Far in the south, on a road between the towering peaks of the Spine of the World, Akar Kessell relaxed in the leisurely life provided by [Shattered Magic Crystal] - Clinshinibon.

He found a goblin tribe around the magic crystal tower and used the powerful magical power of the broken magic crystal to firmly control them. Recently, this group of goblins captured a girl from the caravan for him to play with, but now there is something else Something caught his attention. Smoke rose in the sky in the direction of Shizhen.

"The Barbarian" Kessotchai. When he and the wizards from Luskan were in the Eastern Exile, he heard rumors about the union of various tribes. But it's none of his business, so why should it? He now has everything he wants in this magic crystal tower, and he doesn't want to go anywhere else.

There is no other desire in his own will.

Clinshinibon is an artifact brought to life through its own magic. And part of its life is conquest and control. The Shattered Demon Crystal is not content to stay in an isolated mountain, where the only servants are lowly goblins. It wants more, it wants power.

When Kesseau saw the smoke column, his subconscious memories of Ten Towns aroused the desire for the Shattered Magic Crystal, so it used its power to hint to Kesseau.

A sudden vision captured Kessell's innermost need. He saw himself sitting on the throne of Bryn Shander, possessed of untold wealth, revered by his entire dynasty.

He imagined how the wizards in the Luskan Wizard Tower would react when they heard that Akar Kessell had become the ruler of the Ten Towns and Icewind Dale. Especially Eldruq and Dandiba. Will they present him with a robe representing the ruler of the [Arcane Brotherhood]?

Although Kessell was perfectly content with his current life of leisure, the idea still appealed to him. He was immersed in fantasy, looking for ways to achieve his ambitions.

He ruled out the possibility of ruling the fishermen as he ruled the goblin tribe, for even the dumbest goblins resisted his overwhelming willpower for a while. When the goblins leave the tower's reach, they regain the ability to decide their own actions and flee into the mountains. No, this simple rule of law cannot be effective on humans.

Kessell considered whether to use the power he had felt within the Crystal Tower, a force more destructive than anything he had ever heard of, even Luskan's Mage Tower.

This can be helpful, but it’s not enough on its own. Even the power of the broken magic crystal is limited, and it must absorb new power from the sun to replenish the consumed energy. Besides, there are too many people in the Ten Towns and they are too scattered to control them all with a single force, and Kessell doesn't want to destroy them all. Goblins are useful, but the wizard wants real people to bow before him, like the people who have tormented him throughout his life.

In his life before he got the broken magic crystal.

Finally, his thinking came to an inevitable conclusion. He needs an army.

He thought about the goblins he was controlling now. They would blindly grant his every wish and even die for him happily, but their number was not enough to occupy the three vast lake areas.

At this time, the broken magic crystal once again quietly gave the wizard an evil idea. "In this vast and rugged mountainous area." Kessell shouted.

"How many caves and caves are there? How many goblins, ogres, even trolls and giants live here?" An evil vision began to take shape in his mind. He saw himself at the head of an army of goblins and giants, sweeping across the plain, unstoppable and unstoppable.

Everything in the ten towns of Icewind Dale will tremble because of him! ——

In the dark peaks of the World's Spine, while Kessell was hatching his own conspiracy (at least he thought it was a conspiracy he had come up with), Imric was also preparing to say goodbye to Drizzt and the others and leave Icewind Dale.

"Take care, my friend, I will always remember your life-saving grace." Drizzt said solemnly, standing at the door of the tavern where he first met Imric.

The dwarf Bruno also stretched out his big, stubby hand, patted the mage on the back and said, "May Moradin protect you, my friend." Imric's act of standing up for Drizzt completely won over this rigid dwarf. I have a good impression, he is a slow-hearted person, but if he considers you a friend, he will fight for you through life and death.

Imric lifted his hood, and his silver hair similar to Drizzt was exposed to the sun. He looked at Drizzt with a smile and said: "Always remember, don't hide yourself in front of me, Drizzt. ."

Drizzt looked at the mage in front of him with emotion. He knew what he was referring to. Even if there were many people who discriminated and feared him because of his appearance, he would always know that the dark elf named "Drizt" was as sincere as a diamond. Shining heart. ;

Imric waved his hands to the two of them and disappeared into the portal that opened behind him.


When returning to [Twilight Star], all the corpses that were teleported to the hall were moved to the square by the Crystal Shard Monster - Glutinous Rice Balls. This was the nickname Imric thought of when he proposed to name it, and told it This is a soft and sweet delicacy from Karatu. The Crystal Shard Monster, which has been hard since it became conscious, is very fond of this name that represents soft and waxy. It hopes that the crystals on its body will one day become soft and waxy. .

Imric came to the square and sorted out the corpse classification. Nearly 1,000 corpses were torn apart by the power of magic. These corpses will be used as a source of materials for his future research on composite undead creatures. As for the remaining intact corpses, This is the basis for him to build his own undead army.

"Let's see if there are any spells worth copying."

Imrik decided to go to the academy's library to copy some spells. Now that his fortune had returned to 250,000 gold coins, he was going to copy some advanced spells to prepare for the next journey.

In this battle, Imric felt that his own strength was still insufficient. With unlimited spell slots, he had to spend so much effort to bully thousands of barbarians without magic power. If there was no [Sandstorm ]'s help, I'm afraid it will take ten times more effort.

He wants to find some power that can enhance himself, especially that can help with the [life] subject he is studying.

For this conjecture, he plans to use [Plane Travel] to realize it. It is true that the location of this spell cannot be determined, but as long as the prerequisites are imposed, his safety can still be guaranteed. The most important thing is, with [Navigation Technique] With help, he can come back at any time. Even if he finds a safe enough world, he can set up navigation skills there and develop it into his own logistics world.

Of course, before that, he had to go to the library to enrich his "ambulatory arsenal of bullet types."

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