Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 435: A Thunderbolt from the Blue Sky

The carnival in Olilorising lasted for three full days. In order to celebrate the victory of the defense of Olilorisin, both nobles and commoners in the city held parties and invited friends to their homes to celebrate. The capital of the Kingdom of Olilo, the residents of Olilo Rising City are still very wealthy.

As the largest city on the mainland, even the ordinary residents of Olilorising City have many opportunities to make money. This is the commercial capital of the Nordson Continent. Countless caravans stop in the city until sunset.

Therefore, the residents living in this city can easily find a way to make a living, and they all have enough savings in their hands to celebrate. These residents should indeed celebrate, because after the city of Euryloricin was captured by the Kingdom of Sine, what happened to them It must be very miserable.

Just as the city of Olilorising was celebrating, in the northwest direction 20 kilometers outside the city, the army of the 100,000 Demon Kingdom was marching in the direction of Olirorising City. Nord had already understood the situation half a month ago. By the time of the Kingdom of Sine, the battle for the city of Olilorising had already begun.

After hearing the news, Nord began to let his troops speed up slowly. Otherwise, Nord might not even be able to drink the soup when the Kingdom of Sinnie broke through the city of Olilorising, but in the When Nord wanted to rush to the city of Olilorisin, Nord heard the news that the troops of the Kingdom of Sine had been defeated.

The situation changed so quickly that Nord almost jumped to his waist. Unexpectedly, the situation turned 180 degrees. The Sinnie Kingdom, which had an absolute advantage, was suddenly defeated, and there was another The news that shocked Nord even more is that the Kingdom of Kokilwa and the United Kingdom of Calvi also participated in the battle.

At this time, all the countries on the entire continent participated in this war, which made Nord unable to react for a while, because the situation on the entire continent became even more chaotic. The participation in the war has a great impact on the Kingdom of Demon, which means that Nord will face the troops of three countries next.

If the Kingdom of Sinne had persisted for a few days, or if Nord's troops had arrived a few days earlier, the situation would definitely not be what it is now. Still kicked into the abyss.

Nord is currently not aware of the specific situation of the previous battlefield, because the news sent back by the Love caravan is very vague, and only mentions the movements of various countries on the battlefield. The specific things are not something they can understand at all, and they have been thinking for a long time After that, Nord decided to go to the city of Olilorising to have a look.

Nord felt that with the 100,000 troops under his command, he might really have a chance to fight against the three kingdoms. Nord did not believe that after such a long battle, the city of Olilorising still had enough troops to continue to resist the Kingdom of Demon. 100,000 troops.

Even if there are still 100,000 troops in Olilorising City, Nord is not afraid at all. The 100,000 troops of the Demon Kingdom are not vegetarians. It just so happens that Nord regrets that he missed that battle. If there is a chance, For you is certainly not to be missed.

The 20-kilometer journey has passed in the blink of an eye. Looking at the majestic city of Olilorising and the pool of blood outside the city, you seem to be able to see how fierce the battle was before. With the javelins cleared in time, Nord knew how fierce the Sine Kingdom's offensive was.

The 100,000 troops of the Demon Kingdom came lightly, but it was a bolt from the blue for the residents of Olilorising City who were still celebrating. They never thought that just after driving away the hungry wolves, another fierce tiger appeared. For the residents of Oli Luo Ruixing City, it was definitely a very big blow.

Even King Orillo couldn't accept this fact. He had just defeated the Kingdom of Sine, and there were still enemies in the Kingdom of Orillo. , The Kingdom of Orilo didn't take the Kingdom of Demon at all.

In the eyes of the Kingdom of Sine and the Kingdom of Orillo, each other is their opponent, and other countries are simply insignificant supporting actors, but the Kingdom of Sine failed in the hands of what they thought were supporting actors, and the Kingdom of Orillo Now, too, they face threats from what they consider to be insignificant minor players.

Only they can bear such evil consequences. Although the Kingdom of Orillo failed in the hands of the Kingdom of Demon, this war is also because of the Kingdom of Demon that caused the Kingdom of Orillo to be so difficult, but because of the inertia of thinking Because of this reason, the Kingdom of Orilo has always been unable to see the threat of the Kingdom of Demon.

In the mind of King Orilo, the Kingdom of Sine is the first thing that needs to be guarded. The Kingdom of Demon may be a difficult enemy, but it has not yet risen to the point where it threatens the safety of the Kingdom of Orillo, but Nord used the facts to act viciously. Slapped King Orillo in the face.

The threat of the Demon Kingdom is no worse than that of the Kingdom of Sinne, and it will even be stronger. It cannot be placed in a place where there is no such thing as the Kingdom of Sinne just because the Kingdom of Demon has just been established and its reputation on the mainland is far inferior to that of the Kingdom of Sinne. The status of threat, the Demon Kingdom has already proved to the Orillo Kingdom once with practical actions, fame and strength are not equal.

It's a pity that King Orillo didn't understand this truth. Looking at the flying eagle flag and the endless army, the Kingdom of Orillo on the city wall was very silent. Not only King Orillo, but even Coquil The faces of the nobles of the Kingdom of Va and the Kingdom of Calvi were very embarrassed.

Because they knew that there was still a fierce battle waiting for them, the nobles of the Kokilwa Kingdom looked very ugly, because their casualties were very large in the previous battle outside the city, and the Kokilwa Kingdom came to support Of the Kingdom of Olilo, if he buried all the 50,000 troops in the city of Olilorising, the king of Kejierwa would definitely eat him.

The pale-faced King Orillo seemed to have seen the concerns of the other two nobles of the kingdom. At this time, the Kingdom of Orillo could only rely on them, so King Orillo hurriedly said:

Please be sure to help the Kingdom of Orillo to tide over the difficulties. As for the rest of the matter, I will definitely let the Kingdom of Orillo give your kingdom an explanation. Please believe in the honor of the Kingdom of Orillo, and we don't have any Back off.

The commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Kokilwa is very helpless. Now that he has boarded the thief ship of the Kingdom of Orilo, it is impossible to get off the ship. The enemy who can only rely on the city will not attack so violently. , but saw that the posture of the soldiers under the city wall did not look like a weak force.

The nobles of the United Kingdom of Calvi don't care much about the casualties of soldiers, because these are the soldiers they hired in the country. After paying the commission of these mercenary regiments, they don't care much about their casualties. It doesn't matter much to the United Kingdom, as long as they can fight hard.

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