Lord of Puluo

Chapter 316 My husband, you don’t want to survive the disaster, right?

Five minutes later, Li Banfeng felt refreshed and asked the record player: Madam, please speak slowly.

The record player sobbed and said: Stop talking, shameless madman, you are already enjoying yourself, what else should I tell you?

Madam, just tell me. Li Banfeng touched the cabinet door in front.

Don't touch my belly, I ate too much today!

Madam, just tell me. Li Banfeng touched the cabinet door at the back.

Don't touch the peach, it hurts! the record player played the slow tune and sang angrily, Since my husband has some dealings with the earth god, he knows that nine to ten will lead to a catastrophe.

I know this.

My lord, do you know that overcoming a calamity is a blessing from a narrow escape from death?

I know this too.

My lord, do you know that even if you succeed in overcoming the tribulation, you still have to go to Neizhou to suffer.

I also know this.

Do you want to suffer, sir?

That's naturally something I don't want to do.

My lord, do you know that there are ways to avoid disasters?

I've heard of two ways, one is to steal, the other is to rob.


The lady sneered: My slave really looks down on things like stealing and robbing.

Li Banfeng nodded and said, Madam, do you have any other ideas?

Hey, sir, I just heard from the old woman that she is willing to give you the seat of the Earth God.

Li Banfeng nodded vigorously and said, I heard about it too.

Since she gave it away, it would be a bit unkind if we didn't want it.

Yeah, we can't let the old man feel cold. Li Banfeng patted the back cabinet door.

Stop patting the peach, I told you not to, it hurts! the record player said in a gentle tone, My lord, if you take the deed of the Earth God, you will get the position of the Earth God.

With the position, Xianggong can transcend the tribulation and jump from the ninth level of the earth to the upper level of the cloud. After jumping up, he can practice according to the method of the cloud.

It's just that this opportunity came a little early, and my husband may not be able to bear it. I didn't dare to tell my husband these things before because I was afraid that my husband would be reckless.

It's not early, it's just the right time. Li Banfeng touched the horn.

Hey, sir, it's really early. Taking a position by force involves taking risks. Jumping from the ninth level to the first level in the clouds, my husband must have a good physique. This can be tempered slowly.

But Xianggong has just reached the sixth floor, and the position of the Earth God may not be able to be maintained. Xianggong also heard it just now. In order to survive, the Earth Gods will fight each other. If an Earth God targets Xianggong, how should Xianggong respond?

This is indeed what the lady said.

Although Li Banfeng has experienced two wars with the Ditou God, he still does not have the strength to fight head-on with the Ditou God.

The character of some local gods is comparable to the folk customs of Lanyang Village. It is very difficult to defend the local community.

But such a good opportunity cannot be missed after all. At this point, it is basically impossible for Li Banfeng to give up. The price of this business has not been negotiated yet. Meng Yuchun and I will discuss it and there should be a way. Let’s find the old guy’s deed first.”

Ms. sir, after you find the deed, show it to the slave first. There are some things in it that need to be disposed of.

After leaving his residence, Li Banfeng collected the key and walked out of the cave, where he saw Meng Yuchun hovering on the rock wall.

Li Qi! She finally found Li Qi.

Master Bashan entered Li Banfeng's cave, and Meng Yuchun immediately chased him in.

But when she entered, she saw neither Li Qi nor the Mountain Master.

She suspected that Master Bashan could pass through the wall and took Li Qi to the outside of the mountain.

But she had arranged layers of boundaries around the cave. It stands to reason that Master Bashan would die if he crossed two more layers of boundaries. But if Master Bashan died on the boundary line, would Li Qi still be alive?

Lift the boundary first, release them, and save Li Qi's life?

This is nonsense. If Li Qi is captured by the mountain master, he will not survive.

The Lord of the Mountains probably wouldn't have crossed the line; she was probably hiding somewhere in the cave.

