Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 526 Visitors

While waiting for the tall and strong chief of Silver City, Esther also recalled in her mind the thrilling explorations shared by "The Sun", and gradually compared the reliable leader in her imagination with the previous one with a resolute face and a stern expression. Scarred men overlap.

However, Amon knew that "The Sun" was in Silver City, which did not surprise Esther. The boy's experience of being parasitized was shared with everyone in the Tarot Club.

At that time, there were only a few people at the table...

Esther's eyes became dim. She rummaged through her pocket and poured out a diamond-shaped bright red gem. The bottom of the gem was a silver base, with a "Sword of Judgment" engraved on the back that pointed vertically downwards. It was obviously a special badge that symbolized some kind of nobility, but Esther didn't know where it came from.

She put this thing in her hands and played with it. Even if the surrounding light was dim, it looked like it contained the glimmer of a flame. It was very beautiful. This alone made her feel a lot better.

Although there was a conflict with the other party, Esther felt confused, but since it was the person who brought it to her door, she didn't mind charging a little "mental damage fee." After the other person fainted, she secretly launched another "stealing" and directly stole something from that person that she subconsciously felt was valuable. What she finally got was this strange gem.

Crow noticed the crystal clear ruby ​​in Esther's hand and curiously lowered his head to look at it: "Where did you get this?"

But before Esther answered, Crow had already thought of the answer: "Oh, is it Prince Grove from before?"

Esther was rubbing the surface of the gemstone with a proud smile on her face. However, Crow's words directly made her smile freeze at the corner of her mouth: "Wait a minute, you mean that guy dressed like a The guy who looks like a lame turkey is a prince? Is he Prince Sunia of Loen Kingdom?"

Crow still stared at the gem in Esther's hand and replied casually: "Yes, the younger generation of the Augustus family. They have printed the big nose inherited from the family on all the pennies. You should have paid attention to it a long time ago. To this point.”

Seeing Esther staring at the gem in her hand, Crow continued: "The emblem engraved on the back is a symbol of the 'long' inheritance of the Augustus family, although it is only a century ago."

Esther recognized the word that the crow deliberately emphasized. To the Amon family, the "long history" of the Augustus family was really not worth mentioning.

"You seem to know what this thing can do?"

Esther handed the gem to her head, hoping that the crow could observe it more clearly. As a result, the crow stared at the thing in front of it and pushed Esther's hand away with its wings: "I don't know."

"You always tell unnecessary lies when you face me. You should know that I can 'hear' it, right?"

The crow chuckled lightly before saying, "Even if you don't know its use, you can still see that it is valuable, so keep it."

Esther turned the gem with the emblem around again, looking very reluctant to part with it: "I always feel that it is very special. If it is really sold as an ordinary gem, it would be such a waste."

"You can also give it to me." Crow said casually, not expecting Esther to take it seriously.

Esther's eyes suddenly lit up: "Can I use it to make you give up 'Origin Castle'?"

After more than ten seconds of silence that froze the air, the crow pecked Esther hard on the head: "Do I look as stupid as you?"

When Colin Iliad climbed out of the trap door with another council elder, he saw this scene - the lady he repeatedly emphasized as "mysterious, weird, high-sequence, and unpredictable in strength" , the bird she was carrying with her pecked her so loudly that she screamed and waved her arms, trying to drive away the creature that had a firm grip on her hair.

Esther grabbed the crow and shouted in Rune language that the residents of Silver City had never heard: "Enough, enough! Someone is coming!"

Of course Amon also noticed this. If the crow hadn't resisted, how could Esther catch it from its head so easily. In response to Esther's move of grabbing herself off her head and holding her in her arms, Crow just "hummed" and even refused to speak in front of the other two people.

There was no expression on Colin's face, but the lady beside him could clearly see that this trustworthy chief was rarely in a "confused" mood.

Esther looked over and saw the lady next to the Chief of Silver City. She had thick silver-gray curly hair hanging behind her head. She was wearing a black robe embroidered with many mysterious purple patterns. She looked about thirty, light gray. His eyes were bright and sharp, like thorn bushes filled with water.

While Esther was sizing her up, one of the members of the "Six-person Council" in Silver City, "Shepherd" Lovia Tiffany, was also carefully observing this "high-sequence extraordinary person who is most likely to come from the outside world." .

As for how high the real strength is, within a few minutes of the two climbing the round tower, Colin repeatedly told Lovia not to test this.

The reason why he asked Lovia to give up this idea was also very simple. He simply summarized the last thing that happened - the thunderstorm in the sky stopped completely, and this lady was the one to solve the problem.

Lovia had no objection to the task Colin gave her. Although she didn't quite understand why she was the one to accompany him, she regarded it as a form of trust and was ready to fight for it. .

Colin did not mention that he saw the phantom of some kind of skylark. On the one hand, he still had doubts about the identity of "Esther". That fairy tale was not only circulated in the Silver City, but there was no sign of it for thousands of years. Colin did not Trust a person who appears out of nowhere but echoes the story.

On the other hand, he also didn't trust Lovia that much.

Colin cleared his throat and introduced the people around him: "As we agreed, Your Excellency Esther, this is Lovia. During your visit to Silver City, she will accompany you around the city."

Esther smiled first, caressed Lovia's chest and saluted, greeting her according to the gesture spread in this continent in "Zoya's" memory: "Hello, just call me Esther."

After seeing the previous scene and seeing the other party with her own eyes, Lovia's tense mentality relaxed slightly. On the surface, this task did not seem to be too dangerous.

More importantly, because of her very special hearing, Lovia captured a strange buzzing sound from this lady.

Lovia's reciprocal etiquette was much more respectful than Esther's. Her cheeks were slightly red, as if she was trying to suppress some excitement: "Lovia Tiffany, a member of the six-member Silver City Council. one."

The crow lying in Esther's arms narrowed his eyes, and a voice secretly reached Esther's consciousness: "Be careful, she is a believer of that madman."

Happy New Year’s Eve to everyone!

Stay healthy, eat and drink well, and have a prosperous new year!

Wealth will be abundant, your family and business will be prosperous, and you will be happy every day!

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