Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 487 The world is still unclear

Sea of ​​mist.

Mateo flipped through the notebook in his hand, looking at the symbolic symbols, and realized that he had completely forgotten what he wanted to pray for last week. He could no longer remember the name that was scrawled on it. What exactly is it pointing to?

It's just that there seems to be a soft light and a strange buzzing sound, which remain in the faint memory like a dream.

Mateo continued to flip through the notebook with one hand, and put the other hand on his chest, holding the pair of rings left by his parents, trying to use this action to relieve his inner uneasiness.

The ring can transform people into "feminine" negative effects. Mateo also asked the captain to help him seal it. However, Aaron just separated a drop of the precious liquid with heartache, and then dropped it on the ring...

In two hours, the "Clover" will arrive at the port of Garni Island. The captain is so excited these days that he no longer even drinks. He doesn't know who he is going to see. Could it be Mr. Alexander and the others? "That one"?

Mateo put down his notebook. When he was distracted, he thought of the first mate Thomas who was always troubled by the murmurs of the "Hidden Sage". This made Mateo even more uneasy, and he hesitated to recite the records in his notebook, but according to Mr. Alexander's records, he had been praying to that existence...

However, I used to pray on Sundays, but I forgot about it last Sunday. Will this have any impact?

Mateo struggled in his heart for several minutes, holding the two rings tightly through a layer of shirt. He quickly calmed down and made a decision to make up for the missed prayer this time.

Although it is a few days late, if I can get a response, maybe I will understand why I pray to this honorable name.

Mateo lowered his head and recited the honorable name he just remembered in ancient Hermes:

"The broken shadow of destiny, the vortex wandering outside time and space, the eternal attendant of the Lord of the Spirit World, the light that weaves the thread of the long river of chaos..."

He thought he would not receive any response, but today, a subtle buzzing sounded directly in his mind.

What emerged next was one memory after another. The blond figure wearing a red hooded cloak and a bright smile suddenly returned to the range that Mateo could recognize with many of the missing fragments.

When Mateo looked back at those clips, he felt out of his own perspective, as if he was watching a phantom from a third-person perspective, but he was very sure that everything was real because all the memories were connected together. , is the key to his staying on the "Clover"...

It was precisely because that woman made a deal with the captain of the "Clover" and the secret organization behind Captain Aaron.

However, Mateo gradually frowned as he recalled what had happened. He found that he remembered this person's appearance, including everything that happened after meeting him, except that he could not remember his name.

What's her name?


Alexander knocked on the captain's cabin door.

"Come in." Aaron's voice sounded weak as he replied.

Pushing the door open and walking into the captain's cabin, the second mate, the oldest person on the ship, saw their captain slumped in a chair without any image, and there was an open letter on the table.

Shock and disappointment appeared on Aaron's face at the same time, making his untrimmed and jagged stubble look even more comical.

"Don't you need to make some preparations to meet that person on Garni Island? For example, take care of your appearance."

"The teacher is not overseas, she is in Backlund, Backlund... the war has begun."

Alexander was stunned for a moment: "War!? It has been so many years, why suddenly..."

"Fusac raided Backlund, which is the capital of the Kingdom of Loen. I really don't know where they got the courage." Aaron shook his head vigorously, "Now the sea area near Loen has also been cleared by Fusac's fleet. However, Pritzker Oak Island was attacked, but it was repelled and no benefits were obtained."

Aaron's brows furrowed tightly, and he tapped his fingers on the secret compartment containing wine under the desk, but he resisted the urge to open a bottle: "How could the Kingdom of Loen endure it? So they have officially asked Fu The Sark Empire declares war.”

"Why at this time? Being far away from the land really makes us less informed. It's time to adjust our voyage. It's best not to get too close to the mainland in the short term."

Aaron nodded and agreed with Alexander's proposal: "I know that we will re-plan the route later. The old-school royal family in Intis will not want to miss this opportunity. When we arrive at Garni Island, we will rest for a while. I I guess you haven’t experienced the period when the Great Emperor led Intis to fight, right?”

"Of course not. Although I am an old man, I am not a demigod-level Beyonder. I have no chance of living that long."

Aaron rubbed his head in distress, grabbed the letter on the table and waved it at Alexander: "The teacher wants to look for corresponding opportunities in Backlund and has no time to care about me, but she told me that the primitive island is very special... We might actually get lucky, can you believe it?”

