Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 214 The Lord of the Silver Mirror

When clouds appear in the dark area where the sky has never been seen, and when the breeze blows in this underground world full of mushrooms and light, the originally humid and warm underground world becomes cooler.

The residents of Iredelin had never felt this kind of coolness before, and the sudden cool breeze made them feel the urge to express their depression.

But soon, the patter of raindrops fell from the sky. Before people could become happy, the raindrops quickly turned into heavy hailstones. Something white and fluffy like they had never seen fell from the sky. Falling slowly, more and more.

That's snow.

The wind began to blow stronger and stronger, and they brought more clouds to gather above the cave. More and more snow fell, and white crystals as big as goose feathers fell from the sky. The temperature began to drop sharply, like a hot iron falling into the cold. Like river water, the instantaneous drop in temperature made these dungeon creatures feel a little uncomfortable.

It was so cold that the scantily clad drow and orcs couldn't help but rub their hands together. Goosebumps began to appear on their skin, and the howling north wind sliced ​​through their rough cheeks like knives.

The prelude to [Finbul's Wrath] has begun. Next, more and more heavy snowfall and stronger and stronger cold winds will linger in this cave forever. The earth will be covered with ice and snow, and the temperature will remain constant all year round. Keep below -20°.

In the city of Iredelin, a bald man wearing a strange yellow-white robe sighed. He sat cross-legged in a courtyard, and the heavy snow in the sky fell on one of his bare shoulders.

"I haven't seen snow for a long time."

The bald man stretched out a hand, and a piece of crystal clear snow fell on his palm. He closed his eyes again. The man knew that behind this strange weather was a supernatural phenomenon caused by powerful magic. For this group of people who had never seen the cold winter, For underground creatures, there are probably many who will die suddenly in the wind and frost.

But he had no choice. The man retracted his hand into the yellow and white robe. The style of his clothes was very strange. It was not like the robe worn by the spell caster, but it had a slight similarity. The robe was light and soft, and moved with his movements. The movements are fluttering and swaying, like a cloud.

"I still have my own responsibilities."

The man sighed again. He looked up at Mother Danifei standing in the sky in the distance. A trace of concern flashed in his eyes. He clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, like a silent stone statue, no longer responding.


Several days have passed since the release of [Fimbul Winter], and the strange phenomena in Eredelin City have spread to the ears of various surrounding forces.

A massive cold winter weather enveloped the city of Iredelin. Many slaves in the city had nothing to wear except a piece of underwear. A large number of slaves froze to death in the ice and snow. The goose-feather-like snow covered the streets of Iredelin City. From the top of the building, the cold wind penetrates every street and alley in the city.

Titanisha activated [Advanced Teleportation] and left the moment Silver Mirror released [Finbul Winter]. The mistress roared angrily, but she had no way to solve this spell and could only silently endure the harsh effects of winter on her. The destruction of the city.

But what was surprising was that when Imrik once again projected his consciousness into the simulacrum and opened his eyes, he found a male drow with long silver hair sitting next to him and reading a book.

"Are you awake?" the male drow said without raising his head.

Imrik frowned and observed the man in front of him. He was wearing a luxurious mage robe and holding a book "On the Feasibility of Expanding the Scale of Yangyan Explosion". Obviously, this Is a mage.

Imric quickly regained the feeling of mastering the rhythm. He sat up calmly, raised the teapot on the table and poured a glass of water. He asked casually: "Why do mages now like to take advantage of others' sleep?" It was time to break in."

The drow sneered, put down the book in his hand, looked at him and said word by word: "No need to pretend in front of me, I know you and the green dragon are together."

"I also like to use the [Simulacra] spell. Although your disguise is so perfect that it cannot be seen through with magic, I can still tell it through the clues."

The drow showed off proudly.

Imric shrugged indifferently: "Okay, you discovered it, but no Mistress' guards have come to arrest me so far. I just preconceived the idea that you didn't report me for some reason?"

Master Drow smiled and said: "You are very smart. This is the first time we meet. Let me introduce myself. I am Zanniriel Yant, the master of the Yant family's mage tower."

"Yent? Are you also a member of the First Family?" Imrik raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.

Master Drow nodded and said: "Isn't it strange? As a member of the First Family, why didn't I report you as a spy, but I chatted with you here calmly?"

Zaniriel suddenly moved closer to Imrik, with a flash of hatred in his eyes and said: "Because I want to kill Danifey Yaent."

Imric stared at Zanniriel expressionlessly, as if to determine whether the other party was playing tricks on him. Finally, he saw the certainty in Zaniriel's eyes.

