Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 489 The edge of the undercurrent

Backlund ushered in another dazed morning.

Last night, the pastors and bishops of the three major churches were busy from dusk to dawn. The heavy responsibilities of requieming the dead and comforting the living fell on the churches that are responsible for the spiritual support of the people.

In order to prevent the people who died during the bombing from mutating, the church worked hard all night to arrange the burial sequence and comfort believers who had lost relatives or friends.

Among them, the official Extraordinaries have also been arranged. Now is the time when personnel are tight. No one can wait leisurely for orders. Whether it is to help the wounded, check for hidden dangers, or calm the grief of believers, it is urgent. Task.

Because the Church of the Night has the "Sleepless One" path, it is the most convenient to contribute in this regard. Most of the Night Watchers are in good spirits even if they don't sleep all night, while the situation of the Punishers and Mechanical Hearts is much worse.

However, even though they were yawning profusely, they still kept their spirits up and worked hard to ensure that every soul buried was prayed and purified.

After dawn, it seems like it’s time for people to return to their daily lives.

However, the buildings that collapsed during the air raid have not yet been repaired, just like people's belief in life - fragmented and chaotic. The bombs that actually fell on the streets and the roar that hit their eardrums made the residents of the East and West Districts realize for the first time that danger and death could be so close to them.

Civilians who had never been exposed to war were frightened by the Fusac airship's surprise attack. Many of them shrank back to where they could find shelter in fear, like snails retreating into their shells in fear, not knowing how to deal with what was coming next. day.

What does war really mean? They asked themselves and others, but no one could give an answer until the king published the plausible war declaration in all newspapers.

All dissatisfaction has an outlet - they curse Fusak and hate Fusak. Then people look back and find that they have to continue to face the mess of life, and the current situation has not gotten any better.

The streets of the North District are no longer as depressed as they were yesterday, but the faces of pedestrians passing by in a hurry often have a pale gloominess on their faces. The ghost of the air raid still seems to be lingering on the streets. I don’t know when it will happen again. Fall again.

Those who still stay in Backlund are often people who don't have much ability to stay away from this city. Unlike the nobles or wealthy businessmen who have a bottom line, most of these people are middle-class people who have a little money to enjoy life, but are unable to face the risk of war. class.

For the people in the East District, life has not changed at all. The war has just begun. Even if the people living here know that the coming days will be difficult, they have no ability to change the status quo. The number of unemployed people due to the unrest will increase greatly. The pressure of food shortages will soon fall on them.

There are also people who can see this clearly, or who have received corresponding reminders. No matter how they have this insight, they will take appropriate measures according to their own situation.

Some people choose to leave the East District and leave Backlund, but most people do not have such savings and have to choose a more difficult path to stay where they are.

Rabbit counted the cash in his hand, mentally estimated the required consumption, and then stuffed it into the envelope.

To be fair, Ribit was still a little grateful to the voice in his head. The other party's reminders about the war were accurate, and he also issued various warnings to him.

It would be nice if I didn't keep urging myself to wear that monocle.

Ribit raised his hand and rubbed his left eye. Due to the frequent use of those glasses these days, the boy's eyes had become bloodshot.

The voice in his head sounded again: "As I said, leaving here is the best choice for you."

"I can't. Jayne, Penny, and Stone are all here. They are all in the East End... I can't just leave here. I'm worried about what will happen to them." Rabbit muttered softly, He stood up from the desk, walked to the window, and looked out at the gray sky.

A crow was squatting on the lamppost under the window. Unlike its noisy counterparts in the East District, it stayed there quietly and looked around, with a ring of white down around its bright black eyes.

Seemingly getting bored of waiting, the crow spread its wings and combed its feathers with the tip of its beak. When Rabbit looked over, the pair of black eyes also looked over. For a moment, Rabbit felt uncomfortable being spied on.

But it was only a momentary thing after all. Ribit had forgotten this vigilance before he became suspicious.

"When the war is fully fermented, you won't be able to do anything with the money you have. Even if you exchange it for food now, you won't be able to last long." The voice in his mind sounded again, whispering to persuade Ribit.

Ribit leaned against the window, feeling a little nervous for some reason, which made him hold the thing in his pocket tightly, which was a wrapped handkerchief: "So?"

The unidentified guy in his mind chuckled softly: "So it's time for you to make your own choice. No matter which one it is, it should be interesting. Of course, you can also choose a more direct method and ask me for help."

