Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 281 Unexpected Conflict

When Vika woke up, she always felt like something was wrong in the house.

The cold wind from the window blew into his face, causing Vika to suck hard on his itchy nose and sneeze.

He subconsciously glanced at the table and saw that the purse containing the gold coins was still there, so it didn't matter. As long as he didn't arouse the anger of the mysterious lady, even if the hotel was haunted, it had nothing to do with him.

But that lady might be more like a ghost than a ghost...

Vika's sleepy thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. He rolled out of bed and threw himself on the door with a "dong" sound.

Opening a crack in the door, Valery's disgusted eyes fell in from the outside: "Did you sleep on the ground? Why is there such a big movement?"

"No, it's nothing! Everything is normal!" Vika replied loudly.

Esther waved her hand and urged: "When you get up, go to the public bathroom to wash up. If you sleep again, you will miss lunch."

"Ah, I'll go right away."

Esther then returned to her room, sat down at the head of the bed, and looked out the window where the sun was warm.

Both Vika and Mateo were an experiment she wanted to do, and the heart-to-heart talk last night was more of an excuse to understand and deepen their understanding.

In fact, there is a better candidate, but it is a pity that this place is too far away from Tingen. Traveling through the spirit world affects both Zoya and me at the same time, and will worsen the condition of my physical and spiritual bodies, otherwise Admisor would definitely be happy to help me with this small favor.

Forget it about Aaron, he is a student of the "Queen of Mysteries". Asking him to do this will easily attract Bernadette's attention and affect the two-way transaction regarding the "Card of Blasphemy".

Esther rubbed her right eyebrow, feeling momentarily afraid of her indifferent attitude.

Even if she notices the change in her indifference, she cannot hesitate or retreat, otherwise Zoya may become active again at any time and replace her consciousness.

"If I could quietly be an 'ordinary person' for the rest of my life, would it be better than now?"

Alone in the room, she received no answer to her questions.

The parasitized Valery led the prepared Vika onto the street. Since the hotel where she stayed last night was really unappetizing, she specially looked for a cleaner-looking restaurant when having lunch.

The decoration of this store is very fancy, and the prices are as fancy as the decoration. The taste is not as good as Esther imagined. It can only be said to be barely acceptable. No wonder there are not many customers in the store.

Vika's appetite is not as big as last night, but she still eats any dish with gusto. It seems that the conditions on their pirate ship are very ordinary, so that Vika now has the opportunity to feast, and he always wants to eat food for two people.

There was a fried whale steak and mead in front of Valery. He grabbed a piece of fried shortbread and bit into it which was full of pulled cheese, potato dices and fish mince.

Eating here is like not having a meal without wine. The waiter repeatedly recommended "imported good wine" and never mentioned the cheapest Nipos.

Even Vika noticed this careful thought. Esther decided on the mead with a relatively low alcohol content, and simply left the ordering task to Vika. Finally, he ordered some common dishes from Nas.

After eating the shortbread on his hand, Valery wiped the corners of his mouth with a tablecloth: "Shouldn't 'Axe' come to Nas often? How come you don't have any recommended restaurants?"

When Vika heard the other party's sudden question, she anxiously swallowed the mixed vegetable soup in her mouth, almost choking on the carrot chunks: "Ahem, cough, cough, I don't have many opportunities to eat in serious restaurants."

"No money?"

"Don't you know this well... Although I can make money, I have only been on the ship for more than two years. I have no qualifications at all and I can't get any points."

"That's right, otherwise you guys wouldn't look so shabby."

Esther couldn't help but think of Daniz. The way he revealed his inheritance when he was seriously injured had already left Andrew's wallet several blocks away.

Vika took a sip of mead. He was not used to such a soft and sweet alcoholic drink, and frowned slightly: "Already all the people who have landed on the island are people with guns. Although my revolver is cheap, it also costs a lot of money." I lost most of my savings, not to mention having to replenish my bullets.”

Valery picked up another piece of pastry with filling: "I forgot to tell you that the potion formula I gave you is also very expensive."

Vika, who was originally enjoying the food happily, immediately became depressed: "I'm not surprised. I heard Pedro complain about these things in private, but..."

"I never thought that one day I would become an extraordinary person." Vika drank all the mead at the bottom of the glass, trying not to look too out of place.

"It's not even close." Esther poked the fried whale steak with her fork. "It will take a lot of time to collect the materials, so we have to divert to Bayam. There are many trading places there, which is good for you. It is also easier to integrate. You are too conspicuous in Nas, and it is easy to be discovered by your 'old colleagues', isn't it?"

Vika scratched his head: "I didn't expect that after going around in circles at the end, I would go back again."

"Does it feel like you're back where you started?"

