Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 432 Dreamland: Challenger

The blue deposits downward, and only a stingy light shines on the sea surface. With the ups and downs of the waves, the light sways the skirt, dancing with the ocean currents day and night.

Looking up from this depth, you can't see the sky outside, only the salty and cold water, stacked like pine cones, pressing on all the inhabitants of the seabed.

As you continue to fall deeper, the blue will become thicker and darker, becoming darker due to the lack of light.

When the fish move from the bottom of the sea to the surface, they will be covered with a layer of silver light scales. They mince the blue, and then add more vitality to the silent to desolate sea bottom.

There is no sound in the deep sea - at least for most creatures on land.

This feeling is also an illusion. Water flow, bubbles, fighting, chewing food, etc., and even the calls and communication between fish schools will be transmitted to the surroundings through the sea water all the time.

The world under the sea is just as noisy as the world on land. The only difference is whether you can hear and understand it.

Just as there are differences between birds and animals on land, the appearance of life in the sea is also different. The appearance of many creatures can be said to be scrawled, as if it doesn't matter what they look like as long as they can move their bodies.

But compared to the demons entrenched in the volcanoes and the giant dragons dominating the sky, their ferocious appearance seems to be less eye-catching. At least these races entrenched on the seabed rarely leave their habitats, and will not even take the initiative to approach the coast.

Many wandering sea monsters wave their tentacles with suction cups vigorously, or swing their huge tail fins, casually passing through schools of fish, avoiding obstacles, and constantly patrolling their respective territories.

A building complex constructed with a coral reef as the base and a huge coral group as the main body is located deep in the sea patrolled and guarded by these sea monsters.

Many huge luminous jellyfish cling to the coral reefs in the hall, providing a different light source than outside the water, illuminating this splendid palace complex brilliantly.

And on the innermost side, surrounded by various buildings, is naturally the most gorgeous and magnificent palace.

The dome is as huge as a whale bone, supported by giant coral pillars one after another. The exposed walls are basically painted with murals mainly featuring storms and waves:

The silver thunder snakes are winding and coiling, they are really emitting bursts of electric light, and they keep swimming along the established trajectory; the huge waves roll up the spears, facing the colorful fish schools, those huge fish are inlaid with Finely broken gems, shells and pearls; the underwater creatures hidden behind the water plants have twisted and ugly shapes, but they all look respectful and worship the majestic figure in the center of the mural.

The lightning lights on the murals all converge towards the deepest part of the palace, and their end point is a nine-story staircase.

The steps are studded with pearls, mica, diamonds, emeralds, blue tourmalines, and aquamarines, leaving no gaps anywhere.

These steps made of red coral are not like architectural structures for people to walk on, but like works of art created to set off luxury.

Overly gorgeous decoration styles are spread throughout every corner of this huge palace. Above the nine steps, there are two huge high-backed chairs made of pure electric light.

One of them occupies a prominent position in the middle of the front, placed in the center of all the lightning and luxurious decorations. It is like the candle inserted at the top of the cake. It not only declares itself to be the master of this palace, but also seems to stand in the center of the world. .

The other seat is located on the left side. Not only is the seat smaller, but even the light of the lightning is somewhat restrained, making it more low-key. There are differences visible to the naked eye. It is obvious that the person who shaped the seat made the distinction intentionally.

This palace also has its own unique feature. There is no seawater flowing in here, and you can even light a fire.

At this time, several beautiful elf maids were busy around the fire, grilling fish with the blazing flames.

There are also some maids who are processing the coagulated blood of prey and adding spices collected on the island. The spicy aroma is constantly escaping in the luxurious building, whetting one's appetite.

There are also several elves with pointed ears standing on both sides of the nine steps. As the personal attendants of the Elf King and Elf Queen, they stand closest to them, waiting for the orders of the superiors.

On one of the taller seats, located in the middle of the entire palace, was a man wearing a simple loose robe. He also had pointed and towering flat triangular ears. This was the most obvious common feature of all elves.

His hair is very thick, and almost every strand is slightly swollen. Black and blue are mixed together on the top of his head, without any transition, just messily intertwined.

However, the appearance of the elves also has certain characteristics. The outline of this male's facial features is quite soft, his appearance is handsome and unrestrained, and his eyebrows are hooked and pointed, revealing an extremely spiritual appearance.

However, what has nothing to do with his appearance is that this man exudes a fearsome sense of violence. It seems that if he doesn't go his way at all, he will grab the electric spear at hand and launch a ferocious attack.

