Three vials were placed at the end of the long bronze table, next to a silver-white mask and a bark-colored notebook.

The "Lie" mask was prepared in advance by Audrey, because "Justice" wanted to hide his original appearance and did not want "Xingxing" to notice his true identity, so he sacrificed this magical item in advance and prepared it for the Use it when exploring.

Of course Klein doesn't mind. He is adjusting his spiritual state for today's adventure and doing the last few divination to ensure safety.

The outer skin of "Grossell's Travels" is extremely hard. Klein once guessed that it was dragon skin, and he also thought that it might be some kind of imaginary material.

An indestructible shield and an all-conquering spear. If it were the ancient god "Dragon of Fantasy", could he imagine such things? Or maybe the ancient sun god can?

Klein sat in the "World" position, maintaining the appearance of Gehrman Sparrow, waiting for time to pass.

He looked up at the top of his head, where a rather dim ball of light was floating above, with only a few light spots hovering inside.

The key was completely broken. When Klein climbed onto the gray fog again, what he saw was a lost "light bulb".

Klein didn't know what the law of "charging" these light points was, but he suspected that it had something to do with the dream, or the crowd hanging in the light cocoon. Since it was out of control, let it continue to stay on the gray mist. Just keep it in its original state.

Anyway, we can’t give Noens any extra food.

It was almost midnight, which was the time that several people had agreed on before. Klein touched the two crimson stars belonging to "Justice" and "Star" on time, pulling them above the gray fog.

The two of them turned their attention to the end of the table at the same time and saw several things placed in front of "The World".

After briefly introducing the book as a relic of the "Dragon of Fantasy", Klein pushed the "Lie" mask to Miss Justice and asked the two of them for the last time:

"My divination shows that it's not completely safe inside, but there won't be any danger that we can't solve. Are you ready?"

"Of course, I promised you." "Xingxing" answered first.

"Justice" nodded in agreement and put "Lie" on his face: "I have no problem."

"Then let's go."

"The World" said indifferently, pouring out a little blood from each of the three vials and smearing it on the cover of "Grossell's Travels".

The eyes of the three people suddenly blurred, and the next second, heavy snow like goose feathers blew down, and in less than a minute, their heads and shoulders were covered with a layer of white foam.

"Is this an imaginary world? I can't see any difference at all..."

As soon as Leonard opened his mouth, a few snowflakes were blown into his mouth by the cold wind like a bone scraper. He puffed several times before spitting out the cold snow foam that melted on the tip of his tongue.

Audrey opened her palms and caught two snowflakes. The chill in her palms did not feel false at all.

Only then did Leonard discover that the other Ms. Justice had already put on a silver-white mask. Gehrman Sparrow showed a cold face indifferently, but that was not Klein's original appearance.

Only Leonard was unabashed. As an official Beyonder, he had long been accustomed to showing his appearance openly and ignored this.

Leonard tried hard to contain his inner embarrassment, but the subtle changes in his expression still did not escape Audrey's observation.

This "audience" would not point it out deliberately, but just smiled and shifted his gaze. Staring at others for too long is not the behavior a lady should do: "There seems to be a city ahead?"

"Yes, let's go first."

The city was still vaguely visible in the snowstorm, and the outer wall alone was fifteen meters high.

The soldiers guarding the gate were wrapped in leather armor and thick fur cloaks. If they wore armor in this weather, their skin might get stained by it. The cold wind would also flow through the gaps in the armor, which was far less warm than anything with fur.

Except for the occasional inspection of caravans carrying goods, they spent the rest of the time huddled behind the gaps in the buildings, trying to avoid the raging snowstorm.

Klein pointed in the direction of the city gate: "The one we want to visit now is the ascetic monk from the Third Age."

They passed through streets that were not similar to the current era. The architectural style here reminded Audrey of scenes recorded in history books hundreds of years ago.

On the way, she even saw a plaque for the "Pessote Blacksmiths' Guild", crowned by a layer of snow as thick as a felt hat.

When several people passed by another section of the "Back Door No Passage" sign, Leonard couldn't help but ask: "Strange, can you understand those words?"

"I can too."

Klein nodded: "The text here does not require us to translate it. It skips the 'reading' process and can be understood directly."

Audrey was a little excited: "Is this some application method of the 'audience' ability?"

"It's possible, most likely it's a background set up to allow various 'characters' to communicate with each other - after all, the story can only be shown in one main language."