"No, my mentality is completely different. In the past, I wouldn't have been happy to return to Bayam, but now I am very excited. Maybe it's not because of this honey bar? The waiter said that its alcohol content is not very high..."

Esther chuckled lightly, and Valery cut the fried whale steak on the plate without looking at Vika's eyes that were shining with anticipation: "No, this degree is far worse than Nipos, it's just that you are too happy. "

Vika giggled twice and looked at Valery's indifferent expression: "I really have to say, you are easier to get along with than I thought."

Esther twitched her lips: "What else? If this group of people hadn't shown their malice during the communication, I wouldn't have had to take action. I'm sorry for making you so scared yesterday. We can communicate freely now. I Not a 'demon' either."

Because I am a "thief", the distance is like a mountain. Esther added in her mind.

"I'm very grateful to you." Vika sat up straight and said solemnly.

Esther looked at Vika quietly for a moment, then pointed to the food on the table: "Your soup is getting cold, and it won't taste good when it gets cold."

"No, cold soup is also Fusac's specialty, you can try it next time." Vika retorted seriously.

"There's no need to use honorifics with me. I see you're not worried about me anymore, you're so bold that you start to refute..."


After leaving the restaurant, Esther asked Vika if he knew any second-hand dealers who collected things. Valery, Pedro and Andrew's guns were all on her body.

Esther has no intention of becoming a three-gunner, and her extraordinary ability is not suitable for carrying too many things. It is better to sell them directly and exchange them for some actual gold coins to expand the small treasury.

Vika patted her chest: "Of course I know this. I have met several underground businessmen in Nas. But..."

"But what?"

"Can you leave Andrew's for me?" Vika pointed to herself with a smile, "I can replace my broken revolver. It's too old and sometimes gets stuck easily."

"No problem, just sell yours together when the time comes."

Vika touched the worn-out old gun in his waistband: "Then let's go quickly. That place is close to the dock area. It's quite a distance from here."

Esther hailed a taxi, and the two of them sat for nearly an hour before arriving at the location Vika told the driver.

As Esther expected, looking at the sign outside, this was another pub.

Even though it was just afternoon, there were not many people in the bar. More than half of the tables were occupied by people, noisily holding their beer glasses, all dressed up like pirates.

Esther opened the door first and Vika followed.

Valery looked at the image of a bald tough guy, but he was wrapped in a red cloak that was so bright that it almost dripped blood, and there was a huge sunflower tattooed on his back. This quite conflicting combination instantly attracted the attention of most people here.

Vika, who walked in at the last step, suddenly turned pale. He didn't dare to touch Valery's cloak, so he could only whisper: "Hurry, hurry up, we are here at an unlucky time! It's best to get out quickly..."

Another person interrupted Vika's thoughts and banged the wine glass on the table with a "clink" sound, and a lot of the wine in the glass spilled out.

As he stood up slowly, the other pirates did not sit down anymore. They stood up one after another, with malicious smiles on their faces.

Only the man holding the goblet at the bar looked indifferent. He used the cup to lift the wide brim of his fisherman hat, and glanced at the two new people coming in by the door. The man's gaze lingered on Valery's cloak and face for a long time, and the needle lines between his eyebrows became deeper and deeper.

The man who was obviously the leader clapped his hands hard twice, looked around and saw that everyone was focusing on him, and then loudly greeted the two people at the door:

"Valery, Vika, this really surprises me! Why didn't you see Andrew? Don't you two like to hang around behind his butt?"

Valery's face was full of indifference, but Esther was smacking her lips in her heart, even a little excited: "He has appeared, it is a typical stage for a third-rate villain to appear!" From their words to their attitude, this group of people want to gather together to fight and bully the minority, all of which are vividly performed!

Vika's cheeks became even paler, and she explained in a low voice: "That's Levget, the first mate on our ship. Looking at him like this, it's obvious that he has been elected as the captain. We still..."

Valery looked unruly when he spoke, and did not deliberately lower his voice: "Do we know them? Wake up, Vika, there is no need to deal with a guy whose fists are bigger than his brains."

Levget's face immediately darkened: "Who are you talking about!?"

"Whoever answers is talking about who you are talking about. I don't know you, so why would anyone rush to scold you?" Valery raised his eyebrows, looking much more arrogant than Levget, who was leading a group of pirates.

"You! Valery, I don't know who you are? Who are you, a loser, pretending to be ruthless here!?"

Valery whistled, Levget punched the table hard, and the remaining half of the glass of Relenzi fell completely onto the table.

The wine dripped onto the ground, which was particularly clear in the silent tavern.

So the man sitting at the bar spoke, and his voice had a strange sense of majesty:

"If you want to fight, get out and die outside."

Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, but no more updates.

Additional update for the Hungry Ghost Festival.

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