Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 140 (Two Chapters and One Chapter) Evil Alliance

On a night with a sparse moon and stars, under the temptation from the demonic realm of the endless abyss. The young apprentice felt himself attracted by the hypnotic dance of the flames in the copper basin. The scurrying flames gathered into a single flame, like a candle dozens of times larger, swaying back and forth mockingly.

The hypnotized apprentice was not aware that the density of the flames had increased significantly. The flame jumped higher and higher, flickered faster and faster, its hue gradually shifting towards a hot white.

Rocking back and forth, rocking back and forth.

It shook faster and harder, fast enough to provide the strength to support the powerful entity waiting on the other side.

The apprentice was sweating. He knew that the power of this spell was beyond his control, that magic had taken over and had a life of its own. And he had no power to stop it.

He saw dark shadows in the fire, huge claws, and bat-like wings. And it's so huge! It's huge even by the standards of its kind.

"Ertu!" the young man cried out, forced by the need for magic. This name was not completely confirmed in his master's notebook, but he clearly saw that it was a powerful demon, second only to those demon monarchs in the power hierarchy of the Abyss Demon Realm.

The flames continued to sway back and forth.

A strange, monkey-like head emerged from the fire. It had the belly and snout of a dog, and the teeth of a wild boar; huge, blood-red eyes stared at him from the flames, while acidic saliva dripped into the fire. Make a hissing sound.

The flames suddenly grew, and Ertu stepped out. The demon didn't stop to think about the young human who had foolishly summoned it and was now terrified. It began to walk slowly along the magic circle, and he wanted to find the loopholes in the magic circle that trapped him.

The apprentice finally calmed himself down, and he actually summoned a big demon! The incident made him reevaluate his confidence in himself as a wizard.

"Stand before me!" he ordered, knowing that it took a strong will to control the evil creatures from the inner world.

Completely undisturbed, Ertu continued its pace.

The apprentice became increasingly angry. "You have to listen to me!" he yelled.

"I brought you here, and I have ways to torture you! Only if you obey my orders will I let you go and let you return to your dirty world! Stand over here immediately!"

"A conceited apprentice."

Ertu sneered and muttered. He finally found an error in the pattern of the mysterious text. This fatal flaw made the magic circle less than perfect.

The shadow flashed quickly, and all the candles in the room were not blown out, leaving only the apprentice's head, which still maintained an arrogant expression, slowly falling from the neck that supported it to the ground.

Ertu fled, feeling the power of the material world more clearly, and it had no difficulty in discerning the direction in which it radiated. It spread its huge wings and flew over many human cities, causing commotion wherever it was seen, but it had no interest in stopping to admire the chaos happening below.

It moved straight ahead at full speed, flying over lakes and mountains, and over vast wastelands. It flew towards the Spine of the World, the northernmost mountain range in the Forgotten Realms, and the treasure he had been searching for for centuries.


Kessell knew it was coming before his army of monsters scattered in fear beneath the daemon's swooping shadow.

Clinshinibon had long told him this, a living artifact that anticipated the actions of the demon from the abyss who had coveted him for countless centuries.

However, Kessell was not worried. In his Tower of Power, he was confident that he could deal with powerful enemies like Ertu.

Moreover, he can also take advantage of this matter because he is the orthodox ruler of the Shattered Demonic Crystal. The artifact had opened itself to attunement to him, and like so many other artifacts left over from the beginning of the world, Clinshinibon could not be taken away by violence.

Ertu planned to dominate this gem, so it did not dare to confront Kessell and arouse Clinshinibon's anger. Kessell was confident that he could subdue this powerful demon.

When the demon saw the magic crystal tower, coveted acidic saliva flowed from its mouth.

"How many years?" it shouted in victory. Ertu saw the tower door clearly. The powerful evil aura in his body was so obvious that Kessell's goblins and even the giants did not dare to stop it.

