Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 521 Mutation

The place abandoned by God, Silver City.

With the constant darkness, lightning, and the danger of being threatened by monsters, the flashes of lightning in the sky gradually become more frequent and dense. For the residents of the city, this represents the beginning of a new day.

After Derrick Berg made simple preparations, he stepped out of the house early.

Although he had just returned home to Silver City yesterday from the task of cleaning up and exploring nearby towns, no one would be idle here, especially a young and powerful Extraordinary like him. Derrick didn't even have much time to rest. After one night, he had to join the daily patrol team in the city.

The young man will not have any complaints. In fact, he is happy to do his part for Silver City in any aspect.

It was a very peaceful morning, at least for Silver City. Another night passed without any unexpected incidents in the city. As long as the night watch team returned safely, no one was attacked by monsters or turned into monsters - this Will suffice.

"Derrick, how was your rest last night?"

The person who greeted Derrick was Valier, a "Dawn Knight" on the warrior path.

With the encouragement of everyone in the Tarot Society and the encouragement of "The Hanged Man", Valier was one of Derrick's new friends, and he was also in the patrol team today.

Derrick nodded: "There is no problem. He has recovered well mentally and spiritually."

The two came to the gate of Silver City. The members who were about to patrol together had gathered here, waiting for the night watch team to return to the city gate for handover.

Everyone chatted casually, and Derrick gradually calmed down as he listened to the trivial details of other people's lives. Valier told about the silly things that happened when he was teaching his younger brother, which caused the others to laugh kindly, and Derrick also smiled.

In Silver City, anything that is not bloody can bring people simple happiness.

Suddenly, such smiles froze on their faces.

Everyone's spiritual intuition was touched at the same time, and they subconsciously looked back in the direction of the city. They drew their weapons in unison. This was a habit of fighting in the face of threats all year round, and it had long been deeply integrated into their instincts.

However, what really happened was not the round tower where various important items were sealed and where the "Six-person Council" was located, but the change that came from both the ground and the sky that first attracted everyone's attention.

It seems like it's getting brighter?

When Derrick looked up, he couldn't help but wonder. At this moment, his confusion was also the same feeling that appeared in most people's hearts.

But that was definitely not the legendary sunshine - the violent thunderstorms frequently turned over in the darkness, almost condensing into angry monsters with entities, and the thick clouds kept emitting thunderstorms all the time, and even continued to extend outwards, turning the darkness in the surrounding area. Also crushed.

In the more than two thousand years that Silver City has been shrouded in darkness, it has never heard such violent and violent thunder. The lightning piercing the sky is roaring, wanting to tear apart all the small creatures that touch its power, even if they are separated. Even from a distance, its roar can make people with weak willpower tremble.

Many people have already had a more desperate thought in their minds:

Is this the end of Silver City? Even though we have persisted for so long, the Almighty Creator has not responded and wants us to come to an end?

The black-faced grass coiled around the outer wall of Silver City trembled with leaves, and seemed to be raising its head to look at the wonders in the sky.

And the sudden violent thunderstorm was just the beginning.

As if awakened by the thunder, buzzing sounds resounded from inside and outside Silver City, but wherever there is soft light and everywhere where lantern mushrooms are planted, this unique sound is emitted, even those who are The spores picked out for use are also in various boxes, stone jars or pockets, emitting a weak response.

A huge sound came from the central hinterland of Silver City, the round tower where the "Six-person Council" was located. It was majestic and firm. The chief's deep voice was amplified by some extraordinary object and spread throughout the city:

"Level 1 warning, I repeat it, level 1 warning for the whole city!"

"All patrol teams gather at the training ground, and all sequences with combat capabilities gather in front of the round tower! The rest go to the underground shelter room of the round tower!"

After noticing the vision in the sky, no one would think that this was just a collective exercise. They were even more afraid of the lightning that would strike their heads at any time. They were afraid that the sky would fall to the ground.

However, Derrick glanced nervously at the two rows of light sources beside the city gate. The mushrooms he brought to Silver City, the strange plants that had always helped them dispel the darkness, were now making a constant buzzing sound, like fists under the caps. The spores are also flickering, as if they will explode at any time.

Why didn't the chief mention these lantern mushrooms in his words? Something was clearly not right with them...

Derrick followed his teammates anxiously and quickly ran to the training ground near the round tower.

However, before they arrived at the gathering place, they heard another continuous ringing above their heads. Even the many stone houses in Silver City trembled under the roar. This time the thunder surge was even more violent. It even produced a terrifying majesty.

Derrick casually helped up a passing mother and daughter. They were running towards the round tower in a panic, but they fell down because of the loud noise just now.

The girl had been huddled tightly in her mother's arms, but after Derrick helped her stand up, the pale girl suddenly raised her head and looked in the direction of the rolling thunder, even ignoring the bursts of pain in her eyes: " Mom, there’s someone! There’s someone up there!”

With that kind of lightning roaring, how could there be anyone up there?

The mother was scolding her daughter, telling her to stop looking at things, but Derrick, who was protecting the mother and daughter, did not ignore the girl's words. He quickly glanced upward.

Derrick didn't see anyone, which was probably normal. Even if there was someone there, they would have been torn apart by the lightning...

The girl who was hugged tightly by her mother suddenly let out a scream. She hugged her mother's arm harder and raised her head to the sky again: "Mom! The sky - the sky is falling!"

This time, the mother, Derrick and his teammates looked at the girl at the same time. They raised their heads and saw a scene that could be summarized by that sentence.

The thick clouds stirred by lightning are slowly sinking to the ground. It seems to have gained life, coveting the shimmering city, and is about to bend down and devour the city that has survived for many years.

The darkness became thicker and thicker. The hanging torches and lanterns were all extinguished by the storm, and the lantern mushrooms on both sides of the street became the only remaining light.

"Why... why did this happen?" Derrick heard Valier muttering beside him.

Just as everyone expected, countless Razers twisted their shapes in the sky and pounced on the ground.

The round tower lit up with a light like the morning sun.

The sinking lightning instantly changed its direction, was attracted by the light, and struck the towering round tower hard.

The building that had stood for thousands of years in the Silver City was also shaking - and then survived this wave of lightning strikes, leaving only a large area of ​​scorched black outside the tower.

"It's the council! It's the chief who protected Silver City!" Derrick shouted subconsciously.

"Don't give up," Valier shouted loudly, "continue to follow the instructions and go gather!"

Braving the slightly subdued thunder, escorting the mother and daughter and the other residents they met on the road, the group continued to rush to their destination.

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