Meng Yuchun was struggling while searching, but he didn't expect Li Banfeng to come out on his own.

Meng Yuchun was surprised and happy: Li Qi, how did you escape? Where is the Master of Mountain Ba?

This matter is difficult to explain, so Li Banfeng simply stopped explaining: Master Bashan has something to do, so he needs to leave first.

Leave? Meng Yuchun didn't quite understand.

Li Banfeng asked: Are those weirdos under her still alive?

They're all here. In the corner of the cave, Meng Yuchun made a circle with a boundary line, surrounding all the strange monsters inside.

Li Banfeng praised: This technique is really easy to use. How many levels of home cultivation technique is this?

Meng Yuchun said angrily: How can you tell others casually? If this is included in the price of the business, I can tell you.

Li Banfeng shook his head: I won't talk about this in advance. Let's find a place to discuss the price.

Meng Yuchun took Li Banfeng to her house. As before, Li Banfeng just stood at the door and refused to go in.

The price I'm offering is the territory of Master Bashan. Do you agree?

Meng Yuchun didn't understand: Bashan Master's territory? Can I decide this? Where is Bashan Master?

Don't worry about where she is. She has already agreed to this.

Meng Yuchun looked at Li Qi in surprise. Even though the repairman was a little dull, she understood what he meant.

Master Bashan is dead? Did he die in your hands?

Li Banfeng nodded slightly.

How is it possible... Meng Yuchun was stunned.

You do not believe?

I have seen you open up wasteland. Your cultivation level is not low, but you are still on the land. How can you kill the master of Bashan?

Li Banfeng smiled slightly: I was hiding my clumsiness at that time.

Meng Yuchun blinked and said, You hid for three whole days?

Li Banfeng lowered the brim of his hat: I hide it very deeply.

Meng Yuchun looked confused and still couldn't believe it.

Li Banfeng said: Whether you believe it or not, Lord Bashan is dead. I want her territory, but I don't want others to know about it. I want to use your name to take over his territory. Forget it. Do you agree to the price for this business?

It took Meng Yuchun a long time to understand what Li Banfeng meant: Are you saying you want to put this land in my name?

Li Banfeng nodded.

Meng Yuchun couldn't help but shook his head: How can this be possible? How can an ordinary earth god occupy two areas of land? What will other earth gods think?

Other local gods have always wanted to deal with you because you were too easy to bully.

As for what they think in the future, you don't need to pay attention to it. They will not cause trouble for you anymore because they are afraid of you.

Will they believe that I killed Master Bashan?

It was Master Bashan who wanted to kill you first. When it came to a life-or-death situation, it was natural for you to kill her.

If they don't believe it, they can ask you to bet, but I guess they won't dare to bet.

Li Banfeng did not lie to Meng Yuchun. This was the best way to deal with other earth gods.

The Lord of the Mountain is here, and the Lord of the Mountain is dead.

If anyone else dares to come, they will suffer the same fate!

Meng Yuchun thought about it for a long time and sighed: To be honest, I still can't understand this matter, and I don't dare to do it.

But I owe you. If it weren’t for you today, I would definitely have died in the hands of Master Bashan.

This is your life no matter what, I promise you this.

Okay! Let's go find the deed from Lord Bashan first.

Meng Yuchun led Li Banfeng to a group of wandering monsters, where the charwoman was lying in the middle, seemingly dead.

Li Banfeng looked at it for a moment and said to Meng Yuchun: This one is dead. Let's burn him and destroy his body.

The opera woman immediately opened her eyes and begged with tears in her eyes: Spare your lives, you two. I didn't mean to offend you. I was deceived by Fengzhi Weng, and he forced me to come here!

Li Banfeng asked Meng Yuchun to open an exit on the boundary line and let the trick woman out.

The actress hugged her shoulders tightly and trembled all over, but she vividly displayed the helplessness of a weak woman.

Li Banfeng asked very seriously: How did Fengzhi Weng deceive you?