Sitting on the chair next to her is an equally beautiful woman with soft and delicate facial features. Her ears also have sharp angles at the ends. Her glossy black hair is rolled up into an elegant and tall bun with a Hairpins carved from coral and jade.

The woman's brown eyes, as quiet as the deep sea, looked at the man with tender nostalgia, showing a calmer and calmer demeanor. From time to time, she turned the gold wine glass with complicated patterns in her hand and took a sip.

The Elf King, Sunya Thorem, and his queen, the "Disaster Queen" Goshinam.

Suniya Solem suddenly frowned, but what was very inconsistent with his temperament was that he actually asked the next sentence instead of yelling:

"Where's the God of Luck?"

Of course, this question was about Coshinam, who was closest to Him. After all, it was from God’s whereabouts that the other maids could not know and did not dare to know.

Goshinam moved the beautiful golden cup away from her lips and showed a smile with residual sweetness: "He went to the southern islands with our 'god of beauty'. To be honest, I don't know who he is." What are they doing?"

"What do they think they are doing! Do they want to plan a conspiracy in my territory!? They should report it to me first!"

Sure enough, Suniasolem's roar sounded again, echoing continuously in the palace, causing the two new maids to almost fall to the ground. But they were not conspicuous, because everyone was trembling, and the Elf King's anger was not something they could bear.

Except for Koshinam, he was too familiar with the king's temperament. As long as he relied on his kind words to comfort and comfort him, Sunya Solem's anger would not last long and go away as quickly as it came.

"They won't be gone for long. I also have some clues about this matter. Recently, there have been many land races sneaking past the islands." Goshinam shook the wine glass, and there were a few drops of slightly sticky liquid at the bottom of the glass. The mead was swirling, printed in his calm and calm eyes, "Since those races dare to set foot on our territory, they should pay the price."

Goshinam's tone always calmed Suniyasolem a little, but the elf king still snorted coldly before continuing: "No! Not only do they have to pay the price, but they also have to sink to the bottom of the sea. That’s right! That’s the destination for those who challenge the ocean!”

It’s not that Suniyasolem thinks Goshnam’s words are incorrect, but He always has something to say. Even on the basis of agreeing with the other party, Suniyasolem prefers to use his own words to make judgments. , demonstrating His own authority.

The elves' pride and admiration for the strong basically stem from their proud and powerful Elf King. As the leader and belief of the elves, Sunia Solem's words and deeds are all imitated by the elves.

In other words, they have been influenced by the king inadvertently. This is the connection hidden behind the bloodline and sequence pathways.

Coshinam was still smiling. He waved to the maid next to him, and then placed the empty wine glass on the tray held high by the maid next to him.

Then Goshinam stood up and bowed respectfully in the direction of Suniya Solem: "Yes, as you said, those who provoke the ocean should sink to the bottom of the sea. "

Sunia Solem nodded with satisfaction, but the next moment, his brows furrowed again, and there was even a faint electric light rolling under his eyes, as if it would turn into a lightning storm at any time and explode in this hall. .

Coshinam waited patiently, but the expected outburst was suppressed by Suniya Solem Himself, and the new roar did not appear in his ears.

Such an abnormal situation made Goshinam suspicious. He didn't know what aroused the king's anger, and even made him act uncharacteristically. Normally, Sunyasholaem would have definitely yelled out the things that made him dissatisfied. .

The Elf King slowly stood up from the throne, raised his neck and looked up.

He raised his head and his gaze penetrated the mural depicting violent wind and waves, passed through the deep seabed, surfaced from the deep sea beyond the reach of light, until it touched the clear, cloudless sky and the sun that emitted dazzling light.

Suniya Solem withdrew his gaze and looked at his queen and his wife. Time has not left any trace on the high-ranking person. She is still as beautiful as many years ago, and she is also beautiful and powerful now.

They spent a long, long time together until the elves had a new habitat, a new country, and a paradise for all the elves to live in.

Suniyasolem walked to Coshinam, held His hand, and then let go: "Go to the southern islands, see for me what they are doing, and keep an eye on them."

After a pause, Suniyasolim realized that his tone was too gentle, and then said loudly: "This is an order! Go quickly!"

Cohenam was puzzled, so he saluted again and then set off towards the south in accordance with the king's order.

Suniya Solem stood in front of the seat where the electric light condensed, and he looked around the luxurious palace hall again.

Then Suniyasolem walked down the steps step by step.

He wanted to follow that powerful source of attraction to meet another strong man's invitation to fight. (End of chapter)

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