and Esther felt that her consciousness was also flying with them.

The light spots in her hair also poured out, completely swallowing up the fate and spirit of "Gavin" according to her wishes.

When the sea of ​​light submerged "Galwin", the right side of his face had begun to dissolve, and a few hard scales appeared on the left side of his face. His face twisted uncontrollably, and there was fear in his amber left eye - it did not belong to Ah. Mongolian fear.

In the socket of the right eye, a crazily twisting Worm of Time gradually gathered. It was trying to take this opportunity to escape from the fate of dying together with its host.

But when the large spot of light covered it, the connection between it and "Calvin" was strengthened. The fate of the two merged into one, sinking, breaking, and perishing together.

Soon, both the man and the Time Worm lost their life.

The light spots circled around the room, like a flock of vultures dancing around a feast. Esther spread her hands and let them dance above her palms.

Her expression was gentle and calm, and her lowered eyes stared at the place where the deceased fell without any disturbance.

It wasn't until Calvin's body gradually became cold that Esther held her hands and let the firefly-like lights return to where they originally were.

The buzzing sound was still echoing in her ears and in her head. Esther understood the warning of "spiritual intuition": after the death of this Amon clone, it will inevitably attract the attention of the main body.

Even if the other clones don't arrive here right away, Esther must take care of her funeral affairs as soon as possible and leave here.

She looked at the young man on the ground and chuckled twice: "Haha, what does this mean? Send away two old friends?"

Esther leaned down and pulled out the Worm of Time from Galwin's eye socket. It was only after death that he and it were completely separated.

Originally, Esther was still worried about what to do with the corpse. The abnormal appearance on Calvin's face was not suitable for ordinary people to see. If he was attracted to the church in this small town, things would be even more troublesome.

But after she took out the Worm of Time, Galvin's flesh and skin began to shrivel up rapidly, and soon dried up and weathered, turning into a mummy that seemed to have been dead for many years.

"If you overspent your time like this, he should have died a long time ago. It seems that you have tried many other methods, but you have not escaped the fate of dying with him."

Esther shook the lifeless Worm of Time in her hand and spoke to it in a soft tone.

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