Alexander walked up to Aaron and took the letter from his hand: "You should explain what you are talking about."

Not long after, after quickly browsing the communication content, Alexander suddenly became a little worried about the good luck of the "Clover": "If this matter is verified by that person, the island really hides the story of the emperor's early years. If there are no secrets left behind, then we are indeed a bit too lucky."

Because of the influence of Captain Aaron, the "Clover" has always had the belief that "good luck and bad luck are complementary and balanced". The ship encounters enemies because of bad luck, and it also avoids enemies because of good luck.

This idea also comes from a famous saying of Emperor Russell in his early years: "Disaster is hidden behind good luck. Good luck and disaster are interdependent and mutually convertible."

Aaron took the letter that Alexander returned and sighed painfully: "If I had known this, we should have gone to the island to have a look, maybe -"

"No, in that case, it might be our disaster." Alexander immediately refuted Aaron's idea, "Believe me, Thomas and I will never let you lead people to explore that island. If it is really the emperor who left it It’s a secret, why hasn’t news about it come out for so many years?”

Aaron sighed and scratched the stubble on his chin twice: "You are right, if it was just extreme luck that allowed us to discover it, then no one has ever set foot on it, which can only mean another problem. …”

None of the people who successfully went to the island came back successfully, so no news about the island came out, and there was no information about anyone selling it to the outside world.

"According to your and the princess' luck, it is the most correct choice for us to leave that island."

Because of the materials used in its production, "Clover" is the same as Aaron in this respect - both good and bad luck are quite extreme.

Aaron folded the letter carefully: "Well, what hurts me the most is that I won't be able to see the teacher again..."

Alexander pushed up the thick lenses on the bridge of his nose: "That person should be very happy."

"what are you talking about?"

"Then let's stay on Garni Island for a while longer? I'll tell Thomas and the others the news."

Aaron leaned heavily on the back of his chair and rubbed the envelope in his hand in disappointment: "Well, go ahead..."



Regardless of their size, hospitals in the North and West Districts are already overcrowded, and this is only a portion of the people who have been successfully rescued or are willing to pay for medical treatment.

There are many more victims who cannot even wait to see their loved ones for the last time.

When Audrey Hall walked into the Backlund Medical College Hospital in the North District, what she heard most, besides painful moans, was uncontrollable crying.

She didn't need to activate her abilities, but she could feel the despair and sadness echoing in the corridors, and the cries squirming in the corners, infecting everyone who could hear them.

There is a sea of ​​tears here that threatens to drown people. Even the injured who survived by chance are wrapped in bandages and their faces are gray and dull. Their numb and lifeless eyes are hard to focus, as if they are still in the aftermath of the bomb blast. There was no way to come back to reality.

Audrey pursed her lips. Of course, the "audience" could control her feelings better, but this would not make her feel any less sad, it would just prevent her from crying.

The young girl, not forgetting why she came here in the first place, walked steadily through the corridor.

Then, under the guidance of a nurse, Audrey stopped at the door of a ward.

This was the ward that the receptionist told her. Because the hospital was too busy, Audrey refused their request to send more people to accompany her. Only the middle-aged nurse with a few wrinkles on her face accompanied Audrey to visit her. Several patients to look for.

Audrey only brought her personal maid Anne, because the hospital was in chaos now, so Audrey would not bring Susie in.

The cry of a pair of parents came from the door, which made Audrey's footsteps freeze in place. The pain that was tugging at her heart was constantly being transmitted to her from the crying.

They were cursing Fusac's army, cursing this abominable fate, begging doctors to save their sons, and praying to gods.

Along the way, Audrey heard many similar contents, and these words were not much different from the voices of other people in the corridor.

If it were me, or a relative of mine, lying there, would I behave differently?

It's the same, the small voice sounds in Audrey's heart, and you will be just as desperate.

Audrey's eyes gradually turned red, and he no longer deliberately entered the "audience" state to withdraw himself from this empathy.

Instead, she carefully felt the pain between the parents' sobs.

The middle-aged nurse looked worriedly at the "big shot" in front of her. She didn't know why this distinguished lady came here. The patients didn't look good at all: "Miss Hall, if you want to go back..."

"No, let's go in. I'm here just to see how they are doing."

Audrey tried her best to raise the corners of her mouth, but no matter how she looked at it, there was only sadness in that smile.

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