Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 460 Letters and the Attracted

The flag of the "Four Leaf Clover" was waving, and it was traveling leisurely through a blue and calm sea. Because there was no wind nearby, the ship was moving forward smoothly.

It was so peaceful here that there wasn't even any living thing under the waves, only the shadow of the ship itself, reflected on the colorful foam, crushed by the misty morning sun.

A few days ago, the "Clover" encountered the "Black Emperor" at sea. Aaron didn't even intend to get close to the opponent, so he decisively asked Thomas to use the necklace that can travel through the spirit world to avoid being caught up. .

After leaving the spirit world tunnel, the "Clover" appeared directly in this sea area. Because it lost its corresponding position, Alexander and the others took some time to confirm through the ritual magic of praying to the spirit world for answers. This is a mysterious area with few records.

Because we don’t know what dangers lurk here, the patrol officers alternate seamlessly every day.

Mateo was patrolling the deck, observing the situation in the nearby seawater.

A few days ago, he left an extra question mark on his notebook, and he completely forgot about praying to the light last week.

If Mr. Alexander had not kept another notebook and casually asked about it after breakfast, Mateo would have completely forgotten about it.

This is not a good sign.

Mateo took a deep breath and looked into the distance casually.

At the two o'clock direction on the bow of the ship, he saw a twisted black shadow. However, just when Mateo frowned subconsciously and wanted to observe more carefully, the black shadow suddenly disappeared again.

In this sea, of course, there are also illusions such as "mirages", but sometimes these illusions are not necessarily completely false, and may very well be dangerous revelations.

Mateo quickly grabbed Pierre who was passing by and asked him to help him with his patrol duties first.

After Pierre agreed, Mateo quickly returned to the cabin, walked up the stairs and knocked on the door of the captain's cabin.

"Come in!" Aaron's voice came from inside the house.

Mateo pushed the door open and walked in, seeing Aaron standing in front of the driving crystal of the "Clover", smearing symbols on it with some kind of red liquid.

"Wait a moment, it'll be fine soon."

Aaron didn't even look at the door, staring intently at the crystal ball with green light flowing in front of him, but his eyes occasionally reflected fine silver light, as if what he really saw in front of him was a long flowing silver river.

The quill in his hand slowly drew marks, and he was extremely stingy every time he dipped the liquid in, only letting the tip get a little stained. This behavior greatly delayed the efficiency of his completion of drawing.

Aaron has been doing this for a long time, but has never finished it. For reasons unknown to Mateo, Aaron did not outline all the symbols at once, but added a few strokes each day.

Mateo sniffed, and the room was filled with a faint smell of blood. If that liquid was ordinary blood, it would have rotted long ago. Maybe it was the blood of some extraordinary creature?

Aaron finished drawing the end of another spiral. He blocked the test tube with a cork again, then picked up the sanctified dagger and placed a spiritual wall on it before receiving the test tube into a box filled with down. inside.

After doing this, the captain of the "Clover" looked at the crew member who had been waiting for a while: "What, what can I do? I remember you have a shift at this time."

"When I was on the sea, I saw a black mark. It looked like some kind of gap, and it seemed like an island was reflected from top to bottom. But the crew member responsible for surveying the distance did not react. In the blink of an eye, The sight disappeared and I seemed to be the only one who noticed it.”

Aaron nodded thoughtfully: "You weren't sure whether it was an illusion or a special omen, so you came to me... Be careful, where is the approximate position of the shadow you saw?"

Mateo walked to the table and marked the approximate location on the chart: "I'm not particularly sure, but according to the current direction we are traveling, it should be right here."

Aaron visually inspected the vague sea chart that he had barely drawn from the revelation from the spiritual world, nodded and said: "I understand, you should go back and rest first. Don't leave the cabin for the time being, so as not to see that weird scene again."

When Mateo opened the door and was about to walk out, Aaron called him again: "Call Thomas over here for me."

"Do you need me to call Mr. Alexander together?"

"No need, his spirituality is much lower than ours, he can't see anything, he's very safe."

Mateo awkwardly closed the door to the captain's cabin again.

Aaron looked at the small box containing a test tube of blood, swallowed subconsciously, then took a long breath and sat on the chair behind his desk.

In order to suppress the further development activity of "Clover", the blood originally used to transform it can only be transferred in small amounts and multiple times by slowly drawing the magic circle.

At least the ship has settled down a lot and will not suddenly turn to a dangerous place. Aaron has a special connection with it and knows that the "Clover" is also very satisfied with the blood.

