Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 324: All out

Her first order of business is to retrieve the tablet and get out of the city before she's caught. The mage summoned Elminster's [World Travel Spell] in her mind. She remembered that the ghost had said that there was a shortcut to Waterdeep City, so she began to try to split the spell to see how Elminster did it. Put it together.

It took Midnight a quarter of an hour to understand the complex structure Elminster had created, and the same amount of time to adapt the spell so that it could open the passage to Waterdeep. After completing it, Midnight was still not sure whether she would really appear near the City of Glory. If she could know which point of light led to Waterdeep, the adaptation of the spell would be much simpler.

But now she has no choice but to leave her future to fate. She has tried her best. In fact, if any mage sees that Midnight can transform a nine-ring spell so easily in less than an hour, Everyone will be so frightened that their jaws will drop. This not only requires extremely developed intelligence and running speed, but also requires the support of astronomical levels of arcane knowledge.

After confirming that the preparations were complete, Midnight released the time-traveling spell. The huge amount of magical energy pounded her body, leaving her exhausted, but considering the power she had summoned, this result was expected.

The shiny force field disk appeared in front of her, and Midnight wondered about the exit, but there was no time.

The stone slab was enchanted by Melkor. Once anyone touched it, it would immediately trigger an alarm. Fortunately, Midnight had more ways to get to the stone slab without touching it.

She used her telekinesis spell to manipulate the stone, and a huge burst of mental power spurted out. The stone responded immediately, sliding away from its stand and rising an inch.

Midnight wasted no more time and immediately moved the stone slab towards her. It moved slowly at first, then gradually accelerated, and soon it was flying towards her. Although the current mage could hear nothing but the cries of the unbelievers on the walls, Midnight could already imagine how the screams and roars spread in the area near the castle. If anyone looked up, he would immediately see that the slate had been stolen.

The slate flew into Midnight's hand, and she immediately felt the powerful magic on it, which she could detect even without using magic. There was something wrong with this, because the other stone slab had no magical aura at all. She suspected that it was a protection or rune set by Melkor on it.

At this time, hundreds of monsters had discovered Midnight, breaking Midnight's idea of ​​​​escape. They rushed towards Midnight in a thick, black and white pattern, and there were various dark streams of light approaching rapidly in the distance.

She rushed into the disc and found herself stepping onto a corridor of light. But the last time she released this spell, she just passed through the disc and appeared on the plain. There was no corridor. The mage began to worry that his own adaptation of the spell had corrupted it.

Thirty feet ahead, Midnight saw a wall of water covering the end of the corridor, as if she were running down a well. The mage remembered how she adapted the spell to find the way to Waterdeep City. She realized that there was nothing wrong with the time travel spell, and the other side of the water should be Toril's continent.

Midnight ran to the end of the corridor, passed through the water wall, and met Faerun who had entered the night. She turned around, trying to close the entrance.

The disc remains in place. A bat-winged demon citizen from Bone Castle had entered the corridor, and tried to close it again at midnight, but still failed.

The monster grinned ferociously, baring its dangerous fangs. "It's useless," it hissed. "Where the stone slab goes, we will go."

"How could that happen?" Midnight gasped.

"That's not important," said the bat-like creature. "Give me the slate."

Midnight understood that the enchantment on the stone tablets was Melkor's trap, making it impossible for anyone who dared to steal to escape his guard. Death may have used spells such as Sealing, Dispelling, Gate, Wall Walking, or some other variation of the spell, ultimately making the stone a homing beacon for his minions.

Countless monsters had already rushed into the corridor and rushed towards Midnight at the end. Midnight was very anxious. She knew that she had done something wrong. The stone slab opened an eternally open dimensional door for these evil creatures from Hades. , as long as the stone slabs are still here, they will continue to come to the main material plane and seize the souls of mortals.

"But." Midnight gritted her teeth and looked at the slate in her hand. She could not give up the slate. Compared with these monsters, the disasters caused by the gods were more terrifying. She could only hope that someone could solve this disaster.

Countless terrifying monsters were swarming towards them, and the mage could no longer care about them. She was desperately searching for a way to save herself. A very high-level spell attracted her attention.

"Rainbow Sphere!!"

The colorful light curtain wrapped around midnight. The seemingly fragile light curtain was indestructible. Countless monsters wrapped the light ball but had no choice but to wrap the light ball airtight. More monsters were coming from the passage. It keeps pouring out and spreading around.

Midnight's body seemed to be burning, and she had a headache that made her unable to think. Within a few minutes, she continuously released two of the most powerful spells known to mages, which caused considerable damage to her body, but as long as the rainbow light sphere was still there, she was safe. But under the current circumstances, Midnight may still have to persist for a long time.


A few hours later, Waterdeep City fell into a completely silent night. Many civilians moved out of the city at the call of the nobles, and only a few who were not afraid of death stayed in the city with the army.

At this moment, a large number of troops, led by officers, surrounded the Dead City. According to Elminster's prophecy, this is where the undead crisis broke out.

Above the sky, a silver-haired mage in black robes was standing in the air, with countless blue lines and silver flames surrounding him.

"Dragon, fire, shooting star."

"Lockdown, quarantine, air ban."

Imric's eyes were emitting a dazzling blue light, and he spoke out words one by one, as if he was confirming something.

"The rune is established, Elminster."

Elminster and Kelben on the ground nodded to each other. The Mystery Chain of Waterdeep City gathered the power of three legendary mages when it was first established. Therefore, it cannot be completed by relying on the power of Imrik alone. , the two old sages must use great energy to manipulate the fragile magic network and participate in the ritual without making any mistakes. Otherwise, they are not like Imric. Once such a large-scale spell goes berserk, it may cause chaos. Tanris level arcane disaster.

Fortunately, Imric also has considerable arcane knowledge. He has already woven the six main runes of the Myth in advance. The Myth in Waterdeep was mainly used to deal with dragons at the time. In addition to granting control, In addition to the ability to summon meteors and flames to attack intruders, it can also block the departure of all creatures and prohibit the entry of foreign creatures. It can also weaken the strength of the dragon and prohibit those without authority from flying.

"Cedkarama, Karimoniwiblade Emperor, Cosmo, Fujin Katibos, Erster, Onimogen."

The lost ancient language continued to be spoken from the mouths of the three mages. The sound was very small at first, and then became louder and louder, becoming deafening. It seemed that their voices were the only ones existing in the world. Countless blue thin lines spread in the air to death. The city was the starting point and continuously enveloped the entire Waterdeep City. Huge magic power continued to condense in the air, and the fragile magic network fell into extremely high frequency tremors.

Elminster and Kelben were sweating profusely at this time. Their spirits were highly concentrated, and their mental control comparable to nanometer level allowed them to trace the lines of spells bit by bit at an extremely slow speed. Every tremor brought unknown changes to their spellcasting, and they had to adjust their direction at any time to adapt to the magic network.

Finally, until the last stroke was made, the magic circle once again enveloped the entire Waterdeep City. Elminster and Kelburn collapsed directly on the ground tiredly, gasping for air, and the intense consumption of their minds made them feel their own... My head felt like it had been hit hard, and I had a splitting headache.


At the moment when the barrier was completed, a loud noise came from the center of the dead city. Countless winged monsters rose into the sky in the distance and flew around. They looked twisted and terrifying, carrying an extremely strong aura. Evil breath.

"The time is up." Imrik took out his pocket watch and took a look. It was exactly one second, and the completion time of the magic circle was exactly as he calculated.

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