The wizard waited for Ertu in the main chamber on the first floor of the Magic Crystal Tower, surrounded by his troll guards.

The wizard knew that these trolls would be of little use against the fire-breathing demon, but he hoped that these monsters would enhance the demon's first impression of him. He knew that he had the power to easily fight Ertu back to his hometown, but the Shattered Magic Crystal instilled in him another thought.

That demon will be very useful.

As Ertu passed through the narrow doorway into the wizard's room, it suddenly stopped.

Due to the remote location of the tower, the demon expected that an orc or giant would possess the broken magic crystal. He planned to threaten or deceive these low-intelligent creatures to obtain the artifact, but it saw a human in a robe, or a mage, so its plan had to be terminated.

"Welcome, powerful demon." Kessell said politely and bowed deeply. "Welcome to my humble home."

Ertu roared in rage and began to advance, filled with resentment and jealousy of the smug mage, forgetting the consequences of doing so.

Clinshinibon reminded it.

A sudden flash of light began to flicker from the four walls of the tower, causing the image of Er to be shrouded in light like twelve suns in the desert. Intense pain struck, and the demon stopped and turned its sensitive eyes. This light was very It soon dissipated, but Ertu stood there, not daring to make any rash move towards the wizard anymore.

Kessell smiled proudly, and the Magic Crystal supported him as always, even in front of this powerful demon.

Overflowing with confidence, he spoke to the demon again, this time his tone became much more serious.

"You're here to get this, right?" He took out the broken magic crystal from his robe. Ertu's eyes narrowed, staring at the thing he had longed for for a long time.

"You can't get it," Kessell said bluntly, putting it back under his robe again.

"This is mine, I found it, and it won't recognize your right to own it!" Kessell's fatal flaw in his personality - his stupid pride always pushed him down a path that was sure to be tragic. He constantly taunts the helpless demon.

"Enough!" A feeling in his heart warned him, and he guessed that the sound came from the broken magic crystal.

"This is none of your business!" Kessell roared back. Ertu looked around the room for a moment, wondering who this reckless mage was talking to. It was obvious that the trolls were not talking to his master. As a precaution, the demon used several detection spells, fearing the presence of invisible attackers.

"You are mocking a very dangerous enemy." Demon Crystal Broken insisted.

"Although I protect you from demons, you are destroying the relationship between a valuable ally!"

Just like the normal communication between Clinshinibon and the mage, it led this stupid, short-sighted and arrogant mage to see new possibilities.

Kessell decided to give in, which would benefit both him and the devil.

Ertu pondered its predicament. It couldn't kill this rude human being, at least with the help of the broken magic crystal, it couldn't do it on its own, although the demon liked this action very much.

And it can't accept leaving here without getting the broken magic crystal, which is the only thing it has longed for for a long time.

"I have a suggestion. This is an agreement that is beneficial to you." Kessell changed his attitude and said in a seductive tone, his eyes avoiding the devil's gaze that wanted to kill him.

"Stand beside me and become the commander of all my armies! With you leading the way, the power of Clinshinibon, and me, Akar Kessell behind me, this army can surely sweep across the North in no time. !”

"You want me to work for you?" Ertu smiled. "You can't control me, weak and stupid human being!"

"You misjudged the situation," Kessell was furious. He wanted to immediately use the power of the broken magic crystal to tear this demon's entity in the world to pieces and drive him back into the abyss. However, the hint given by the broken magic crystal to him was too powerful. He could only retort:

"Think about it, this is not service, but joining a battle that can destroy and conquer everything! You will have my highest respect, powerful demon, you are not serving me, and I will not be arrogant enough to think that I am enough Become your master."

Clinshinibon guided Kessell in his mind, and Ertu's now less hostile hostility showed that he had some interest in the mage's proposals.

"Think about the rewards you could get in the future," Kessell continued. "Judging from your lifespan, humans won't live long. When Akar Kessell is no longer in the world, who will get the broken magic crystal?"