So he asked: "I think you should explain more about the causes and consequences."

Zanniriel laughed loudly, stood up from his chair, looked out the window and said: "Are the causes and consequences important? I want to kill her, and you also want to kill her. Our purpose is the same, and this is not enough. ?"

Imrik shook his head and said coldly: "I don't think I can believe that a Yaent would want to kill their matron. Tell me your purpose, drow."

The mage's tone became stiff and alert, but Zanniriel didn't care. He seemed to have expected it and said: "Since you want to know, I will tell you. Danifei has changed. There is some kind of huge danger." She is being surrounded, and I learned through some prophecy ritual that Danifei will be the culprit responsible for the destruction of Eredlyn City."

"Of course." Zanniriel said happily: "This is just one of the reasons. Personally, I also hope that she will die miserably and her soul will fall into the nine hells."

The drow's words revealed deep hatred for Danifei. Obviously, this is also a powerful ally that Eric can win over. However, Imrik was a little curious about the prophecy that Zanniriel just said.

"You just said that Danifei would destroy Eredlin City? She is already the actual controller of this city, why would she want to destroy her own power? This seems unreasonable." Imric was a little unbelievable. asked.

Zanniriel shook his head and said: "He has reached the end of his rope. The priest of the lost god pinned his only hope on the evil gods in the gutter. Danifei has fallen. He has fallen for his own. I can't tell you the details of selling Eredlin City for profit, because I don't know clearly. The ability of prophecy rituals is limited. Facing those existences that transcend mortals, I can't find out their true situation at all. But I can tell you for sure that Danifei will destroy Eredlin City, and this place will become a desperate place for life. If we don't stop him, your goal will not be achieved."

"Oh, do you know what our purpose is?" Imrik raised his eyebrows.

Zanniriel smiled and said: "War spell, isn't it? That green dragon is so naive, does she think no one can discover the secret? In fact, I am also very interested in this lost mysterious memory. But where the war spell is That mausoleum is located just under the sacrificial hall. We have no chance of entering unless we get rid of the mistress."

Eric nodded, knowledge can be shared, and he didn't care even if there was one more Zanniriel. The only concern in his mind now is the evil god Zanniriel just mentioned. If it is true as he said, Danifei lost the favor of Rose and turned to the arms of other powerful entities, even giving her power enough to destroy the entire city of Eredrim. This requires extreme caution, as such a powerful force is comparable to the existence of legendary magic.

Imric and Zanniriel continued to talk in detail in the room for a long time, and an alliance against Dunify had been formed in the darkness.

In the days that followed, Imric continued to dispatch monsters according to plan. Harassing and attacking Eredlin City with a replica of the Mirror of Prophecy.

Unable to bear the disturbance, the Mistress finally ordered the troops on the front lines that were confronting the Mind Flayer slave army to withdraw into the city. But this move gave a signal to the inner demon. The mastermind in Askel City believed that Danifei had now lost the ability to control the battlefield. Their newfound allies are extremely effective.

So, under the orders of the Mastermind, the Mind Flayer led an army of slaves to launch a real attack on Eredlin City.

"Ah, they broke through the defense line of those black-skinned ants so easily. It seems that our allies are really powerful."

Outside the eastern gate of Eredlin City, the mind flayer army was standing quietly on the plain. A mind flayer excitedly pulled the tentacles on his head and said to another of the same kind next to him.

At this time, hundreds of mind flayers began to activate their psychic powers, and powerful psychic power burst out from the octopus heads of each mind flayer. Countless sluggish and emotionless slave armies started to move. They picked up the weapons in their hands like unconscious golems and stiffly rushed towards the gate of the dark elves.

"The mind flayer army is coming." The guards on the city wall shouted in fear.

Compared with the strange Lord of the Silver Mirror and his army of monsters, the mind flayer's horrific and perverted lifestyle is more frightening to these drow.

Imrik's name had spread throughout Eredlin City at this time, and except for the first attack, the green dragon never appeared again. But whenever the monster army appears, it will always bring a pair of silver mirrors.

The terrifying magic mirror endlessly vented various magical powers, causing extremely serious damage to the army of Eredlin City. Later, people discovered that if they attacked desperately and smashed the mirrors by various means, they could stop the ravages of the spell.

However, when the monster army arrives next time, they will bring new silver mirrors, seemingly endlessly. It is also because of this that the name of the Lord of the Silver Mirror is resounding in Eredlin City. They would rather face ten adult red dragons than face that mysterious and terrifying magic mirror.

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