If possible, I really want to drink it myself and try what happens...

Aaron shook his head to get rid of this bad idea. The teacher had seriously warned him that he must restrain this impulse.

Once Aaron can't hold it back, no one knows what will happen next.

With a "bang", Thomas walked into the captain's room with a gloomy face and puffy dark circles under his eyes.

"What are you doing? Don't let me know, you just called me because you broke a bottle! I just fell asleep when you fucking called me——"

"Oh, it's just that it would be safer for you to rest near the captain's cabin. Mateo saw a 'gap' on the sea before, which is the kind I foresaw in my dream. This may be the clue my teacher is looking for."

Thomas rubbed his eyes twice: "Okay, you still have a sense of responsibility as a captain."

"Then you go to the room next to the captain's room and rest for a while. I'm going to start writing a letter to the teacher. The princess's condition is not suitable for going deep in that direction. We should leave the area as soon as possible. Although the dark clouds in the west seem powerful, But rather than keep going east, I’d rather try my luck in the storm.”

"Oh, don't tell me about your damn good luck..."

Aaron watched the complaining Thomas walk out the door. He knew that he had been mentally weak these days due to the negative effects of using the necklace, so he didn't care about Aaron's bad temper.

The big dungeon myself has such a personality.

Aaron's eyes fell back on the chart, he took off his crystal ball, prepared to divine the coordinates of the spiritual world here, and told his teacher, "The Queen of Mystery" in the envelope.

They may have found a special gap in the prophecy. Deep in the sea here may be the mausoleum that Emperor Russell built secretly.


Pulitzer Harbour.

The sky becomes dark in the evening and the clouds hang low. It is very likely that there will be rain in the port tomorrow, which will not be a good weather for going out.

A postman in a green uniform stopped his bicycle, lowered his head to check the address, and then threw out the letter in hand. The envelope seemed to have eyes and slid accurately into the gap in the mailbox.

The black-haired young man stretched and straightened his postman hat that was tilted back. The monocle he wore on his right eye was slightly reflective, making his half-smiling eyes blurry.

This is the last letter of the day. You can leave work early.

The young man balanced the angle of the bicycle, straightened it and pedaled quickly. Feeling the air passing by him, he continued to hum the soft melody and walked briskly towards the house where he settled.

If Esther were here, she would definitely be able to recognize the source of this melody - when those people in "Dream City" prayed, they sang a similar tune, "Edelweiss".

The "ding" of the bicycle passed through the streets and alleys, turning on the aroma coming from a bakery somewhere. The young man subconsciously stopped the car and stared at the carrot cake in the cupboard.

"What a pity. Even if I inherit your memory, nothing will change. Poor 'Ben' must have been tricked by the original body..."

The young man continued to pedal, instead of following the idea that came to him at that moment, he went into the bakery to buy a piece of carrot cake and took it back to enjoy with black tea.

He wasn't a big fan of tea, at least not as much as "Ben" was.

Sweeping the funny emotions out of his mind, it was like throwing away the accumulated clutter, and the young man suddenly felt a lot more comfortable.

Familiar house, familiar "home". When taking out newspapers and letters from the mail box, the young man thought this and suddenly felt very boring.

Two meaningless flyers, a subscription magazine, a newspaper from Backlund, a local newspaper from Pulitzer Harbor...

Something a little different today, maybe it can bring some different fun?

After the young man entered the house, he pinched the monocle on his right eye.

The door behind him closed and locked itself. The seal of the letter without any signature on the outside instantly popped upward, and the sealing wax that was originally on it had disappeared.

Pulling out the letter paper and shaking it gently, the original wrinkles were immediately smoothed out. The young man scanned the familiar handwriting on it - that was Amon's handwriting:

"If you have already met me from Backlund when you read this letter, then He must have told you everything, so there is no need to read any more and handle this letter properly.

"If you haven't seen anyone from Backlund, then the following are very important:

"There are clues about Pales Zoroastrian on Berklund Street in the North District. It is even possible that he himself is hiding nearby. You should know that there is St. Samuel's Church there.

"There is something wrong with our brother. This is the news that Zoya revealed intentionally or unintentionally. I suspect that He has given us a psychological hint or arranged a small twist, but I am just suspicious. Please feedback this news to the main body as soon as possible. .”

The clone, who had not yet taken off his postman uniform, adjusted his monocle and sighed at the trouble that suddenly fell upon him.

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