Klein said this, brushing off a bunch of snowflakes on his shoulders. He led the two of them into the alley, using nearby buildings as shelter to avoid the biting cold wind that never eased.

No one saw these three outsiders. "Illusion" and "psychological invisibility" turned them into ghosts in this city. Only three rows of their footprints remained on the ground. It won't take long for them to be scattered everywhere. Snow wiped away.

In a corner of the city of Pesote, there is a church built with stones.

The outside of this building looks very rough, but the altar placed inside is full of exquisiteness. The wooden cross is smooth and seems to be made of nature. A tall figure with a vague face overlaps with it in front, carrying the A huge cross.

A middle-aged man was sitting on a wooden bench in the front row, his head lowered in front of the statue, focusing on prayer.

The plain white robe on his body was washed off until it faded, and it was obvious that a few sewing threads were exposed. The exposed skin, including his arms and feet, were covered with old scars, making him look like A tattered and sewn garment.

However, there is such a middle-aged man with an unchanging peace in his brows. Because he chants and prays to the Lord, he shows a kind of piety that makes people respect him.

Klein led Audrey and Leonard towards the ascetic monk, and then stopped at the bench behind him:

"This is it, the ascetic Snowman."

"Then we have to wait until Mr. Snowman falls asleep... Do we have to wait here until night?" Audrey turned her head and looked at the other two people.

"It's a small matter, leave it to me."

Leonard took a step forward with a smile and directly activated his ability. His green eyes turned dark and deep, turning into a night with stars falling.

The ascetic who had been praying with his eyes closed had already fallen asleep unconsciously.

The extraordinary ability of "Nightmare". Sure enough, Mr. "Star" is the official Beyonder of the Church of the Night. Well, he was wearing red gloves before. I always feel like today, he forgot to disguise himself...

Audrey thought in her heart, but she grabbed the arms of the two men. After her eyes turned golden, the "Dream Walker" led the two companions and jumped into Snowman's dream. .

Even in his dream, Snowman is still in a church.

This place is several times more majestic than the simple stone house outside. Stone pillars as thick as one person can hold up support the curved domes and sail arches. The nine cornerless domes are painted with magnificent murals. The number of domes is as much as The correspondence of faith, symbolizing the Supreme Lord and the eight angels, is echoed in different unknown murals.

The various colors are more vivid due to the dazzling light outside the glass window, which stretches from the top of the head to the ground, making it difficult to take one's eyes away from the exquisite paintings.

The supporting stone pillars themselves are quite large, but the church divided by them still appears to be extremely wide. Klein was convinced that even if the giant Grossell stood here, he would still feel spacious and majestic.

There is an altar in front of the church, with a row of white candles in silver cups at the bottom. They burn themselves slowly, making the golden base even brighter.

The faceless man is carrying a huge cross. Although you can't see clearly, when you look at it, you will feel compassion and gentleness, as if you are showing mercy to the helpless lost people.

Being in a place like this always makes people subconsciously hold their breath and step slowly. After Audrey let go, Klein walked to the first row of benches without hesitation, where Si Si was dressed exactly the same as outsiders. Norman.

"The World" always showed such decisive action, Audrey and Leonard were not surprised and followed as quickly as possible.

Audrey's eyes kept scanning the surroundings, observing this place with suppressed excitement.

"Miss Justice, please guide Snowman's dream and let him speak out the subconscious information, focusing on the affairs of the kings of angels."

After a pause, Klein added: "And Skylark, if there are any clues."

Audrey was stunned by this additional request, and then nodded: "Yes, I understand."

Walking to Snowman's side, as illusory ripples appeared in Audrey's eyes, the dream changed with invisible fluctuations.

The direction of the altar was suddenly blurred, like a sand painting splashed with water, but soon, a new scene emerged from it.

The towering mountain peaks, the majestic figures with overlapping radiance, and the eight angels closest to Him all fell into the eyes of the three people.

Klein squinted his eyes and looked at the little angels holding musical instruments and flying around. A few larks passed by and flew around the middle light and shadow.

Snowman opened his eyes, his voice was solemn and steady, and there was no other emotion on his face except respect: "Only the Holy Spirit can truly serve the Lord. This is the goal I have pursued throughout my life..."

The three of them listened quietly to the author's introduction to the eight angel kings. At this moment, they seemed to be transported to that distant era.

Klein understood from the first sentence that this ascetic monk had never been to the kingdom of the ancient Sun God. These were only part of the canon at that time.

Because it seems too easy to overwhelm the word count, I won’t include the introduction of the eight angel kings...

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