Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 328 True Law Orders Death

Chapter 328 True Law Order Death

They had gone less than two hundred feet when Midnight noticed that the direction of the slab had changed. It was now more to the east. She turned onto Kertarn Street and walked through a small neighborhood until it met Silk Street.

The undead army has arrived. They are surrounded by places where the army and the undead are fighting. From time to time, lightning and fireballs thrown by Imric are heard in the sky, causing violent bombardment. Midnight has to release protective spells again to protect everyone. progress.

"It's weird," she said, stopping at the intersection. "It's north of us now."

The mage leads her friends down Silk Street, through a horde of undead. She worried that magic was becoming unreliable again, but the feeling of being pulled by the stone was still clear and strong now, so she kept going.

After walking another two hundred feet, Midnight pointed to the solid buildings in the west, "The stone slab is over there,"

But soon, the direction of the magic changed again, and Midnight had to prepare to lead everyone forward again, but many undead creatures blocked their way.

Just when he was about to cast the spell at midnight, a large amount of green tide suddenly appeared in the distance, drowning many undead creatures. The ferocious tide swept away all the zombies, and the powerful force unloaded them to pieces.

Midnight looked up and found that the direction she was going was the Black War Tower. The silver-haired mage on the top of the tower greeted her with a smile. Seeing that their predicament was solved, Imric turned his head and started casting spells in other directions again. In order to prevent He accidentally injured the army, so he had to give up his extremely powerful war spells and use ordinary spells to continuously bombard the undead army.

They followed this road into the Street of Swords, and the Black Staff Tower stood on the opposite side of the road.

"We've come full circle!" Kelemvor noticed.

"Maybe I found the wrong slate." Midnight said meekly, trying to clear up the confusion in her heart.

"I don't think so." Elminster whispered, pointing to the north of the road. There was a man in black robes with a bag on his shoulder. He walked straight towards the Black Staff Tower, pushing aside everyone who had the misfortune to stand in his way.

"Melkor!" cried Midnight.

"Yes," Elminster replied, "it seems he is looking for another stone slab."

Kelemvor drew his sword: "And he doesn't know we're right behind him."

Midnight stopped concentrating on the tablet, ready to unleash other spells. The three companions crossed the road and moved after Melkor, finally getting a clear view of his back as he reached the tower.

Midnight summoned a [Lightning Beam], "Cover your eyes," she warned.

The moment Kelemvor and Elminster did so, the mage pointed at Melkor's back and recited a spell. Suddenly there was a crackling sound, and a dozen blue lightning bolts jumped out from her fingers, hitting the buildings and people, causing small explosions everywhere they touched. The one that hit the wall left a pit mark, and the body that was hit was burned with a hole the size of a fist.

Melkor turned before the tower and saw Midnight, Elminster and Kelemvor standing by, staring in horror at the aftermath of her failed spell. He felt Mystra's breath in the spell. This was a spell that was enough to harm his saint's body!

Melkor let out a shrill scream, and Midnight immediately felt a chill behind her. She looked back and saw many black holes appearing on the ground, and five soul-capturing demons crawled out of them.

Then Melkor walked straight into the tower, and all the guards who stood in his way were killed by the touch of his shining black index finger.

"The soul-prisoner demon!" The soldier was so frightened that he held his breath.

"Leave them alone!" shouted the old sage, "Go to the tower!"

Maybe in normal times, he could easily get rid of these five soul-capturing demons, but now, these five high-level undead creatures that can cast spells at will are enough to cause them a lot of trouble.

Kelemvor and Elminster dragged Midnight towards the tower, still dazed and in agony from the devastation her spell had caused. When they finally reached the tower, Melkor was gone, and only the stench of sewage lingered in the air.

Several people went up the stairs and found that the tower was full of zombies. These were servants summoned by Melkor.

Kelanwo used his sword one by one to remove the zombies blocking the way, and came to the movable door leading to the top of the tower.

A zombie crawled out of the trap door. Kelemvor rushed forward and split the corpse in half with a vicious knife, causing him to stumble.

"Merkor!" he shouted, searching for the black-robed figure behind the zombie.

Kelemvor's sword suddenly transformed into a giant snake, crawling around him. Its scales were covered with a layer of filthy green mud, and its forked nostrils glowed black in its mouth. Melkor shrugged. He had intended to make the warrior's weapons boiling hot, but he would have been happy if he had been strangled by a snake.

Then, Melkor looked back at the silver-haired mage on the other side, who had just cast a spell to kill most of his people.

"Haha, what a fresh and juicy mage, um, anti-death enchantment?" The god of death sniffed his rotten nose, seeming to smell the anti-death enchantment permanently on Imric, but he put on a sarcastic expression expression.

"It's a disgusting spell, but it is ineffective against the God of Death." Melkor pointed an index finger at Imric, recited the spell quickly, and a flash of green light flew towards him.

"True law decrees death!"

After Melkor released this blow, his whole body seemed to be much weaker. Imrik felt a numbness behind him, and a feeling of extreme danger came over his heart. He quickly turned around and saw a faint green light flying towards him rapidly. Come.

"Run quickly, master, activate your supernatural abilities! The law of death cannot be defended or evaded by mortals!" The impatient voice of the broken magic crystal sounded in Imrik's mind.

As if instinctively, Imric activated [Plane Travel].

The next second, the black stream of light arrived at the place where Imrik was standing, but there was no one there. The black stream of light floated in place for a while, seeming to locate the other party, but it had already been teleported to Imrik in the distant Caribbean world. Mrik, however, exceeded the spell's positioning range.

Melkor was furious. He spent a lot of power to give [Death by Law] a glimmer of the power of death, only to be dodged by it. This was simply unbelievable! You know, even in the deepest part of the abyss, this spell can break through the air and find the opponent.

But soon, Melkor discovered a surprise. Where Imrik was standing, there was a cloth bag at his feet. That was the second stone tablet he had dreamed of!

Just as the God of Death was about to get it, Midnight in the distance closed his eyes, imagined what the stone slab looked like, and cast an [Instant Summon].

The stone tablet quickly disappeared, and then appeared in the hands of Midnight. Melkor cursed the most vicious and blasphemous language, which would make even his own priests tremble when they heard it. He looked back at the mortals who dared to stop him. It was time to do it. It's over.

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