The opera woman cried: I met him when I was wandering in the wilderness, and I unintentionally accepted his donation. He wanted my body, but I was no match for him, and I had to give it to him, so I made a romantic couple with him. , and gave him a child.”

Li Banfeng said in surprise: You gave him a child.

Meng Yuchun explained from the side: It is common for weird people to get married and have children.

The opera woman cried: I beg you to be noble and spare my life, not only for my life, but also for the sake of my unfortunate child.

After saying this, even Meng Yuchun became a little soft-hearted.

The actress cried miserably, and all the weirdos around her also shed tears.

Li Banfeng wiped his tears and kicked the charwoman over: Return the child, how can you, a man, give birth to a child!

A man? Meng Yuchun looked at Li Banfeng in surprise, Which woman in this play is a man?

It's not that this play-calling woman is a man, it's that all play-calling women are men. Play-calling women are a special type of game monster. They are not only play cultivators, they also practice pleasure.

Affected by the new land, all the prostitutes can only pretend to be women. They all have a common habit, which is to deceive women by pretending to be women.

They first deceive the woman's trust and then trick her into her bed. Because they are cultivators and there are many tricks in the quilt. Even if the women know that they have been cheated, most of them will not resist.

Li Banfeng showed his learned side. Even in Xindi, there are very few people who know the basics of playing tricks on women.

None of the monsters present, including the two wandering monsters, had ever heard of the name Xi Zhao Fu, let alone the habits of Xi Zhao Fu. They all regarded Xi Zhao Wu as a high-level opera cultivator.

Even the concubine herself was surprised that the man in front of her actually knew everything about him.

In fact, this knowledge was just taught by the lady.

Meng Yuchun stepped forward and kicked the woman's feet, shouting: Where is Xiaodie?

The concubine didn't dare to act pitiful anymore. She stood up and answered honestly: Xiaodie has formed a cocoon and pupated on a mountain southwest of Xiaodie.

She told me the temperament and habits of the people around her, but she refused to tell me where she lived. So I pretended to be her and followed Hongdie and Huangdie to deliver wine and take the opportunity to explore the road.

Meng Yuchun wanted to ask Xiaodie for clarification, but Li Banfeng reminded her that there was no need to worry about this matter, as there were more pressing matters at the moment.

Li Banfeng asked the actress: Do you know where Lord Bashan lives?

The charwoman nodded: I'll take you there.

Li Banfeng and Meng Yuchun followed the play-calling woman to the territory of the mountain master, and came to a cliff. The play-calling woman said: Two heroes, the master of the mountain lives on the cliff.

Where's the entrance?

The trick woman shook her head and said: This cliff is the entrance. The ghost fire of the mountain master can go in and out of the stone.

Li Banfeng asked: No one has ever entered the house of Master Bashan?

I've seen people go in, but I haven't seen anyone come out.

Then how did he get in?

I followed Master Bashan through the wall. I don't know what kind of magic he used.

Li Banfeng stared at the cliff, thinking about how to get in.

There are only two methods. One is to break the path and open the path. This method is the safest.

However, the technique of breaking a path and opening a path makes a lot of noise. With Li Banfeng's current level of cultivation, it would take a long time to open an entrance in such a hard rock wall.

If this was done, Li Banfeng's digging up of deeds would be exposed, and it would not be that easy to cover it up in the future.

Another method is to walk without obstruction, which is the wall penetration technique.

Traveling without hindrance is very hidden. The key is that you don't know how thick the wall is. Li Banfeng has six levels of cultivation and has received the guidance of Mr. Train. It is not a problem to pass through a wall more than ten meters thick.

But this is a big mountain. If the thickness reaches three to five miles, Li Banfeng is likely to be trapped in the rocks.

Once the skill of traveling without hindrance fails, the consequences will be very serious.

Is there no other way?


PS: But it must be discussed carefully.

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