Ribit took out the handkerchief from his pocket and unfolded it, revealing the knotted hair on the inside. The boy looked at it quietly for a while, then frowned and looked out the window: "I always have a feeling of discomfort. ."

"That's because you have frequent contact with me and your spiritual intuition has been enhanced. You..."

The voice in my head suddenly stopped.

"What am I?" Ribit asked, rubbing his aching temples.

Just when he wanted to continue asking, all the thoughts in his mind disappeared, and many memories disappeared with them.

"Don't you think it's not good for you to know too much about some things?"

Ribit was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously grasped the handkerchief wrapped in his hair and pressed it tightly to his chest.

The voice didn't come from the boy's head, but from behind him.

Just when Ribit tried to turn around, he found that his limbs were no longer in control.

The other party seemed to intend for him to feel this, and then controlled Ribit to slowly turn around, and in a posture that the boy had never seen before, he knelt down and saluted the person who suddenly appeared in the room.

This seemed to be some kind of ancient ceremonial gesture, Ribit subconsciously came up with this idea.

The person who appeared in the room was a young man wearing a black classical robe. On his head was a soft pointed hat of the same color, with curly black hair. His raven-like black eyes were very smart, and there was a strange feeling in them. smile.

Ribit raised his head and looked at the man in front of him. Hearing those words that were both mocking and threatening, he felt another inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

In this man's right eye socket is a monocle that seems to be polished with crystal.

"Yes, just as you think, I am the one who has been talking in your head." The young man rubbed his chin and nodded to Ribit with a smile. "In fact, Benjamin Jacob is also me."

Ribit suddenly discovered that he had gained control of his mouth and could speak directly: "Who are you?"

"As for this question, maybe you can ask yourself?" The young man put his hand into the mezzanine of Ribit's arms. When he retracted his hand, he had already caught the monocle between his fingers.

From the appearance point of view, this piece is no different from the one worn by the young man's right eye.

The young man raised the monocle, and when he put it against the boy's right eye, he suddenly lowered his head and looked at Ribit's right hand that had been tightly packed.

The young man showed a smile: "I suddenly felt that it would be more interesting to keep you, and let you have such a 'choice' for the time being."

However, Ribit gradually realized that something was wrong. There were large gaps in his memory, like a wormhole that had been hollowed out: "You, what did you take from me? Why do I seem to have forgotten many things..."

The black-haired young man patted Ribit on the shoulder, as if to comfort the boy: "Don't worry, it's all trivial matters."

"No way! If it's not important—"

Ribit's words paused, and he forgot what he was about to say, including the anger and unwillingness in his heart, which were all stolen by the other party at the same time.

The young man patted Ribit on the shoulder again: "If he dies one day, remember to come back and tell me, and I will tell Zoya."

When Ribit came to his senses, he was sitting at his desk with the transparent monocle in his hand.

He stood up in confusion and looked around. He always felt that he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it.


Five minutes before twelve o'clock, Klein arrived at Intis Serenzo Restaurant.

He used illusions to fool the waiters at the well-known restaurant, and the journey was smooth without any problems.

According to the agreement with the "Queen of Mystery", Klein found the box called "Golden Theater", took out his pocket watch and checked the time. He waited by the door until twelve o'clock, then Klein put away his pocket watch and remained silent for tens of seconds. Knock on the door.

Although he seemed to be alone, the three marionettes had already pretended to be ordinary people and stayed near the restaurant.

"Please come in."

Hearing Bernadette's voice from the box, Klein turned the handle and pushed open the door.

The decoration inside the house is indeed worthy of the name "Golden Theater". From the ceiling, carpets, tables and chairs to the furnishings, there is no place that is not covered in golden color. Under the illumination of the crystal gas lamp, the whole room reflects like a palace made of gold. light.

Although the Eternal Sun of Intis is indeed represented by "gold", this decoration style is too luxurious...

With a polite smile on his face, Klein closed the door behind him tightly and walked towards the lady who seemed to have been waiting in the room for a long time.

She was wearing an Intis-style women's white shirt, her long chestnut hair was spread over her shoulders, and her straight eyebrows showed a bit of heroism. For a moment, Klein was reminded of the strong working woman in his memory.

Others might only find such a temperament weird, but Klein could clearly see that it was influenced by the "senior time traveler".

That was her father after all...

Klein took off his hat, put it on his chest, and saluted.

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