Ertu smiled evilly, yes, he has been waiting for it for a million years, why should he care about this mere few decades, let alone

He understood the nature of the broken magic crystal and knew that Kessell's end would soon come to an end.

The powerful Balor Balor bowed before the wizard: "How could I refuse such a generous offer?" the demon said in his horrifying, unearthly harsh voice. "Show me what lies in the path of our glorious conquests, mage."

Kessell almost danced. His army was finally truly complete.

He was given the command of his army.


Imric and Drizzt set out for the Spine of the World the next day. This huge mountain range that tore apart Luskan and Icewind Dale contained countless cold-type monsters, and the white dragon was one of them.

"Further forward is the territory of the white dragon." Drizzt said to Imric in the cold wind.

Ice Lord - White Dragon Vasalis, an old white dragon. His name resounded throughout the ten towns in Icewind Dale. Many dragon-slaying warriors and frost giants living in the Spine of the World failed to kill the white dragon. He froze high in the icy Spine of the World. Yuan built his own lair and often raided caravans heading to Icewind Dale through the tundra road to collect treasures.

Imric's target is this white dragon. Although the opponent has reached the stage of an old dragon, the white dragon is much weaker than other real dragons. The most powerful red dragon among the five-color dragons, even if it is only Even in the adult dragon stage, he can defeat an old white dragon. Even without Drizzt's help, Imric is confident in hunting this true dragon alone.

The challenge level of the old white dragon reaches level 15, but their low IQ and meager warlock bloodline make their spellcasting ability extremely weak. Unless this old white dragon is a genetically mutated law-loving dragon, it will not be possible for Imrik. Said there was no threat.

The so-called lawophilia refers to some mutants among real dragons. They often have severe mental illness and cannot stay at home like other dragons and rely on sleep to increase their strength. Instead, they are extremely interested in magic. Even if he is willing to extend his growth time, he must squeeze out magic power to learn the secrets of arcane magic.

The black dragon in [Twilight Star] is a typical law-loving person. As an adult dragon, he has a wizard level of up to level seven or above, which is extremely rare among lazy true dragons.

But don’t think that these magic-loving true dragons are necessarily a good thing. There’s a reason why true dragons don’t pursue part-time mage careers. Every true dragon is a natural caster. Even if they don’t learn the secrets of arcane magic, as they age, As time goes by, they can also learn the secrets of advanced magic without a teacher. A golden dragon that has never received arcane training can become a warlock of up to level 19 by relying on the abilities given by its blood as long as it sleeps naturally until it reaches the ancient dragon stage. , this is something that a weak race like human beings cannot imagine.

However, those law-loving true dragons, due to excessive study of magic, have greatly delayed their growth, even more than twice the time of normal dragons. As a result, they are likely to die young before reaching the stage of ancient dragons. This is why Many dracolich's predecessors were law-loving true dragons. Their own obsession with arcane magic and age restrictions allowed them to abandon the glory of true dragons and transform themselves into disgusting undead creatures.

Therefore, true dragons do not bother to study spells at all. Although if they are true dragons of the same age, true dragons with the mage profession will be more powerful and have more spell slots, but as one of the most powerful races in Faerun, This is simply unnecessary.

In order to prevent this old white dragon from having a rare addiction to law, Imric enlisted the help of Drizzt. In fact, before coming, Imric even purchased a huge dragon-slaying weapon, a weapon full of concavities. Once the giant sword is inserted into the body, it will cause unstoppable bleeding wounds. Imrik has also cursed it with the fifth-ring spell [Constant Magic], which can give various negative conditions.

"With this sword, I think I can kill that white dragon by myself."

Drizzt is holding a big sword in his hand. Although Drizzt's own scimitar is also an extremely sharp advanced weapon, when facing a huge creature like a true dragon, you must use a special weapon that can cause a large number of wounds. This is also the experience passed down by many dragon slayers.

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